Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

15041 Replies


by Land O Lakes k

Literally on Trump's website for the coin, you can enter your debit card info. You do not need a digital wallet. Most old ladies know how to type in a debit card into a website.

ok i checked this out.


2) click buy now

3) install moonshot app via apple app store or google play

hint: moonshot is a digital wallet

4) can deposit via credit/debit card, and some other options

5) there's hundreds of coins on moonshot app, any of which you can buy once your account is funded

6) when you buy them, you hold them yourself, on your digital wallet

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

by MrDavitWilliam k

It would be interested [sic] to see the faces of people if you could go back in time 45 years to tell them that in 45 years ReaganRepublicans will elect a President who loves Russia, hates NATO

I am not sure how you can say Trump loves Russia more than Obama , Yeah what a crazy concept expecting folks to honor their 2% commitment to NATO and not rely on the USA to do everything .

You guys were fine with Clinton actually grabbing women by the pussy

Heck and lets not forget Democrats the defenders of free speech and how crazy would it be to claim 10 years ago men could become pregnant and let men compete against women

Both parties are unrecognizable If only you had an option of a third party ?

by lozen k

I am not sure how you can say Trump loves Russia more than Obama

I did not say that he does. Please provide evidence I made such a statement. If you cannot, please retract your contention and direct your reply elsewhere.

by lozen k

I am not sure how you can say Trump loves Russia more than Obama , Yeah what a crazy concept expecting folks to honor their 2% commitment to NATO and not rely on the USA to do everything .

You guys were fine with Clinton actually grabbing women by the pussy

Heck and lets not forget Democrats the defenders of free speech and how crazy would it be to claim 10 years ago men could become pregnant and let men compete against women

Both parties are unrecognizable If only you had an option of a third pa

Who exactly was fine with Clinton abusing his position of power for sexual gratification?

by lozen k

I am not sure how you can say Trump loves Russia more than Obama , Yeah what a crazy concept expecting folks to honor their 2% commitment to NATO and not rely on the USA to do everything .

You guys were fine with Clinton actually grabbing women by the pussy

Heck and lets not forget Democrats the defenders of free speech and how crazy would it be to claim 10 years ago men could become pregnant and let men compete against women

Both parties are unrecognizable If only you had an option of a third pa

It would be helpful for you to not engage in so many strawmans and rhetorical flourishes, if only just for your own clarity’s sake.

by MrDavitWilliam k

I did not say that he does. Please provide evidence I made such a statement. If you cannot, please retract your contention and direct your reply elsewhere.

My apologies you are correct you did say Trump loves Russia not that he loves Russia more than Obama .

With the dramatic realignment taking place under Trump — who said again today he would annex Greenland and threatened Canada — there are fears the U.S. government could decide block access to software updates and spare parts needed to make the F-35 fully operational.

I think this belongs itt.
Portugal won't buy F-35s because of American unpredictibily.
Can't trust americans anymore.

by jalfrezi k

Who exactly was fine with Clinton abusing his position of power for sexual gratification?

And how would lozen know? He joined 2+2 five years after Clinton left office.

by housenuts k


The Trump coin was always a grift. I've said that from the start.

Just buy Bitcoin. The vast majority of other stuff will get you rekt.

Forum's leading crypto evangelist: "98% of these 'currencies' are a scam! Only buy bitcoin!"

WONDERFUL product and industry you got there. Gonna replace fiat any day now. Crypto is definitely NOT another scheme to further enrich a very small group of wealthy sociopaths at the expense of everyone else!

Though I gotta admit, it does take a 180+ IQ super-genius to have predicted TrumpCoin is a scam, so you've earned the right to pat your own self on the back on that one.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Forum's leading crypto evangelist: "98% of these 'currencies' are a scam! Only buy bitcoin!"

WONDERFUL product and industry you got there. Gonna replace fiat any day now. Crypto is definitely NOT another scheme to further enrich a very small group of wealthy sociopaths at the expense of everyone else!

your problem is conflating bitcoin with crypto.

separating the two will help your understanding.

try it. it's refreshing.

by weeeez k

I think this belongs itt.
Portugal won't buy F-35s because of American unpredictibily.
Can't trust americans anymore.

