Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14515 Replies


by Rococo k

Those are the general requirements for searches, wire taps, etc. You are correct that you don't need a court order to talk to a cooperating witness.

Or to troll for people and then guide, or pressure, them into committing crimes. Or to spy on people in a wide variety of ways.

by microbet k


And the punter got arrested for it, right?

Correct... but he intended to and said so by stating, "I will now participate in the time honored traditional of civil disobedience", and then approach the city council w/ cops waiting to arrest him.

by Rococo k

I actually agree with this. Trump has no coherent ideology. He has a couple of old-man fixations that seem to have lodged in his brain some time in the 1990s, but that's about it.

Everything else is narcissism and naked self-interest.

Trump is amoral and purely transactional, as well as having a clear case of NPD.

It's all the opposite things you want in any leader.

[x] Trump has no ideology, just self-interest and anger

"liberals" falling in love with the FBI to own the trumpers was a bad development.

by FreakDaddy k

Correct... but he intended to and said so by stating, "I will now participate in the time honored traditional of civil disobedience", and then approach the city council w/ cops waiting to arrest him.

Yeah, I saw that video. He was arrested in less than 2 seconds after leaving the podium.

by microbet k

That's not true. Those are requirements for arrest and some specific things like a search warrant, not all the entrapment.

Hey man, you're not going to get a lot of pushback by me, as I'm not in favor of a police state, etc., but Trump is a perfect example of what can happen when crime is allowed to go on unabated.

by microbet k

Yeah, I saw that video. He was arrested in less than 2 seconds after leaving the podium.

I plan to go talk to him after all his media attention dies down a bit. He's definitely a man of conviction.

Well.. up next for Trump after firing most of the generals and chiefs of staff, we're going to start hearing in right wing media about withdrawing troops from all countries that joined NATO since 1990... because you know, it will save Americans money.... And America first and all that... 😀

.... or.... i.e. essentially fulfill Putin's demands from 2021.

It's just crazy watching this play out honestly.

by microbet k

"liberals" falling in love with the FBI to own the trumpers was a bad development.

Which liberals fell in love with the FBI?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Does "everything and anything I do is on behalf of my personal satisfaction and nothing else" count as an ideology?

I'm replying to this post, because, in my opinion, Trump is one of the LEAST ideological political figures in modern history.

I’m using ideology in the pejorative sense. Like green energy snd pro immigration policies might be better for growth, but he opposes them for ideological reasons so no logic or evidence will change his mind.

by Rococo k

Which liberals fell in love with the FBI?

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

by microbet k

Or to spy on people in a wide variety of ways.

It depends on how you define spying. You are correct that you don't need a search warrant to do ordinary surveillance from the street or the air. You are correct that you don't need a warrant to go through someone's trash. That's been the law for as long as I can remember.

You very likely would need a search warrant for certain types of parabolic microphones, thermal imaging, etc. You definitely would need a search warrant to search a phone or computer. You definitely would need a search warrant to bug a phone, home, office, etc. You definitely would need a court order to compel someone to give you a blood or DNA sample.

by microbet k

Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

Is that a reference to the Mueller report? He obviously was a former director of the FBI, but the report wasn't done by the FBI. In any case, I feel like the Mueller report made liberals more mad than happy.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I’m using ideology in the pejorative sense. Like green energy snd pro immigration policies might be better for growth, but he opposes them for ideological reasons so no logic or evidence will change his mind.

But what is the ideology?

You don't need a warrant to join people's groups. Take for example motorcycle clubs. The vast majority of them are not criminal enterprises. Can an undercover police officer just join any of these groups at any time because they have a hard on for motorcycle clubs? Can they join a Facebook group of Iraqi Americans and be the guy who keeps goading them into more and more radical positions? Can they do that just because they don't like muslims? Do they need a reason to do that?

by Rococo k

Is that a reference to the Mueller report? He obviously was a former director of the FBI, but the report wasn't done by the FBI. In any case, I feel like the Mueller report made liberals more mad than happy.

It's a reference to how the liberals turned everyone investigating Trump into some kind of a superhero whether they are Republicans or not and of course those leopards ate their faces. They were idiots to fall in love with them in the first place.

by microbet k

It's a reference to how the liberals turned everyone investigating Trump into some kind of a superhero whether they are Republicans or not and of course those leopards ate their faces. They were idiots to fall in love with them in the first place.

OK. You obviously are referring to people other than me, but that's fine.

I mean, f***, probably every mosque in the United States has undercover police inside it.

by Rococo k

OK. You obviously are referring to people other than me, but that's fine.

