The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

Warren Buffett posts newsletter or what stocks he has. Stock market is a scam.

Ffs he does that because he wants other investors to buy the same stocks. Sports betting does not work like this unless you’re trading out before the event ends.

I hear Trump is now holed up at Maralago and not doing rallies. True?

The right need to get their act together and actually provide a non-moronic alternative. They seem to be just on a dumb is good, dumber is better ice slope.

by diebitter k

I hear Trump is now holed up at Maralago and not doing rallies. True?

No worries, on Wednesday he will "Deliver remarks on the Economy" in NC. Sounds very educational!

Been wondering that rally title, I check the events page quite often and I don't think I've ever seen a "serious" reason for the rally like that. Almost always it's just "Hold a Rally", I think I've seen the remarks before but it was something like "Remarks on Biden's failed presidency". Maybe sharks and Hannibal aren't invited?

by rickroll k

majority of trump voters don't really like trump - it's more that they worry kamala will do something like provide free healthcare but not for everyone, instead only for immigrants

The vast majority of voters for a presidential candidate would vote close to anyone the party nominates, these days. Even Biden with extreme cognitive problems would have got 90-95% the votes Harris will get.

by diebitter k

I hear Trump is now holed up at Maralago and not doing rallies. True?

He just had a rally in Montana

Donald Trump is sowing pre-election denialism in the public.

he’s killing his own campaign every time he opens his lying mouth

by diebitter k

The right need to get their act together and actually provide a non-moronic alternative. They seem to be just on a dumb is good, dumber is better ice slope.

After 15 years of theatrics (if we count the tea party movement) and performative politics, what is left of conservative leaders in the US are the people best at such things. Meaning they are influencers, not politicians. Many (most?) US "conservative" firebrands have no legislative record, because a legislative record can be used as grounds for criticism. It is about oneliners, mottos, attaining followers and collecting donations.

Of course, this leaves a problem. It is likely no longer about being performative while actual policy is carried out in the background. These people don't know how to carry out policy.

Instead such things are now fully outsourced to private groups and lobbyists (as opposed to partially, such groups did not come from nowhere) which deliver you the paperwork and tell you who to hire, and in the end you will stamp whatever comes your way.

And to the people whose kneejerk reaction to this is to go #bothsidesbad. Yes, such criticism can be levied across the political spectrum. However, it is nowhere as bad as it is on the US conservative left. We also see from picks like Walz that there is genuine momentum to move away from this manner of doing politics among the democrats.

And no, it won't get better. The pick of JD Vance tells us this. Vance is a vapid suit filled with the opinions of his sponsors. He is being accused of being a weatherwane, which would in this context probably be an improvement as he would mean he at least paid some dues to public opinion. Instead we see a man who just parrots whatever groups like the Heritage foundation or people like Peter Thiel want him to parrot.

As someone who is "light blue" (meaning I'm on the political right for you politically colorblind Americans) I'd welcome a hard tackle of conservatism from the liberal right. However, it is pretty much clear that it isn't coming. Those with the position to do it, won't. The liberal right is also pretty much extinct at this point, and perhaps deservedly so.

by diebitter k

The right need to get their act together and actually provide a non-moronic alternative. They seem to be just on a dumb is good, dumber is better ice slope.

as long as the policy platform isn't actually leftist, they would demonize any and all candidates the same. We got a taste of that when De Santis got attacked the same as Trump if not more from the left for that brief time when he looked like he had a chance in the primaries.

It's just a lie that with a normal candidate the left would operate differently. It's all excuses.

by jalfrezi k

Ffs he does that because he wants other investors to buy the same stocks. Sports betting does not work like this unless you’re trading out before the event ends.

Gotcha. So ponzi.

by Luciom k

as long as the policy platform isn't actually leftist, they would demonize any and all candidates the same. We got a taste of that when De Santis got attacked the same as Trump if not more from the left for that brief time when he looked like he had a chance in the primaries.

It's just a lie that with a normal candidate the left would operate differently. It's all excuses.

You are missing the point. If you are Republican strategist, the purpose of providing what diebitter described as a "non-moronic alternative" isn't to appeal to or change the behavior of die-hard Democrats.

Incredible how DeSantis is the closest they've got to a non-moronic alternative.

The worst democracy is when ruling party are terrible, opposition are terrible. Voters have nothing to vote for that will help them.
The second worst is when the ruling partly are terrible, opposition are good
The third worst is when the ruling party are good, opposition are terrible (ie not holding the ruling party accountable will lead to corruption of power and disconnect between ruling party and genuine issues with voters)
the best is when ruling party is good, opposition is good.

