The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by StoppedRainingMen k

What’s your power rankings on worst posters in this forum between bahahaha, luciom, PB, lozen, and that mongo guy?

Really astonishing what turned this place has turned into thanks to a string of incompetent mods.

by bahbahmickey k

If kamala, or another candidate, said people with the size of shoe I have, my race, my religion, my height, my nationality, my heritage or any other identifying thing about me said we eat dogs but she was the candidate I thought was better for me, my family, the poor, the middle class, the rich and America as a whole long-term I'd still vote for her.

Nobody asked if you would still vote for an awful candidate. We already knew that about you. We are telling you that you are privileged because the people Trump attacks with his words are NOT YOU therefore you cannot be hurt by them, BUT THAT ISN'T TRUE FOR OTHERS.

by bahbahmickey k

The things a politician has or could reasonable say can't hurt me because their actions/policies could hurt or help me far more than their words.

Can a pocket knife not hurt you because a shotgun could hurt you far worse? I don't like to think people are stupid, but some people make it really hard to stick to that.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Really astonishing what turned this place has turned into thanks to a string of incompetent mods.

Yeah. If I went back in time and logged into this forum 10-15 years ago, I wouldn't run into any idiots. 🙄

Just out of curiosity, Trolly, has there ever been a mod of this forum who you thought did a good job? I get that I, CN, gansta, browser, well named, td, chez, and King Spew have all been terrible in your opinion. But who were the good mods in your view?

by Trolly McTrollson k

Really astonishing what turned this place has turned into thanks to a string of incompetent mods.

Not everyone wants an echo chamber. And for those who do want one, there is one available over at UP.

by StoppedRainingMen k

What’s your power rankings on worst posters in this forum between bahahaha, luciom, PB, lozen, and that mongo guy?

by bahbahmickey k

If kamala, or another candidate, said people with the size of shoe I have, my race, my religion, my height, my nationality, my heritage or any other identifying thing about me said we eat dogs but she was the candidate I thought was better for me, my family, the poor, the middle class, the rich and America as a whole long-term I'd still vote for her.

The things a politician has or could reasonable say can't hurt me because their actions/policies could hurt or help me far more than their words.


You clearly don’t care about competency, leadership skills or preparedness either.

The notion of Trump being like the employee that's always late hard to work with and says crazy stuff but is just so good at is job is lol. He was already President. He sucked at it to the point where he couldn't even get an infrastructure bill that should be super easy for any republican through. The only way to gloss over his incompetence is to pretend like the only criticism of him is over the dumb stuff he says. He also governs like a complete idiot.

by Rococo k

This has nothing to do with whether Trump is a "meany" or not. It has to do with whether he respects people and whether he wants to unfairly engender animus against particular groups of people. Believe it or not, that matters when assessing what you can expect from a candidate in terms of policy.

Trump was already president for 4 years. What were a few of the policies he proposed that specifically targeted an ethnic group or race?

by Gorgonian k

Nobody asked if you would still vote for an awful candidate. We already knew that about you. We are telling you that you are privileged because the people Trump attacks with his words are NOT YOU therefore you cannot be hurt by them, BUT THAT ISN'T TRUE FOR OTHERS.

No matter if it is trump or some other politician - I care far too much about the future of America to be talked into not voting for someone because they are a meany.

by Gorgonian k

Can a pocket knife not hurt you because a shotgun could hurt you far worse? I don't like to think people are stupid, but some people make it really hard to stick to that.

Both of the weapons can hurt me.

In no way am I saying what trump said can't be hurtful to people. I am just pointing out that nothing a candidate can say can hurt me enough to ignore who I think is a better candidate for the future of America - the gap between he 2 candidates in terms of who is best for America (in my mind) is too large for mean words to be a significant factor. In saying that, I wish trump was less mean.

by StoppedRainingMen k

What’s your power rankings on worst posters in this forum between bahahaha, luciom, PB, lozen, and that mongo guy?

Hmm what do they all have in common? More conservative possibly?

I am only 4th . Come on I am actually saying that I do not think Trump is fit to be president .

by Gorgonian k

Can a pocket knife not hurt you because a shotgun could hurt you far worse? I don't like to think people are stupid, but some people make it really hard to stick to that.

Elementary schools in my area are shutting down directly because of Trump's racist lies and the concern that some Republican jackoff will trying murdering Haitian immigrants. "Words can never harm you" is just dumb **** elementary school teachers say to get out of policing the bullies in their classroom.

by bahbahmickey k

Trump was already president for 4 years. What were a few of the policies he proposed that specifically targeted an ethnic group or race?

I'll give you an easy example. Trump has always treated women like garbage. Little wonder, then, that he pursued policies that restrict the rights of women to make decisions re reproduction.

Also, you are assuming that a president's rhetoric is harmless unless it is paired with concrete policy. I don't agree. If a president was encouraging everyone to believe that gay people were highly prone to pedophilia, that would be a problem, even if the president lacked the votes in Congress to turn his rhetoric into federal legislation targeting gay people.

by jjjou812 k

You clearly don’t care about competency, leadership skills or preparedness either.

We have had only 3 realistic options for president this time around: a guy who unfortunately lost so much of his cognitive ability that his own party staged a coup, a woman who couldn't be further from being examples of those 3 things you name and trump.

