The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


‘This man, who constantly professes to be your champion, who says they’re gonna have to go through him to get to you, will ALWAYS when the boat is going down be the first into the lifeboats because in that moment will always say the same thing ‘I didn’t know anything about it, I was just told to show up for a cruise!’ even though everyone knows he was the ****ing captain of the ship’
-Jon Stewart on Trump last night

Where’s the lie

by rickroll k

weird how she was just checking all the yes boxes to gain support and didn't really mean it but oddly included a paragraph stating all the times she already sought that goal as attorney general

this is a common theme from liberals. they will spend thousands of words arguing and explaining why Kamala has no agency or power. its truly amazing to witness.

by Victor k

this is a common theme from liberals. they will spend thousands of words arguing and explaining why Kamala has no agency or power. its truly amazing to witness.

I mean about that

by StoppedRainingMen k


by rickroll k

weird how she was just checking all the yes boxes to gain support and didn't really mean it but oddly included a paragraph stating all the times she already sought that goal as attorney general

She stated "I pushed the California DOCaR to provide gender surgery to state inmates". In general this seems like a pretty nothing statement, but if that is "all the times" then she should probably be doing more.

by Victor k

this is a common theme from liberals. they will spend thousands of words arguing and explaining why Kamala has no agency or power. its truly amazing to witness.

You have 5000 posts squirming around basic undeniable facts so you can openly be antisemitic my friend

by coordi k

You have 5000 posts squirming around basic undeniable facts so you can openly be antisemitic my friend

and yet you cant cite any facts that I deny or any antisemitic posts that I have made. Ive been banned a ton on this site and yet never for antisemitism, despite that smear being leveled at me more than anything else. weird.

by Victor k

and yet you cant cite any facts that I deny or any antisemitic posts that I have made. Ive been banned a ton on this site and yet never for antisemitism, despite that smear being leveled at me more than anything else. weird.

You denied that the Hamas Charter exists. I couldn't read any more posts in that thread that you are relentlessly steamrolling after that. Its basically a self-masturbatory containment thread for your inability to parse reality

ofc the Hamas charter exists. it just doenst say what people claim. and its real easy to find out what it actually says. theres even a wikipedia!

and it does take a steamroller to counter all of the misinformation that is posted. ffs, Kamala is still going on about the debunked mass rape hoax.

by Victor k

ofc the Hamas charter exists. it just doenst say what people claim. and its real easy to find out what it actually says. theres even a wikipedia!

and it does take a steamroller to counter all of the misinformation that is posted. ffs, Kamala is still going on about the debunked mass rape hoax.

But, you do admit there was rape, right?

we have not seen any evidence, nor has the UN as their most recent investigation specifically said.

we can take it to the other thread if you want. theres a lot of details from that day that are not well known.

by biggerboat k

The maga crowd doesn't think he won.

trump does, therefore some % of maga crowd does

[quote="Donald Trump"]We won the debate according to every poll, every single poll I think[/quote]


How many imprisoned migrants have received sex change operations?

I've known a few people who've done time, and pretty much all have said it's difficult to receive maintenance medication.

by FellaGaga-52 k

Uh oh good points by The Donald.

He sent a picture of the dude's house to the guy and he retired from terrorism, and Harris went to mediate and then the war immediately broke out. Who knows if it's true, but I didn't hear it fact-check rebuked. Then when asked if she met or had ever met Putin, Harris ducked it. If she hadn't it would have been the perfect rebuke to Trump's point, so she must have.

Every presidential campaign ever runs on the congressional legislation they will pushed. The legislation has a mandate because they are elected into office. That’s why Kamala needs to run on this stuff and why it’s more likely to pass once they win.

Obama ran on the ACA when he was a senator. Technically he could have pushed that bill. And Kamala/Biden really did push the immigration bill and the child tax credit.

Trump hanging out with far-right activist who MTG even called racist

Donald Trump attended a Sept. 11 remembrance Wednesday alongside a far-right
activist who has pushed a false narrative that the terrorist attack was "an inside job."

As a life long conservative Republican voter ...Trump and Laura Loomer are a putrid,
disgusting and pathetic example of how bad the once great Republican Party has become.

by Shifty86 k

Looks like Trump wasn't lying when he said last night Biden hates Harris.

"Biden is an old vegetable who doesnt have any idea what he is doing and him being near the presidency is a constsnt threat to the nation."

"Unless he does something I like. Then its 100% planned to take down his successor."

You people are ****ing nuts

by Shifty86 k

Looks like Trump wasn't lying when he said last night Biden hates Harris.

This is actually a funny video. Joe seems like a good sport.

by housenuts k

This is actually a funny video. Joe seems like a good sport.

I agree. He seems old as hell, but he obviously was just trying to be a good sport.

