The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Victor k

no I def get it. tiktok made Israel and by extension the Biden admin look bad by showing the truth. that was the primary impetus but ultimately its about controlling info so even if there wasnt a Biden sponsored plausible genocide, they would have still gotten rid of it.

its funny you call it disinformation. Im pretty sure its real. they def killed all those people! over 200k now!

Weird how I can still download tiktok and listen to morons talk about genocide joe despite Biden "getting rid of it" and "controlling info"

by Victor k

no I just understand the inherent bullshit of fearmongering around the whole Trump is fascist thing. the fact is that he is no different than the Dems who have already proven they are more than willing to go straight to genocide and fascism and censorship.

and thats not even getting into the utterly racist tropes exemplified by the whole Chinese and Russian propaganda fears.

So now you even think that people are racist towards Russians? What race are they anyway?

by Victor k

the fact that you think by virtue of company being Chinese means they are doing something nefarious is racist.

regardless, I cant be arsed to care about a Chinese company tracking my data. already the American companies will bust down your door if you post the wrong thing on social media. and American companies will sell your data to foreign countries doing genocide (Israel and Myanmar confirmed but surely others).

and why is China so bad compared to an apartheid South African slave mining oliga

This is another new one. Care to cite?

It is well known that Trump is not a social conservative; and he has just spent the last 8 years pandering to social conservatives to get votes, and sees them little more than useful idiots.

It would appear that by bringing Vance, Thiel, Musk into the fold he is making a strategic decision to bring the anti-woke tech right and populist working class (whom Vance panders to) into the Republican coalition, and may push the evangelical, social conservative right to the side. What are they going to do, vote for Biden???

It will be interesting if he succeeds in this strategy, as it would leave the Democrat party pretty much as the party of antisemites and pronoun people, and not much else.

The sad thing is that the Democrats aren't actually doing that bad a job at the actual job of governing. Their main problem is the authoritarian, social justice, antisemitic left is just so repulsive and off putting to most of us, that their inclusion in the Democrat coalition, and the Dem establishment pandering to them as much as it has, is just a giant PR disaster.

by Dunyain k

It is well known that Trump is not a social conservative; and he has just spent the last 8 years pandering to social conservatives to get votes, and sees them little more than useful idiots.

It would appear that by bringing Vance, Thiel, Musk into the fold he is making a strategic decision to bring the anti-woke tech right and populist working class (whom Vance panders to) into the Republican coalition, and may push the evangelical, social conservative right to the side. What are they going to

Where are you mentally if trump loses by a landslide? Like, if demos win 65/35 do you come back and grovel apologetically to the whole forum? Or are you just going to stop posting for 3.5 years

by coordi k

Weird how I can still download tiktok and listen to morons talk about genocide joe despite Biden "getting rid of it" and "controlling info"


by StoppedRainingMen k

Haley blowing trump is the most surreal shameless **** I have ever seen

She got her price shrug .
Trump needs all the vote he can at w.e price.
Common in that side of the aisle .
Lobbying is a strong virtue in politics .

by coordi k

Where are you mentally if trump loses by a landslide? Like, if demos win 65/35 do you come back and grovel apologetically to the whole forum? Or are you just going to stop posting for 3.5 years

Pretty much the same place I am now. You are projecting a level of emotional investment I dont have.

I am observing what the Trump team seems to be doing. I dont even know with 100% certainty this is what they are doing or if it will work. I dont even have a strong conviction who would actually be a better president for the next 4 years.

It is also my observation the Knicks seem to be making a push to compete with the Celtics for the East. I may even make a wager on their win total if the number looks good when it comes out. If they lose in the first round of the playoffs though, I am not going to lose self worth or quit watching basketball.

Stocks keep breaking at all time highs and BTC is pretty close to it's peak as well. I've been printing money the last couple years. I really enjoy when there's stability in government. Markets do so well.

by Dunyain k

It is well known that Trump is not a social conservative; and he has just spent the last 8 years pandering to social conservatives to get votes, and sees them little more than useful idiots.

It would appear that by bringing Vance, Thiel, Musk into the fold he is making a strategic decision to bring the anti-woke tech right and populist working class (whom Vance panders to) into the Republican coalition, and may push the evangelical, social conservative right to the side. What are they going to

The evangelicals won't budge as they have what they want. It's clear that MAGA is strong propaganda for those who consume it. Elon has been trying to grift right wingers lately and with the power of Twitter so he's willing to spread nonsense that can trick normal people to vote for MAGA.

I more see the Democrats as people who stand for Democracy and against Trump. The people who actually read news, not watch clips on social media.

Parties aren't a decent modern representation of political will. I consider myself conservative and that positions me somewhere to the left of Democrats on most issues.

