In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

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12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4065 Replies


Science and technology
The new mythology
Look deep inside

by campfirewest k

Apparently one of Joe Rogan’s guests chopped a guys head off. Lol.

That story from a few weeks ago? Guy cut his dad's head off for being a federal employee, or a different beheading? lol

by chillrob k

I fly Spirit because I'm frugal. Especially to and from Las Vegas, the flights are crazy cheap. I hope this is one of the bankruptcies where they just get more time to pay their bills and don't go out of business.

They are bankrupt because their flights are cheap.

I find it hard to believe that the people were clamoring for George Santos to run for Congress again.

by Didace k

They are bankrupt because their flights are cheap.

They aren't actually bankrupt yet but it's looking like that might end up being the case. But if they do end up bankrupt it's only going to hurt consumers which is why they shouldn't be blocking the merger.

by Luckbox Inc k

They aren't actually bankrupt yet but it's looking like that might end up being the case. But if they do end up bankrupt it's only going to hurt consumers which is why they shouldn't be blocking the merger.

From what I read they exited talks of merger in 2022 because of regulatory risks but the merger isn't on the table anymore so it's not being denied or blocked.

Did I get it wrong?

by Luckbox Inc k

They aren't actually bankrupt yet but it's looking like that might end up being the case. But if they do end up bankrupt it's only going to hurt consumers which is why they shouldn't be blocking the merger.

If there was a merger, prices would go up. Jet Blue was just going to absorb the routes.

by Luciom k

From what I read they exited talks of merger in 2022 because of regulatory risks but the merger isn't on the table anymore so it's not being denied or blocked.

Did I get it wrong?

Spirit Airlines and JetBlue Airways are abandoning their plan to merge, the companies announced Monday.

A federal judge blocked the merger in January because of concerns about monopolization. Both companies said despite their goal to unify and be a low-cost competitor to major airlines, the legal obstacles wouldn't make the acquisition possible by their deadline of July 2024.

My take is that their original plans were blocked in January, then they tried to work through the legal hurdles and ultimately decided that they wouldn't be able to. Ultimately it would still mean that the government blocked the merger.

by Schlitz mmmm k

That story from a few weeks ago? Guy cut his dad's head off for being a federal employee, or a different beheading? lol

I think he was on a few weeks ago, but the story was from yesterday:

Sheldon Johnson is charged with murder, manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon. He's accused of killing and dismembering a man.

Police say Johnson is an ex-convict who works as a criminal justice reform advocate.

The gruesome discovery was made in the Bronx on Tuesday, when authorities were called to 979 Summit Avenue in the Highbridge section at around 8:25 p.m. for a wellness check of an occupant in Apartment 6G.

Orlando Medina, the building superintendent, says a tenant called him around 1 a.m.

"Someone was pleading for their life. She said she heard two gunshots, someone said 'please don't kill me I got family,' something like that and two more gunshots pretty quickly," Medina said.

A torso and arms were found inside the apartment.

Detectives obtained a search warrant Wednesday night for Johnson's Harlem apartment on Fifth Avenue where they found the victim's legs and head in a freezer.

The victim, later identified as 44-year-old Collin Small, had been shot once in the head.

The Medical Examiner's Office told detectives bullet fragments were found in the victim's head, leading to the murder charge.

Concrete was found in the suspect's car and investigators also recovered a Tyvek suit, officials say.

Johnson has previously served about 25 years behind bars for attempted murder and other charges.

He appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast last month where he talked about how he turned his life around.

"It was at that moment that I really said - I have to change my life - I have to change my life - I just can't do this," Johnson said on the podcast. "I had a wife, I had kids, I had family still, my son was growing up - he was hearing stories of my so-called notoriety - I just didn't want to be that dad."

Johnson went on to talk about being a former gang member and when he was released from prison, he says he chose to walk away from that life.

by Rococo k

I find it hard to believe that the people were clamoring for George Santos to run for Congress again.

LOL, what a ****ing clown.

Odds that Trump publicly supports him? 😃

by Bobo Fett k

LOL, what a ****ing clown.

