The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by rickroll k

imagine if obama lost re-election and declared to high heavens that it was due to a rigged election and pelosi et el all banged the drums in unison to it

it's hard for you to imagine people thought it was real because it's hard for you to view trump as credible
but for a trump supporter, that's not a lying sack of shat saying that, it's the president, so it must be right

Not people, we’re talking about Nick Fuentes. He is an open fascist.

by StoppedRainingMen k

A real piece of **** responds to Trump finally admitting he lost to Biden

T&P Nicky

So Fuentes saying the January 6th was actually to stop the steal and revert the election ?
Not just a peaceful visit of the Capitol ?
Interesting ….

by FreakDaddy k

Wow... you go from 0 to 100 pretty quick.

sorry, i wasn't trying to insult at all, that was not my intention, the tism can sometimes make me appear needlessly combative, ie my old flair before this recent one was "oddly catty"

by d2_e4 k

Whatever word you meant, I think it's pretty much the opposite of "meritocracy". Maybe something like "egalitarianism"?

while i wouldn't rule this out and could very possibly be wrong, the internet still picks winners based on who is best at exploiting the algos and finding those clicks

if we had an egalitarian society then nobody would be asking you to like and subscribe their videos

perhaps though my definitions are off

leaked email from the Trump campaign

"Stop talking to the press or we'll fire you!"
- A total normal request every honest campaign with nothing to hide makes of its staffers.

by rickroll k

sorry, i wasn't trying to insult at all, that was not my intention, the tism can sometimes make me appear needlessly combative, ie my old flair before this recent one was "oddly catty"

while i wouldn't rule this out and could very possibly be wrong, the internet still picks winners based on who is best at exploiting the algos and finding those clicks

if we had an egalitarian society then nobody would be asking you to like and subscribe their videos

perhaps though my definitions are off

That's not a meritocracy based on the content of what they publish though. It might be a meritocracy based on how good they are at getting views, but that's irrelevant in the context of the point you were making, which is that "anyone can publish anything at any time" if I understood it correctly.

by checkraisdraw k

Not people, we’re talking about Nick Fuentes. He is an open fascist.

i wasn't talking about him and i think you're getting caught up in red herrings

i think if you spent some time with the other half then you'd see just how common it is for some people to have taken what the president said at face value

i mean... he was the president... i know for you and i that doesn't mean much (i mean just look at him), but for many it still meant quite a bit

i'm an avid outdoorsmen and heavy into dfs/sportsbetting as that's my sole source of income and those two fields lean very heavily conservative so my day to day interactions with people i'm collaborating with in work to those i talk about fly tying with are genuinely in the "hunter biden's laptop!" mold

i think it's good to have regular interaction with these people because it keeps one grounded experiencing it through the reality of life rather than the filtered lens of parody by absorbing it through the daily show

over 74 million people voted for the man, that's a lot of people, it's better to talk to them to understand why they'd support such a clown instead of just dismissing 74 million americans as stupid and racist

by rickroll k

i wasn't talking about him and i think you're getting caught up in red herrings

i think if you spent some time with the other half then you'd see just how common it is for some people to have taken what the president said at face value

i mean... he was the president...

i'm an avid outdoorsmen and heavy into dfs/sportsbetting as that's my sole source of income and those two fields lean very heavily conservative so my day to day interactions with people i'm collaborating with in work to those i talk

I just can't understand how so many Americans turned out to be total morons. Racist - sure, that's overused; stupid - if you genuinely believe what that pathologically lying clown says, you're definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.

by rickroll k

i wasn't talking about him and i think you're getting caught up in red herrings

i think if you spent some time with the other half then you'd see just how common it is for some people to have taken what the president said at face value

i mean... he was the president... i know for you and i that doesn't mean much (i mean just look at him), but for many it still meant quite a bit

i'm an avid outdoorsmen and heavy into dfs/sportsbetting as that's my sole source of income and those two fields lean very

No, I was literally just talking about him. For the most part I accept that the vast majority of people that think the election was stolen legitimately believe it because their critical thinking skills are horrible OR their prior probabilities are way off so they see the election being rigged as the default position that needs to be proven false. Either way for the vast majority on pretty much any issue it’s going to come down to epistemology and not normative ethics.

Edit: someone talked about nick fuentes being frustrated that trump backtracked, and again I was making a very specific claim about nick fuentes so idk what you mean by red herring because my point about fuentes was the entire beginning of this conversation

by Montrealcorp k

So Fuentes saying the January 6th was actually to stop the steal and revert the election ?
Not just a peaceful visit of the Capitol ?
Interesting ….

