The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Willd k

Am I missing something? Michelle Obama made a joke about the job of president potentially becoming a "black job" in reference to Trump previously having used that term to describe some jobs and that sparked this rant from Luciom? Like the entire point she is making with the joke is that racialising jobs is ridiculous but somehow Luciom is ranting about her for racialising the Presidency?

Nope, you got it. She was making fun of Trump's previous racist comment.

People who don't get it... probably are racist themselves.

by Luciom k

What you see as a joke I see as a racist dog whistle.

Which is allowed ofc, but am I allowed to dislike it?

It's not redicolous to claim blacks have jobs that more often than other ethnicities jobs are in competition with low skilled or illegal immigrants, because it's factually true and you know it is!!!

Remind me about trump told people to inject themselves with disinfectant to fight Covid ?
That joke was obvious and fine but when a black woman makes one ….

by FreakDaddy k

Nope, you got it. She was making fun of Trump's previous racist comment.

People who don't get it... probably are racist themselves.


by Luciom k

Yes they do check polls about approval of the local elected people vs congress in general there are often 50+ points of gap (with the local congressperson usually in the middle).

Elites do deliver on some stuff rural republicans want. Those are the people who want "to trigger libs" for example and elites deliver on it all the times.

And the 2a. They deliver on that and that's a big one. And now roe vs Wade reversal.

Rural republicans aren't needy bitches who want constant welfare doled out at them

I'm wondering if you're understanding that you're trusting billionaires over the actual people who live in those rural areas, and know what it's like to struggle, and hence understand the needs of actual rural Republicans better.

I guess you're saying, that's ok, we'll sell our lives out knowing that there's no way that billionaires goals align w/ our goals, just so we can "trigger the libs".

Wow... it's one thing to theorize about why rural Republicans think this way, and it's another to actual hear (or in this case see) someone say it.

by Montrealcorp k

Remind me about trump told people to inject themselves with disinfectant to fight Covid ?
That joke was obvious and fine but when a black woman makes one ….

He absolutely didn't but you can keep saying false things invented by the left as long as you which

by housenuts k

Donald Trump Jr. just endorsed the idea of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joining the Trump administration as potential CIA director.

+1000 for the lols

by Luciom k

He absolutely didn't but you can keep saying false things invented by the left as long as you which

What !?!?!

by FreakDaddy k

In 2022, the percentage of low-wage workers in the United States by race or ethnicity was:
White: 75.4%
Black or African American: 14.9%
Asian: 5%
Hispanic or Latino: 22.9%

The fact you think it's true alone is... well...

Looks like we should be calling them white people jobs. Is that also racist?

Oh I do remember Trump saying that. Watched it live. I shoulda laughed, as this the way to live in clown world, but I was kinda like wtf? Did not laugh. Press conference, some doctors speaking... talking about using bleach, works great to kill covid on surfaces. Trump injects with something like... maybe there is a way we can get that into people. Good one Pres good one. He was not kidding btw, just being a moron.

by FreakDaddy k

I'm wondering if you're understanding that you're trusting billionaires over the actual people who live in those rural areas, and know what it's like to struggle, and hence understand the needs of actual rural Republicans better.

I guess you're saying, that's ok, we'll sell our lives out knowing that there's no way that billionaires goals align w/ our goals, just so we can "trigger the libs".

Wow... it's one thing to theorize about why rural Republicans think this way, and it's another to actual h

I am not a rural republican I am telling you what they tell me.

Ofc they have a long list of things that could be done better for them but in most cases it isn't about federal government (whether they know it or not).

They are bigly against illegals though.

Like raging with foam even thinking about them.

But trust me when I tell you that just not seeing this person, or anyone like them, anymore in any position of power for them is more than enough to vote republican for life

by Betraisefold22 k

Looks like we should be calling them white people jobs. Is that also racist?

