The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by d2_e4 k

What's your point?

that fascism should not be used as a catch-all phrase

by StoppedRainingMen k

If 16 years ago I told you a president would come along who would lie about literally every last thing that comes from his mouth, who has a running mate who admitted on television he has and will continue to fabricate stories even as the state he is senator of is begging him to stop ****ing their lives up by lying. If I told you you would start actually paying attention to literally Secretary of State elections cuz a president will actually try to coerce them into invalidating the election. If I

lying is only bad when Trump does it

by rickroll k

that fascism should not be used as a catch-all phrase

It is not. It is a fairly generic term used to describe politicians who are right-wing authoritarians, or dictators if you prefer. It's not used to describe "all things in politics I don't like," as "communism" is by right wingers, for example. Hope that addresses your objections.

by Victor k

lying is only bad when Trump does it

Would it make you feel heard if I just said ‘you’re right’?

no not really. Id prefer you just internalize it rather.


must be one of those days someone is less than relevant at work today...

The election is in 50 days. The seven toss up states might grow to eight depending on what margin of error you use. Iowa (IA) in polling is very close to being taken out of Trumps column and made a toss up, especially with the huge undecided there.

Most people who plan to vote for Jill Stein do not care if her campaign is serious.

by Luciom k

A question for d2 e4 and others who claim Trump is antidemocratic: If trump wins in 2024 and there are regular elections in 2026 and 2028 , would you all admit you were completly wrong and so rethink your entire political ideology and ability to assess objective reality?

Because i would if Trump does a coup and stays in power longer than 4 years after winning in 2024.

If I say that Trump is a threat to do x and you say that he isn't, then you are proven wrong if he does x but I am not proven wrong if he doesn't (even if the reason he doesn't was not because of "checks and balances" but rather simply because he didn't want to.)

by Rococo k

Most people who plan to vote for Jill Stein do not care if her campaign is serious.

the Dems are taking it pretty seriously considering all of the propaganda and attacks they have recently made.

by David Sklansky k

If I say that Trump is a threat to do x and you say that he isn't, then you are proven wrong if he does x but I am not proven wrong if he doesn't (even if the reason he doesn't was not because of "checks and balances" but rather simply because he didn't want to.)

I doubt Luciom disagrees, but this is obviously correct.

by Victor k

the Dems are taking it pretty seriously considering all of the propaganda and attacks they have recently made.

I meant that people who plan to vote for Jill Stein don't care if her campaign is serious about trying to create the change that it claims to want.

In this environment, any idiot who sucks up a percentage point is a serious threat to swing a close state in one direction or the other.

This is pretty much the state of this conversation.

by David Sklansky k

If I say that Trump is a threat to do x and you say that he isn't, then you are proven wrong if he does x but I am not proven wrong if he doesn't (even if the reason he doesn't was not because of "checks and balances" but rather simply because he didn't want to.)

How do you evaluate a threat assessment ex post? If a prediction can't be tested it's astrology

by David Sklansky k

If I say that Trump is a threat to do x and you say that he isn't, then you are proven wrong if he does x but I am not proven wrong if he doesn't (even if the reason he doesn't was not because of "checks and balances" but rather simply because he didn't want to.)

I…agree with David

by checkraisdraw k

This is pretty much the state of this conversation.

Luciom, lozen et all will agree with the former while ignoring entirely he said the latter

And on and on we go

by Rococo k

I meant that people who plan to vote for Jill Stein don't care if her campaign is serious about trying to create the change that it claims to want.

In this environment, any idiot who sucks up a percentage point is a serious threat to swing a close state in one direction or the other.

sounds like you are questioning the sincerity of her campaign and voters.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Luciom, lozen et all will agree with the former while ignoring entirely he said the latter

And on and on we go

Pretty much. Except when Dems say that Trump attacked American democracy, we all saw it happen live on TV. And Luciom is memory holing Trump’s incitement to violence, telling them to fight like hell or they’ll never get their country back, telling Mike Pence to “do the right thing” as a mob was swarming the capital, waiting 3 hours before he called the national guard, having his associates call senators as the capital was being raided by trump supporters, calling them heroes continually since then, etc.

Luciom definitely isn’t representing the insurrection correctly.

by Victor k

sounds like you are questioning the sincerity of her campaign and voters.

I wouldn't say that I am questioning the sincerity of her voters, certainly not all of them. rickroll, for example, isn't purporting to vote to Jill Stein because he thinks she is a serious candidate. He is voting for her out of protest, and with the awareness that he will never have to worry about the reality of a Jill Stein presidency.

by Luciom k

How do you evaluate a threat assessment ex post? If a prediction can't be tested it's astrology

Lmao. For someone who was supposedly a professional gambler and supposedly understands the concept of probability, this is an amazingly stupid question to ask.

by d2_e4 k

It is not. It is a fairly generic term used to describe politicians who are right-wing authoritarians, or dictators if you prefer. It's not used to describe "all things in politics I don't like," as "communism" is by right wingers, for example. Hope that addresses your objections.

Compare Orban and Trump, actual policies and way of governing.

It's a stretch to call Orban a fascist but it's a joke to call Trump one.

If you don't obsessively use power as a control freak you are as far from fascism as you can be to begin with.

In general if you don't give a **** to govern and control people you not only can't be a fascist, you are inherently anti fascist
