President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 29 Views 29
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

16021 Replies


by Didace k

It's how politicians operate.

To an extent

We have the 2020 cares act getting unanimous approval to at least counter this claim. Trump eventually signed his name on stimulus checks to make sure he got maximum credity.

Hes still eating off that credit to this day

And yeah, thats all savvy politics, but ultimately you can look at policy around the country and get the sense that cruelty is the point for some Republicans in power right now.

by steamraise k

new racist and misogynistic statements from Matt Gaetz

Republicans are not at all about diversity.
They only pull out that word when they want to use somebody.

Im not sure what statements he said were racist and misogynistic ? For every Karen we lose.... Not dure how that fits the bill

by coordi k

Yeah the Republicans were happy to hand out money when they could take the credit for it and where vehemently against it when Biden was going to get the credit.

That's how the Republicans operate.

The propaganda is about Biden / Trump even being responsible for inflation, not that Republicans are to blame.

Its like blaming Biden for gas prices

Try to be a Japanese who doesn't know what those parties are, but who has some decent economics education and is knowledgeable about keynesian idea of deficit to reactivate slack and the like.

The covid relief act (CARES, 27th march 2020) was passed when the montly print of unemployment was (preliminary) "double digit", and in April 2020 it hit 14.8, from 4.4 in march (most of march had no lockdowns), 3.5 in february.

That was the biggest increase ever recorded by a very large margin, and in ONE MONTH the increase was *double* what happened in 2 years during the "great financial crisis", when the USA went from 5% unemployment in jan 2008 to 10% in october 2009.

So if there ever was a single moment in history where keynesian, slack-reactivating deficit policies ever made sense, it was in the spring of 2020.

Never before in all of history of western societies anything close happened with such speed.

Yes during the Great Depression unemployment reached even worse numbers (peaking over 20%), but it took a lot of time for that to happen.

Now fast forward to march 2021, when the democrats passed more deficit with the American Rescue Plan: unemployment was back to 6%, with 4/5 of the job losses being clawed back (fastest recovery in employment ever).

Crucially, republican-led states which reopened earlier were already back to almost full employment, proving the *entirety of the actual exogenous economic crisis was over* and only a man-made crisis was left in some areas. Ie any lingering economic local problems were ENTIRELY the fault of local government regulations, at that point in time.

Where allowed, the vast majority of people was ready to live normally as before, *and so didn't need any special fiscal help anymore*.

So democrats pass another huge deficit increasing bill without slack left in the economy, and when democrat led states reopen soon afterwards, there is a flood of extra money chasing the same goods, and that's inflationary in every single economic model from the far left to the far right.

Bad people in bad faith (republicans in some cases) can be right for the wrong reasons, and in this case it was right to do a lot of deficit in 2020 but *disastrously wrong* to do so in 2021 and especially in 2022 (inflation reduction act lol).

Oh, look! Another trump associate going to prison.

Why in the holy hell do these guys take it up the ass for him?

by biggerboat k

Oh, look! Another trump associate going to prison.

Why in the holy hell do these guys take it up the ass for him?

They thought he could pardon all crimes, didn't know it was only federal crimes (I blame tv shows for that)

by biggerboat k

Oh, look! Another trump associate going to prison.

Why in the holy hell do these guys take it up the ass for him?

I really cant understand that one as well

by metsandfinsfan k

He's trending to have the highest percent of the black vote of any Republican in our lifetimes

White democrats think black people are too stupid and poor to be able to get an ID card so they are definitely going to think they are also too stupid to realize the person they hang out with and befriend is racist.

by coordi k

Inflation is a direct result of printing money to provide 'socialist' handouts during Covid, under Trump. Inflation has been curbed, under Biden, due to economic tightening.

You do realize that everyone here was alive during covid, right? We all now that dems fought for policies that created inflation and repubs fought against them - handouts, shutdowns, printing of money & increasing the size and scope of gov't.

I am sure you can find a few examples where a repub suported a few of these policiies but everyone here nows dems fought hard for this stuff and repubs tried their best to reduce and shorten the amount of time we were handing out money, school shutdowns, business shutdowns, etc.

by bahbahmickey k

You do realize that everyone here was alive during covid, right? We all now that dems fought for policies that created inflation and repubs fought against them - handouts, shutdowns, printing of money & increasing the size and scope of gov't.

I am sure you can find a few examples where a repub suported a few of these policiies but everyone here nows dems fought hard for this stuff and repubs tried their best to reduce and shorten the amount of time we were handing out money, school shutdowns, bu

You do realize Trump added over 7 trillion to the deficit under his term?

by bahbahmickey k

White democrats think black people are too stupid and poor to be able to get an ID card so they are definitely going to think they are also too stupid to realize the person they hang out with and befriend is racist.

it's amazing how many times you've gotten just absolutely dunked on about this ID thing and you still keep coming back to it.

by lozen k

You do realize Trump added over 7 trillion to the deficit under his term?

one thing i agree with republicans on(when they have a republican administration) is that the deficit is made up and doesn't matter. although they certainly pretend it's a big deal during dem administrations.

the largest holder of US debt is the US government. are we going to margin call ourselves?

by Slighted k

it's amazing how many times you've gotten just absolutely dunked on about this ID thing and you still keep coming back to it.

he may be exaggerating and misapplying it

but that is 100% a thing in social justice

"we need to eliminate id laws... because it disproportionately hurts women and people of color"

"we need to make welfare more accessible... because women and people of color are disproportionately in need"

