The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


I was a liberal :shame:

I mean I knew deep down since like 9th grade history but #BlueMaga is a helluva drug.

Explain bluemaga

I mean if I’m going to be vilified in your eyes cuz my primary reason for casting my vote is a tie between **** Donald trump and anyone who’s down for his **** and my visceral hatred of Christian nationalism and this oppressive culture war performance art rather than voting in favor of a candidate I’m more than happy to wear it

Edit: I think the thing that’s most egregious to me is MABA was right there, and instead you went for a lazy gimmick stretch

you know how Donald Trump could shoot someone on 5th ave and be fine? #BlueMaga is Biden doing genocide and Obama doing more drone strikes than Bush and yall still drop to your knees.

I just want to make sure you’re aware your argument is predicated on the guy who thinks calling a Jewish guy a Palestinian is an insult being the guy who is going to save the Gazans

by Victor k

you know how Donald Trump could shoot someone on 5th ave and be fine? #BlueMaga is Biden doing genocide and Obama doing more drone strikes than Bush and yall still drop to your knees.

If you have a better solution to fight terrorism we are all ears .

It's pretty clear that Victor doesn't care about Trump one way or the other, but the dems have touched him everywhere on the doll and he is traumatised and resentful for life.

If we’re making Gaza the single issue I concede biden has been a ****ing failure who doesn’t have the balls to buck America’s treaty with Israel. I also concede it’s unlikely kamala will be any more forceful about it

But if you think literally Donald trump is going to be the one who stops the indiscriminate murder of Muslims then ****ing lol. Biden and Harris may look the other way while wagging their fingers but Trump is a mortal lock to amplify. If anything he’s going to Hank Scorpio flamethrower the wounded if left to his own devices

by StoppedRainingMen k

I just want to make sure you’re aware your argument is predicated on the guy who thinks calling a Jewish guy a Palestinian is an insult being the guy who is going to save the Gazans

I dont think either are going to save Gaza. but thats for a different thread. this thread is for all the material ways the Dems act exactly like the Republicans which is almost all of them.

by StoppedRainingMen k

If we’re making Gaza the single issue I concede biden has been a ****ing failure who doesn’t have the balls to buck America’s treaty with Israel. I also concede it’s unlikely kamala will be any more forceful about it

But if you think literally Donald trump is going to be the one who stops the indiscriminate murder of Muslims then ****ing lol. If anything he’s going to Hank Scorpio flamethrower the wounded if left to his own devices

ok see this is #BlueMaga

by Victor k

you know how Donald Trump could shoot someone on 5th ave and be fine? #BlueMaga is Biden doing genocide and Obama doing more drone strikes than Bush and yall still drop to your knees.

I didn't vote for Obama, so maybe I was radicalized before then, but what set me off was the Afghan Surge in the Fall of 2009.

by The Horror k

I didn't vote for Obama, so maybe I was radicalized before then, but what set me off was the Afghan Surge in the Fall of 2009.

right you are probably a lot smarter and more moral than me and almost all on this board. its like, I watched that and ofc I didnt agree but I was like ya its fine bc Obama is doing it.

1. Muslim ban
2. Overwhelming pro Israel rhetoric at the RNC
3. Super duper megabomb dropped in the Middle East by trumper
4. Israeli embassy named for Trump
5. Insists on calling people Muslim as an insult
6. Fanning the flames on islamaphobia every single chance presented
7. Perpetual bloodlust that borders on the frightening with no regard for anyone who doesn’t serve his purpose

And you expect me to believe this shithead is better for Gaza cuz trust me bro?

C’mon man. Not even you believe this

and look, even if Obama was doing some lite war crimes, the Repubs would be worse!

by StoppedRainingMen k

1. Muslim ban
2. Overwhelming pro Israel rhetoric at the RNC
3. Super duper megabomb dropped in the Middle East by trumper
4. Israeli embassy named for Trump
5. Insists on calling people Muslim as an insult
6. Fanning the flames on islamaphobia every single chance presented
7. Perpetual bloodlust that borders on the frightening with no regard for anyone who doesn’t serve his purpose

And you expect me to believe this shithead is better for Gaza cuz trust me bro?

