The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Montrealcorp k

Ho boy .
QE were talking about being jobless , unskilled , poor etc which is not solely an immigrant a thing …

How t f u ending up understanding dna in there …

Dna matters to a great deal and yes it is the same problem even among citizens. Just being ugly or not can completely change your life trajectory, and that's mostly DNA. For men height is exceptionally well correlated to life outcomes, and that's very DNA based.

Telling a ugly short person "just imagine you could be him" when talking about a tall beautiful person is a cruel joke.

And so on

by StoppedRainingMen k

Calls everyone who doesn’t agree with him a Marxist

Throws a tantrum when he’s called Mussolini

Atta boy, Corporal

Luciom dislikes being compared to Mussolini in large part because he believes that Mussolini was a leftist.

by d2_e4 k

I gave some figures. Just the Mormons (LDS church) take in $10bn+ annually in tithes, and that number is a conservative estimate. Do you think soup kitchens and other such efforts are more than a rounding error on that number alone?

There are far more avenues for religious donations than passing the plate on Sunday. Some of these organizations may well be corrupt, but many are not and do good work. But even if you discount that, churches, as part of their budgets, do quite a bit of actual charity. To use your example, LDS spent more than $1billion last year. True, a small part of their $250billion net assets, but not a rounding error on yearly income. Should a church have net assets in that amount? No. But it's all not some giant grift.

by Didace k

There are far more avenues for religious donations than passing the plate on Sunday. Some of these organizations may well be corrupt, but many are not and do good work. But even if you discount that, churches, as part of their budgets, do quite a bit of actual charity. To use your example, LDS spent more than $1billion last year. True, a small part of their $250billion net assets, but not a rounding error on yearly income. Should a church have net assets in that amount? No. But it's all not some

OK, fair point. I'm still not accepting that we should use tithing in a comparison of which side is more empathetic/sympathetic (even assuming that such a comparison makes sense), but I stand corrected on the more narrow point you've elucidated above.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

We've been calling her Kopmala forever. It's a reference to all the years during which she was the top prosecutor (i.e., "top cop") in California and threw many people in cages for minor drug offenses (some of which she herself later admitted to!)

She's a bad person. Less bad than Donald Trump, though, which is cool.

when you get to that level of evil there is no real reason to compare them. both are some of the worst humans to have ever lived.

by Victor k

when you get to that level of evil there is no real reason to compare them. both are some of the worst humans to have ever lived.

Interesting. How many people did Kamala Harris imprison for minor drug offenses?

by Gorgonian k

Interesting. How many people did Kamala Harris imprison for minor drug offenses?

I don't think that's the really evil part, the monstrous part is some kind of "not even in the movies" moral horrors where she denied actually innocent people freedom delaying their release to keep their slave work for the state ongoing.

That's truly a moral horror of epic proportions but I suppose it's par for the course for democrats (or maybe not given this stuff came out during primaries and she performed horribly in them even in her home state: people knew how evil, despicable, she was)

by Rococo k

Luciom dislikes being compared to Mussolini in large part because he believes that Mussolini was a leftist.

A collectivist, pro state supremacy over the individual, IE the literal opposite of what I am if you don't want to use leftist.

And, not a minor matter, it's actually a crime in Italy to be a fascist, so being called one is equivalent to being called a pedo in the USA or some other heinous criminal, not the same as Marxist legally.

by Luciom k

I don't think that's the really evil part, the monstrous part is some kind of "not even in the movies" moral horrors where she denied actually innocent people freedom delaying their release to keep their slave work for the state ongoing.

That's truly a moral horror of epic proportions but I suppose it's par for the course for democrats (or maybe not given this stuff came out during primaries and she performed horribly in them even in her home state: people knew how evil, despicable, she was)

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

"Everything is going so well for Marxists in the U.S. That's why the guy they call "Genocide Joe" is President!" -Luciom, intelligently

You a Marxist who quarrels with other Marxists about true marxism, and being extremely genocidal is very common for most Marxists in history, not a contradiction, rather a defining quality.

The worst genocides in human history all started from marxism.

Unless you completely disawoe Marx moral theory, you are at least in part a Marxist.

