Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14805 Replies


by microbet k

ok ok...going to have to point that out to the person I stole that from on the other political forum.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s some absolutely insane-o **** going down in DC and NY right now.

But changing the USAs is kinda par for the course.

lolol what an incompetent buffoon

Trump signed more executive orders including one that "reestablishes the long-standing norm that only the president or the attorney general can speak for the United States when stating an opinion as to what the law is," Scharf said.


So he's trying to EO away the SCOTUS?

Here's the text of the EO in question. It's a major yikes.

Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies
February 18, 2025

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered: 

Section 1. Policy and Purpose. The Constitution vests all executive power in the President and charges him with faithfully executing the laws. Since it would be impossible for the President to single-handedly perform all the executive business of the Federal Government, the Constitution also provides for subordinate officers to assist the President in his executive duties. In the exercise of their often-considerable authority, these executive branch officials remain subject to the President’s ongoing supervision and control. The President in turn is regularly elected by and accountable to the American people. This is one of the structural safeguards, along with the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, regular elections for the Congress, and an independent judiciary whose judges are appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, by which the Framers created a Government accountable to the American people.  

However, previous administrations have allowed so-called “independent regulatory agencies” to operate with minimal Presidential supervision. These regulatory agencies currently exercise substantial executive authority without sufficient accountability to the President, and through him, to the American people. Moreover, these regulatory agencies have been permitted to promulgate significant regulations without review by the President. 

These practices undermine such regulatory agencies’ accountability to the American people and prevent a unified and coherent execution of Federal law. For the Federal Government to be truly accountable to the American people, officials who wield vast executive power must be supervised and controlled by the people’s elected President.  

Therefore, in order to improve the administration of the executive branch and to increase regulatory officials’ accountability to the American people, it shall be the policy of the executive branch to ensure Presidential supervision and control of the entire executive branch. Moreover, all executive departments and agencies, including so-called independent agencies, shall submit for review all proposed and final significant regulatory actions to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within the Executive Office of the President before publication in the Federal Register.

Sec. 2. Definitions. For the purposes of this order:

(a) The term “employees” shall have the meaning given that term in section 2105 of title 5, United States Code.  

(b) The term “independent regulatory agency” shall have the meaning given that term in section 3502(5) of title 44, United States Code. This order shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or to the Federal Open Market Committee in its conduct of monetary policy. This order shall apply to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System only in connection with its conduct and authorities directly related to its supervision and regulation of financial institutions. 

(c) The term “independent regulatory agency chairman” shall mean, with regard to a multi-member independent regulatory agency, the chairman of such agency, and shall mean, with regard to a single-headed independent regulatory agency, such agency’s chairman, director, or other presiding officer.   

(d) The term “head” of an independent regulatory agency shall mean those appointed to supervise independent regulatory agencies and in whom the agencies’ authorities are generally vested, encompassing the chairman, director, or other presiding officer, and, as applicable, other members, commissioners, or similar such officials with responsibility for supervising such agencies.  

Sec. 3. OIRA Review of Agency Regulations. (a) Section 3(b) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993 (“Regulatory Planning and Review”😉, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:  

“(b) “Agency,” unless otherwise indicated, means any authority of the United States that is an “agency” under 44 U.S.C. 3502(1), and shall also include the Federal Election Commission. This order shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or to the Federal Open Market Committee in its conduct of monetary policy. This order shall apply to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System only in connection with its conduct and authorities directly related to its supervision and regulation of financial institutions.”.

(b) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) shall provide guidance on implementation of this order to the heads of executive departments and agencies newly submitting regulatory actions under section 3(b) of Executive Order 12866. Agency submissions by independent regulatory agencies under such section shall commence within the earlier of 60 days from the date of this order, or completion of such implementation guidance.

Sec. 4. Performance Standards and Management Objectives. The Director of OMB shall establish performance standards and management objectives for independent agency heads, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, and report periodically to the President on their performance and efficiency in attaining such standards and objectives.

