Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14975 Replies


by biggerboat k

LOL. That'll be on the chopping block as well, no doubt. You guys just don't see what's happening right in front of your face.

Oh really? The FTC has been around since 1913. It is run by a group of 5 commissioners that are voted in by the Senate for 7 year terms. FTC has an annual budget of $490 million, approved by Congress.

CFPB is an independent agency funded by the Federal Reserve with no budgetary authority or oversight assigned to Congress. Its charter was heavily influenced by Elizabeth Warren. It has a history of providing wrong information, e.g. crypto (not Warren's favorite), and not dealing fairly with fraud victims, e.g. Ally Financial.

The CFPB director can be removed by the President at will, due to the otherwise unconstitutional structure of CFPB. This has been affirmed by the Supreme Court.

In 2017 CFPB director Cordray tried to end run the President by appointing Leandra English deputy director, then resigning his director position believing English would become the acting director. The President appointed Mick Mulvaney CFPB director the same day. English refused to acknowledge Mulvaney, and continued acting in that role for several days until a judge ruled that existing sections of law clearly stipulated that the President has "control" over assigning director.

by PokerHero77 k

Oh really? The FTC has been around since 1913. It is run by a group of 5 commissioners that are voted in by the Senate for 7 year terms. FTC has an annual budget of $490 million, approved by Congress.

so what and so what and so what and so what. Trump doesn't give a rats ass.

by PokerHero77 k

In 2017 CFPB director Cordray tried to end run the President by appointing Leandra English deputy director, then resigning his director position believing English would become the acting director. The President appointed Mick Mulvaney CFPB director the same day. English refused to acknowledge Mulvaney, and continued acting in that role for several days until a judge ruled that existing sections of law clearly stipulated that the President has "control" over assigning director.

that makes perfect sense. petty personal payback

by Luciom k

i understand you must be living among so many libs, you had to wear a mask for so long, you started to like it.

But we both know when alone with your head on a pillow you are going to sleep so well knowing so many liberal projects got smashed into ruins

Stumbled on this racy novel that I think will change your mind on the evil mask-wearing libs, Luciom.

by biggerboat k

Well, there's regulations prohibiting toxic waste in water. Any idea why, einstein? Because factories were dumping toxic waste in the water.

There's a bureau to protect consumers for the same reason. Because bad guys were scamming consumers. Trump university is a perfect example.

These government entities don't just spawn themselves from a vacuum. Somebody does bad **** and it hurts people.

Maybe if there were less shitheads like our grifter-in-chief that think fraud and such are perfectly f

They've been grooming their base for the past 8 years or so, that these checks and balances are just government waste. They talk about it sooo many times, and in so many ways for years, I honestly and genuinely don't think conservatives realize they are being groomed.

Once a victim is successfully groomed, it makes it easy to pull off the theft / crime.

"We're here to protect you guys... we'll do away w/ all of these nasty oversights that have been stealing your tax dollars. And don't worry, we know all these companies and CEO's personally... they've sworn they won't be bad actors. Trust us. We're the good guys!"

Liberal education has failed though on a massive scale because we spent a lot of time in eduction trying to make people aware of how the bully functions. A lot of wasted books, songs, poems, art, etc... trying to explain to people how to spot fascists. Because bullies are fascist, to their core, and fascism never turns out well for anyone. Anyone.

by FreakDaddy k

They didn't do it before 2008, so I'm guessing not many. I don't think either you or I would know the exact answer to that question, but saying the CFPB is going after imaginary issues is obviously blatantly false. They did a lot of good for retail customers in a very short time period.

I'm one of those people who benefited.

Holding banks and financial institutions to account for bad practices, should be non-partisan. And acting as if Joe plumber is going to be able to do these things on his own

Ok, even if FTC was not enforcing any of this stuff pre 2008 (possibly because laws had not yet been written outlawing such practices), was there any reason preventing FTC from enforcing consumer protection laws such as these post 2008? It seems we already had in place an established enforcement mechanism with Bureau of Consumer Protection.

What was the compelling need to create a new agency, funded by the Federal Reserve and not Congress, with basically no oversight other than the President firing/hiring a director?

by biggerboat k

so what and so what and so what and so what. Trump doesn't give a rats ass.

You actually believe Trump, using only his presidential powers, will get rid of FTC?

by biggerboat k

that makes perfect sense. petty personal payback

By whom? The President was executing authority granted to him by federal law. English was acting like a child.

by PokerHero77 k

You actually believe Trump, using only his presidential powers, will get rid of FTC?

You really aren't paying attention.

I did not make the claim he was getting rid of FTC, you did.

Fine, don't answer the question. The answer should be obvious.

by PokerHero77 k

I did not make the claim he was getting rid of FTC, you did.

Fine, don't answer the question. The answer should be obvious.

My claim is, what's stopping him and what reason do you have to actually think he wouldn't at least try. He's already tried to eliminate an amendment to the constitution, fired independent inspectors generals, and a ton of other stuff. I mean, really dude.

by PokerHero77 k

What was the compelling need to create a new agency, funded by the Federal Reserve and not Congress, with basically no oversight other than the President firing/hiring a director?