I didn't say you, cuz I don't know about you in this regard. I don't remember exactly who, but there was plenty of gushing over mueller, and smith, and even avenetti for ****sake. Everyone and every organization investigating Trump became the good guys.

by microbet k

I didn't say you, cuz I don't know about you in this regard. I don't remember exactly who, but there was plenty of gushing over mueller, and smith, and even avenetti for ****sake. Everyone and every organization investigating Trump became the good guys.

Is your position that Trump was investigated solely as a political hit?

by Luciom k

A disproportionate amount of the BLM-related rioting and violence was committed by white people.

The usual mechanism was for normal healthy protests including masses of peaceful black people to happen by day, then where enough antifas and associates (almost all whites) were available, rioting at night in the same areas.

Do you consider blm a violent movement ?

by bahbahmickey k

Yeah, I'm not sure why a crypto fan would vote for trump over kamala. Nearly all of Trump's economic policies are about growing the size of the US economy and a strong US economy is good for the USD. Crypto is far better off with a weakening USD - in the same way most businesses are better off with less competition.

Inflation is extremely likely to be lower over the next 20, 50 and 100 years if we have 4 years of trump than it would have been with 4 years of kamala if we can assume she wasn't ly

Just go back to 2015 .
Is the middle class better today then 2015 ?

After u think u have the right answer , check how the stock market did with those stocks u enumerated or any index .

Congrats u failed again ….

Ps: yes , I wonder when a millionaires / billionaires having 5% ( ?) , or even 2% tax cut do not get far more money then Someone from the bottom 50% get from accessing to government services …

Btw , people are pro bitcoin under trump because debt at the end of his term will have exploded higher , like previously .

As for the rest there isn’t a serous investors that believes money supply doesn’t affect stock prices and that the stock market of today is a leading indicator of the economy .
today everyone know the stock market is just been pushed higher by a mindless robot called « passive investing ».
Anyone knows today this market is driven by liquidity only and far away from real valuation basis .

But since you are so clueless about the economy and the investment community no reason why even bother to show you charts .

by Land O Lakes k

Is your position that Trump was investigated solely as a political hit?

Pretty hostile question, so I'll just answer it with a question. Do you think politics played any role, even a very small one, in his prosecutions? Yes or no.

Trump wasn't prosecuted for his most clear and egregious crimes during his first term, those being emoluments. Wonder why.

by microbet k

I didn't say you, cuz I don't know about you in this regard. I don't remember exactly who, but there was plenty of gushing over mueller, and smith, and even avenetti for ****sake. Everyone and every organization investigating Trump became the good guys.

Here is what I said about Mueller:

I'm sure that there is more to come, but Democrats should not be seduced into thinking that Mueller is doing a big slow roll to increase the drama. That's not how you do this sort of investigation, and it's not his style.

Nor should Democrats be seduced into thinking that Mueller is some of rabid dog who is out for Trump's throat. I sort of hate the rhetoric that Mueller is Trump's worst nightmare because it plays into the GOP/Fox/WSJ/Hannity narrative that Mueller is some sort of partisan hack.

For all we know, Mueller shares Dershowitz's view that the President cannot legally be guilty of obstruction of justice because he has the power to pardon whoever he damn well pleases.

And even if he doesn't share Dershowitz's view on the point, my guess is that he will conclude that Trump violated important norms but that his conduct didn't rise to the level of legal liability for obstruction.

Mueller is an inherently cautious person. And he wasn't closely aligned with the partisan politics of either party.

It was easy to predict that his report would reflect only the conclusions that he thought were 100% supported with indisputable evidence.

And here is what I said about Avennati before the Nike extortion debacle and before his arrest.

People in this thread like Avennati because he is a good troll. And because we have a troll as a president, I guess the theory is that a good opposing troll must be a good lawyer.

I think that is deeply misguided. (Even more misguided imo is rep_lol's assumption that Avennati is likely squeaky clean.)

I assume Avennati is smart enough, but a lot of things about him make me very nervous. His apparent desire for personal celebrity is a minor red flag. His failure to pay federal payroll taxes is a major red flag. And his suggestion that it was the fault of a payroll company is ludicrous.

I am not at all convinced that his investigative work is essential. We have no reason to believe that he has uncovered anything that was not already known by Mueller. All I see is a parallel public investigation that is being run by someone who is a lot less reliable than Mueller.

I don't know Avennati, and I freely admit that I am speculating, but my gut tells me that he would lie, or at least stretch the truth, if he thought it was necessary to stay in the spotlight. There may be enough real evidence on Trump that he has no need to stretch the truth, but I won't be at all surprised if he turns out to be an embarrassment for one reason or another.

I never made a substantive post about Jack Smith.