C’mon man. Not even you believe this

I dont expect you to believe anything. and I certainly hope you dont believe anything I have never said.

Presented with a binary option, if I’m MABA cuz of Gaza and I’m voting for Harris by definition you believe Trump is at worst equivalent and at best better

Unless your reasons for casting aspersions are completely different and Gaza is the excuse. Which, you know, fine, do what you’re going to do. But let’s drop pretense

Vote your conscience, vote who you wanna vote for, don’t vote at all, whatever the hell, that’s your call and I’m not going to try to persuade you otherwise

I would march through hell on my hands and knees on broken glass to vote for literally anyone other than Trump and offer no apologies for it. I’ll stand by that motivation til the day I die. If that’s MABA I guess I’m MABA

by Victor k

bruv Ive been explicitly anti-American for like 4 year ffs lol

It's been way longer than four years. During the HRC-Trump election, you were whistling exactly the same tune that you whistle now, and that was almost eight years ago.

by Rococo k

It's been way longer than four years. During the HRC-Trump election, you were whistling exactly the same tune that you whistle now, and that was almost eight years ago.


by The Horror k

I didn't vote for Obama, so maybe I was radicalized before then, but what set me off was the Afghan Surge in the Fall of 2009.

The Taliban just passed a rule women cant show any part of their face or speak to men in public. Very sad we weren't able to drag Afghanistan into the civilized world, especially considering it is partly our fault they decided to go full Stone Age in the first place.

As an aside, I read that 50% of Afghanis have toxic levels of lead in their blood, mainly because they take any scrap metal they can find and turn it into cooking pots and pans. By comparison Flint, Michigan had 5% of the population at such toxic levels. I do wonder if there is some link towards brain damage caused by lead poisoning and dedication towards Stone Age value systems, no matter how poor the results are.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Presented with a binary option, if I’m MABA cuz of Gaza and I’m voting for Harris by definition you believe Trump is at worst equivalent and at best better

Unless your reasons for casting aspersions are completely different and Gaza is the excuse. Which, you know, fine, do what you’re going to do. But let’s drop pretense

I would be saying the same things without Gaza. but like, thats like saying I disagreed with the Nazis on their union policies. ofc I would disagree on those policies and others and that would be disqualifying in and of itself, but like, there was other stuff that eclipsed it.

Dafuq is MABA? Make America Blue Again?

by StoppedRainingMen k

1. Muslim ban
2. Overwhelming pro Israel rhetoric at the RNC
3. Super duper megabomb dropped in the Middle East by trumper
4. Israeli embassy named for Trump
5. Insists on calling people Muslim as an insult
6. Fanning the flames on islamaphobia every single chance presented
7. Perpetual bloodlust that borders on the frightening with no regard for anyone who doesn’t serve his purpose

And you expect me to believe this shithead is better for Gaza cuz trust me bro?

C’mon man. Not even you believ

Trump would very interested in bringing closure to the conflict, both for his own ego and for his business interests in the ME. I think he would propose a deal that might favor Israel a little, but probably wouldn't be all that bad for the Palestinians. And if both sides agreed to the deal, it would go well. However, if either side refused to take the deal or double crossed it would probably upset Trump, and he would punitively punish said side.

Obviously, Hamas would be more likely to refuse a deal or refuse to abide by a deal. But I do actually think Trump would give them a fair deal, especially given how little actual leverage they have, other than appeal towards third world antisemitism and Western pity.

by The Horror k

Dems were totally butthurt about 2016 to the point of claiming that Russia meddled because they put out some propaganda.

Russia did not collude with the Trump campaign in any meaningful way. The results of the 2016 elections were not rigged. Russia did attempt to influence the results of the 2016 election. There are many examples of powerful countries, including the U.S., doing various things to influence foreign elections.

Anyone who describes Russia's behavior as everything or nothing is just being dishonest.
