The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Victor k

Dems literally posted fake news about Russiagate for years on end and then started a proxy war over it.

What war ?
Ukraine ?
The U.S. started the war in Ukraine because of trump ?

by tame_deuces k

I'm always amazed that people actually watch political speeches.

if more people did the world would be better

by d2_e4 k

Oh, you mean like all the lifelong republicans who worked for Trump when he was president and are now warning about voting for him? You mean like that, right?

By my count Trump is 1 for 7 on endorsements from Republican president or vice president nominees. No from Bush, Cheney, Quayle, Romney, Paul Ryan and his own VP Pence. I think he's got the Sarah Palin endorsement though. So he's got that going for him.

Dems are the old Repubs. and they are bragging about it.

by canofworms k

RFK is endorsing Trump because he experienced first hand how corrupt and ruthless the Demcoratic party is. They sued to keep him off the ballot. Lol.

The democratic party can't handle any competition. Because they have no faith in themselves or what they're doing.

How is it the same liberals that are obsessed with manipulating outcomes are so hung up on the word democracy?

They epitomize hypocrisy, and actually take it to an entirely new level.

It is quite common for both parties to sue to keep third parties off the ballot on procedural grounds. What was that about hypocrisy and manipulating outcomes?

by Victor k

Dems literally posted fake news about Russiagate ...

As far as I know, every item about Russia and the nyc conman rapist is factual, or at a minimum, has never been proven to be false.

Not even 25% of the 448 page Mueller report has ever been released.

The crybaby nyc conman is a Russian operative hiding in plain site.

by Victor k

Dems are the old Repubs. and they are bragging about it.

Eh, they're less racist. But, yeah, Nixon would be a run of the mill Dem today.

by The Horror k

Eh, they're less racist. But, yeah, Nixon would be a run of the mill Dem today.

Source: dude, trust me.

Dems are the old Repubs. and they are bragging about it.

Name me specific policies that the Dems have that are similar to “old Repubs”. The only reason the neocons support us is because they actually love America and don’t want to see an antidemocratic, bumbling fool run our country into the ground. They will discard us as soon as there are principled Republican candidates unless we significantly move to the right. They are gambling that once Trump is irrelevant, they will get a real Republican party back that isn’t full of Trump sycophants.

I say they are huge patriots for putting country over party or even policy.

By the way, I believe it was this thread where I mistakenly posted that Walz voted against the Iraq war. As someone with principles that can admit they were wrong, I misremembered Walz voting for a 90 day troop withdrawal as him voting against the Iraq war so I apologize for the erroneous statement and will endeavor to be more careful in what I claim.

by iwasbanned k

As far as I know, every item about Russia and the nyc conman rapist is factual, or at a minimum, has never been proven to be false.

And he admitted to going exactly what he was accused of doing with Russia with Ukraine after getting caught by a whistle blower. Sort of crazy to think he ejust randomly decided to cross massive ethical lines for the first time in 2020 after playing it totally straight in 2016.

didn't expect him to go this in the weeds in his speech i never really hear da candidate dissect his takes on things like that
it is unfortunate that he is the one who said it if it came from someone else so it could have been heard more since he did have a few good points. i have heard of european visitors alwasy give us **** for the process foods and my retort is that they dont know where their produce goes through or who picks it which is equally unhealthy but i am prolly wrong

by Victor k

bro is still waiting for #MuellerTime

Bro is still calling a blue sky fake news after walking outside on a cloudless day.

Gawd, Harris couldn't get the preposterous RFK Jr. on board with some kind of offer, to get the Kennedy name on her bandwagon? Would have made her a solid fave. Now it's back to a photo.

by Montrealcorp k

What war ?
Ukraine ?
The U.S. started the war in Ukraine because of trump ?

In Victor's worldview, the US and the west are warmongering aggressive block of countries, calls for human rights and liberal rights are thus hypocritical and pragmatic coalitions are propaganda. News and history that portrays opponents of western hegemony as oppressive are in this world view a combined result of capitalist media, brainwashed masses and active propaganda operations. This to the point where he has in the past denied things such as the Soviet Union's genocides, Russian imperialism, China's cultural revolution and a whole plethora of other mass murders by tyrannical regimes. I have no idea what his views on those are now.

