In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4065 Replies


by Luckbox Inc k


She's got my vote too!

Lol mtg

by metsandfinsfan k

Lol mtg

She would fare better by giving hand jobs to random strangers in a theater.

I'd like to present an award to BJ in absentia. The man has other things to do

Nelly Furtaco once sang, errrr

by Schlitz mmmm k

Nelly Furtaco once sang, errrr

Paging Victor, care to interpret this post for me?

Get a little popular culture knowledge, life experience, or Google Nelly Furtado

You helpless moran

Trying to blackmail Columbia University is a bad look for these Trump judges

judges are wrongly using their positions of power in an attempt to extort change at a private institution

This is an ever-so-thinly-veiled directive to hire more conservative faculty and staff members.

what we have with this letter is members of our judiciary using their federal
posts to all but blackmail a private university to bend to their political will.

these judges received lifetime appointments because they’re supposed to stay outside of politics

This is fascism according to some experts in this forum

I've never seen anyone say that killing wild boars was fascism (or anything similar to that).


Tonight and tomorrow there will be 3 separate solar storms directly hitting us which will likely combine into one bigger one. If anyone lives in the upper half of the U.S. and look towards the north they should see a rare aurora borealis (more commonly known as "the northern lights"). If you see it take a video and post it here itt!!

Also, we really don't know what impact it will have on us. This hasn't happened in a long time and we just have no idea what will happen. At worst, it could cause a major blackout and internet outage and at best it will cause ham radio and GPS outages. It's really not a joke, we don't know what potential damage it will cause. Here's a text to show how serious this (might) be (surprisingly no one's really talking about it but seriously don't worry, if we all die it would be one of the best things to happen in our existance, we move on to our next and much better one what could possibly be so bad about that?? : O )

by Luciom k

This is fascism according to some experts in this forum

177 soldiers aren't going to be able to do anything against wild boars. They are very smart and can't be hunted with rifles because they will scatter after one is shot. They have to be trapped.

well that brings up a blast from the past

They have pens that they've designed where you lure the whole pack of them into an enclosure with bait and then then electronically shut some door or gate that traps them all.

In the US, they've tried hunting them but the problem is hunters like to hunt, so they've taken wild hogs and released them into areas that previously didn't have any so that they can have new populations to hunt, exacerbating the problem.

Even in high school when i would eat fast food, although rarely more than once a week, id remember having a minor headache and feel sluggish for the day. I ate fast food recently for the first time in about 10-15 years, and i had sweats, serious headache and was nauseous. Im actually pretty fit right now and not sure if it is some allergy or something that i dont know about but i will never eat fast food again in my life - at least in its current state. My body just wont take it at all now and definitely didn't like it when i was in my teens. Not sure why.

"Imagine a world without enough prosciutto"

How ****ing dare you

by Victor k

well that brings up a blast from the past

Seems like a fence would help this guy protect his kids better than an assault weapon.

by formula72 k

Even in high school when i would eat fast food, although rarely more than once a week, id remember having a minor headache and feel sluggish for the day. I ate fast food recently for the first time in about 10-15 years, and i had sweats, serious headache and was nauseous. Im actually pretty fit right now and not sure if it is some allergy or something that i dont know about but i will never eat fast food again in my life - at least in its current state. My body just wont take it at all now an

This is normal IMO if you don't eat much highly processed food. Same happens to me.

by chillrob k

I've never seen anyone say that killing wild boars was fascism (or anything similar to that).

jokes aside a significant number of people in Italy and elsewhere consider a complete disregard of animal rights " fascism "

by Playbig2000 k


Tonight and tomorrow there will be 3 separate solar storms directly hitting us which will likely combine into one bigger one. If anyone lives in the upper half of the U.S. and look towards the north they should see a rare aurora borealis (more commonly known as "the northern lights"). If you see it take a video and post it here itt!!

Also, we really don't know what impact it will have on us. This hasn't happened in a long time and we just have no idea what will happen. At worst, it cou

in b4 nothingburger

‘Dumpster fire:’ Kristi Noem cuts book tour short after disastrous week.

Cricket was in the passenger seat, looking like she just won the lottery. The picture of pure joy. I hated that dog.

Sheriff’s Coroner needs to sift that gravel pit for human remains.
Are any of her kids missing? Did they try to bite her?

by L0LWAT k

This is normal IMO if you don't eat much highly processed food. Same happens to me.

Yeah. There was a period where I ate really healthfully. I had similar experiences.

I remember once I was going on this big trip, i wasn't gonna observe my diet. I was really excited to eat some chips. But I could only eat a few and felt terrible.

Also, even with a more liberal diet, I find that the older I get, the worse I react to eating trash.

Public eurovision votes for Israel, blu : most voted, light blue: second most voted, greenish blue: third most voted pink: fourth or worse
