The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Tom Ames k


must have been before my time

by rickroll k

must have been before my time

Doubt it.

Ed Miller's then(?) gf IIRC.

eta: or maybe???

tbh though i'm surprised that's linked to a specific poster, i must have heard over a hundred people say that in my life

by pocket_zeros k

You have no idea but you're certain it's not racism. Can you explain how those two statements are consistent with each other?

can you explain how you derived the bolded? i wasn't talking about the origin of the rumor or why trump brought it up in the debate.

i said haitians are not a race. "haitians eating cats and dogs is indisputably a racial slur" is literally false. "blacks eat cats and dogs" would be. arguably the supposition that haitians eating cats and dogs is racist is racist, assuming that if a particular culture or destitute immigrant is (accused of) doing something it must ultimately be ascribed to their race.

my concern is the inverse: imagine a world where the rumor was technically true that a couple haitian immigrants (say experiencing severe poverty and calorie deficits) ate a cat or dog. does that imply that black people are predisposed to eating pets?

there was a rumor that venezuelan gangs were terrorizing apartment complexes in Aurora, CO, which was categorically denied by police. they eventually said it was a thing. should we then update and say that hispanics are predisposed to be violent thugs who take over apartment complexes? the hyperfocus on race even where race hasn't been mentioned is what troubles me.

trump bringing it up could have racist motivations and people propagating it could be racist. i think it'd be better categorized as anti-immigrant or xenophobia. i don't really care or dwell on it because it's ultimately sick that this has consumed all public focus. i believe banning discourse on it makes it a bigger brainworm. then you get people like deuces mccracken starting threads on it 25 years later

by smartDFS k

i'd like to preface by saying:
-i did not preclear this with a mod
-i respect CN, both for level of modding effort and certain IQ scores that have been disclosed
-it pains me a great deal to see so much discussion in the political sphere of haitians eating cats and dogs. i feel i'm living in a dystopian novel.

that said:
-haitians are not a race
-call me a moral relativist or POS, but it's possible the statement "Haitians eat cats/dogs/ducks = racial slur" and banning most discourse on the subject is

If they want to provide any evidence whatsoever it can be discussed. Simply declaring it giddily is clearly racist and should not be tolerated because there is nothing to debate. As of right now it is an unsubstantiated rumor.

On another note, I think it’s horrendously bad faith to compare this to chinese wet markets being a likely source of covid 19. The two things are so categorically different it boggles the mind that any rational person could see their similarity.

by checkraisdraw k

On another note, I think it’s horrendously bad faith to compare this to chinese wet markets being a likely source of covid 19. The two things are so categorically different it boggles the mind that any rational person could see their similarity.

i can't follow luciom's analogy or what exactly (s)he means, but do see parallels to the covid discussion.

in summer 2020 i questioned the zoonotic "wet market" origin of covid theory, pointed to weaknesses in the Lancet Letter and Scripps paper., and cited evidence for a lab leak. trolly branded my posts racist, which were subsequently removed with 60 infraction points. racist misinformation... until it wasn't.

not saying the haitian claims are the same -- haven't seen anything to support them. but banning posts because they conflict with consensus views is counterproductive

[quote=Crossnerd]It is interesting that other posters have brought up the Chinese people eat bats analogy, as that is similarly a racial slur.[/quote]

this was absolutely the consensus NYT viewpoint in 2020... "chinese people love their bats and wet markets, pandemics inevitable, whatcha gonna do?" the lancet letter alleged claims to the contrary (virus could have originated in a lab) were racist, and the NYT science editor tweeted that lab origin views were racist

A few hundred posts itt about Haitians eating cats and dogs is really stupid, considering how uncontroversial it is that there isn't a community of Haitians in America eating cats and dogs.

NGL, I admit that I commented on Trump bringing this to the debate, but not because of the provocative nature of what he said or how false it was, but just to amplify that he believes everything he sees on the internet.

This conversation needs to end and the content needs to return to the 2024 election.

by Rococo k

That describes half the forum, but yes, I understand.

you give the forum way too much credit

by Crossnerd k

This conversation needs to end and the content needs to return to the 2024 election.

whether haitians eat pets IS the 2024 election

by smartDFS k

whether haitians eat pets IS the 2024 election

They do not, there is no credible evidence that they do, and if you continue to assert otherwise without evidence then I will ban you for racism.

Please reread the above.

lots of racist stuff gets promoted without any evidence.

by Crossnerd k

They do not, there is no credible evidence that they do, and if you continue to assert otherwise without evidence then I will ban you for racism.

[quote=smartDFS]not saying the haitian claims are the same -- haven't seen anything to support them[/quote]

am i in the twilight zone

so back on ELECTION 2024: trump has declared there will be no third debate. i believe this is false and we'll see another debate. wednesday he made multiple interviews saying "if you want a rematch that means you're a prize fighter who lost and wants another chance", absolutely talking to himself. rather than 1s and 0s, he sees the world in winners and losers, and only losers would refuse an open invitation to another debate. he will find a way to frame it as landing on a debate on his terms, where he'll spew more nonsensical drivel

by Victor k

lots of racist stuff gets promoted without any evidence.

