Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14482 Replies


But then again what else can you expect from Donald ‘Mushroom-Shaped Penis’ Trump

Happy Trump day everyone!



Let's make juniorcoin 😀

Trump has not been convicted of pussy grabbing. (Is pussy grabbing even a crime in Trump’s America? Is crime even a crime any more?). He has proudly admitted to being allowed to grab pussies.

In addition to being arrive, MrDavitWilliam requests that the title of this thread be factually correct and thus changed to “admitted pussy grabber Donald J Trump.”

by Rococo k

Putting aside that nettlesome issue of consent, it's always been a weird image. Grabbing implies clasping. But this isn't a suitcase.

Never in my life have I grabbed a pussy or even wanted to grab a pussy. There are myriad other things I’ve wanted to do, but never grab. Maybe it’s a rich guy thing. Luciom, PB, BJ, wreckem, or any other Trump apologist can feel free to enlighten us here. They get Trump, so surely they have the answer to what is so appealing about grabbing a pussy.

I would almost respect the sheer audacity of the shitcoin scam if trump sold everything upon being inaugurated arguing he needs to divest himself

trump stacking up tons of Bs while taking the oath--totally fine

clinton getting 500k/speech--end of civilization level corruption

by wet work k

trump stacking up tons of Bs while taking the oath--totally fine

clinton getting 500k/speech--end of civilization level corruption

Morally speaking I can’t bring myself to care about the hypocrisy

The same people clutching pearls about clinton/obummer profiting off their presidency after the fact are the same ones begging for the right to give Business Genius Donny every dollar they have to their name

Say what you will about Obama/Clinton but I haven’t given them a penny whereas these mentally deficient welfare queens think giving a conman their money will make them rich and will somehow blame Biden when the conman takes their money and gives them nothing

I’ve just reached the point where laughing at their well-earned misery is the only move

by StoppedRainingMen k

Morally speaking I can’t bring myself to care about the hypocrisy

The same people clutching pearls about clinton/obummer profiting off their presidency after the fact are the same ones begging for the right to give Business Genius Donny every dollar they have to their name

Say what you will about Obama/Clinton but I haven’t given them a penny whereas these mentally deficient welfare queens think giving a conman their money will make them rich and will somehow blame Biden when the conman takes thei

Well I have a feeling Joe Biden’s speaking fee will be relatively cheap

I don’t blame trump at all. He has spent his entire life as a proven conman and he was the first person to as president exploit the idea of ‘if it’s not illegal and just bad optics why can’t i do it?’

Things like these shitcoins, his Bible, that disgusting looking watch and everything else. Expecting trump to rise above what he is and not take money that’ll be given to him not because it’s illegal but because it’s against the spirit of the office, that’s ****ing naive

If the only people stupid enough to be robbed by him are the people stupid enough to vote for him, fine by me

by lozen k

Well I have a feeling Joe Biden’s speaking fee will be relatively cheap


by StoppedRainingMen k

I don’t blame trump at all. He has spent his entire life as a proven conman and he was the first person to as president exploit the idea of ‘if it’s not illegal and just bad optics why can’t i do it?’

Things like these shitcoins, his Bible, that disgusting looking watch and everything else. Expecting trump to rise above what he is and not take money that’ll be given to him not because it’s illegal but because it’s against the spirit of the office, that’s ****ing naive

If the only people stupid eno

As much as I hated the 34 felony counts for the hush money I wish someone would have gone after him for the Trump University scam

Add in the gold shoes

It's funny how the reprehension you feel tracks perfectly opposite to how plausibly the conservative media could lie to you about a situation.

Lol the guest list to this

Eric adams
Logan Paul
Jake Paul
Mike Pence
Conor McGregor
Joe Rogan

Kid Rock + 1?

by thethethe k

Kid Rock + 1?

Lol my god that is ****ing creepy

Seems to be a lot of butthurt in the thread today. What's the matter guys?

Our Donny boy just arrived at the White House by the way. 4 more beautiful years to look forward to.

Not even BJ is actually stupid enough to pay cash money for a DJT scam product, he just wants to give the impression he totally would cuz he loves his president and it’s total TDS if you don’t buy his perfume

by Brian James k

Seems to be a lot of butthurt in the thread today. What's the matter guys?

Our Donny boy just arrived at the White House by the way. 4 more beautiful years to look forward to.

The ******s are now in charge. And they’re proud of how dumb they are and are going to rub their dumbness in everyone’s face. Kick out the educated and the experts. Bring in the Trumptards. RFK for top doc. MattGaetz, a fellow-forcible-finger-blaster like Trump, for top cop. ******s EVERYWHERE. Buckle up.

by lozen k

Well I have a feeling Joe Biden’s speaking fee will be relatively cheap

Burn!!!! You got him good!

by MrDavitWilliam k

Burn!!!! You got him good!

He's wrong about that, just like he is most things. Biden has already commanded bank at speaking engagements even before he kicked Trump out of office. He's even more of a legend now.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill earned more than $15 million during the two years after they left the White House, with the bulk of it coming from lucrative public speaking and book deals, according to new financial disclosures and tax returns released Tuesday.

Just having a little fun at your expense, BJ. Enjoy your day

“Family man”? I guess he has a family. But doesn’t everyone? Not really a distinguishing characteristic worthy of mention in a title. Admitted pussy grabber is more accurate.

“Noted” needs to go as well. And did he really write any of his books? “Author” may need to be vetted as well before it’s out in the title. He’s admitted to, and been adjudicated as such in court, to grabbing pussies.

F- Thread title.

So to be clear, the only people attending this inauguration are congress, cabinet, former presidents, SCOTUS, billionaire tech CEOs and trump’s wealthy backers while the normal people who paid thousands of dollars to attend, got cancelled on and are getting a commemorative ticket instead of a refund got it up the ass

PoPuLiSm WiNs AgAiN