In 2022, the percentage of low-wage workers in the United States by race or ethnicity was:
White: 75.4%
Black or African American: 14.9%
Asian: 5%
Hispanic or Latino: 22.9%


by Luciom k

I am not a rural republican I am telling you what they tell me.

Ofc they have a long list of things that could be done better for them but in most cases it isn't about federal government (whether they know it or not).

But trust me when I tell you that just not seeing this person, or anyone like them, anymore in any position of power for them is more than enough to vote republican for life

I appreciate you speaking for them.

How do they dismiss, or ignore all the former administration officials that were close to Trump, that speak so horribly about him? I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime about any elected official (or person for that matter).

People like his former press secretary saying that Trump calls his supporters, "basement dwellers" , and that he has no empathy or morals.

Are they all just trying to get book deals? 😀

by FreakDaddy k

I appreciate you speaking for them.

How do they dismiss, or ignore all the former administration officials that were close to Trump, that speak so horribly about him? I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime about any elected official (or person for that matter).

People like his former press secretary saying that Trump calls his supporters, "basement dwellers" , and that he has no empathy or morals.

I don't know, I don't think they follow as closely as we do except on the few topics they care about (guns and immigration).

They all fully expect everyone in Washington to be a fraud, a liar, a scammer, a thief.

They accept that everyone is so they vote for the scammers who at least throw them bread crumbs (or that they perceive throw them something) and don't explicitly hate them too much publicly

What I don’t get about luciom being so against federal government but in favour of states government being so much better ….

95% of all the poorest state in America are red states .
Certainly isn’t because of federal policies as a whole .

If I was a rural citizen in a red state I would have more Intervention from federal policies since clearly those states policies ain’t doing **** …
But they sure love to take that federal money tho .

by Montrealcorp k

What I don’t get about luciom being so against federal government but in favour of states government being so much better ….

95% of all the poorest state in America are red states .
Certainly isn’t because of federal policies as a whole .

If I was a rural citizen in a red state I would have more Intervention from federal policies since clearly those states policies ain’t doing **** …
But they sure love to take that federal money tho .

I am in favor of states over the federal government on most (not all) things because that's what the constitution says.

It also allows for competition among models, and allows people to move where they feel laws are closer to their preferences, but only if federal rules aren't too common.

Btw no they don't like that federal money and they repeatedly vote for parties that want to reduce it.

When Medicaid expansion passed red states didn't use it even if 90% of the cost were paid by the feds. That's how much they like federal money

by Luciom k

I don't know, I don't think they follow as closely as we do except on the few topics they care about (guns and immigration).

They all fully expect everyone in Washington to be a fraud, a liar, a scammer, a thief.

They accept that everyone is so they vote for the scammers who at least throw them bread crumbs (or that they perceive throw them something) and don't explicitly hate them too much publicly

I hear the guns thing from my Republican family members that live in Texas. They love riding around packing all the time, which is so crazy odd to me. But what I always ask them is, in all the years of this made up threat to your guns, have any been taken away?

Do any of your republican friends have concerns that a 20 y/o could easily obtain an AR-15 and almost take out their beloved cult leader? Do you know if that raises any red flags for them that maybe we should listen to other people about common sense gun regulation?

There are democrats that use guns too... so it's not like a one-sided issue.

Since the Republicans are the party of big business, couldn't they all just pass illegal immigrant worker laws in work places and instantly reduce this perceived threat of illegal immigration? Especially since they've had all 3 houses multiple times over the last few decades.

Or maybe even vote for the immigration bills they crafted, instead of voting against them?

by Luciom k

I am in favor of states over the federal government on most (not all) things because that's what the constitution says.

It also allows for competition among models, and allows people to move where they feel laws are closer to their preferences, but only if federal rules aren't too common.

Btw no they don't like that federal money and they repeatedly vote for parties that want to reduce it.