Sec. 5. Apportionments for Independent Regulatory Agencies. The Director of OMB shall, on an ongoing basis:  

(a) review independent regulatory agencies’ obligations for consistency with the President’s policies and priorities; and  

(b) consult with independent regulatory agency chairmen and adjust such agencies’ apportionments by activity, function, project, or object, as necessary and appropriate, to advance the President’s policies and priorities. Such adjustments to apportionments may prohibit independent regulatory agencies from expending appropriations on particular activities, functions, projects, or objects, so long as such restrictions are consistent with law.

Sec. 6. Additional Consultation with the Executive Office of the President. (a) Subject to subsection (b), independent regulatory agency chairmen shall regularly consult with and coordinate policies and priorities with the directors of OMB, the White House Domestic Policy Council, and the White House National Economic Council.  

(b) The heads of independent regulatory agencies shall establish a position of White House Liaison in their respective agencies. Such position shall be in grade 15 of the General Schedule and shall be placed in Schedule C of the excepted service.  

(c) Independent regulatory agency chairmen shall submit agency strategic plans developed pursuant to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 to the Director of OMB for clearance prior to finalization.

Sec. 7. Rules of Conduct Guiding Federal Employees’ Interpretation of the Law. The President and the Attorney General, subject to the President’s supervision and control, shall provide authoritative interpretations of law for the executive branch. The President and the Attorney General’s opinions on questions of law are controlling on all employees in the conduct of their official duties. No employee of the executive branch acting in their official capacity may advance an interpretation of the law as the position of the United States that contravenes the President or the Attorney General’s opinion on a matter of law, including but not limited to the issuance of regulations, guidance, and positions advanced in litigation, unless authorized to do so by the President or in writing by the Attorney General.

Sec. 8. General Provisions. (a) If any provision of this order, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this order and the application of its provisions to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 

(b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: 

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals. 

(c) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. 

(d) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. 

And there it is.

Bye president, hi king

If America puts up with it. And from what I've seen so far, they will.

by Gorgonian k

lolol what an incompetent buffoon

This jumped out at me:

Trump's Mar-a-Lago club is the setting Tuesday night for an awards program by America's Future...

...The event includes a poolside reception, musical performances and dinner in Mar-a-Lago's Grand Ballroom, where other award presentations are expected from a lineup that includes such names as Russell Brand, Ted Nugent and Mike Tyson.

Good luck to any women and girls attending.

They could hold a piece of paper in their hand

This is what they showcase as "America's Future"
- A 76yo racist, kiddie-loving, musician.
- A vilified Englishman, who took a complete U-turn into a conspiracy nut, and was embraced by the right, when it came out he was a creep who allegedly sexually assaulted multiple women.
- Over-the-hill boxer who's brain is mush from years of getting hit and a new found love of drugs. (I do like the 'new' Mike)

A surprise guest appearance by the Tate brothers is surely not off the cards...

Only the best people, as usual.

Yeah but do you remember that time Beyonce got paid or something?

by Rococo k

The Trump administration apparently is pressuring Romania to lift travel restrictions on the Tate brothers.

Trump isn't even pretending to care any more. If you are a public figure and you support Trump expressly or implicitly, then he is willing to intervene on your behalf. It doesn't matter what you have done. If Jared from Subway had been a big Trump supporter before he was arrested, he'd probab

He does not have to care. Just look at this thread. The people who support him do not care about lies, corruption or fraud.

Nor are there any institutions or checks and balances standing in his way.

Section 7 of that EO has the killer line

"The President and the Attorney General, subject to the President’s supervision and control, shall provide authoritative interpretations of law for the executive branch."

So, president is now ultimate arbiter of law is the push here? So negates the judicial branch ('they said it's white, but president says it's black, so it's black') and somewhat negates the legislative branch. The legislative branch can still pass all sorts, but president is ultimate arbiter, not judiciary.

An the executive branch includes the DoJ, so the actual police etc have to do what Trump says, not the judiciary.

Am I misunderstanding this?

by diebitter k

Section 7 of that EO has the killer line

"The President and the Attorney General, subject to the President’s supervision and control, shall provide authoritative interpretations of law for the executive branch."