The one great thing Trudeau did when he got elected was cancel the F35 contract. The plane is plagued with problems and so many better choices

Sadly they got to Justin and I suspect padded his Cayman island back account and he ended up committing to purchasing the F35's again

by housenuts k

your problem is conflating bitcoin with crypto.

easy mistake to make considering 98% of your fellow crypto dorks prop up a ton of the other coins as well, not to mention related idiocy like NFTs

Congrats on being that 2% who is in it for the love of the game!

by housenuts k

your problem is conflating bitcoin with crypto.

separating the two will help your understanding.

try it. it's refreshing.

I wonder why they think the crypto coin that is worth 65-67% of the total in the crypto world is almost a proxy of the crypto world

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

easy mistake to make considering 98% of your fellow crypto dorks prop up a ton of the other coins as well, not to mention related idiocy like NFTs

Congrats on being that 2% who is in it for the love of the game!

There are a lot of people like him in crypto world, why do you think BTC dominance has increased so much otherwise?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

easy mistake to make considering 98% of your fellow crypto dorks prop up a ton of the other coins as well, not to mention related idiocy like NFTs

you choose who you follow. NFTs are garbage, always have been.

by lozen k

The one great thing Trudeau did when he got elected was cancel the F35 contract. The plane is plagued with problems and so many better choices

Sadly they got to Justin and I suspect padded his Cayman island back account and he ended up committing to purchasing the F35's again

Why does Canada need military jets at all? Who y'all fighting? Maybe that money could instead be used to help the impoverished citizens of Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, etc.? I'm just kidding.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Why does America need military jets at all? Who y'all fighting? Maybe that money could instead be used to help the impoverished citizens of New York, San Francisco, Chicago, etc.?


Was quite surprised to see this on the front cover of a mainstream news magazine, today's issue

by Luciom k

There are a lot of people like him in crypto world, why do you think BTC dominance has increased so much otherwise?

I assume that's because BTC has the highest amount of consumer confidence relative to the other coins. I don't disagree that bitcoin is the least shady of the coins, but that's the lowest-set bar in the history of low bars.

But cool, housenuts is an un-paid lapdog for crypto, instead of a scammer. Speaking of scammers, that's the other group which has "a lot of people ... in crypto world", and that's the group which becomes powerful enough to produce the next SBF and/or whatever celebrity/Argentinian President is influential enough for a successful rug pull.

What does all this entail? A further concentration of capital amongst a select few.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Why does Canada need military jets at all? Who y'all fighting? Maybe that money could instead be used to help the impoverished citizens of Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, etc.? I'm just kidding.

by housenuts k


Well, I extremely strongly agree with your sentiment. I've been saying almost exactly this for years (although I try to remember to mention those suffering in all the deeply poor rural areas as well). But in the US, at least, we have our ongoing wars of imperialism to attend to, and all the attendant costs that come with that. Playing World Police is an expensive endeavor. Canada doesn't have this issue and therein lies my confusion.

Canada has provided support to us on many of our endeavors.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

But cool, housenuts is an un-paid lapdog for crypto, instead of a scammer. Speaking of scammers, that's the other group which has "a lot of people ... in crypto world", and that's the group which becomes powerful enough to produce the next SBF and/or whatever celebrity/Argentinian President is influential enough for a successful rug pull.

stop conflating bitcoin with crypto

I'm so sorry for conflating the premier crypto coin with... crypto... and will try to not do so in the future. With that out of the way, would you mind joining me on Team Humanity and stop carrying water for Bitcoin?

by housenuts k
by StoppedRainingMen k

Everything's computer


Everything’s computer

by AquaSwing k

Canada has provided support to us on many of our endeavors.

Yeah, I know. My argument is that they shouldn't, and they don't need to, and there are people dying on the goddamn street all over their country.
