Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Open Borders [demonstrably untrue]
Defund the Police [not a policy of Biden's]
Men can get pregnant [demonstrably true]
President that cognitive decline and lies repeatedly and just recently with the documents presser [this appears to be describing Donald Trump]
Foreign policy [vague]
Biden Cares more about Ukrainians and Israel than his own people [demonstrably untrue]
Political Persecution of Trump [demonstrably untrue]
- Documents case which Biden gets a pass on
Those would be pretty hilariously dumb reasons to prefer Trump over Biden, as demonstrated above.
When was he declared unfit to stand trial by anyone with any authority on that topic?
The man is clearly guilty of knowingly possessing classified documents and not returning them He admitted it.
No. He did not admit that. And the law requires intent to willfully retain. He demonstrated the exact opposite of that when he instantly returned them when they were discovered. Many of them only became classified much later, after he had them in his possession. It's easy to lose track of documents in cases like that. Imagine if some of the papers you wrote in school that you have stored in a box in the attic became classified and you never knew it. It's similar to that.
Just no.
Also, lozen, I'm not convinced you know what "political prosecution" is, what "political persecution" is, or the difference between them.
Just admit you like Trump because he is dense as a bag of spanners so you feel he is "your people".
There is no cult of biden. No clue how you could possibly think that. He's not all that popular, even with democrats. He's just the guy that could beat trump.
He does get defended when the right says unbelievably stupid stuff about him. Because the right just keeps saying unbelievably stupid stuff about everything.
Democrats don't have this idol worship thing you guys do.
When was he declared unfit to stand trial by anyone with any authority on that topic?
No. He did not admit that. And the law requires intent to willfully retain. He demonstrated the exact opposite of that when he instantly returned them when they were discovered. Many of them only became classified much later, after he had them in his possession. It's easy to lose track of documents in cases like that. Imagine if some of the papers you wrote in school that you have stored in a box in the attic be
No it’s on tape that in 2017 he told his ghost writer the classified documents are in the basement . He also shared these with his ghost writer
He knowingly took Classified documents, retained them and showed them to others
Also, lozen, I'm not convinced you know what "political prosecution" is, what "political persecution" is, or the difference between them.
Just admit you like Trump because he is dense as a bag of spanners so you feel he is "your people".
I wouldn’t vote for him just as I wouldn’t vote for Biden anyone that votes for either is nuts .
There is no cult of biden. No clue how you could possibly think that. He's not all that popular, even with democrats. He's just the guy that could beat trump.
He does get defended when the right says unbelievably stupid stuff about him. Because the right just keeps saying unbelievably stupid stuff about everything.
Democrats don't have this idol worship thing you guys do.
Yeah, this. It's a bit like when religionists start pointing out something Newton or Darwin were wrong about and atheists are like "don't think you get it, we don't claim that they are omniscient or infallible like you do about your guy". Hardly a coincidence that the right exhibits both religiosity and Trump worship. They do love their idols.
I wouldn’t vote for him just as I wouldn’t vote for Biden anyone that votes for either is nuts .
Yet, 90%+ of what you post here is either supportive of Trump, critical of Biden, or disseminating general right wing disinformation and propaganda. Call me a cynic, but it seems that you definitely have a preference between the two.
I don’t think he was ever asked to return them . My guess is once Trump was charged he realized he had a dilemma so he lied and said he never knew he had them and returned them.
Ok. You do realise that if Trump had complied with the subpoena and returned them, he wouldn't have been charged, right? He decided that laws don't apply to him and said "**** you" to the justice department for over a year, so they had to raid Mar a Dumbo to get the documents back. How you think this is even in the same ballpark as what Biden or Pence did or constitutes "political persecution [sic]" is beyond me.
No it’s on tape that in 2017 he told his ghost writer the classified documents are in the basement . He also shared these with his ghost writer
He knowingly took Classified documents, retained them and showed them to others
You said he admitted to this. In fact, he has flatly denied it.
Ok. You do realise that if Trump had complied with the subpoena and returned them, he wouldn't have been charged, right? He decided that laws don't apply to him and said "**** you" to the justice department for over a year, so they had to raid Mar a Dumbo to get the documents back. How you think this is even in the same ballpark as what Biden or Pence did or constitutes "political persecution [sic]" is beyond me.