For example in order not to be a Marxist you have to think inequality is an inherent moral good.

That exploitation never exists when exchanges are voluntary. And so on

by Gorgonian k

Interesting. How many people did Kamala Harris imprison for minor drug offenses?

Well if you want to get technical she probably imprisoned close to zero as she was I do believe the lead district Attorney. But it would be at her direction to her attorneys that they prosecute these crimes to the fullest extent of the law

pathetically disingenuous for the right to attack "tough on crime" politicians

related: another $20b for israel, where my fiscal conservative non-interventionists at? *crickets*

@Luciom - I'm not reading that whole article. Please quote the part that supports your claim of keeping prisoners locked up to "keep their slave work for the state ongoing".

by 72off k

pathetically disingenuous for the right to attack "tough on crime" politicians

Keeping innocents in prison to use them as slave labor isn't tough on crime.

In fact I didn't write anything negative about her applying the law to get guilty verdicts for criminals, which is law and order and is fine.

by d2_e4 k

@Luciom - I'm not reading that whole article. Please quote the part that supports your claim of keeping prisoners locked up to "keep their slave work for the state ongoing".

Maybe this leftist source headline is more of your taste?

They were operating under her direct orders

Hmm, now that you mention it, I do recall hearing something about that before in Cali, didn't recall that it was her that was involved on the DA side. Ok, I stand corrected.

That sounds like she opposed incentivizing (eta: or just granting additional good time) inmates to earn "good time" credit at a higher rate--not that she was trying to keep them imprisoned past the date of their scheduled release. Not the same thing at all imo.

Got any more details or info?

To be clear though potential parolees are not

by Luciom k

actually innocent people

which is the most egregious and untrue claim in that original post. There is some truth in the claim that her department restricted access to parole more than they should have done but claiming innocent people were kept locked up is still nonsense and worthy of

d2 watches too much TV.

Megachurches and the scammers that run them are a tiny minority in the religious community. They make up less than 1% of the total number of churches, and serve a similarly small fraction of the total church-going population.

Plenty of Christians donate their money based more on duty or guilt than desire, but there is a massive percentage of that population who does it because it's the right thing to do. Now you can say it's only the right thing to do because a book told them to do it and end up in a circular argument, but nearly all of the money donated to religious organizations goes to something other than mansions and private jets.

Hating on all Christians because of the bad ones that make the news is no different than what you guys accuse the deplorables of doing to people with neon hair or face tattoos.

by Inso0 k

d2 watches too much TV.

Megachurches and the scammers that run them are a tiny minority in the religious community. They make up less than 1% of the total number of churches, and serve a similarly small fraction of the total church-going population.

Plenty of Christians donate their money based more on duty or guilt than desire, but there is a massive percentage of that population who does it because it's the right thing to do. Now you can say it's only the right thing to do because a book told

Oh look, Inso0 is here to defend the winged elephant believers. What took you so long?

I've been busy feeding and housing needy teenagers trying to escape their dysfunctional and insect-ridden home.

Just a deplorable doing deplorable things.

I'm a month in and all I've gotten out of it is two grasscuts. They didn't even do a good job. Talk about a scam.

by Inso0 k

d2 watches too much TV.

Megachurches and the scammers that run them are a tiny minority in the religious community. They make up less than 1% of the total number of churches, and serve a similarly small fraction of the total church-going population.

Plenty of Christians donate their money based more on duty or guilt than desire, but there is a massive percentage of that population who does it because it's the right thing to do. Now you can say it's only the right thing to do because a book told

While true, the vast majority does still go to the running of churches themselves rather than external charitable causes. That doesn't mean that people are getting rich from them - most people being paid for the day-to-day running of/working for a church probably don't get much more than minimum wage - but it does mean that it's still a bit of a reach to say that money given to churches are really charitable donations in most instances.

but the churches themselves provide a COMMUNITY for people, which is something there is desperate demand for, you can't count that as 0 in terms of societal good

by Luciom k

but the churches themselves provide a COMMUNITY for people, which is something there is desperate demand for, you can't count that as 0 in terms of societal good

But at that point you're essentially claiming that paying a (debatably optional) membership fee for the running of a social club is a charity donation.
