The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by d2_e4 k

You're the real genius, Shifty. You should come to the IQ thread, we need a real life example of the Trump voters we've been talking about.

I'm good. How many threads do you and the other handful of posters need to get your trump bashing fix in?

All of them

by Shifty86 k

I'm good. How many threads do you and the other handful of posters need to get your trump bashing fix in?

If you'd do us a favor and tweet at Trump that he should stop bashing people too, that would be awesome. Thx.

by Gorgonian k

Even if you desperately tried to split hairs and tried to argue that "this" in "this is a fact of life" refers to pyschos seeing schools as soft targets, WHAT DOES THAT RESULT IN?

jfc this isn't even hard.

It results in ATTEMPTED SCHOOL SHOOTINGS are a fact of life. Not "successful" ones.

We cannot avoid psychos trying to kill people in school. We can and should focus on making it very hard for them to succeed.

That's Vance's (and reasonable people) approach to the problem.

Your approach is "if we can implement completely unconstitutional gun control it would fix itself" which isn't obvious at all, and anyway if you aren't a subversive you don't propose unconstitutional laws no matter your intentions.

by Luciom k

We cannot avoid psychos trying to kill people in school.

We can't? Someone should tell the 199/200 countries which have.

by Luciom k

It results in ATTEMPTED SCHOOL SHOOTINGS are a fact of life. Not "successful" ones.

We cannot avoid psychos trying to kill people in school. We can and should focus on making it very hard for them to succeed.

That's Vance's (and reasonable people) approach to the problem.

Your approach is "if we can implement completely unconstitutional gun control it would fix itself" which isn't obvious at all, and anyway if you aren't a subversive you don't propose unconstitutional laws no matter your intentions

Yah no need to control guns .

Just tax the $h!t out of bullet like 100X !

Ps: Hopefully for d2-e4 vid works…😀

Yep, working.

They didn’t made smoking illegal here in Quebec , but they sure jacked up the tax on cigarettes hugely over the years .
The uses of them went way down …

by d2_e4 k

We can't? Someone should tell the 199/200 countries which have.

Why do you assume you have the same proportion of psychos as other countries?

by Luciom k

Why do you assume you have the same proportion of psychos as other countries?

Would be a pretty big coincidence if the one country with unfettered access to guns had so many shootings not because of unfettered access to guns but because of an unexplained excess of psychos, don't you think?

by d2_e4 k

Would be a pretty big coincidence if the one country with unfettered access to guns had so many shootings not because of unfettered access to guns but because of an unexplained excess of psychos, don't you think?

Countries with widespread gang violence, a complete break of the normal concept of the rule of law in some areas for some time, insane murder rates, and extremely easy gun availability, never had the school shootings you had.

It didn't happen in Colombia when it was a narco state, didn't happen in Sicily when the mafia controlled everything, didn't happen in Mexico even in the areas where the state withdrew and let the gang rules, didn't happen in Russia even in the early 90s where hell broke lose.

And.. it didn't happen much in the USA either pre-Columbine.

So yes you have a specific idiosyncratic problem, and it's a mental health problem.

Same with fentanyl abuse

*Sorry not you, americans

Standing in a gun-free zone, in an area controlled by extraordinary law enforcement protocols, enveloped by bulletproof panes of glass, surrounded by secret service agents and saying "school shootings is a fact of life" is pathetic.

On one hand you implicitly state that special measures must be taken to keep you safe, while you on the other hand explicitly state that such measures are not for the plebs or their children.

It's feudal.

by tame_deuces k

Standing in a gun-free zone, in an area controlled by extraordinary law enforcement protocols, enveloped by bulletproof panes of glass, surrounded by secret service agents and saying "school shootings is a fact of life" is pathetic.

On one hand you implicitly state that special measures must be taken to keep you safe, while you on the other explicitly state that such measures are not for the plebs or their children.

It's feudal.

Do you think Vance opposes rules to prevent kids from bringing guns to school?

by Luciom k

Do you think Vance opposes rules to prevent kids from bringing guns to school?

Oh, far worse than that. I don't think he cares.

by tame_deuces k

Oh, far worse than that. I don't think he cares.

So he has kids and doesn't care while many liberals without kids (but with many cats) care because reasons

by Luciom k

So he has kids and doesn't care while many liberals without kids (but with many cats) care because reasons

His kids will be well protected from threats, in ways that are very invasive to the rights of others if need be.

Like I said: It's feudal.

by tame_deuces k

His kids will be well protected from threats, in ways that are very invasive to the rights of others if need be.

Like I said: It's feudal.

Now that he is VP yes but he lived till a month or two ago with the same security anyone of his income bracket had access to.

Which doesn't prevent your kids from being killed by psychos in schools.

Having armed guards at school does to a good extent. And it costs less that having DEI departments

by Luciom k

Now that he is VP yes but he lived till a month or two ago with the same security anyone of his income bracket had access to.

Which doesn't prevent your kids from being killed by psychos in schools.

Having armed guards at school does to a good extent. And it costs less that having DEI departments

Having armed guards

Now, I can't speak for you. But I find that the subject of people putting bullets in children, and leaving them to bleed out while crying for their parents is a serious subject that does not warrant digs at irrelevant policies. I'll grant that this probably disqualifies me as a speechwriter for J.D Vance, but I'll live that one down.

guessing that usa#1 has like 10000x more armed guards and school shootings than everyone else combined, so not sure more cops solves the problem there

So what is the proposal that you guys make that doesn't violate the constitution?

Here a dumb question .
Are guns today restricted during trump rallies ?

If yes why ?
Shouldn’t Trump be more protected by everyone caring guns ?
Isn’t that the logic of republicans ?

Anyway, democrats should just implement a huge federal tax on all automatic and semi automatic weapons .
U don’t ban guns but at least u make it far more difficult to obtain .

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

probably a lot you can do that doesn't infringe on the rights of well-regulated militias

by Montrealcorp k

Here a dumb question .
Are guns today restricted during trump rallies ?

If yes why ?
Shouldn’t Trump be more protected by everyone caring guns ?
Isn’t that the logic of republicans ?

Anyway, democrats should just implement a huge federal tax on all automatic and semi automatic weapons .
U don’t Ann guns but at least u make it far more difficult to obtain .

Private meetings can decide rules about themselves.

And schools don't allow kids to enter with machine guns either, that's already forbidden do you get that?

by 72off k

probably a lot you can do that doesn't infringe on the rights of well-regulated militias

Sorry bro but it's 2 different rights: well regulated militia and the right to bear arms.

You have a right to bear arms, and to do so as a group (militia) if well regulate in that.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

by 72off k

probably a lot you can do that doesn't infringe on the rights of well-regulated militias

I always thought you could argue there is no right to bear arms because well regulated militias are not necessary to the security of a free state. Like if False then False is True, but not because False = True. So if you just outlaw guns, you're not violating the 2nd amendment at all. But law is not logic.