And he is being prosecuted for it . Biden willfully took classified documents and shared them .
Pence I believe is just accidentally taking a document
You said he admitted to this. In fact, he has flatly denied it.
Yes and he was outraged that he was asked what day his son died which we now know is a lie . He was never asked that as well he says it’s his staffs fault another lie
Release the tapes they have but oh wait Biden’s team doesn’t want that
Yes and he was outraged that he was asked what day his son died which we now know is a lie . He was never asked that as well he says it’s his staffs fault another lie
Release the tapes they have but oh wait Biden’s team doesn’t want that
What does this have to do with you making up that he admitted to it?
What does this have to do with you making up that he was declared unfit to stand trial?
Is your strategy just to throw out random things when you are called out for lying?
What does this have to do with you making up that he admitted to it?
What does this have to do with you making up that he was declared unfit to stand trial?
Is your strategy just to throw out random things when you are called out for lying?
Everyone: Lozen, why did you just lie about a bunch of stuff?
Lozen: Guys, look, a squirrel!
If he was actually correct and the election really was straight up stolen, storming the Capitol would have been justified. So that’s why he deserve blame for the riot and death caused 100% by his lies
New ballot fraud study concludes that Trump almost certainly did win the 2020 election.
As the previous sections included in this study
indicate, if the voter fraud captured by our 2023
Heartland Institute/Rasmussen survey was
indicative of what occurred in the 2020 presidential
election, there is a high likelihood that had mail-in
ballot fraud been severely limited, Donald Trump
would have won the election. In fact, as our study
shows, of the 29 different scenarios presented
in this paper, Trump wins in all but three (when
mail-in ballot fraud is limited to 1–3 percent of the
ballots counted). That means that even if the level
of fraud shown by our survey (28.2 percent of all
mail-in ballots) substantially overstates the true
level of fraud that occurred, Trump would still have
won in most of the likely scenarios, with only three
exceptions, as noted above. We have no reason
to believe that our survey overstated voter fraud
by more than 25 percentage points, and thus, we
must conclude that the best available evidence
suggests that mail-in ballot fraud significantly
impacted the 2020 presidential election, in favor of
Joe Biden.
I don’t think he was ever asked to return them . My guess is once Trump was charged he realized he had a dilemma so he lied and said he never knew he had them and returned them.
You must literally be guessing because that isn't what happened at all.
It is at least possible that he didn't know he hadn't taken some of the documents. It is indisputable, however, that he knew by a certain point and did not return them.
Also, he 100% was asked to return them.
In all seriousness, when you say stuff like this, are you deliberately lying, or just recklessly imagining that events must have gone a particular way?
New ballot fraud study concludes that Trump almost certainly did win the 2020 election.
The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank known for its rejection of both the scientific consensus on climate change and the negative health impacts of smoking.[/quote]
What does this have to do with you making up that he admitted to it?
What does this have to do with you making up that he was declared unfit to stand trial?
Is your strategy just to throw out random things when you are called out for lying?
You said Biden’s team denies it . They have tapes of him saying it
Ok unfit may be the wrong word I think it was a sympathetic old man with no memory that a jury would be sympathetic to .
The AG should still prosecute him to show that justice is blind
New ballot fraud study concludes that Trump almost certainly did win the 2020 election.
That's awesome. They polled their readers to ask them if they committed fraud. They said yes of course we did. They then used this as evidence that there was fraud and used the percentages of respondents as representative of everyone in their calculations.
And you took it so seriously you posted it here with a straight face.
Whatever you think of MAGA and MAGA true believers at least there’s no pretense
It’s the lozens of the world that are truly detestable. Parroting a bunch of far right bullshit while also insisting that they would TOTALLY VOTE AGAINST TRUMP IF IT WASNT BIDEN CUZ SOMETHING SOMETHING BORDURRRRRR and that they were left with no choice
Hey you could vote Haley
You must literally be guessing because that isn't what happened at all.
It is at least possible that he didn't know he hadn't taken some of the documents. It is indisputable, however, that he knew by a certain point and did not return them.
Also, he 100% was asked to return them.
In all seriousness, when you say stuff like this, are you deliberately lying, or just recklessly imagining that events must have gone a particular way?
I know it's next to impossible to tell, but I think the referent for "he" in lozen's post is actually Biden, not Trump.