In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4058 Replies


by biggerboat k

But, the deal is, there's probably a LOT of people that bought their homes many years ago because it was a nice neighborhood with nice neighbors that probably wanted the same thing. Then all of the sudden, poof, it's gone. And everyone that probably made a big life decision to be where they are, are now screwed.

Again, I don't necessarily hate the idea. In time it probably works itself out.

But it DOES affect a lot of people negatively.

Screwed? they made a **** ton of money on their house lol.

You would have a point if we were talking development that reduced values significantly, but we are talking the opposite

by Luciom k

you aren't, you keep subsidizing ownership.

why isn't rent deductible from income taxes but interest on mortgage up to a sizable amount are for example? why are mortgage rates subsidized by federal guarantees and not rent for decent income workers?

The more ownership citizens have the more skin in the game they have, and it makes for a better country. That's part of the reason why USA is #1 and old Europe isn't.

by Luciom k

Screwed? they made a **** ton of money on their house lol.

You would have a point if we were talking development that reduced values significantly, but we are talking the opposite

I guess it depends on how you measure quality of life.

by campfirewest k

The more ownership citizens have the more skin in the game they have, and it makes for a better country. That's part of the reason why USA is #1 and old Europe isn't.

We have higher owner-occupied housing than the USA in italy and trust me that doesn't make for a more civilized country lol.

by Luciom k

We have higher owner-occupied housing than the USA in italy and trust me that doesn't make for a more civilized country lol.

But you can buy houses there for $1.

by Didace k

But you can buy houses there for $1.

In rural depopulated areas yes, and?

when you care about something enough among a group of people who share a country, you can put it in your constitution

by Luciom k

when you care about something enough among a group of people who share a country, you can put it in your constitution

Hopefully the people who came up with Nutri-score are less corrupt than the ones who brought us the food pyramid.

Find me ten righteous men. Shabbat Shalom

The MIT apparently banned DEI monstrosities in hiring

Good. The problem with DEI statements is that they don’t actually do what they claim to do. All they actually do is sort for ideology (although I’m sure most applicants know what they are supposed to say by now anyway)

Pretty interesting TED talk by an NYU professor about the US society now and in the future. He has some "leftist" Bernie Sanders ideas that makes a bit of sense to me.

"Arab sources are reporting an assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman"

People on twitter saying guards shot, attempt failed. Possibly nonsense, might be a devious troll out there.

Looks fake, a ton of accounts are saying "breaking news" But they all show this one car on fire. And it aint no lambo, some used toyota suv. I think it's a random car accident haha.

by King Spew k

Pretty interesting TED talk by an NYU professor about the US society now and in the future. He has some "leftist" Bernie Sanders ideas that makes a bit of sense to me.

He has been in the media a bunch with opinions on the Palestinian protests as well. Add this to my list to watch Thanks

This guy has been on Real Time with Bill Maher several times in the past, including the week before last. He is always very well spoken and interesting.

Venezuelans are operating a complex fraud system to falsely prove original Italian ancestry and get Italian citizenship (we allow it even for very remote ancestry)

Basically they get names of dead people who left Italy in the mid 19th century with no further traces and they create a fake backlog of certificates in small localities in Venezuela, resurfacing those individuals there in late 19th century and "proving" Italian ancestry for anyone in Venezuela who wants it.

Tbh I would grant them Italian citizenship for the effort which is clearly very italian

by Luciom k

Venezuelans are operating a complex fraud system to falsely prove original Italian ancestry and get Italian citizenship (we allow it even for very remote ancestry)

Basically they get names of dead people who left Italy in the mid 19th century with no further traces and they create a fake backlog of certificates in small localities in Venezuela, resurfacin

Don't you have quite a few Brazilian applicants also? I think it can go back to great grandparents, or am I wrong on this?

by corpus vile k

Don't you have quite a few Brazilian applicants also? I think it can go back to great grandparents, or am I wrong on this?

yes afaik but those are kinda legit I think, like the Argentinians.

We got 3-5k citizens "back" from each country each year lately.

afaik we had very little emigration to Venezuela in the 19th century (like a couple thousands total vs hundreds of thousands in Argentina and Brasil).

we were the biggest foreign community in Venezuela after ww2 though, like more than 200k, all emigrated in the late 40s and early 50s of the 20th century. so procedures to give citizenship to venezuelans of Italian ancestry are streamlined and they don't appear as red flag at the beginning.

but when they discovered the pattern of micro rural localities discovering Italians from the 19th century who magically all only had daughters (so the surname got lost with marriage and didn't get to children) the fraud was uncovered

Marjorie Taylor Greene went to Washington this week with only one thing on her mind: how to save face.
After being told by former President Donald Trump to “stand down” on her threat to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Nothing screams desperation like Greene’s ongoing threats against Johnson.
She knows her influence in the House is waning and that ally
Trump simply doesn’t seem interested in backing her chaotic play.

“She’s pretty much operating on her own, with one or two others who have expressed support for what she’s doing,”

“I am so done with words,” Greene said on Tuesday afternoon.
But increasingly, it seems pretty much everyone is done with Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Isn't she the conspiraloon?

by corpus vile k

Isn't she the conspiraloon?

Yes. She is also the one who doles out hand jobs in theatres.

by d2_e4 k

Yes. She is also the one who doles out hand jobs in theatres.

I think you have your conspiraloons mixed up.

by biggerboat k

I think you have your conspiraloons mixed up.

Oh right, yeah, Trolly said something to that effect too last time I mentioned it but I thought he was joking. Who is the handjob girl then?


by d2_e4 k

Yes. She is also the one who doles out hand jobs in theatres.