Things I like that GOP opposes:

religious liberty
public education
the postal service
social security
health care

by L0LWAT k

Things I like that GOP opposes:

religious liberty

public education

the postal service

social security

health care



by biggerboat k





by Dunyain k

It is well known that Trump is not a social conservative; and he has just spent the last 8 years pandering to social conservatives to get votes, and sees them little more than useful idiots.

It would appear that by bringing Vance, Thiel, Musk into the fold he is making a strategic decision to bring the anti-woke tech right and populist working class (whom Vance panders to) into the Republican coalition, and may push the evangelical, social conservative right to the side. What are they going to

I generally don't agree with you on a lot of things but this seems pretty accurate, especially the last paragraph.

by chillrob k

So now you even think that people are racist towards Russians? What race are they anyway?

have you ever heard of this thing called World War 2? or the Cold War?

by chillrob k

This is another new one. Care to cite?



free education is what I do! enjoy!

by Dunyain k

It is well known that Trump is not a social conservative; and he has just spent the last 8 years pandering to social conservatives to get votes, and sees them little more than useful idiots.

It would appear that by bringing Vance, Thiel, Musk into the fold he is making a strategic decision to bring the anti-woke tech right and populist working class (whom Vance panders to) into the Republican coalition, and may push the evangelical, social conservative right to the side. What are they going to

Your not wrong

by lozen k

Your not wrong


You guys have a real funny idea about what democracy is. The hot polli are generally stupid, tribal, and mean-spirited. This is an inherent human condition, although social forces play a big role how it is manifested. Democracy is the French revolution, Communist Revolution and Iranian revolution.

Western liberalism isn't democracy; it is the triumph of liberalism over democracy. It is a story of progressive (not in the 21st century radical leftist sense, but true progressives) elites manipulating the public so they are the only ones on the ballot, to ensure true Democracy never happens.

Muslims forming an identity group centered around antisemitism is democracy. Evangelicals forming identity group centered around taking away women's reproductive rights, that is democracy. Democracy sucks.

That is what we are truly in danger our losing, and not just from Trump and the right. In an increasingly diverse Western world, the left's obsession of forming and advocating into tribal identity groups is a much bigger danger to Western civilization than Trump style demagoguery IMO.

by StoppedRainingMen k

…..biden didn’t appoint Alvin Bragg

Wtf is this

I have given up trying to explain to GOP partisans the difference between the Justice Department, state AGs, and local prosecutors.

by Rococo k

I have given up trying to explain to GOP partisans the difference between the Justice Department, state AGs, and local prosecutors.

There is no difference, they are all corrupt except Aileen Cannon, who is the lone shining beacon of integrity. Drain the swamp!

by Dunyain k

Western liberalism isn't democracy; it is the triumph of liberalism over democracy.

According to my understanding of the philosophy of John Locke (

), western liberalism is characterized by separation of church and state and the social contract.

Random anecdote from my life:

About a week ago I went to look at a car off Facebook located in Niagara Falls, NY, a heavily liberal area with the majority makeup being African Americans.

I met up with a middle aged black man who looked somewhat ghetto and probably what you'd expect someone from Niagara Falls to look like. Anyways , this guy keeps going about how he voted for Biden previously but is now voting for trump, and his reason was solely because of the economy and inflation. He didn't caRe about any of his other policies.

This is when I realized that the recent polls showing more support for trump from blacks, about 20%, were in fact legitimate. I genuinely do believe that Biden stands no chance at all in the election and even states like New York will be much closer than years past. I don't think Trump will win New York but I wouldn't say its impossible.

by LimpDitka k

Random anecdote from my life:

About a week ago I went to look at a car off Facebook located in Niagara Falls, NY, a heavily liberal area with the majority makeup being African Americans.

I met up with a middle aged black man who looked somewhat ghetto and probably what you'd expect someone from Niagara Falls to look like. Anyways , this guy keeps going about how he voted for Biden previously but is now voting for trump, and his reason was solely because of the economy and inflation. He didn't

I agree with the sentiment of this anecdote. I think MAGA is doing really great with propaganda.

??? The stock market is literally the best it's ever been ???

Crypto is near it's peak ???

These people likely have no investments so they want the guy who sent them a check with his name on it and made their less than savory friends rich off fraudulent loans.

re: nikki haley

Can you imagine running around trashing every person you encounter if they don't get on their knees and kiss your ring, and then they DO get down on their knees and kiss your ring.

This is one batshit cult

by biggerboat k

re: nikki haley

Can you imagine running around trashing every person you encounter if they don't get on their knees and kiss your ring, and then they DO get down on their knees and kiss your ring.

This is one batshit cult

Every non maga republican has done this or left the party. After January 6, nearly every single GOP member of congress and senator rejected Trump.