When Medicaid expansion passed red states didn't use it even if 90% of the cost were paid by the feds. That's

You just said that Republicans listen to their "local reps" that work for the elite (and trust the elite). Hence, the goal of the elite is to reduce government, since they are controlling the messaging. Here again is the obvious question... who really benefits from reduction of government?... do you actually believe billionaire elites are advocating for those things, so it will help others, and not just themselves. Or do you (I cringe just writing this honestly), believe that when billionaires acquire more money than they can ever spend in multiple lifetimes, that also helps you and rural republicans?

Also, just randomly curious if you've read much American history about the robber baron era... and what conclusions you draw from that.

Conservatives do not think along the lines of class warfare, this is a liberal trait.

I'm mixed, I like regulation. I like the epa, faa etc etc. I like unions. But I know why a poor conseravtive wants very little govt. Not about money.

by roymunson888 k

Conservatives do not think along the lines of class warfare, this is a liberal trait.

Really? Why do they keep banging on about tHe eLiTeS then?

Feels like they do think along those lines, it's just that the enemy in their war isn't the rich, it's the educated. Generally, the whole raison d'etre of conservatism seems to be opposition to something or someone - hence, reactionaries.

by roymunson888 k

Conservatives do not think along the lines of class warfare, this is a liberal trait.

Liberals I know don't think of it in terms of class warfare, but more in terms of common sense regulation. It's more about a balance of power. If you remove laws and checks and balances on business, they run a muck, inevitably do the wrong thing, and gain too much power. Too much power inevitably turns into some form of dictatorship/authoritarianism. So it's always about the correct balance of laws and regulations.

You've read some history before right? Isn't this what always happens? Isn't that where we are right now in this American story? We drastically cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations, we removed a ton of regulations from banks, businesses, and media. We allowed corporations to give unlimited funds to political parties (because it's speech), and allowed unlimited outside money from foreign actors in super pacs.

What did you think would happen?

And btw, what party advocated for those things? Something I always ask conservatives is, how did we get here? I've never heard a well thought out intelligent answer to date. Did you think it was "government" handouts that made every strip mall look the same? Like wtf...

Queer nukes are going to be soooo fun

Yea ok, maybe that is just how I consider it. You're right, d2_e4 , I do hear that a lot.

by d2_e4 k

Really? Why do they keep banging on about tHe eLiTeS then?

The world's richest man recently hosted a soft-ball interview on a gigantic social media platform which he owns, where he talked to an (alleged) billionaire ex-president in what was a badly disguised campaign event.

This is obviously the epitome of anti-establishment.

by roymunson888 k

Conservatives do not think along the lines of class warfare, this is a liberal trait.

I'm mixed, I like regulation. I like the epa, faa etc etc. I like unions. But I know why a poor conseravtive wants very little govt. Not about money.

But then reality strikes and they complain they are poor …
Afterwards they need a target to blame -> federal government, immigrants, non republican folks, etc.
Despite most of them benefiting the most from federal budget .
Go figure .

by FreakDaddy k

Liberals I know don't think of it in terms of class warfare, but more in terms of common sense regulation. It's more about a balance of power. If you remove laws and checks and balances on business, they run a muck, inevitably do the wrong thing, and gain too much power. Too much power inevitably turns into some form of dictatorship/authoritarianism. So it's always about the correct balance of laws and regulations.

You've read some history before right? Isn't this what always happens? Isn't that

Well I would say generally I completly agree with you. All day. Doesn't mean much for you, I am a degen. But I am looking at other side more now. Do not like the use of prosecutors in politics, thats for latin america. Also way left becoming norm without the ability to disagree, the ban hammer.

But if I can go back a few years... if that is allowed. Im in. I remember as kid going to eat at a steak house on the hudson river in nyc. They had a sign, no GE exces allowed. Dumping in the river I think. And Unions are best thing to ever happen, 40 hr week, health care, pension. A rich boss will bury you and take every ounce of work you got. Those early union guys got shot, pinkertons. I do not hate govt. Dont wana live in the woods with a raccoon hat, no thx.