Do you ever get exhausted?

by smartDFS k

this was absolutely the consensus NYT viewpoint in 2020... "chinese people love their bats and wet markets, pandemics inevitable, whatcha gonna do?" the lancet letter alleged claims to the contrary (virus could have originated in a lab) were racist, and the NYT science editor tweeted that lab origin views were racist

i don't know how many times i had to explain to people that not once had i ever seen bat anywhere on either a menu or at a market - not all of it was here, but chinese eat bats and that's why we have covid was the common mantra of the time

by Victor k

lots of racist stuff gets promoted without any evidence.

There's plenty of coded racism on this site, but the problem with this particular topic is that it's an argument about consensus fiction.

by The Horror k

Do you ever get exhausted?

constantly by liberal hypocrisy

by rickroll k

i don't know how many times i had to explain to people that not once had i ever seen bat anywhere on either a menu or at a market - not all of it was here, but chinese eat bats and that's why we have covid was the common mantra of the time

the beat goes on as prime academics and motivated charlatans continue wet market theory, just with different or more exotic animals

ELECTION 2024: i visited trump's twitter for research and got a bizarre crypto commercial with trump endorsing it. my first thought is this has been hacked with AI-gen vid and the hackers are pumping their rando currency to rugpull. googled it and saw its real life. my second thought is trump has no intentions of serving a 2nd term and is in this to promote his new crypto, NFT, and DJT stock scams.

by Victor k

constantly by liberal hypocrisy

I'm calling bullshit.

It seems to charge your battery.

You've wrapped up your entire internet identity in it.

Is it because you were a late bloomer? Making up for lost time or is this shtick all penance for being a shitlib for so long? Nothing wrong with either. Just curious.

by Crossnerd k

Anecdotally, I spent time in the Bahamas during the Haitian refugee crisis doing charity work. I’ve never in my life seen poverty of that sort, and likely never will again. They did not eat cats and dogs.

it wouldn't matter if they had. it's still racist to bring it up at all

Fun Fact:

The term raining cats and dogs comes from victorian times when cats and dogs used to sleep in gutters to stay warm.

When it would rain heavy enough, the water would build up in the gutters, sending the cats and dogs down a slide and off the side of the house.

by smartDFS k

can you explain how you derived the bolded? i wasn't talking about the origin of the rumor or why trump brought it up in the debate.

i said haitians are not a race. "haitians eating cats and dogs is indisputably a racial slur" is literally false. "blacks eat cats and dogs" would be. arguably the supposition that haitians eating cats and dogs is racist is racist, assuming that if a particular culture or destitute immigrant is (accused of) doing something it must ultimately be ascribed to their ra

Haitians aren't a race. Black people are. This rumor wasn't directed at Haitians because of their nationality. You think a rumor like this would've ever been started for an immigrant population of Europeans? Or white South Africans? Believing that it would is either naive if you're being earnest or disingenuous if you're not.

by Crossnerd k

They do not, there is no credible evidence that they do, and if you continue to assert otherwise without evidence then I will ban you for racism.

Please reread the above.

it is in the sense that the topic is ultra-salient right now and it causes all normal media to discuss it (usually to debunk it, and related claims about whether it happens in Haiti itself, what voodoo is and so on).

it's also a way to address the topic of "legal immigration" more generally (it's very important that the Haitians in springfield are all there legally), it allows the right to claim even legal immigration can be really bad, when the left pushes for it.

then media has to say no, actually they work and they aren't eating pets. they interview people who employ Haitians and stuff like that.

But the right gets the media to admit 20k people were brought in a 60k people town, by Biden and harris.

And that's a lot; a very sudden change and the median voter in purple states doesn't love change.

so this topic is very relevant for the election, and the longer it stays in the news cycle the more it helps trump (imho), because of the discourse it generates.

All the post-debate polls on RCP have Harris as +3 or more. I think in order for Harris to win she realistically has to be polling at about +4 or +5 to have a good chance, if the polling trends from the last two elections hold. Notably, most statistical models show that whoever wins Pennsylvania has an amazing shot to win the entire thing, and there are no polls RCP and 538 are registering from there from after the debate.

by checkraisdraw k

All the post-debate polls on RCP have Harris as +3 or more. I think in order for Harris to win she realistically has to be polling at about +4 or +5 to have a good chance, if the polling trends from the last two elections hold. Notably, most statistical models show that whoever wins Pennsylvania has an amazing shot to win the entire thing, and there are no polls RCP and 538 are registering from there from after the debate.

pew polled Jews (nationally) and they break 64-35 for Harris which is like the worst in 40 years.

I think we have enough data between that and the relevance of PA to claim that picking Shapiro as a running mate would have been better.