Are you asking what happened around 2008 to motivate the creation of this agency?

by microbet k

Looks like all the Republicans and Trump lovers around the world are about to stop pretending they care about the Uyghurs.

mb, the reason why the world isn't doing anything about the "uyghur genocide" is because it doesn't exist

nobody is being killed - there's no evidence of that transpiring

what is happening is china's uyghurs were living semi-nomadic lives and foregoing education, those that were sending their kids to learn sent them to madrasas

the end result is none of them had any skills and many didn't even know how to speak chinese

this kept them extremely impoverished and turning more and more to terrorism

china had many terrorist attacks by uyghurs in al quaeda

the solution was to say "ok you now have to go to school and those who don't know chinese nor have any vocational skills need to learn them so they can participate in society

and it's worked

notice they haven't had an attack since 2016, when they began implementing the "no you can't just spend your life watching over 4 goats anymore and sending your children to be brainwashed by al qaeda who then try to kill us"

uyghurs were extremely noticeable in beijing because they don't look east asian

most of them worked in xinjiang restaurants (very popular food in china, there's one on every street) or working a food stall - because again, no education so preparing their traditional foods for han chinese is like their only economic route

few of them that i interacted with spoke anything beyond very basic chinese - sometimes none at all and i loved their food so ate at their restaurants all the time and usually stopped at a food stall of theirs whenever i passed by one

this is not to say that is doesn't suck to be a uyghur right now, it certainly does being forced to go to a vocational school - but it's not genocide

by thethethe k

Stumbled on this racy novel that I think will change your mind on the evil mask-wearing libs, Luciom.

no doxing of mods please!


I'm not at all saying you're right, but you're not responding to what I posted at all. How the Trumpy people all in unison loved to talk about Uyghurs because they thought they were owning the commie loving lefties and are about to switch to saying stuff like there is no Uyghur genocide or Uyghurness is just Identity Politics, is a completely separate thing from whatever is actually happening to Uyghur people.

by FreakDaddy k

It was formed after the housing crisis to hold banks and financial institutions more accountable. Which one of these things that the CFPB did, do you think is imaginary and not any good?


It is 2025 and there are still people who think the big bad financial companies and banks deserve most of the blame for 2008 and the government saved us. Wild.

by Luciom k

i understand you must be living among so many libs, you had to wear a mask for so long, you started to like it.

Dude, I live in Arizona. Not Phoenix, not Tucson, not even Flagstaff. Where I live is redder than red. Before they redrew the districts, my congressional representative was Paul Gosar.

You just can't stop being wrong, can you?

by rickroll k

mb, the reason why the world isn't doing anything about the "uyghur genocide" is because it doesn't exist

nobody is being killed - there's no evidence of that transpiring

what is happening is china's uyghurs were living semi-nomadic lives and foregoing education, those that were sending their kids to learn sent them to madrasas

the end result is none of them had any skills and many didn't even know how to speak chinese

this kept them extremely impoverished and turning more and more to terrorism


Pretty common "Nuh uh, my extremely limited and incredibly narrow rich whitewashed experiences trump overwhelming evidence" post from Rick

by coordi k

Pretty common "Nuh uh, my extremely limited and incredibly narrow rich whitewashed experiences trump overwhelming evidence" post from Rick

coordi, you forgot i was actually a journalist there covering exactly this topic

100% of the coverage today describing it as murderous is not coming from china based journalists (because there's literally zero evidence of it despite everyone looking for it, including US spy agencies) but those taking the statements of those giving verbal testimony here as gospel

like when we invaded iraq because some kuwaiti refugee declared she watched iraqi soldiers killing kuwaiti babies for fun at a hospital and it turned out to be the daughter of the kuwaiti ambassador who read a script written by a US pr firm they hired to convince the american people to support their cause

by rickroll k

coordi, you forgot i was actually a journalist there covering exactly this topic

100% of the coverage today describing it as murderous is not coming from china based journalists (because there's literally zero evidence of it despite everyone looking for it, including US spy agencies) but those taking the statements of those giving verbal testimony here as gospel

like when we invaded iraq because some kuwaiti refugee declared she watched iraqi soldiers killing kuwaiti babies for fun at a hospital a

So you were doing boots on the ground hard hitting journalism on site in XinJiang? You saw the work camps and everything?

I don't think its been actively called a genocide for 5 years but even China doesn't deny the camps exist in the form reported ("Re-education" camps consisting almost exclusively of Uyghurs performing slave labor)

by Luciom k

which side do you have problem with, mexico or canada?

Both, but primarily Canada.

But now that it's clear this wasn't super duper serious, we'll carry on with a bit of haste to get through the existing contracts and ensure all future ones have some language to protect against whether or not Trump is feeling mischievous that day.

by Land O Lakes k

You really can't figure out what Musk is doing? Really? 😃

by Luciom k

He is looking at who's getting the money and using it for leverage. In the senate to get nominations, and against enemies (=leftists) to dismantle their power base, once agencies get informed that this and that payment look suspicious and so on.

Would have saved time if you just said, "No, I can't."

by Inso0 k

Both, but primarily Canada.

But now that it's clear this wasn't super duper serious, we'll carry on with a bit of haste to get through the existing contracts and ensure all future ones have some language to protect against whether or not Trump is feeling mischievous that day.

Interesting how under Republican rule economic uncertainty is cute and funny and no big deal we can just raise prices. Even just 10% of this chaos and you would be livid under liberal rule. Your hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of people like you is so god damn disgusting it's nauseating.

by coordi k

So you were doing boots on the ground hard hitting journalism on site in XinJiang? You saw the work camps and everything?

I don't think its been actively called a genocide for 5 years but even China doesn't deny the camps exist in the form reported ("Re-education" camps consisting almost exclusively of Uyghurs performing slave labor)

again, you know i stopped working several years before they began pursuing these no uyghur left behind because otherwise they start killing us policy

i never said the vocational schools didn't exist - i'm saying calling it a genocide is an outright lie and based on uncorroborated testimony alone - that despite thousands of man hours spent by spy agencies and ngos around the globe seeking evidence of the claims of genocide - none have been found

i did cover the terrorism though which led to that policy in later years

Donald Trump making America Great Again, again?

by coordi k

Donald Trump making America Great Again, again?

genuine question, if biden had gotten mexico to better police their own side of the border etc would you not view this as a net positive?