I'd say America is probably third worst level right now and has been the whole term, and it will probably descend into the worst if the current opposition do not actually start being a decent set of people, and actually function as an opposition rather than a mad gang of contrarians that aren't even bothering to offer any rational policy alternatives (my perception of the GOP is they've been a gang of contrarians for decades, but at least not actually mad).

Basically the GOP need to actually get some sanity as a first step.

by tame_deuces k

After 15 years of theatrics (if we count the tea party movement) and performative politics, what is left of conservative leaders in the US are the people best at such things. Meaning they are influencers, not politicians. Many (most?) US "conservative" firebrands have no legislative record, because a legislative record can be used as grounds for criticism. It is about oneliners, mottos, attaining followers and collecting donations.

Of course, this leaves a problem. It is likely no longer about be

Interesting post, thank you.

Trump's locking himself in Maralago does feel like pure descent into bunker mentality. He will be urging war this time WHEN he loses.

I think he should be in some sort of psychiatric institution now.

by diebitter k

The worst democracy is when ruling party are terrible, opposition are terrible. Voters have nothing to vote for that will help them.
The second worst is when the ruling partly are terrible, opposition are good
The third worst is when the ruling party are good, opposition are terrible (ie not holding the ruling party accountable will lead to corruption of power and disconnect between ruling party and genuine issues with voters)
the best is when ruling party is good, opposition is good.

I'd say Americ

Not a chance its easily the first

by lozen k

Not a chance its easily the first

Not many democracies are, unfortunately

by Rococo k

You are missing the point. If you are Republican strategist, the purpose of providing what diebitter described as a "non-moronic alternative" isn't to appeal to or change the behavior of die-hard Democrats.

Diebitter has to show that there are more people not currently voting republicans that would for republican, with a rightwing policy platform, if the candidate was "non-moronic", than there are people voting republican because of the flamboyant candidate who wouldn't otherwise.

Ie he needs to show that never-trumpers are more numerous that core ultra-MAGA anti-RINO people .

If you were a republican strategist, would you bet on that? my guesstimate would be 3% of yes Haley, no Trump voters vs 5% of yes trump, no WEF/globalist/corporate GOP

diebitter is treating the GOP as if it was a party that is disastrously failing in elections, say like the tory just did.

Instead the GOP has decent chances to gain control of the senate, lost it in 2022 because of mistakes but only by a very thing margin, controls the house and has a decent chance of keeping it.

And governs in many states.

All this with Trump being the big personality of the party for years.

So it looks pretty clear to me, that diebitter is mixing his personal distate of Trump and of rightwing policies proposed and enacted by republicans, with actual chances of winning elections.

then he forgets the house is republican and so no, democrats aren't governing in the sense labour governs in the UK right now, and haven't for 2 years.

by Rococo k

You are missing the point. If you are Republican strategist, the purpose of providing what diebitter described as a "non-moronic alternative" isn't to appeal to or change the behavior of die-hard Democrats.

Yes, this.

DeSantis fall from grace wasn't from being "demonized by leftists". Being demonized by leftists is a requirement for being the conservative US choice now, because you need that to create online engagement.

Other than that, his rise to stardom was largely fan fiction concocted by pundits and the work of the few remaining conservative hubs on social media that dared think that Trump was perhaps not the way forward. They figured he was "Trump 2.0", more palatable and refined.

Unfortunately for both groups, those ideas had more appeal than DeSantis, whose charisma is about on par with a chair you stub your toe on.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Incredible how DeSantis is the closest they've got to a non-moronic alternative.

He isn’t though

He’s probably the most performative culture war MAGA chud of them all. He just happens to be enacting policy based on problems that don’t exist except to Fox News viewers

I am not claiming that desantis chances in the primaries were hurt by leftists hating him.

I am saying we would have the same approach by leftists about how horrible republicans are with him, or any other actually rightwing candidate.

You guys simply don't accept rightwing policies have a legitimacy in political discourse. You think you are morally superior in a religious way to whomever thinks that illegal immigration is bad, lockdowns were horrific, or puberty blockers are bad and so on.

by rickroll k

majority of trump voters don't really like trump -


I have three Hold-Yer-Nose siblings that are One-Issue voters.


The rest of bat**** crazy is a distance second.

by Luciom k

Diebitter has to show that there are more people not currently voting republicans that would for republican, with a rightwing policy platform, if the candidate was "non-moronic", than there are people voting republican because of the flamboyant candidate who wouldn't otherwise.

No one can "show" this. It's impossible to prove one way or the other. But this is what I believe, and I would have believed it even more strongly if Biden had been the Democratic nominee.
