The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

makes sense. you could buy a jug of milk for $5, or with 500% tax you could buy it for $30. imagine the bustling economy with this type of taxation.

so then because tax is so high, milk sellers would need to reduce the price of milk to $1, so people would be able to afford it after taxes. but it costs them $4 to produce the milk, so they are losing $3 per jug, but at least people are able to buy it at the same price. and the government is raking in the taxes.


That's how it works for cigarettes here, apart from the manufacturers lowering their prices part. I go through about 2-3 packs a day which costs me the best part of £30-45 (USD 40-60).

by housenuts k

Harris to propose “federal ban on corporate price-gouging” on groceries and “impose stiff penalties in the food industry,” campaign announces.

Communism starting to come to reality.

You don’t have to go has low as luciom to make a point ….
Not all bad idea are link to communism.
And it can be a bad idea on its own …

Have we reach a point on the far far right that Nixon is communist now ?


by d2_e4 k

That's how it works for cigarettes here, apart from the manufacturers lowering their prices part. I go through about 2-3 packs a day which costs me the best part of £30-45 (USD 40-60).

Ya people get raked over the coals for cigs and alcohol. I guess it's a medical benefit analysis. If you're taking stuff detrimental to your health and more likely to require medical care, you pay a high price.

Or alternatively, the government simply likes to profit off people's vices. See lottery, where the government takes 50%

by housenuts k

makes sense. you could buy a jug of milk for $5, or with 500% tax you could buy it for $30. imagine the bustling economy with this type of taxation.

so then because tax is so high, milk sellers would need to reduce the price of milk to $1, so people would be able to afford it after taxes. but it costs them $4 to produce the milk, so they are losing $3 per jug, but at least people are able to buy it at the same price. and the government is raking in the taxes.


Free Market will resolve it in the end and set the right prices .
Isn’t that your theory ?

by Montrealcorp k

Free Market will resolve it in the end and set the right prices .

Isn’t that your theory ?

No. It's impossible to overcome that level of government extraction.

by housenuts k

Ya people get raked over the coals for cigs and alcohol. I guess it's a medical benefit analysis. If you're taking stuff detrimental to your health and more likely to require medical care, you pay a high price.

Or alternatively, the government simply likes to profit off people's vices. See lottery, where the government takes 50%

Well maybe u forgot how the organized criminal controls loteries and counterfeit alcohol before government intervene ?

by housenuts k

No. It's impossible to overcome that level of government extraction.

What level .
Taxes level moves up and down shrug

Obv if u speak about the will of politician to be responsible over it at the cost of losing an election , the yes ok I agree with you .

But the problem ain’t taxes , it’s the politicians managing it .
That is why the U.S. and the entire world are so much indebted .
Taxes never were high enough .

by Montrealcorp k

Well maybe u forgot how the organized criminal controls loteries and counterfeit alcohol before government intervene ?

Don't you live in a province were organized crime controls construction, cigarettes ..... government not doing a good job there

by Rococo k

It isn't a moral failing. It's just bad logic.

it's a moral failing if you know it's bad logic and you use it anyway, so as I sad, either really evil, or incredibly bad at logic, in both cases people who should never have a say about anything in society

2-3 packs a day, jfc

i was at my peak 1.5

had tapered down to .5 and then just quit cold turkey

do not miss them in the slightest - occasionally i'll bum one for the lols and it always taste disgusting now and i hate it

by lozen k

Don't you live in a province were organized crime controls construction, cigarettes ..... government not doing a good job there

Before the government intervention , loteries, alcohol etc were far far more problematic .
Now it’s minimal .
What can I tell you , 0% risk do not exist shrug .
If people want to to do bad thing they will .
But if people had the choice many won’t do criminal actions if a decent alternative exist .

Ps: I have no idea why construction is referred to in your post .
Working in construction isn’t a vice …

by Montrealcorp k

Well maybe u forgot how the organized criminal controls loteries and counterfeit alcohol before government intervene ?

Regulation on goods through taxes and fees is extremely effective and very simple compared to other approaches to steer public behavior, so it gets used a lot. It's often controversial, so most people can find examples they agree with and examples they disagree with.

The main disadvantage I see is that it often hits low income earners harder, especially when it is for fixed amounts. So for example if you use such an approach to limit gasoline / diesel usage, wealthy people will be free to pollute as much as they want, while low income earners are the ones that have to shoulder the burden for society's mistakes.

by d2_e4 k

I think Luciom is the craig whisperer in part because he also sees absolutely everything in terms of morality. Not being able to find the area under the curve is a moral failing in their world. As a more concrete example, my irritation at craig's word salad became "moral horror".

everything that is about what you think you can tell others can do is literally about morality.

if by being bad at math you favor state violence to achieve anything that's about morality yes.

by rickroll k

2-3 packs a day, jfc

i was at my peak 1.5

had tapered down to .5 and then just quit cold turkey

do not miss them in the slightest - occasionally i'll bum one for the lols and it always taste disgusting now and i hate it

Cool. Tell me more, I love chatting with ex smokers about smoking. After chatting to AA members about drinking, it's my favourite thing to do.

by Montrealcorp k

So why you don’t let governments in peace to let them set tax rates as high as it should to stop making deficit and let the free market do its thing ?

because I disagree with how they spend the money and I think the deficit should be fixed by decreasing that rather than by increasing taxation.

