The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by d2_e4 k

She was imagining what could be. Now she is burdened by what is.

Drum roll. The kid has the lols.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yeah I don’t get this part either. Candidates aren’t expected to drop out because they “can’t win”. McCain, Romney and Trump 2020 were in worse or just as bad positions as Biden. The top of the ticket is supposed to do their best and limit damage downstream. What people really mean is Biden can’t win but someone else would be a solid favorite. But the evidence is not great for that imo as a neutral party….much less to the Biden camp which has a strong

The problem isn't that he cant win, it is that he doesn't have the mental faculties and energy to properly campaign and give himself a chance to win. The logic is the campaign is very winnable with a candidate who can campaign properly. Biden cant go on the trail, and promote himself, and properly criticize Trump.

On top of this he has gotten to the point he doesn't know where he is half the time or who he is talking to, and his wife has to lead him around everywhere. And it is just getting worse and worse and worse.

Trump has his own age related decline, but I guesstimate he is 6 years behind Biden in this department. I know he is chronologically aged closer than this, but mental decline hits everyone different. Bernie Sanders is older than both of them and seems fine.

Does anyone know what’s Elon’s deal? He bought Twitter 2 years ago and has been shoving his political view (maga republican)down millions of peoples throats with 10-15 tweets daily.

What he is doing is different than free speech .

by briangriffingster k

Does anyone know what’s Elon’s deal? He bought Twitter 2 years ago and has been shoving his political view (maga republican)down millions of peoples throats with 10-15 tweets daily.

What he is doing is different than free speech .

You answered your own question.

it's all so shocking...

Is the allegation that Twitter doesn't allow free speech or that Elon bought it for reasons beyond just allowing free speech?

do you know what free speech is?

let's start on level ground. how about you define it for me

by housenuts k

Is the allegation that Twitter doesn't allow free speech or that Elon bought it for reasons beyond just allowing free speech?

From what I've heard, he seems to allow free speech only when he agrees with it, and it's not critical of him personally. But I'm not on the tweeter myself, so I just know what I heard from rumours.

by d2_e4 k

From what I've heard, he seems to allow free speech only when he agrees with it, and it's not critical of him personally.

Hmmm I'm not aware of that. Would be interesting to see some verification of this.

by housenuts k

Drum roll. The kid has the lols.

he's a surprisingly good poster despite being euro twice over

by housenuts k

Hmmm I'm not aware of that. Would be interesting to see some verification of this.

Edited to add I have no first hand knowledge of this, just heard someone mention it on one of the youtube channels I subscribe to I think. Not a hill I'm going to die on.

while housenuts is trying to craft a definition of free speech that fits his narrative, I'll ask a question.

Do the content moderators at twitter, if they still exist, work for the government?

by #Thinman k

do you know what free speech is?

let's start on level ground. how about you define it for me

It's speech that you don't have to pay to listen to, aka free. This is contrary to costly, or expensive speech, which either costs money to curate or listen to. For example, for her speeches Hillary Clinton charges hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those are not free speeches.

that's what i thought....

"huh, a question...naw...i gots jokes tho!!!!1"

go away

by rickroll k

he's a surprisingly good poster despite being euro twice over

It's my perseverance.

by housenuts k

Is the allegation that Twitter doesn't allow free speech or that Elon bought it for reasons beyond just allowing free speech?

by housenuts k

It's speech that you don't have to pay to listen to, aka free. This is contrary to costly, or expensive speech, which either costs money to curate or listen to. For example, for her speeches Hillary Clinton charges hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those are not free speeches.

You sound jelly that nobody wants to pay to hear you speak. I'm sure if they did, you wouldn't be turning down the money. Unless it's that worthless fiat, I suppose.

I'm not trying to craft any narrative. You're so obtuse man.

I asked a simple question. I'm not aware that Twitter doesn't allow free speech, unless your definition includes hate speech and other criminal activity.

If your allegation is moderators limit the type of speech to only stuff they agree with, I'd be interested to hear more about this. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that I'm not aware of it.

lol, you have no idea what free speech even is. so uneducated.

let's ask another question. do content moderators here have the right to delete posts, or is that a violation of "free speech"?

i feel bad for anyone caring about twitter

by d2_e4 k

From what I've heard, he seems to allow free speech only when he agrees with it, and it's not critical of him personally. But I'm not on the tweeter myself, so I just know what I heard from rumours.


by housenuts k

Hmmm I'm not aware of that. Would be interesting to see some verification of this.

he bans accounts that criticize him

by housenuts k

I'm not trying to craft any narrative. You're so obtuse man.

I asked a simple question. I'm not aware that Twitter doesn't allow free speech, unless your definition includes hate speech and other criminal activity.

If your allegation is moderators limit the type of speech to only stuff they agree with, I'd be interested to hear more about this. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that I'm not aware of it.

elon banned an account that was tracking his planes flights and then showing how ****ed it was for the environment

so yeah, he practices censorship of things he doesnt like.

by FellaGaga-52 k

The thing is since when do you remove a nominee because he's behind and/or obvious to lose? There have been a lot of nominees who figured to get landslided and did, and there wasn't any talk of removing. So it has to be medical, I think. That 25th amendment thing. Seems they should drop all talk of the polls, "You're behind in the polls so we are defuncting that whole primary and delegate process" isn't a thing, is it? "Your health, your health, you're health, Joe. Take a bow and get out."

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yeah I don’t get this part either. Candidates aren’t expected to drop out because they “can’t win”. McCain, Romney and Trump 2020 were in worse or just as bad positions as Biden. The top of the ticket is supposed to do their best and limit damage downstream. What people really mean is Biden can’t win but someone else would be a solid favorite. But the evidence is not great for that imo as a neutral party….much less to the Biden camp which has a strong reason to deny it.


by BOIDS k

the problem with that is he can say well i feel fine and my doctors tell me i'm fine so **** off

Which leads to the bigger issue. If he refuses to go, now you've handed more ammunition to the Republicans. They can't be publicly hammering too hard with health or performance concerns, and they have to be careful doing so privately as well, that it stays private. Publicly, it needs to be mainly about the polls.

I mean, we can all see the problems, so it's not like they have to pretend the debate or the gaffes at the NATO summit (among others) didn't happen, but they have to walk a careful line there if they don't intend to attempt to force him out against his will, which seems unlikely at this point.

by BOIDS k





Dank Memez Business Genius is the most thin skinned charlatan who ever lived

by PointlessWords k


he bans accounts that criticize him

elon banned an account that was tracking his planes flights and then showing how ****ed it was for the environment

so yeah, he practices censorship of things he doesnt like.

Interesting, thanks. Is it only stuff against him personally that he censors?
