In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4065 Replies


by wreckem713 k

FWIW I would donate to any legal charity if I lost. Even minors for BLMLGBTQ+

I'd prefer not to have to donate to Bootlickers4Trump though. Good thing we agreed it upfront, then.

lol rekt

Stone's take is Interesting <3

by Schlitz mmmm k

Stone's take is Interesting <3

Obviously she was fine with the sketch when it was aired. It's making fun of creepy men, not of her. The only thing that seems offensive even today is the Indian impersonation.

What sort of response to the ISIS attack do people expect from Russia?

by Rococo k

What sort of response to the ISIS attack do people expect from Russia?

A stiffly worded letter to ISIS HQ expressing their chagrin.


Followed by poisonings, defenestrations, bizarre accidents and moar poisonings.

by Schlitz mmmm k

Stone's take is Interesting <3

That's not good enough Dana. You should have known better 3 decades ago.

As for Ms Stone, that was the most tactful politest way to say "Grow a pair" I ever done read.

by Rococo k

What sort of response to the ISIS attack do people expect from Russia?

They'll blame Ukraine, in fact they already have. (There is possibly an atlas shortage in Russia.)

by corpus vile k

That's not good enough Dana. You should have known better 3 decades ago.

As for Ms Stone, that was the most tactful politest way to say "Grow a pair" I ever done read.

What did you think was wrong with the sketch?

The Italian highest criminal court (not the same as the constitutional one, we have sort of two different kinds of highest courts) just legalized fascist salutes (they were previously considered banned behavior under the reading of our anti-fascist laws) unless they are accompanied by a will and actual attempt to "rebuild the fascist party"

by Luciom k

The Italian highest criminal court (not the same as the constitutional one, we have sort of two different kinds of highest courts) just legalized fascist salutes (they were previously considered banned behavior under the reading of our anti-fascist laws) unless they are accompanied by a will and actual attempt to "rebuild the fascist party"

This decision has slippery slope written all over it.

by ladybruin k

This decision has slippery slope written all over it.

This isn't a constitution-based decision though just a re-reading of the actual text of the law and how it is to be applied, so as far as I can tell parliament can pass a law banning this behaviors in all occasions as well if it decides it's proper to do so

NBC making the conscious decision to whitewash Ronna McDaniel is one of the more sickening media decisions I’ve seen in a minute

by corpus vile k

How does Italy view such things? Any chance of recreational use of weed being legal there?

I think Italy is pretty lax on weed, when my friend visited his uncle in Italy he said that his uncle had a weed plant growing out on his balcony

by chillrob k

What did you think was wrong with the sketch?

I was being sarcastic.

by Luciom k

The Italian highest criminal court (not the same as the constitutional one, we have sort of two different kinds of highest courts) just legalized fascist salutes (they were previously considered banned behavior under the reading of our anti-fascist laws) unless they are accompanied by a will and actual attempt to "rebuild the fascist party"

Cassazione is a joke of a court anyway

by corpus vile k

Cassazione is a joke of a court anyway

We made the silly decision to copy the french system and we are stuck with it now.

Imagine having 2 appeals like 40% of the times lol, with statutes of limitations that do not stop the clock when the trial starts (yes really).

It's basically a race against time in most cases to get a criminal trial done within the statute of limitations and even if serious effort is put in, and so priority is given to some case over many other cases, the state often doesn't make it in time. Which btw is how Berlusconi managed to escape several guilty verdicts.

Of the 32 different criminal trials he went through, like 8 ended with prescrizione (application of the statute of limitations)

by Luciom k

We made the silly decision to copy the french system and we are stuck with it now.

Imagine having 2 appeals like 40% of the times lol, with statutes of limitations that do not stop the clock when the trial starts (yes really).

It's basically a race against time in most cases to get a criminal trial done within the statute of limitations and even if serious effort is put in, and so priority is given to some case over many other cases, the state often doesn't make it in time. Which btw is how Berlu

My comment's not a reflection on Italy btw, but Jesus that court annoys me, especially regarding the part in bold as I've seen it happen in at least two criminal cases. Cassazione has also arbitrarily viewed the evidence again in a case while being non jury despite their mandate being on points of law only (defeating the whole purpose of a three tiered judiciary in the process), and prescrizione seems purely and deliberately used as a get outa jail free card for guilty defendants. I just suspect it's permeated with corruption and certainly susceptible to it. Just makes me sick as it's a mockery of justice and slap in the face to victims and dedicated magistrates alike.

by corpus vile k

My comment's not a reflection on Italy btw, but Jesus that court annoys me, especially regarding the part in bold as I've seen it happen in at least two criminal cases. Cassazione has also arbitrarily viewed the evidence again in a case while being non jury despite their mandate being on points of law only (defeating the whole purpose of a three tiered judiciary in the process), and prescrizione seems purely and deliberately used as a get outa jail free card for guilty defendants. I just suspect

tbh I have no reason to think that court is more corrupt than others, but keep in mind there isn't only one cassazione, rather 6 civil and 7 penal sections.

only in very rare cases it decides per curiam with all sections together ("a sezioni unite").

every section is 5 judges.

given the sheer number of cases they touch, and the small size of the bench (compared to a normal supreme court, like our constitutional court is 15 judges), the odd of some of their decisions being truly horrible unless it's per curiam decisions is really high.

btw in Italy the double Jeopardy doesn't apply to appeals, it's often prosecutors appealing for harsher sentences or against a non guilty verdict.

Incidentally, double Jeopardy protection in the US isn't quite the bar to repeated prosecution as many think it is - for serious enough crimes, if you get acquitted in state court, the government could find a way to try you federally on different charges arising out of the same set of underlying facts and vice versa.

--In other news, in Chicago there is tight race for election of DA, and the progressive candidate endorsed by labor unions, progressive leaders and the Cook County Democratic Party is losing by 2,000 votes; and the city just announced the "discovered" 10,000 mail in ballots that had gone missing and suddenly re-appeared.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess these mail in ballots will cover the gap and propel the Democratic Party's preferred candidate to the lead.

by d2_e4 k

Incidentally, double Jeopardy protection in the US isn't quite the bar to repeated prosecution as many think it is - for serious enough crimes, if you get acquitted in state court, the government could find a way to try you federally on different charges arising out of the same set of underlying facts and vice versa.

Ye I remember Gamble (2019) [a name, nothing to do with gambling] , court had the chance to overturn the separate sovereignty exception to DJ but re affirmed it 7-2.

I remember that case because the dissenting votes were RBG and Gorsuch, and I was quite puzzled to see them alone agreeing those federal shenanigans to prosecute again were bad.

by Dunyain k

--In other news, in Chicago there is tight race for election of DA, and the progressive candidate endorsed by labor unions, progressive leaders and the Cook County Democratic Party is losing by 2,000 votes; and the city just announced the "discovered" 10,000 mail in ballots that had gone missing and suddenly re-appeared.

I am going to go out on a limb and guess these

i absolutely love that their own orange god has convinced them that all elections are rigged.

you guys should never vote again. there is no point. it's all predetermined.


by #Thinman k

i absolutely love that their own orange god has convinced them that all elections are rigged.

you guys should never vote again. there is no point. it's all predetermined.


You are right. The Democratic Party of Chicago has no history of corruption, and only an avid Trump supporter would suggest such a thing is even possible.

by Dunyain k

I am going to go out on a limb and guess these mail in ballots will cover the gap and propel the Democratic Party's preferred candidate to the lead.

A shocking result for a Democratic primary.