but anyway, neither is politically feasible as explained, and it has nothing to do with Harris proposal of price control

by rickroll k

2-3 packs a day, jfc

i was at my peak 1.5

had tapered down to .5 and then just quit cold turkey

do not miss them in the slightest - occasionally i'll bum one for the lols and it always taste disgusting now and i hate it

Fwiw I work in a highly populated environment , it seem it’s always the poorer individual that smoke 😀
I do a very decent living and even I think I couldn’t possibly afford to smoke 1 pack a day at 20$ a pack !

by d2_e4 k

That's how it works for cigarettes here, apart from the manufacturers lowering their prices part. I go through about 2-3 packs a day which costs me the best part of £30-45 (USD 40-60).

that's an accise which is another thing though (a terrible one, especially when predicated on actual lies like tobacco ones) than price control

by Luciom k

because I disagree with how they spend the money and I think the deficit should be fixed by decreasing that rather than by increasing taxation.

but anyway, neither is politically feasible as explained, and it has nothing to do with Harris proposal of price control

That’s fine !
Me I agree the way my government spend seeing how much lower education and healthcare for daniel is cheaper .

So who’s right ?
No one but u keep inferring evil propaganda because that what your value and desires tell u too , doesn’t make evil for all ….
Taking care of your neighbor and his kids isn’t evil in my book .

Ps: find me an example where decreasing taxes help reduced deficit and I will look into it !

There's already a great deal of government involvement in the free market; I don't think it would be ridiculous for a carrot and stick approach to ensure pricing is fair on essential items IF they found there truly was price gouging.

But that "if" is quite important, and far from a foregone conclusion. I believe a lot of this talk about price gouging is performative, and I might even agree with whomever mentioned populist. People organized a boycott up here of one particular supermarket empire after record profits, which actually worked out to be just a few percent of their sales. That chain wasn't necessarily any worse than others, but that didn't matter to the organizers. Trudeau of course jumped on the bandwagon, and while I don't agree with Lozen that it was completely useless, it also was far more show than substance, which JT excels at.

Could there be some price gouging? Of course. But if you think there is, then find the evidence of that and come up with a productive way to deal with it rather than using it as a populist election platform plank. But while you're at it, how about looking at the bigger issues of food production, wasted food, making sure everyone has enough food, and unfair subsidies and trade practices.

well you want to take my stuff to do what you like, I just want you to leave me alone, and I can sign whatever to lose the right to ever take your stuff to do what I want if you all do the same, who is right? it is not symmetrical.

for me it shouldn't even be legal for anyone to take other people stuff to do what they want, even if many people agree with it, other than what is absolutely indispensable for society survival. literally though, if there is any example of a society that worked without x done by the state, it should illegal to do x.

by Bobo Fett k

There's already a great deal of government involvement in the free market; I don't think it would be ridiculous for a carrot and stick approach to ensure pricing is fair on essential items IF they found there truly was price gouging.

But that "if" is quite important, and far from a foregone conclusion. I believe a lot of this talk about price gouging is performative, and I might even agree with whomever mentioned populist. People organized a boycott up here of one particular supermarket empire af

define fair price and price gouging, in competition, go.

trying to have the best margins you can every time is gouging?

while we are at it, how about looking at the bigger issues of food production costs, which depend on insane environmental regulation and trade tariffs? just drop all tariffs on everything worldwide to begin with, and allow any procedure that was legal in 1880

by Montrealcorp k

But the problem ain’t taxes , it’s the politicians managing it .
That is why the U.S. and the entire world are so much indebted .
Taxes never were high enough .

I think I agree with you, but you're saying two things.

You are right that taxes isn't the problem, it's the politicians managing it.
They are absolutely horrendous at managing money.

Which means you can either increase taxes, or decrease spending. I'm in favor of the latter.

Sadly for political and vote getting reasons, neither party is particularly good at that. But I think one is better than the other.

by d2_e4 k

I go through about 2-3 packs a day which costs me the best part of £30-45 (USD 40-60).

Those cigarettes must be tasty.

by rickroll k

2-3 packs a day, jfc

i was at my peak 1.5

had tapered down to .5 and then just quit cold turkey

do not miss them in the slightest - occasionally i'll bum one for the lols and it always taste disgusting now and i hate it

in the army i chewed endlessly.
we ran out of chew and couldn't get supply for a couple months.
took up smoking. a carton from the locals was $5

haven't done either with any regularity in a decade. even a smoke now while drinking makes me feel poisoned the next day. it's probably been 2-3 years since i had either.

by d2_e4 k

Cool. Tell me more, I love chatting with ex smokers about smoking. After chatting to AA members about drinking, it's my favourite thing to do.

I smoked 3 packs a day (davydoff) until Jan 7 2015. I was walking around in the deep cold and had to remove gloves to light up swearing profusely while doing that when I walked by an e cig store.

a friend already mentioned that option to me previously.

I entered bought 2 and liquids (for me and wife, she smoked a pack a day as well), never smoked normal cigs again.

had huge problems adjusting at the beginning gaining like 7-8 kilos in 3 weeks and only taking a dump once per week then realized I just needed a lot more of nicotine in the liquid and was fine ever since.

I now vape like 100ml/week at 12 nicotine

swapping to vape was easier for me perhaps because I was never addicted to smoking itself (gestures, taste) rather specifically to nicotine, which is why I don't vape tobacco flavours
