Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 23 Views 23
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13912 Replies


by Gorgonian k

my god the swiftness I would snap call a bet on this one

Always nice when Trumpderps give away their money.

Let's see: person, man, woman, camera, TV. Gee, I seem to have won already.

by d2_e4 k

Always nice when Trumpderps give away their money.

Let's see: person, man, woman, camera, TV. Gee, I seem to have won already.

That was impressive. I don't see how you could prevent yourself from constantly bragging about what you have accomplished here.

I would be very surprised if d2's IQ is any bigger than his shoe size to be honest. Probably got a small dick as well.

D2, how big are your hands?

by Gorgonian k

That was impressive. I don't see how you could prevent yourself from constantly bragging about what you have accomplished here.

I know, man, should have probably slow played there to lull BJ into a false sense of security.

by Brian James k

I would be very surprised if d2's IQ is any bigger than his shoe size to be honest. Probably got a small dick as well.

Actually, seems we might still be alright here.

by chillrob k

D2, how big are your hands?

I hit a royal once. Seems like a pretty big hand.

by chillrob k

D2, how big are your hands?

NFL combine style measurements?

by Slighted k

NFL combine style measurements?

Just in comparison with Trump's. Mine are much larger.

by chillrob k

Just in comparison with Trump's. Mine are much larger.

Well, you know what thhey say about big hands - big gloves.

Roger Stone discussing the assassination of Democratic Reps.
Eric Swalwell and Jerry Nadler with an NYPD cop weeks before the 2020 election.

Either Swalwell or Nadler has to die before the election.

Roger Stone is a perfect example of why the Presidential pardon powers process needs a review.

“On June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said,
‘I need a caretaker.’ So God gave us Trump,
God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country,
work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and
stay up past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.”

Religion plus politics -> Maga/talibans ….


Trump isn't even religious. And he used to be a Democrat.

by chillrob k

Trump isn't even religious. And he used to be a Democrat.

Trump will be w.e he needs to be to win.
His past as no bearing on him , it just pure survival motive at this point .

I wonder if the divisions in the country between the election was rigged crowd and the Biden won legit crowd will continue for as long as Trump lives. I say that because does anyone think that if Trump runs against Biden again and loses again, that this time he will say he lost fair and square in a legit election? I just dont think that is possible.

I believe he would repeat all the same baseless allegations forever. And all the people who believe the 2020 election was rigged will believe the 2024 election was too. They didnt need any evidence for 2020 so they wont need any evidence for 2024. I remember many people thinking things would settle down after Trump lost and thecountry would move on. But it didnt happen and wont happen after 2024 either.

It wont end with trump dying. He is a nasty symptom that may kill the patient or lead to other problems. He is not the disease.

I’ve never seen trump’s world view better summed up in a single quote

It’s worth you dying if it helps me

I expect him to win today, because that's the catalyst that I'm hoping gets more people to sit up in their chairs and do a, "Wait, what?" and start down the path of removing heads from asses and making Trump go away for good.

But if Trump blows it out of the water in Iowa, my day will be ruined.

The part of this whole equation I didn't take into account was how uninspiring the rest of these names are. Am I really out here rooting for Chris Christie or the pastor? ****

by chezlaw k

It wont end with trump dying. He is a nasty symptom that may kill the patient or lead to other problems. He is not the disease.

The disease is neither party actually cares about the people they represent and the majority of them all just want to get rich and stay in power once they realize their voice doesnt matter either

If the NO Labels had a knock you out of the park ticket I think they could win but they would get nothing done as well as you have the senate and congress

by Inso0 k

I expect him to win today, because that's the catalyst that I'm hoping gets more people to sit up in their chairs and do a, "Wait, what?" and start down the path of removing heads from asses and making Trump go away for good.

But if Trump blows it out of the water in Iowa, my day will be ruined.

The part of this whole equation I didn't take into account was how uninspiring the rest of these names are. Am I really out here rooting for Chris Christie or the pastor? ****

Frank Luntz has got some bad news for you.

Oh, hai BJ. Send me your number pls, I'd like to demonstrate to you personally that I have a bigger dick than trump, in image form and full tumescence.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I’ve never seen trump’s world view better summed up in a single quote

It’s worth you dying if it helps me

My uncle did that in 2020. On his death bed in ICU with 20% lung capacity from Covid all he wanted was his mail-in ballot to vote for Trump. He’s no longer with us and I’m not sure they counted his mail-in ballot anyway. I mean...they weren’t supposed to, right...fraud and all that.

Trump wins in landslide in Iowa

would be pretty cool though if people who voted for him today started dropping dead tonight as requested