So, president is now ultimate arbiter of law is the push here? So negates the judicial branch ('they said it's white, but president says it's black, so it's black') and somewhat negates the legislative branch. The legislative branch can still pass all sorts, but president is ultimate arb

Expansion of presidential powers

Project 2025 seeks to place the federal government's entire executive branch under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the DOJ,[141] the FBI, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and other agencies.[4][62] The plan is based on a controversial interpretation of unitary executive theory, "an expansive interpretation of presidential power that aims to centralize greater control over the government in the White House."[142][35][143][144][145] Kevin Roberts said that all federal employees should answer to the president.[4] Since the Reagan administration, the Supreme Court has embraced a stronger unitary executive led by conservative justices, the Federalist Society, and the Heritage Foundation, and overturned some precedents limiting Project 2025's vision of executive power.[6][7][146]

Following the path .

Ok so the mystery now is who is behind this. Trump is a moron so not him, Elon hasn't got the span to do this, so there's some other actor or actors behind this. Someone smart enough to keep their head down.

by diebitter k

Ok so the mystery now is who is behind this. Trump is a moron so not him, Elon hasn't got the span to do this, so there's some other actor or actors behind this. Someone smart enough to keep their head down.

I mean, it is not like they are hiding it. There is webpage, there are books, there are pamphlets and there are seminars.

Nor do they have to, none of this stuff impacts Trump's political popularity nor the appeal of contemporary American conservatism. A popularity best described as "popular enough".

People did not care before the election to a significant degree, and they do not care now to a significant degree.

I mean, there are protesters who aren't enamored with the erosion of liberal democracy, but they're probably outnumbered 100 to 1 by people who don't understand nor care what the erosion of liberal democracy means. Heck, they're probably outnumbered by people who think it means they're winning against the liberals.

His vocal supporters typically deny that project 2025 is a thing, while applauding as its milestones are reached. But MAGAs / Trumpists are so inconsistent that I think we're approaching the point where they will struggle with object permanence, so it's not like you can do much about that except shrug.

by diebitter k

Section 7 of that EO has the killer line

"The President and the Attorney General, subject to the President’s supervision and control, shall provide authoritative interpretations of law for the executive branch."

So, president is now ultimate arbiter of law is the push here? So negates the judicial branch ('they said it's white, but president says it's black, so it's black') and somewhat negates the legislative branch. The legislative branch can still pass all sorts, but president is ultimate arb

As much as I dislike Trump, there is a much more benign interpretation. You could plausibly read this EO to state that the President and the AG (and not someone working at the EPA or whatever) are the final word on the executive branch's view of the law. That's more or less always been the case.

As an aside, there is nothing unusual about the executive branch believing that a court got it wrong. That happens all the time. The executive branch holding that view and expressing that view isn't really a problem. The potential crisis is if the executive branch takes the position that is not required to abide by court decisions. That risk is very real with Trump. I've said repeatedly that I believe that Trump more likely than not will ignore a court decision and precipitate a constitutional crisis at some point. But this EO on its face does not throw down the gauntlet imo.

by jalfrezi k

if true then it's heartbreaking tragedy

however, the only "evidence" of this is a one-off comment from her dad to univision a week after the fact

wouldn't be the first time a grieving parent sensationalized the death of their child to mean something greater

and it's all the more richer that the same people correctly saying "you can't trust that because it's just a post on social media" are the same failing to uphold the same level of scrutiny to this

Someone was just calling it crazy-talk to suggest Trump wants to be a king.

by microbet k

Someone was just calling it crazy-talk to suggest Trump wants to be a king.

I mean, they define Monarchy and call it democracy

So frustrating when someone is condescending and stupid at the same time.

by diebitter k

And there it is.

Bye president, hi king

So Trump/White House posts are now talking about Trump as king, and images of him wearing a crown.

Oh boy.

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning, I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
Now the old king is dead, long live the king

by microbet k

Someone was just calling it crazy-talk to suggest Trump wants to be a king.

He's obv talking about Frank White 😀

Blue state (x) Saved

Red States Have you heard about our memecoins? 😀