The bad guys in this world views aren't fascists or people opposed to democratic values, it is the people that talk about democratic values and human rights.

His worldview is not that uncommon, it is fairly typical of a fair amount of (but not all) Leninist-Marxists. There was a large schism in the '50s and '60s after the Soviet Union and allied countries invaded Hungary in the '50s due to civilian protests and then Czechoslovakia in the '60s due to it passing political reforms. These invasions were a political disaster for communist parties in central and western Europe due to pictures of tanks rolling into civilian protests. Some communists in Europe still managed to support the Soviet Union after this, which lead to a split in many socialist parties where most of them integrated into less radical parties and coalitions. They also invented the term "tankies" for their former comrades, due to their impressive ability to either support or not notice Soviet invasions.

So, this is just the remnant of that ideology. While it does indeed hit a few sore spots when it comes to the hypocrisy of western politics, this is largely ruined by their capacity to ignore mass murder, genocide and oppression in any country or block that they think is anti-western.

Their political enemies are not fascists or Nazis like they claim. It is liberals, social democrats and other socialists. They are certainly fond of calling people fascists and Nazis, but that is about it. I view them as I do the communists Wiemar republic. People who talked the talk, but when push came to show in 1933 they did nothing, because they figured sticking it to the libs was better than stopping Hitler.

USA and the West do not promote democratic values and human rights.

It's amazing how tight a campaign Kamala is running. The prosecutor vs felon thing is pure hot fire.

That debate on the 10th is going to be must watch.

by FellaGaga-52 k

Gawd, Harris couldn't get the preposterous RFK Jr. on board with some kind of offer, to get the Kennedy name on her bandwagon? Would have made her a solid fave. Now it's back to a photo.

It would have been irresponsible to give Kennedy any position more significant to the country than assistant groundskeeper.

by Rococo k

It would have been irresponsible to give Kennedy any position more significant to the country than assistant groundskeeper.

The nyc conman will stiff RFK jr, like he's one of his other contractors he stiffed.

by iwasbanned k

The nyc conman will stiff RFK jr, like he's one of his other contractors he stiffed.

Trump said he would put RFK as head of a commission to investigate presidential assassination attempts and he will declassify everything for all of them .

This isn't a role that costs Trump anything to give so i don't see why he should stiff him on it if he becomes president

Because that's what he does.

by Luciom k

Trump said he would put RFK as head of a commission to investigate presidential assassination attempts and he will declassify everything for all of them .

This isn't a role that costs Trump anything to give so i don't see why he should stiff him on it if he becomes president

Why do you believe anything Trump says? He never released all the jfk files. He’s a liar. He didn’t release all the Epstein files.

He’s a liar

by Victor k

USA and the West do not promote democratic values and human rights.

I know. its an absurd and baby brained claim that ignores all of history but liberals like to repeat it bc it makes them feel good. this is why I have a lot more respect for the honesty of Trump "lets just take their oil and kill their families". libs do the same thing but call it human rights.

by Victor k

I know. its an absurd and baby brained claim that ignores all of history but liberals like to repeat it bc it makes them feel good. this is why I have a lot more respect for the honesty of Trump "lets just take their oil and kill their families". libs do the same thing but call it human rights.

Which countries outside NATO and it's allies, promote democratic values and human rights more?

Or is your claim that non NATO countries and allies are just identically as bad as us?

NO nation "promotes democratic values and human rights". Some nations are run more democratically and are less oppressive than others, sure, but no nations deny themselves the opportunity to hoard resources, strengthen their bonds with groups and other nations that can help them, etc., etc.

This is another example of why nations should be dissolved.

Unite every human under one internationalist banner and suddenly there are no more dastardly foreign nations with whom to commit war! EZ game, I expect we'll have this wrapped up within 5 years or so.

I'd say the U.S. ranks slightly-to-significantly below average in terms of "promoting democratic values and human rights" out of all countries in the Global North.
