Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13906 Replies


by housenuts k

There will be irate people, but it's still a ponzi

Curious, what would you suggest?

Wait, aren't you Canadian?

Message for Diaper Donnie:

China says it is ready for 'any type of war' with US

by housenuts k

The Rogan/Elon podcast said the 2-party system became firmly entrenched following Ross Perot.

This is completely wrong. The two party system has been firmly entrenched in the United States for close to 150 years.

There are two realistic paths to getting a non-trivial number of votes as a third party in the United States. The first is to be a billionaire who self finances a non-trivial part of your campaign. This is the Ross Perot path (and the theoretical Michael Bloomberg path when he flirted with the idea). The second is for a schism to occur in which one of the major parties splits, most likely with the breakaway group rallying around a former president. This is the Teddy Roosevelt path. If Trump had broken with the Republican party after the 2020 election, he could have formed a MAGA party that received a non-trivial number of votes.

Parties built along either path have a strong tendency to be non-durable cults of personality. And the third party's nominee is almost guaranteed to be a spoiler rather than a winner.

by diebitter k

Message for Diaper Donnie:

China says it is ready for 'any type of war' with US

Awesome plan...goading the idiot.

by Rococo k

This is completely wrong. The two party system has been firmly entrenched in the United States for close to 150 years.

228 years. There have been a couple changes in the make up one third party that got a reasonable amount of votes in more than one Presidential election (The Progressive Party), but since John Adams it's basically been two major parties. And, as the CPGrey video I posted talks about, that's just what happens with FPTP/winner-take-all voting.

by biggerboat k

Curious, what would you suggest?

i'd suggest not debating that it's a ponzi

Ponzi schemes are games of musical chairs that fail when the schemers fail (run off with the money), and yes, the Social Security system, along with a lot of other stuff, will fail when the United States Government fails.

I thought Green was a pimp last night. The rest was a bit lol.

by microbet k

Ponzi schemes are games of musical chairs that fail when the schemers fail (run off with the money), and yes, the Social Security system, along with a lot of other stuff, will fail when the United States Government fails.

ya. right now social security pays off the old people with money of the young people. but soon enough there won't be enough money from the young people to cover payments to the old people. that doesn't mean social security will fail. the USG will just have to get money from elsewhere (eg. print it). so social security will continue via a forever tax of extra inflation.

by BGnight k

We shouldn't be farming soy anyway. We need less farming conglomerates and more small independent farms.

You're anti-capitalism?

by housenuts k
by Bored5000 k

There is zero chance of that happening. The two parties are too powerful and entrenched to ever allow any meaningful third party to gain a foothold.

The Rogan/Elon podcast said the 2-party system became firmly entrenched following Ross Perot.

Most other nations have multiple parties, but America is red or blue. Feel they should have a white party too (insert hair on fire person saying white party = racist)

Man I can’t think of anything I’d love to listen to more than those two idiots thatswildbro’ing the 2 party system

by StoppedRainingMen k

Man I can't think of anything I'd love to listen to more than those two idiots thatswildbro'ing the 2 party system

Let me know your thoughts on it. Was maybe 2 full minutes of the 3 hour podcast.

by housenuts k

ya. right now social security pays off the old people with money of the young people. but soon enough there won't be enough money from the young people to cover payments to the old people. that doesn't mean social security will fail. the USG will just have to get money from elsewhere (eg. print it). so social security will continue via a forever tax of extra inflation.

Okay. The mechanism isn't really that important. The real question is are poor old people going to live in apartments, or are they going to live in church basements dormitory style like they did before social security.

by housenuts k
by StoppedRainingMen k

Man I can't think of anything I'd love to listen to more than those two idiots thatswildbro'ing the 2 party system

Let me know your thoughts on it. Was maybe 2 full minutes of the 3 hour podcast.

You got it!

by microbet k

Okay. The mechanism isn't really that important. The real question is are poor old people going to live in apartments, or are they going to live in church basements dormitory style like they did before social security.

The answer is clearly to go back to 1850 when the standard retirement plan was “have as many kids as possible and hope enough of them survive and aren’t *******s to take care of you when you’re old.”

This is still how it works in a lot of the world and it’s going great for them!

by diebitter k

Message for Diaper Donnie:

China says it is ready for 'any type of war' with US

As a fellow Zerg main, I kinda think China could pull it off.

I definitely don't want to find out, but if we make even the smallest effort to not glass the entire planet, that's a LOT of bodies to chew through. Have you seen the videos of Chinese kindergarteners doing physical drills in perfect sync?

The age-old question of "How many 5 year olds?" becomes, "How many obese and mentally fragile American UwU heroes could your average Chinese 5 year old kill before naptime?"

I suppose it does help that America has already teched up to full blown lategame Skytoss levels of overpoweredness, but China has plenty of tricks up their sleeves as well.

Absolutely devastating night for DEMONrats last night. The optics were REALLY REALLY bad for them. They wouldn't clap for a black kid with cancer but the ONLY time they clapped in unison was when Ukraine was mentioned. They truly, truly HATE America.

good boy

How did it affect the "optics" when your president insisted that the government was funding "transgender mice?"

by chillrob k

You're anti-capitalism?

A lot of MAGA is against "big corporations".

That's why Vance and Warren had common ground to write law proposals together.

by BGnight k

Absolutely devastating night for DEMONrats last night. The optics were REALLY REALLY bad for them. They wouldn't clap for a black kid with cancer but the ONLY time they clapped in unison was when Ukraine was mentioned. They truly, truly HATE America.

I'm seeing this comment make the rounds on twitter.

Obviously no proof of this, just repeating the sentiment over and over.

Its always interesting watching the machine in action. People like you just taking in the **** like a little baby shitbird and regurgitating it all over everything

by housenuts k

i'd suggest not debating that it's a ponzi

Not a ponzi. You realize it's not like an IRA, right?

by coordi k

I'm seeing this comment make the rounds on twitter.

Obviously no proof of this, just repeating the sentiment over and over.

Its always interesting watching the machine in action. People like you just taking in the **** like a little baby shitbird and regurgitating it all over everything

This. Exactly why I said "good boy."

Just following orders.

by Didace k

Not a ponzi. You realize it's not like an IRA, right?

It's a Ponzi because it's sold as a guaranteed return while in actuality it needs at the very least a constant stream of future participants (and more probably a growing stream) to be able to pay the "guarantees", which is what Ponzi schemes are.

Wouldn't be a Ponzi if it was admitted it is welfare paid by generic taxpayers.

by Rococo k

This is completely wrong. The two party system has been firmly entrenched in the United States for close to 150 years.

It's not so much that there is a two party system, it's that the Republicans and Democrats have rigged it so no new party has the ease of access to get on the ballot.

by Didace k

Not a ponzi. You realize it's not like an IRA, right?

The new people coming in make payments that go to the people who have been in the system for a while. If new people stop coming in or the existing people start getting paid too much or something happens to the money then the system collapses. It's hard to come up with a more textbook ponzi.

That doesn't imply its a bad system or one design with bad intentions. But its a ponzi.