Odds that Trump publicly supports him? 😃

if there is anyone with some sense left around trump, he will suggest him to avoid taking sides there

by Luciom k

if there is anyone with some sense left around trump, he will suggest him to avoid taking sides there

Yup. But then there's also the hurdle of whether Trump listens.

by Bobo Fett k

Yup. But then there's also the hurdle of whether Trump listens.

He did avoid taking sides in the recent primary in Alabama where two incumbents had to fight each other because of redistricting

/Both Moore and Carl were first elected to Congress in 2020. Trump endorsed both men in their 2022 re-election bids but declined to weigh in this time./

El Salvador prolongs emergency degree for the 24th time.

El Salvador’s homicide totals have dropped from 6,656 in 2015 — an average of about 18 per day — to 18 so far this year.

In all of 2023, there were about 214 homicides, or about one every two days.

So it looks like they're in pace to halve or more last year's mark.

by Luckbox Inc k

El Salvador prolongs emergency degree for the 24th time.

El Salvador’s homicide totals have dropped from 6,656 in 2015 — an average of about 18 per day — to 18 so far this year.

In all of 2023, there were about 214 homicides, or about one every two days.

So it looks like they're in pace to halve or more last year's mark.

i thought if you locked up one murderous gangbanger another one instantly took his place?

by Luckbox Inc k

El Salvador prolongs emergency degree for the 24th time.

El Salvador’s homicide totals have dropped from 6,656 in 2015 — an average of about 18 per day — to 18 so far this year.

In all of 2023, there were about 214 homicides, or about one every two days.

So it looks like they're in pace to halve or more last year's mark.

We'll see if the leaders are truly great if they stop using emergency powers soon, given they fixed what the emergency was about.

The risk of them falling in love with emergency powers is really high as usual

Free rickroll and srm!

Apropos of nothing in particular (other than watching a couple of youtube vids), I am revising my prediction for SBF's sentence to 15-18 years committed.

FWIW the presentence report is recommending 100 years and his lawyers are asking for about 6.5.

by d2_e4 k

Apropos of nothing in particular (other than watching a couple of youtube vids), I am revising my prediction for SBF's sentence to 15-18 years committed.

FWIW the presentence report is recommending 100 years and his lawyers are asking for about 6.5.

Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes was sentenced to 13 years, which I think has now been reduced to 11 years. Keeping things simple, I figured SBF would get about double that sentence so ~ 25 years.

by ladybruin k

Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes was sentenced to 13 years, which I think has now been reduced to 11 years. Keeping things simple, I figured SBF would get about double that sentence so ~ 25 years.

My original prediction was 20-25, and I was going to (begrudgingly) take the over on 22.5. I've revised it down.

"Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart." One great lesson of the gospel is to teach us to be meek—to put away our high and angry spirits, and to make us lowly in heart. Peradventure, this is the meaning of the passage— that if we will but come to Christ's school, he will teach us the hardest of all lessons, —how to be meek and lowly in heart. Again; other expositors might consider this sentence to signify, that is the only Spirit in which a man can learn of Jesus, — the Spirit which is necessary if we would become Christ's scholars. We can learn nothing, even of Christ himself, while we hold our heads up with pride, or exalt ourselves with self-confidence.

Are we ever wayward

Stefanik is the latest Republican to tout funding she voted against.

GOP lawmakers have a habit of voting against Democratic legislation, only to turn around
and take credit when the Democratic legislation makes investments in their states and districts.

“By the way, I noticed some of you who’ve strongly voted against it are cheering on that money coming in,”
President Biden said, adding, “If any of you don’t want that money in your district, just let me know.”

by d2_e4 k

Sammy's sentencing scheduled for March 28th. You want a friendly 50 to charity? I'm taking over in 22.5. I think you're favourite on the under FWIW. Also, I'm not donating to anything remotely right wing. Keep it friendly. Wikipedia if I win.

FWIW I would donate to any legal charity if I lost. Even minors for BLMLGBTQ+
