The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by bahbahmickey k

It would be one thing if they only fact checked him on the eating cats thing but I’m half way through and I’ve counted at least 4-5 times a moderator has fact checked him and pushed back on what he said and 0 for Kamala.

She lied about him wanting to institute a national abortion ban despite him saying minutes before he wants exceptions for rape/incest, he was going to do a 20% sales tax, she repeated the Charlottesville lie, that his tax cut only lowered taxes for the rich, & that project 2025

Saying he wants exceptions for rape/incest does not dispute he wants a national ban. He was asked directly if he would veto a ban and he repeatedly refused to answer the question, so if Trump himself wont refute it then why should a fact checker?

by bahbahmickey k

It would be one thing if they only fact checked him on the eating cats thing but I’m half way through and I’ve counted at least 4-5 times a moderator has fact checked him and pushed back on what he said and 0 for Kamala.

Maybe your boy Trump should stop lying so much?

MAGA is on a totally normal one today

1. How dare they fact check ‘immigrants are eating your pets’ and ‘liberals are aborting babies when they’re born.’ DOESNT ANYONE GIVE A **** ABOUT THE RULES?

2. Taylor endorses Kamala. Some 50 year old incel 8chan loser tweets out that he’s happy to impregnate he. MAGA chuds stand there awaiting him to bukkake them

3. Trump throwing tantrum about how unfair ABC News is for not letting him lie about what he saw on tv and their license should be revoked

Deeply strange people

Lol DJT opens down 15% and under $16


by bahbahmickey k

It would be one thing if they only fact checked him on the eating cats thing but I’m half way through and I’ve counted at least 4-5 times a moderator has fact checked him and pushed back on what he said and 0 for Kamala.

This is a terrible way of measuring moderation. Imagine a debate between Candidate A who lies 200 times and Candidate B who lies one time. (I understand that this is more extreme than the actual disparity between Trump and Kamala. I am making it more extreme to make a point.)

By your logic, if the moderators fact checked Candidate A four times and Candidate B one time, then Candidate A's supporters would be able to plausibly claim that the debate was moderated in a biased way to the disadvantage of Candidate A. But in fact, the moderators in my hypothetical debate have chosen to fact check Candidate A 2% of the time and Candidate B 100% of the time. Thus, unless you are a "no fact checking" absolutist, it probably would be more accurate to say that my hypothetical debate was moderated in a biased way to the disadvantage of Candidate B.

If I wanted to make the case that the moderators were unfair to Trump, I would focus on the questions, not the fact checking. If fact checking occurs during a debate, Trump is always going to be fact checked much more frequently than his opponent because he inevitably is going to lie much more frequently. This is true no matter who is on the stage. If you went back and reviewed Republican primary debates involving Trump, you would observe the same phenomenon.

Being mad that a serial liar who is demonstrably incapable of either telling the truth or accepting the slightest bit of criticism doesn’t get to gaslight the audience with impunity is really a choice that says more about how amoral you are than how biased ABC is

Feel free to tell me which time the moderator stepped in was an overreach because it wasn’t a massive lie by trump. And to rococo’s point these checks were to a fraction of the wholesale lies he was able to get through unchecked

‘Hey that’s not fair why are they trying to tell the country abortion after birth is murder and illegal everywhere? They’re being so mean to trump’

Knowing your candidate is lying with the frequency and extreme that he does it but wanting him to get away with doing it and being completely unchallenged really speaks volumes. It’s not surprising the people you’d expect to be mad about it are

Under Pete Carroll, the Seahawks secondary was notorious for grabbing, holding, and generally pushing the envelope on pass interference at every opportunity. The idea was to normalize a certain level of contact on the theory that the officials didn't want to slow the game down by calling PI every other play.

That is more or less the strategy that Trump employs w/r/t lying during debates.

The candidates that hate the fact checkers the most are the lying pieces of **** like Trump.