She blew any chance to be labeled competent when she was forced to drop out of the race 4 years ago before even a vote was cast and when she became the border czar and did nothing. Biden hasn't trust her leadership skills enough to put her in charge of anything in 4 years except prove biden was actually right to not trust her to lead anything else. She can't prepare herself enough to handle a sit down interview by herself or have debate unless she has at least two moderators on her side.

by Rococo k

Yeah. If I went back in time and logged into this forum 10-15 years ago, I wouldn't run into any idiots. 🙄

Just out of curiosity, Trolly, has there ever been a mod of this forum who you thought did a good job?

idk about this forum, but most online communities manage to not be overrun by turbo-posting racist trolls and their ball-washers. Hell, OOT does a better job at this.

by bahbahmickey k

We have had only 3 realistic options for president this time around: a guy who unfortunately lost so much of his cognitive ability that his own party staged a coup, a woman who couldn't be further from being examples of those 3 things you name and trump.

She blew any chance to be labeled competent when she was forced to drop out of the race 4 years ago before even a vote was cast and when she became the border czar and did nothing. Biden hasn't trust her leadership skills enough to put her in cha

You're just determined to work your way up to the top (well, down to the bottom) of those power rankings, huh?

by bahbahmickey k

Trump was already president for 4 years. What were a few of the policies he proposed that specifically targeted an ethnic group or race?

He tried to institute a travel ban on Muslim majority nations. This made i tdifficult for US citizens to bring over their parents/grandparents etc on tourist visas to help with childcare etc. This definitely hurt science related fields in which the US has historically had an advantage in recruiting the world's best post WWII.

by Trolly McTrollson k

idk about this forum, but most online communities manage to not be overrun by turbo-posting racist trolls and their ball-washers. Hell, OOT does a better job at this.

We should get a blacklist of who you want banned. Actually, a whitelist of who can stay would probably be more efficient.

by bahbahmickey k

Trump was already president for 4 years. What were a few of the policies he proposed that specifically targeted an ethnic group or race?

No matter if it is trump or some other politician - I care far too much about the future of America to be talked into not voting for someone because they are a meany.

Both of the weapons can hurt me.

In no way am I saying what trump said can't be hurtful to people. I am just pointing out that nothing a candidate can say can hurt me enough to ignore who I think i

Honestly curious. If your stance is you're voting purely for policy, which policy of his were you in favor of?

Tariffs w/o domestic manufacturing increase is a disaster that will raise prices.
Taxes for billionaire class which blow massive holes in the deficit.
Massive trade deficits.
Stagnant GDP growth (didn't Trump promises 5%+?).
Stagnant real wage growth.
Loss of manufacturing jobs.
Record level subsidized farming.

And so on... him being great on the economy is complete BS.

Biden took over when the pandemic hit it's peak (March/June 2020). Maybe that had something to do w/ inflation? This is all the Trump team is trying to con people about. That Biden is horrible on the economy, and Trump is great, but if you did ANY kind of objective analysis, you'd see it's smoke and mirrors. But it's the only play they have right now. Convince the Trump base that Trump can run the economy better. The truth is, if he was re-elected, this would have been worse than it is by any measure of how he handled things before the pandemic.

by bahbahmickey k

Trump was already president for 4 years. What were a few of the policies he proposed that specifically targeted an ethnic group or race?

by Trolly McTrollson k

idk about this forum, but most online communities manage to not be overrun by turbo-posting racist trolls and their ball-washers. Hell, OOT does a better job at this.

So the answer is that there has never been a competent mod here and the mods in the 2+2 Politics subforum are uniquely terrible compared to most other places on the internet? Sounds right.

It's also shocking that a thread about I/P in a Politics forum attracts more racially or ethnically charged posting than threads in OOT about steak cookery, what's on Netflix, pet pictures, and fast food preferences. I never would have predicted such a thing.

by bahbahmickey k

We have had only 3 realistic options for president this time around: a guy who unfortunately lost so much of his cognitive ability that his own party staged a coup, a woman who couldn't be further from being examples of those 3 things you name and trump.

She blew any chance to be labeled competent when she was forced to drop out of the race 4 years ago before even a vote was cast and when she became the border czar and did nothing. Biden hasn't trust her leadership skills enough to put her in cha

The safest course is to vote for the guy who we know will be a dumpster fire. Makes sense.

by Rococo k

So the answer is that the mods in the 2+2 Politics subforum are uniquely terrible compared to most other places on the internet? Sounds right.

It's also shocking that a thread about I/P in a Politics forum attracts more racially or ethnically charged posting than threads in OOT about steak cookery, what's on Netflix, pet pictures, and fast food preferences. I never would have predicted such a thing.

Could combine the pet pictures with the steak cookery into one "before & after" thread.

Too soon?

by bahbahmickey k

We have had only 3 realistic options for president this time around: a guy who unfortunately lost so much of his cognitive ability that his own party staged a coup, a woman who couldn't be further from being examples of those 3 things you name and trump.

She blew any chance to be labeled competent when she was forced to drop out of the race 4 years ago before even a vote was cast and when she became the border czar and did nothing. Biden hasn't trust her leadership skills enough to put her in cha


by d2_e4 k

You're just determined to work your way up to the top (well, down to the bottom) of those power rankings, huh?

You don't believe that a candidate for the presidency of the USA should be able to sit down for an interview to explain her positions, why she has flip flopped so much and her vision for the future and how she will achieve that?

by lozen k

You don't believe that a candidate for the presidency of the USA should be able to sit down for an interview to explain her positions, why she has flip flopped so much and her vision for the future and how she will achieve that?

Sure. She's probably working to her schedule, not yours though. And given that whatever she says or does, you and your ilk will probably say she had softball questions, she got the questions in advance, etc. etc. I really doubt she cares much what you think.
