The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
vivek while I still think his ideas are dogshit when it comes to cutting agencies by 90% and banning kids from social media, two awful policies has done a fantastic job coming across presidential and charismatic to an extent compared to any republican that has run. Even though I would not vote for him right now, I respect him because hes the only politician that was running for pres that legit not only talked policy but actually got into the WEEDS of his things and went INTO his thought process
I could not disagree with you and 27offsuit more on this point. Vivek is much closer to repulsive than charismatic imo. He comes off as a total Trump shill and not remotely presidential. I didn't find his discussion of policy to be especially substantive either.
In any case, there was never a chance that he would be Trump's VP. For obvious reasons, Trump is fully capable of recognizing an uncontrollable, purely self-interested, egotistical blowhard when he sees one. The last thing Trump wants to do is compete for oxygen with his own VP. Also, Vivek would happily knife Trump in the back if it advanced his political, although that is true of JDV as well.
This is a sign of a how critically important Kamala believes it is to win Pennsylvania.
Shapiro worries me a bit. He is going to be an unwelcome lightning rod on I/P. And I don't love the idea of a prosecutor/prosecutor ticket.
I don’t see what Shapiro offers that Kelly doesn’t. But I do see downsides. He supports Israel and school vouchers. I don’t see him gaining more independents than Kelly but he may draw ire from progressives. Wouldn’t look great to have Democrat protestors outside campaign events.
Trump Plan to RIG ELECTION
The internet has me all but convinced this thing is a done deal and Trump is cooked. I did say earlier ITT that the only thing that would really derail the dems after Biden stepped down is if they fought over the next man up, and kudos to them for immediately and completely falling in line behind Kamala.
With the exception of the "Go boldly into the future, unburdened by the past which was and shall not continue to be" or whatever obnoxious catch phrase she has, everything I've seen so far of Kamala indicates she's a fairly normal, likeable dude who will carry water for the party. That's all the dems needed. Now just wait for Trump to shoot himself in the foot a few dozen times over the next few months and collect your key to the Oval.
Bonuses all around for the political spindoctors in charge of the internet. They've been working overtime this past week.
I'm already convinced Trump is weird and funny (peculiar, not haha)
My goodness, Trump at the NABJ conference today.
Basically got laughed off the stage. ,The audience laughing at him and openly mocking his ridiculous answers and Trump's team eventually just ended it.
Called the interviewer nasty and rude for simply asking how he can be trusted after promoting lies about Obama's birthplace and Kamala's racial heritage. He then doubles down on Kamala Harris "turning black suddenly" when she has always been Indian. He said he has known her for years and didn't know she was black until she just turned black recently.
Wouldn't denounce calling Harris a DEI hire, instead just refused to answer by repeatedly telling the interview to define DEI, which she did immediately.
Told the audience that immigrants were coming to America and taking black jobs, then when asked what a black job was he said "anybody with a job."
What on earth are people thinking supporting this absolute S show.
Oh for sure. See I'm more in awe that anyone allowed this appearance to happen than anything he said. Some might be surprised that he said that stuff, but I'm with you. I'm impressed with how much he kept himself from saying, and if you really watch the video, you can tell he's working at it.
ummm you're not allowed to have an opinion on this. i shared it for people to watch, and you snarkily replied no thanks, then you go on a rant about what he said. you're a weird dude.
My lord Trump at the NABJ conference today.
Basically got laughed off the stage. The audience laughing at him and openly mocking his ridiculous answers and Trump's team eventually just ended it.
Called the interviewer nasty and rude for simply asking how he can be trusted after promoting lies about Obama's birthplace and Kamala's racial heritage. He then doubles down on Kamala Harris "turning black suddenly" when she has always been Indian. He said he has known her for years and didn't know she wa
I didn't watch your video. I watched the conference live. I don't need your permission to have an opinion on this, so kindly FO.
it would be generous to call you disingenuous. you didn't watch it live. you're lying. i shared a video of him being ridiculous, and rather than acknowledging it and saying ya i'm watching too, he's saying crazy stuff. you reverted to your libtard shell, and were like ohhh a maga trumptard is posting something, it's gotta be bad, so i'll just tell him i don't want to watch it.
then you realized your lib circles were talking about how bad it was so you decided to join the party.
clown school is ready for you

That's quite a claim. Go ahead prove that, liar. I watched it on a tiktok live while waiting for my food. I'll be waiting for any evidence you have for that claim.
i shared a video of him being ridiculous, and rather than acknowledging it and saying ya i'm watching too, he's saying crazy stuff. you reverted to your libtard shell, and were like ohhh a maga trumptard is posting something, it's gotta be bad, so i'll just tell him i don't want to watch it.
I'm not interested in any video you post, and I made that known to you. Didn't even read the title. Did I trigger you? Looks like it. Mission accomplished.
then you realized your lib circles were talking about how bad it was so you decided to join the party.
Or, I was at a restaurant in a different state and just got home and posted about it.
Lying fantasy school is waiting for you, liar. I particularly love the idea that the only way I would possibly know about this event that a huge chunk of the country just watched happen was through your video you posted. Get over yourself. You're not that important.
But feel free to make wild guesses about my day some more. Makes you look pretty weird.
that's such a detailed wild series of lies.
i was watching it live on tiktok while waiting for my food at an out of state restaurant. rather than posting anything about it while it was on, i gave a snarky reply indicating i actually had no interest in it, or that i had already watched it (it was over by the time i posted it), then i made an over 1.5 hour trek from the out of state restaurant that i went to to pick up food, and came back to post about it.

that's such a detailed wild series of lies.
i was watching it live on tiktok while waiting for my food at an out of state restaurant. rather than posting anything about it while it was on, i gave a snarky reply indicating i actually had no interest in it, or that i had already watched it (it was over by the time i posted it), then i made an over 1.5 hour trek from the out of state restaurant that i went to to pick up food, and came back to post about it.
So, no evidence for your claim? Cool, run along then, peasant. Nobody cares.

Sorry your crypto-savior had a bad day today. You don't have to take it out on me.
Exhibit A is not indicative of someone who had already watched it.
rather than being a douche, a simple 'ya i watched that. he was nuts. will post more later once i'm back from my 1.5 hour out of state food pickup' migtht've been more cordial.
Exhibit A is not indicative of someone who had already watched it.
rather than being a douche, a simple 'ya i watched that. he was nuts. will post more later once i'm back from my 1.5 hour out of state food pickup' migtht've been more cordial.
As I told you once, I didn't even look at the title of the video you posted. I was needling you by letting you know I wasn't interested in watching your trump videos. It obviously got under your skin, so thanks for confirming it worked.
And, if you had any imagination, you might realize it was working hours and I was getting food and then going back to work. I work in a different state than I live in. In other words, I wasn't on a 1.5 hour out of state drive to pick up food, I was grabbing food while at work. I went back to work, got my S done, and came home.
Can you run along now, little guy? You aren't doing anything here but making yourself look really stupid.
Can this end please? No one else wants to continue reading this argument.
Interviewer: Would you pardon those rioters that assaulted police officers?
Trump: Absolutely I would.
That's your guy, Trumpers. Some of you deny it, but that's him.
i'm shocked a trumper is trying to deflect the conversation away from the content of the interview.
the goal isn't to convert any maga whack jobs, they are unreachable. the goal is to make Trump unpalatable for the normies in the suburbs. and i think the NABJ style interviews do a decent job at that. gotta just keep the vibes "look at this racist old senile guy." "you really going to vote for that guy? he thinks batteries electrocute sharks."