Of all the lies trump spewed he was fact checked a grand total of 4 times. Of those the only one I think maybe could be an overreach based on the ‘no fact checking rules’ (even though it was a lie), is trump claiming violent crime is going up

The other 3 were:

1. Doctors are murdering babies after they’re born cuz you can still have an abortion
2. Dogs and cats are being eaten
3. There is definitive proof the 2020 election was stolen from me

No reasonable human being, even if you’re a trump supporter, should be ok with any of those 3 extremely dangerous lies going through unchallenged. Plus your guy got 96% of the other lies he told through without incident

In other words: get ****ed

by Rococo k

Under Pete Carroll, the Seahawks secondary was notorious for grabbing, holding, and generally pushing the envelope on pass interference at every opportunity. The idea was to normalize a certain level of contact on the theory that the officials didn't want to slow the game down by calling PI every other play.

That is more or less the strategy that Trump employs w/r/t lying during debates.

**** man, you know stuff about sportsball? Didn't peg you as the type.

I also want to note the distinction between what I would call a soft lie and a hard lie. A soft lie is something like "I have done more to protect the elderly from exploitation than any president in history." The statement may not be true, but it is very general and hard to explicitly disprove. A hard lie is something like "I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky." The claim is very specific and very clearly true or untrue.

Candidates from both parties repeatedly have engaged in soft lying. It isn't endearing, but it is generally tolerated. Trump is unique in his willingness to tell hard lies with the same enthusiasm and frequency that he tells soft lies.

by Rococo k

"I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky."

Define sex.

by d2_e4 k

**** man, you know stuff about sportsball? Didn't peg you as the type.

I hesitate to even guess at how you arrived at this conclusion.

by Rococo k

I hesitate to even guess at how you arrived at this conclusion.

Dunno, guess I just don't imagine you sitting down on Monday night with a case of natty ice and a jumbo pack of Doritos and screaming at the TV.

It's pretty amazing that the only maga take on the debate is to complain that someone corrected their guy when he continues to spew lies.

Trump lies how my kids lied when they first started realizing it was an option. You almost have to sit them down and tell them not to always tell the truth, but either tell the truth or lie about stuff that is not so obvious to disprove.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Trump lies how my kids lied when they first started realizing it was an option. You almost have to sit them down and tell them not to always tell the truth, but either tell the truth or lie about stuff that is not so obvious to disprove.

There's no incentive for him to get better at lying when Trump's lickspittle followers will go along with literally any nonsense their master conjures up. Look how many ppl in this forum are ready to gleefully spread his vile racist smears about immigrants eating cats, why would Trump ever feel the need to work on his patter?

by biggerboat k

It's pretty amazing that the only maga take on the debate is to complain that someone corrected their guy when he continues to spew lies.

My favorite was....tbh not sure if he's Maga but a conservative

BTW, I thought this was a telling response from Erick Erickson,


Our nominee is so dumb, we really can't blame him. But shame on you millions of anonymous internet trolls. I expected better from you!

by ecriture d'adulte k

Our nominee is so dumb

Maybe he was just unprepared or having a bad day.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Trump lies how my kids lied when they first started realizing it was an option. You almost have to sit them down and tell them not to always tell the truth, but either tell the truth or lie about stuff that is not so obvious to disprove.

Trump chooses to be aggressive when he lies about obvious things, which plays well to his supporters as him fighting back, I think. This is pretty clear in their reaction to him lying. They paint him to be the victim of fact-checking. And do so pretty effectively.

by The Horror k

Trump chooses to be aggressive when he lies about obvious things, which plays well to his supporters as him fighting back, I think. This is pretty clear in their reaction to him lying. They paint him to be the victim of fact-checking. And do so pretty effectively.

I think he's just pathological and people that liked him for being a birther, being anti immigrant etc come up with ways to deal with it.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Lol DJT opens down 15% and under $16


isn't this week sell off time? trump's rug pulling anyone left come monday or whenever.

by Didace k

Define sex.

How did that sort of wordplay work out for Clinton?

by StoppedRainingMen k

Vance himself this morning basically said ‘ya that probably isn’t true but I don’t care keep posting cat memes’

JD doubling down on pet eating.