It's pathetic that we have gotten to the point where a president can't have a laugh with a non-supporter without some idiot trying to distort it on social media.

by housenuts k

This is actually a funny video. Joe seems like a good sport.

gotta imagine how despite being president still, the pressure is absolutely off and he can probably relax for the first time over about 2 decades and not worry too much about how he comes off publicly

by ecriture d'adulte k

If you're fine with massive price increases with no gain Trump's plan is okay. Trained economists do not think it is. Otherwise it is awful. And of course he's already been president and had an economic collapse on his watch due to incompetence.

That has been covered before, but the economic slow down that occured was due to the Fed printing 3x the normal rate for 2 years, the fed gov't throwing too money into the economy for too long (especially because some if it is was designed to encourage people not to work) and because the gov't shut down parts of the economy and for far too long. The hand outs and the shut downs were all almost unanimously supported by dems and not very well supported by repubs.

Trying to blame future inflation on repubs after the dem performance during and after covid is comical.

by Montrealcorp k

No idea why u think tariffs would be ok short term (while prices would go up) but being against prices control short term ( which would prevent prices going up) is not ok .
Especially with your “truthful” ideology of defending the common men …..

I think short term tariffs (as long as they are described as long-term/permanent tariffs that end up being short term) could be a net positive for the US economy if the goal of the tariffs - hurting china enough to get them to stop stealing intellectual property from US companies is even slightly successful.

I don't think kamalas goal of price controls is meant to be short-term or at least I haven't heard her mention that. Even so there is absolute no good that can come from the govt deciding the price of products or service in a country as free as the US is.

Her example of grocery stores being a good place for price controls is one of the dumbest thoughts I've heard a presidential hopefully say as grocery stores are super competitive and low margin. She could have named almost any other industry in the world and would have sound less stupid.

by bahbahmickey k

I think short term tariffs (as long as they are described as long-term/permanent tariffs that end up being short term) could be a net positive for the US economy if the goal of the tariffs - hurting china enough to get them to stop stealing intellectual property from US companies is even slightly successful.

I don't think kamalas goal of price controls is meant to be short-term or at least I haven't heard her mention that. Even so there is absolute no good that can come from the govt deciding th

Tariffs are a tax on consumers and a guaranteed way to increase inflation, both for the imported goods they're taxing and for domestic producers opportunistically increasing their prices to match them.

Super awesome that Trump's cult of illiterate racist clowns can disrupt daily life in a random small town, big shout out to all the trolling dipshits defending this racist harassment campaign.

by King Spew k

bahbah, where do you stand on the initial deportations NOT including illegals that have been gainfully employed for several years with sterling records? Pardon and allow emigration?

As I said earlier, I am a huge fan of drastically increasing legal immigration and with that I would support not deporting the people you describe.

by pocket_zeros k

Tariffs are a tax on consumers and a guaranteed way to increase inflation, both for the imported goods they're taxing and for domestic producers opportunistically increasing their prices to match them.

I agree, but I think your use of the word "guaranteed" is a bit strong. I would also like to point out that corporate taxes do the same thing in that they also tend to raise the prices for goods and services, but for whatever reason dems are ok with raising corporate taxes.

I will say this again (i lost track of how many times I've said it now) - I am not a fan of tariffs and if I was trump's economic advisor I would recommend not doing them.

by pocket_zeros k

Tariffs are a tax on consumers and a guaranteed way to increase inflation, both for the imported goods they're taxing and for domestic producers opportunistically increasing their prices to match them.

tariffs are bad but Biden used them more than Trump

As of March 2024, the trade war tariffs have generated more than $233 billion of higher taxes collected for the US government from US consumers. Of that total, $89 billion, or about 38 percent, was collected during the Trump administration, while the remaining $144 billion, or about 62 percent, has been collected during the Biden administration.

Why didn't Biden just remove all those tariffs when there was over target inflation? after all at least in Trump case, he introduced them in a lowflation scenario.

Any criticism of tariffs (with which i very much agree), is a criticism of Biden MORE than Trump.

Then yes there is the future, where Trump is proposing more tariffs than Harris, true.

by bahbahmickey k

That has been covered before, but the economic slow down that occured was due to the Fed printing 3x the normal rate for 2 years, the fed gov't throwing too money into the economy for too long (especially because some if it is was designed to encourage people not to work) and because the gov't shut down parts of the economy and for far too long. The hand outs and the shut downs were all almost unanimously supported by dems and not very well supported by repubs.

Trying to blame future inflation o

That's just false. GDP crashed under Trump. The US had the worst monthly drop in US history between April and June 2020. His mismanagement of the pandemic, especially having Kushner and Pence run the response, destroyed the economy. The choices then were either monthas and months of double digit unemployment or risk high inflation later. Everyone, including Trump and Republicans were unwilling to tolerate high unemployment for that long. Pretty much any elected politician would do the same in that unfortunate spot. But MAGA incompetence in dealing with the pandemic was why those were the only 2 options.