Not that I have an ounce of sympathy for the plight of Nick Fuentes but the whining he’s making is worth discussing. The capital was stormed, many charged, many imprisoned, innocent people killed and that one dipshit red hat woman took a bullet to her head, all instigated by trump insisting this was fraud and he didn’t lose and they were gonna steal it from him and you

And now he’s casually just saying ‘ya I lost. It was close, oh well’

I’m curious how many stop the steal or trump won waste of life cultists hear their godking admit that and feel betrayed or have any kind of clarity about how detached from reality they are. Probably none. But still

by rickroll k

it's better to talk to them to understand why they'd support such a clown instead of just dismissing 74 million americans as stupid and racist

nah im good

by d2_e4 k

That's not a meritocracy based on the content of what they publish though. It might be a meritocracy based on how good they are at getting views, but that's irrelevant in the context of the point you were making, which is that "anyone can publish anything at any time" if I understood it correctly.

ok, yeah i'll agree with that, i was indeed using the wrong word

appreciate it

by d2_e4 k

I just can't understand how so many Americans turned out to be total morons. Racist - sure, that's overused; stupid - if you genuinely believe what that pathologically lying clown says, you're definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.

i know this will shock you

and i'm obviously not without bias here

but i've spent more of my life living and traveling abroad than in my own country of USA#1

in my own personal observations, there's something special about us, and no, i dont mean that kind of special 😀

what we lack in general awareness or knowledge, is more than made up for in domain expertise

the amount of americans who have generally no education but still have highly specific skills the general public can't perform is overwhelming

i've also never before run into a people who take as much pride in their low paying work as americans due

take landscaping for example

someone who does that in malaysia or france or wherever is simply doing it to pay the bills - they are not committed nor tied to that existence, it's just what they do - the focus of their lives is centered outside of work and who they are and what they do in their spare time when not working - they may have done it for a while and gained a lot of domain expertise in that field, but it's not something they take a special pride in

meanwhile, an american landscaper will not have a separate identity outside of landscaping - that is who they are and they take massive pride in what they do and how they work with their hands for a living - if you engage them in conversation, they can go on for hours talking about cutting and installing bluestone or the ideal way to plant a sapling because that has become their identity - despite that they are just a regular employee

they'll even dress how a landscaper is supposed to dress, they will drink beer instead of wine because landscapers don't drink wine, and of course they recently stopped drinking bud light for obvious reasons

ie a landscaper will never go on vacation to nyc, simply because that's not what a landscaper would ever do

yes, other cultures have this too, but nowhere on earth have i ever witnessed it as strongly as i've witnessed in the united states where their work becomes their sole identity and they can't see anything beyond that

this also extends to white collar careers, go to a bar in nyc and see a bunch of bros all drinking and lo and behold it's a bunch of finance guys, they don't even work for the same firms, but they all drink and hang out with other finance people, in sf you'd see the same with the tech bros of which i was included - despite that it's only about 10% of the cities employment, basically every bar i went to was other tech people just at different companies because we'd all congregate and live out the tech bro life

so my point is, when the very nature of your life is so specialized, you lack a need for anything outside that immediate wheelhouse, and so for most americans, they simply are never in a position where they'd need to be exposed to a wider array of anything and doing so could even come with a social cost

but... this is also why when the cash register isn't working abroad, the indifferent cashier just stares at it blankly with a confused look and wonders what their education on schopenhauer would teach them about their own will to life whereas the american who takes pride in their cashier identity will take initiative to quickly come up with a solution

time and time again abroad, whether it's 1st world or 3rd or gross ass euros, there's just a general malaise of indifference fueling incompetence

so yes our cashiers are more ignorant and susceptible to trump's schtick, but they are best goddam cashiers in the world and it's not even remotely close

this can be found for most things american, even our enemies in war have always praised how adaptable we are, how when a mortar round takes out the only leaders of the platoon, how someone else will step up outside of their rank on the spot whereas a less specialized culture will just be like "oh what shall we do now other than hunker down and wait for orders"

by FreakDaddy k

Who is saying "blue maga" though? I agree w/ what you're saying, but why co-opt that shty acronym?

There's always been that wing of liberal. Anti-vax, overly anti-war to a fault, etc...

