The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by All-inMcLovin k

No way Trump doesn't win now. He's bulletproof.



Welp, no more rallies.

by L0LWAT k

There were about 20 shots. It looked like he was hit multiple times, not just the graze wound on the ear. You can see a lot of blood on one of the SS agents. Around the torso here:


He's gotta be wearing a bulletproof vest under his suit, right??

What a ****ing disgrace America is - I hope Trump has a commanding win after that.

by Tuma k

Welp, no more outdoor rallies.


by All-inMcLovin k

He's gotta be wearing a bulletproof vest under his suit, right??

Unless you’re wearing ceramic plates or steel plates , rifle rounds go through body armor. Most handgun rounds are stopped by a vest.

When you come at the king, you best not miss.

by All-inMcLovin k

He's gotta be wearing a bulletproof vest under his suit, right??

this is a good question for his rallies. I assume he was or I hope any candidate is or does in the future it just sucks you have to think about those things

also wild at the conspiracy takes and hte mount of online posts that are saying pretty vile things, no matter what side you are on, you dont want something like this to happen

or maybe its just me and a select few

by PointlessWords k

Unless you’re wearing ceramic plates or steel plates , rifle rounds go through body armor. Most handgun rounds are stopped by a vest.

did not know this.

by L0LWAT k

There were about 20 shots. It looked like he was hit multiple times, not just the graze wound on the ear. You can see a lot of blood on one of the SS agents. Around the torso here:


Probably from Trump's ear after jumping on him. Or that's where the blood pack was.

by PointlessWords k

Unless you’re wearing ceramic plates or steel plates , rifle rounds go through body armor. Most handgun rounds are stopped by a vest.

Easy enough to put on ceramic plates. What all front line soldiers have in war.

This is definitely bad no matter what side you’re on. This can easily lead to blood for blood, probably isn’t the last time we run into this between now and November

by housenuts k

Probably from Trump's ear after jumping on him. Or that's where the blood pack was.

vince taught him how to blade ldo

Looool trump went from -185 yesterday to -260 right now

by bundy5 k

What a ****ing disgrace America is - I hope Trump has a commanding win after that.

Can’t wait to see all the conspiracy theories emerging from it .

by StoppedRainingMen k

Looool trump went from -185 yesterday to -260 right now

this is cos kamala lost a ton of dem nominee equity over the last 24hrs for some reason, biden went back to >50%


theres a vid going round twitter of some dead looking dude being carried out by cops. white guy. might be the shooter or might be bs

by housenuts k

Easy enough to put on ceramic plates. What all front line soldiers have in war.

They might hurt his back.

Most rifle rounds can pierce soft body armor. Not all rifles cause weak ones exist but AR15s go through soft body armor or so I’m told. Gonna go ask garand daddy

Depends how far you're shot from

Disgusting I’m sure MSNBC will be celebrating this . The who shot Trump post is as disgusting but it’s all ok as it was Trump who was shot .

We’re still looking at markets after they have Trump a 10% chance in Dec 2020 and Jan 2021?

by lozen k

Disgusting I’m sure MSNBC will be celebrating this . The who shot Trump post is as disgusting but it’s all ok as it was Trump who was shot .

Man shut up

does anyone know the size of those blood packs they use on Hollywood sets?

are they the size of a gum ball, something that could be concealed in a hand?

by lozen k

Disgusting I’m sure MSNBC will be celebrating this . The who shot Trump post is as disgusting but it’s all ok as it was Trump who was shot .

Nah, MSNBC desperately wants Trump as POTUS for 4 more years.

50/50 staged. Horrible no matter what. He’s def gonna win off this. Wildest timeline, etc etc.

Sweet Jesus