"we need all government offices to provide on site translator and proxy readers... because women and people of color are disproportionately illiterate or unable to understand English"

the entire lynchpin of programs such as that is not framed to help out people in need, but very specifically tied into reminders that you're an extra good person for doing this because now you can feel better about having helped out some phantom black people who would be helpless without your patronship

because poor people particularly people of color ARE disproportionally affected by those things.

are you trying to argue that increased prices and obstacles to voting DOESN'T affect poor people and people of color more so than it affects non poor people and white Americans? or really any of the things in your weird screenshot?

i mean i know "social justice" and "woke" are trigger words for dumb republicans and libertarians, but those policies do affect poor people and people of color disproportionately..

nice straw men

i was very clear about what i wrote

i was not refuting anything

i was simply pointing out that there's always special attention put to those aspects of it, so it's not disingenuous for that poster above to describe a mentality of certain people on the left that minorities are unable to vote without extra help and assistance - it's plausible for him to have that opinion even though it's ultimately incorrect, it's still a genuine opinion and i can understand the genesis of it

i even directly stated that it was being misdirected, here, i'll quote it for you to clear up any confusion

by rickroll k

he may be exaggerating and misapplying it

so just stop this this fabricated indignation and try to keep up by actually reading what someone actually posts before you fire from the hip with your virtue signalling white indignation cannon

by rickroll k

nice straw men

i was very clear about what i wrote

i was not refuting anything

i was simply pointing out that there's always special attention put to those aspects of it, so it's not disingenuous for that poster above to describe a mentality of certain people on the left that minorities are unable to vote without extra help and assistance - it's plausible for him to have that opinion even though it's ultimately incorrect, it's still a genuine opinion and i can understand the genesis of it

i even dir

so is your point that while all the things you posted in that link are TRUE, you're upset that people talk about it? i say "upset" because while you say you can understand the genesis of it, you're attempting to use things like "virtue signaling" in a derogatory way, showing you disagree with the things being state in the way they are stated.

by lozen k

You do realize Trump added over 7 trillion to the deficit under his term?

You do realize that covid happened under trump and dems fought hard to pass as many policies as possible to raise the deficit, right?

Trump fought dems to keep schools open, to keep business open, to re-open school and businesses as soon as possible and to minimize the incentives for people to not work.

Dems complaining that trump raised the deficit is like a murderer complaining that their uber driver got them in a wreck after they shot and killed the uber driver while he was driving because he asked for his passengers to wear their seatbelt. It is just insane levels of stupid.

by Slighted k

so is your point that while all the things you posted in that link are TRUE, you're upset that people talk about it? i say "upset" because while you say you can understand the genesis of it, you're attempting to use things like "virtue signaling" in a derogatory way, showing you disagree with the things being state in the way they are stated.

try again, i know it's clear now that you're responding before you even read half the post

by metsandfinsfan k

He's trending to have the highest percent of the black vote of any Republican in our lifetimes

8% of black voters supported Trump in 2020. He probably will do better this time. I'd guess 13-15%, but that's just a guess. That's a long way from saying that black voters like Trump.

by rickroll k

try again, i know it's clear now that you're responding before you even read half the post

i read your post. there simply was no point in the post which is why i was trying to ask you follow ups. if you are just doing observational commentary then yes bahbah did post that thing, and yes he is wrong, and yes the right wing media says dumb stuff about it.

by Slighted k

i read your post. there simply was no point in the post which is why i was trying to ask you follow ups. if you are just doing observational commentary then yes bahbah did post that thing, and yes he is wrong, and yes the right wing media says dumb stuff about it.

then how about you go back to all the accusations you made and specifically quote the passages i wrote which said what you claim i said

by rickroll k

then how about you go back to all the accusations you made and specifically quote the passages i wrote which said what you claim i said

i've made no "accusations" other than that you are attempting to use virtue signaling in a derogatory sense in this thread and the other thus revealing your view/beliefs towards the subjects.

i've instead asked you several questions about what point you are trying to make which you've not elaborated on.

by Slighted k

i've made no "accusations" other than that you are attempting to use virtue signaling in a derogatory sense in this thread and the other thus revealing your view/beliefs towards the subjects.

i've instead asked you several questions about what point you are trying to make which you've not elaborated on.

omg you're slinking away instead of standing by your aburd statements, nor are you apologizing for your lies and slander

who on earth saw this coming?

shocked! shocked i tell ya - i thought all along i was dealing with a man of integrity

by rickroll k

omg you're slinking away instead of standing by your aburd statements, nor are you apologizing for your lies and slander

who on earth saw this coming?

shocked! shocked i tell ya - i thought all along i was dealing with a man of integrity

lol. so again you have no point. you're just in here Seinfeld'ing the politics forums. "so what's with these trans people am i right?..." [applause sign]

by Slighted k

lol. so again you have no point. you're just in here Seinfeld'ing the politics forums. "so what's with these trans people am i right?..." [applause sign]

it's so adorable how you think you still have even a grain of credibility left

you've been undressed sir, now go home before you embarass yourself further

you're not equipped for this, too accustomed to engaging with qanon tards you forgot what it's like to deal with people who engage in reality

by rickroll k

it's so adorable how you think you still have even a grain of credibility left

you've been undressed sir, now go home before you embarass yourself further

you're not equipped for this, too accustomed to engaging with qanon tards you forgot what it's like to deal with people who engage in reality

lol. you can't even explain what point you're trying to make in any of these threads. this isn't an engagement. your head and your heart clearly isn't in these subjects like it's in the bashing of trans people.

this is me being bored and responding trying to elicit some kind of intelligent discussion out of the only other online poster. but i'm no longer bored. so feel free to have the last word and then go back to the make believe land you were in previously where you won these arguments based on your "reality" of being triggered by some virtue signaling.
