The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

I didn't claim that "ONLY" hitmen and child molesters use crypto (although them, along with pyramid scheme type grifters, do indeed comprise a large amount of the crypto base).

I have claimed that crypto is of little use (and will remain that way) to working-class people (i.e., the majority of humans) in terms of the activities they undertake on a day-to-day basis. Instead, crypto is a speculative asset for the ownership class and wannabe grifters.

False. But keep stating falsehoods if it makes you feel better.

You also still haven't answered why you use it. 'poker' is not specific enough since you can poker via traditional rails. What has motivated your use case?

Voting for Trump because he supports crypto is like voting for an arsonist who promises to end water restrictions in your city - your lawn will look great but your house will be in ashes.

by pocket_zeros k

Voting for Trump because he supports crypto is like voting for an arsonist who promises to end water restrictions in your city - your lawn will look great but your house will be in ashes.

Old 2p2er, prob gone now

That sums it up pretty well actually. Sociapathic disregard for others is almost a perfect description of a Trump supporter.

Seeing them find out they were wrong about even that would be one of the more pleasant things to come out of another Trump presidency.

by housenuts k

Old 2p2er, prob gone now

Hence my comment - those who narrowly focus on individual points of self interest at the expense of the greater threat it represents to not just others but themselves.

by pocket_zeros k

Hence my comment - those who narrowly focus on individual points of self interest at the expense of the greater threat to themselves.

Ya I think everyone can calculate the risk:reward for themselves.

Is Trump a lunatic? Yes. Am I as alarmist about it as others in the thread. No.

We can all make our own beds.

by housenuts k

Yes I do. Gold is not easily transportable. Not easily verifiable.

Bitcoin is new age gold.

Exciting news for people who use gold to buy goods and services.

by housenuts k

Ya I think everyone can calculate the risk:reward for themselves.

Is Trump a lunatic? Yes. Am I as alarmist about it as others in the thread. No.

We can all make our own beds.

"I acknowledge that Trump is a pathological liar who will lie to anyone for any reason or no reason. Except about his stance on Bitcoin, he wouldn't lie about that."

Sick reward you got there, brah.

by d2_e4 k

"I acknowledge that Trump is a pathological liar who will lie to anyone for any reason or no reason. Except about his stance on Bitcoin, he wouldn't lie about that just to get my vote."

Ha. I actually think this is possible. But unfortunately the Democratic party has acted against it for 4 years. They have taken many measures to limit its success, particularly in America. They do not operate in good faith.

So the calculus is, support a party who is actively against it, or support a pathologically lying lunatic who speaks about supporting it.

And no reason to think people like that are accurately able to determine who’ll be better for them economically. I’m reminded of some trailer park lady who’s son was able to afford medication through Obamacare subsidies while Trump was trying to undo it giving credit to the Trump tax cuts.

by housenuts k

Ha. I actually think this is possible. But unfortunately the Democratic party has acted against it for 4 years. They have taken many measures to limit its success, particularly in America. They do not operate in good faith.

So the calculus is, support a party who is actively against it, or support a pathologically lying lunatic who speaks about supporting it.

Explain to me how bitcoin is great for the U.S. government, having the reserve currency of the world since they act in « bad faith »?

by Montrealcorp k

Explain to me how bitcoin is great for the U.S. government, having the reserve currency of the world since they act in « bad faith »?

The current administration.

The SEC has been called out by courts for acting arbitrarily and capriciously.
They continuinly move the goalposts and change their reasoning after each loss, often which is completely counter to their previous argument.
Operation chokepoint 2.0

You care about bitcoin because you own some. Other than that there's really no reason to care about it.

by housenuts k

The current administration.

The SEC has been called out by courts for acting arbitrarily and capriciously.
They continuinly move the goalposts and change their reasoning after each loss, often which is completely counter to their previous argument.
Operation chokepoint 2.0

That’s fine but it’s not bad faith .
They try by any means necessary that no competition Can interfere with the U.S. dollar .

Now if u say they are unfaithful because they messing up with the free market , ok.
But any US government from any affiliations would act the same way and they did for decades .
FWIW washington made a ton of money with the U.S. dollars.

crypto containment thread ftw. get rid of this idiot

by biggerboat k

You care about bitcoin because you own some. Other than that there's really no reason to care about it.

Slightly different take.

I want it to go up in value because I have some.
I have some because it's useful, Karl Marxist also agrees with this (and I have more than I use because I think it will go up in value).

The latter is basically the same as gold. A small % of gold is used for purposes. Electronics, jewelry. The vast majority is simply held as a store of value.

by #Thinman k

crypto containment thread ftw. get rid of this idiot

Says the guy who thinks Biden is fit. Pot kettle.

i'm totally ok with people that are like "i'm wealthy(make over 400k/yr) trump will be better for my taxes. i'm voting him.."

that's totally understandable. you're still a terrible person but at least you aren't an idiot. everyone not in that category that votes for him is an idiot or a bigot.

by Slighted k

i'm totally ok with people that are like "i'm wealthy(make over 400k/yr) trump will be better for my taxes. i'm voting him.."

that's totally understandable. you're still a terrible person but at least you aren't an idiot. everyone not in that category that votes for him is an idiot or a bigot.

I agree if you're poor you'd be an idiot to not vote for the party that gives you handouts.

by housenuts k

Yes I do. Gold is not easily transportable. Not easily verifiable.

Bitcoin is new age gold.

Agree, bitcoin is highly transportable and easily verifiable. The problem is it's worthless - it has no inherent value or backing other than the trust others collectively put into it. Any student of history understands that trust in abstract financial instruments is the first to be tossed aside. Gold has a track record of thousands of years, plus industrial utility. Fiat currencies have the full faith and backing and collective wealth of the countries backing them, not to mention the taxing authority therein. Bitcoin has a bunch of self-interested "investors" talking their book for the greater fool and nothing more. It fails as a means of exchange, being too expensive, cumbersome, and resource intensive. It fails as a store of value because it has nothing backstoping it.

by pocket_zeros k

resource intensive. It fails as a store of value because it has nothing backstoping it.

Bolded the contradictory parts for you.

Anyways, people are tired of this talk. Come to the business forum for more crypto talk.

by housenuts k

Says the guy who thinks Biden is fit. Pot kettle.

you keep trolling this, but have yet to show the post.


by pocket_zeros k

Agree, bitcoin is highly transportable and easily verifiable. The problem is it's worthless - it has no inherent value or backing other than the trust others collectively put into it. Any student of history understands that trust in abstract financial instruments is the first to be tossed aside. Gold has a track record of thousands of years, plus industrial utility. Fiat currencies have the full faith and backing and collective wealth of the countries backing them, not to mention the taxing auth

A small program like Napster brought the entire musical industry’s on its knees .
Other copycat program was doing the same afterwards for the movies industries .

Something that allow the transport/exchange of value over the internet worldwide necessarily has some kind of value imo .
That « new » value to price in bitcoin is what the volatility is all about ….imo.

by housenuts k

Says the guy who thinks Biden is fit. Pot kettle.

by #Thinman k

you keep trolling this, but have yet to show the post.


Eyes emoji

by #Thinman k

i'll give you old. senile is obviously not true. have you ever met someone senile? that therefore makes your last evaluation...unfit...complete bullshit.

grow some balls dude

yes, 'unfit' is complete bullshit. it implies something complete different than 'fit'. i also said you could roll him out there and wipe drool from his mouth and i would be fine with that.

evidently, my idea of fit and unfit do not match yours. imagine that.

your guy is absolutely unfit to hold office.
