Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
And, it isn't just that trump will try to undermine our democracy. It's that he has millions of supporters that want to do the same.
Trump appointed a lot of unlikeable folks to powerful positions, but most of them called him on his bullshit at some point in time. I think there was just enough sense close to him to put some sort of check on him.
He won't do that again. He will have the worst of the worst in the most powerful positions - like head of fbi and justice department. They won't question him on anything. I don't think throwing political opponents in jail is too much of a stretch. He's already promised it.
Yep, that's pretty much where I was going with this.
So which kind of actions against democracy do you think could happen? you see courts jailing people because trump tells them so, or the militaries executing orders of that kind?
I see him trying. And I see him surrounding himself with people in power that support it. And I see a whole lot of maga idiots that support it. And, we've already found out that it doesn't matter what he does, the repubs in congress will support him.
No clue what the military does. I never ever thought I would think that our military might be the ultimate voice of reason, but times have changed.
He might not want to actually rule on anything that doesn't pique his interest at the time, but he certainly wants to sit on the throne and wear the crown for perpetuity. That part was obvious both during his term and when he refused to concede his electoral loss and attempted all sorts of underhanded and illegal schemes to retain the presidency, from attempting to get states to fabricate vote counts to inciting his supporters to riot.
If you want a list of all the ways in which Trump subverted d
when you check what happened in the countries where democracy was indeed subverted, it's basically always the same pattern. It's either the dictator (or party) has the militaries, so rule of law goes poof and they just do whatever they want, or the constitution is too easy to change with simple majorities, and the wonnabe dictator changes it, removes checks and balances, makes the judiciary impotent, and controls an empty-shell democracy.
With a hard to change constitution and an independent military and judiciary, you can't subvert anything. Keep in mind i live in a country where everytime the right comes close to power, the left usual discourse is "democracy is at risk!" so that might be why i am very biased against such claims.
27offsuit is angry because i posted something very well known (and uncontroversial) , the higher incidence of mental illness among self-defined liberal people vs self defined conservative people.
He is angry because i dared use a chart made by a guy he dislikes to show that data, even if the data is objectively and uncontroversially true.
I don't understand anything else of what he wrote but that's probably just a problem on my side with conversational english.
I get he hates anyone who isn't leftw
This right here is why it is pointless to engage people like you. Deflect...exhaust...attach labels you know nothing about. Rinse, repeat.
I mean just look at what you did there. In one post you called me angry, a democrat, and hates anyone who isn't left wing. All untrue, but that ain't gonna stop you from doing it again on your next post.
You're literally that guy 🙄
I see him trying. And I see him surrounding himself with people in power that support it. And I see a whole lot of maga idiots that support it. And, we've already found out that it doesn't matter what he does, the repubs in congress will support him.
No clue what the military does. I never ever thought I would think that our military might be the ultimate voice of reason, but times have changed.
When you peel back all the layers of the onion, ultimately it's the men with the guns that make all the rules.
Heard it and saw it with gore, heard it and saw it with Ron Paul in 2008, heard it and saw it with Obama silencing whistleblowers to prison in 2012(more than all other presidents combined), heard it and saw it with Bernie and Hillary in 2016 and then again when the DNCs court arguments soon thereafter, heard it and saw it when the DNC rigged the primary system against Bernie in order to have Biden get the nomination, heard it and saw it 2024 when both parties declined to have real primaries and or fake debates
I would say the connotation that most people get from one is not the same as the other. I also think you know this and have been choosing what to use based on this. I have no idea what the mental health profession would say about this.
I’m curious if and when and under what circumstances we arrive at biden telling trump ‘go away quietly and I’ll pardon you’
I have to imagine this is on the table election night. And I can’t argue against it
when you check what happened in the countries where democracy was indeed subverted, it's basically always the same pattern. It's either the dictator (or party) has the militaries, so rule of law goes poof and they just do whatever they want, or the constitution is too easy to change with simple majorities, and the wonnabe dictator changes it, removes checks and balances, makes the judiciary impotent, and controls an empty-shell democracy.
With a hard to change constitution and an independent mili
I'm no exert in dissassembling democracies, but if there's one thing I've seen Trump do pretty competently over the 4 years he was president, it was making inroads into exactly that.
The fact he even wants to be an authoritarian ruler, and has made as much clear many times, should instantly disqualify him in the mind of any sane, intelligent, non fascist voter, which is why I hold anyone who does or would vote for him in utter contempt.
I’m curious if and when and under what circumstances we arrive at biden telling trump ‘go away quietly and I’ll pardon you’
I have to imagine this is on the table election night. And I can’t argue against it
Trump needs probably more than one state pardon as well, other than a federal one.
I would think in this situation the pardon isn’t granted til congress confirms the election or the inauguration, and yes it’s only 4 years but it’s hard to believe 81 year old trump even being alive much less running again
I get it from Biden's side. How does Trump know that Biden will keep his word? Do they escrow the pardon with a respected forum member?
“The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION! MAGA2024.”
And so on... but calling me a conservative is disingenous.
Btw i do care about democratic principles of government, i just think they aren't what other people think they are. For example no one should have as much power as POTUS. That's a violated democratic principle (checks and balances) right there.
My post wasn't clear. I was focusing on how much you do or do not care about democratic principles. You have suggested that the actions Trump took after the election were not much of a threat and not that big a deal. IMO, that position implies a lack of intelligence, a lack of understanding, or a lack of concern. You don't seem unintelligent. I was speculating that the third option was more likely that the second option, but I could be wrong.
I get it from Biden's side. How does Trump know that Biden will keep his word? Do they escrow the pardon with a respected forum member?
There is no guarantee
I can’t find the clip but before he was elected they asked Biden if he would jail trump for his crimes and he said word for word that “that isn’t a standard I’d like to start upholding… I don’t think we should be jailing former presidents”