It's a rhetorical tactic to draw false equivalencies that have no merit. Hilary Clinton or Bernie Sanders may have said something about an election being rigged once so it's unfair to single out Jan 6th and Trump's unprecedented action of declaring victory as a sitting president in an election he lost. The notion that the Trump campaign may have colluded with Russia in 2016 is a conspiracy just like Qanon.....just ignore the fact that the Trump campaign released a transcript showing they tried to collude with Ukraine for illegal election help in 2020 and the excuse was that that's okay. It's much easier than honestly evaluating Trump's behavior in scale with other people you also might not like.

@rickroll Dude... what on earth? That is the weakest and most nonsensical defense of ignorance and stupidity that I've ever seen. Admittedly I haven't seen many, since not many people go out of their way to defend those things.

by ecriture d'adulte k

It's a rhetorical tactic to draw false equivalencies that have no merit. Hilary Clinton or Bernie Sanders may have said something about an election being rigged once so it's unfair to single out Jan 6th and Trump's unprecedented action of declaring victory as a sitting president in an election he lost. The notion that the Trump campaign may have colluded with Russia in 2016 is a conspiracy just like Qanon.....just ignore the fact that the Trump campaign released a transcript showing they tried

Exactly. My favourite is "Oh, Trump is a liar? Well, there was this one Tuesday in July 2014 when Obama lied about what he was going to have for dinner, they all lie, both sides same".

do you actually write these or are they ai?

follow up q: whats your coke budget?

by d2_e4 k

@rickroll Dude... what on earth? That is the weakest and most nonsensical defense of ignorance and stupidity that I've ever seen. Admittedly I haven't seen many, since not many people go out of their way to defend those things.

i tried hammering it out quickly while doing some nfl sims so it's not very well written at all, should probably delete and try again when i have the time, but i did warn you 😀

by rickroll k

i know this will shock you

i just have found nowhere else i've gone have "low level" people been half as competent as their equivalents in america - so while we lack a lot of things, we are by and large far better at tackling things than the rest of the world - i only wish our government was half as good as our mechanics


by rickroll k

i just have found nowhere else i've gone have "low level" people been half as competent as their equivalents in america - so while we lack a lot of things, we are by and large far better at tackling things than the rest of the world - i only wish our government was half as good as our mechanics

Well, your crack dealer is obviously very good.

by d2_e4 k

Well, your crack dealer is obviously very good.

like i said, we excel at areas where your people are indifferent

your crack dealers are just waiting for their moment to clock out and perhaps eat some california rolls and drink some white zinfandel whereas mine over here in america are committed to the game, providing me the best crack with the best crack delivery experience around

Does anyone live close enough to rickroll to do a wellness check? WTF?!

Getting this thread back on track, 538 did a forecast model with Harris replacing Biden and their current forecast of the presidential race is as follows....

by Gorgonian k

I can't stop laughing at this and I'm not 100% on exactly what tickles me about it.

Its the embodiment of "Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions" meme

by ladybruin k

Does anyone live close enough to rickroll to do a wellness check? WTF?!

by ladybruin k

Does anyone live close enough to rickroll to do a wellness check? WTF?!

Getting this thread back on track, 538 did a forecast model with Harris replacing Biden and their current forecast of the presidential race is as follows....

Meanwhile Trump has never been more popular. I wouldn't bet your house on that outcome..

by Shifty86 k

Meanwhile Trump has never been more popular.


While Harris' popularity grew 13 percentage points in August to 47%, former President Trump's dipped 5 points to 41% as the two edge towards what's expected to be a close contest in November.[/QUOTE]

Sept. 3-4 Emerson College Favorable 47% 53% Unfavorable
Sept. 1-3 YouGov/The Economist Favorable 45% 54% Unfavorable
Aug. 30-Sept. 2 Data for Progress Favorable 44% 55% Unfavorable
Aug. 29-Sept. 1 YouGov Favorable 43% 54% Unfavorable
Aug. 28-30 TIPP Insights Favorable 45% 49% Unfavorable


by d2_e4 k

Just more of "hurr durr both sides same" stuff. I find the "both sides same" people to generally be the least interesting on this forum. Always some variation of "neither are Bernie, so egro both are the same".

It's such a vacuous argument too. They find all the things where they are actually the same, i.e. all the positions on which most reasonable people agree, and then some magic happens and then that means they are the same in every respect.

The two parties are close enough on Israel and just about every conflict this government engages in that I vote for neither in presidential elections. I don't think the two parties are the same, but they certainly don't differ enough where it matters most to me.
