The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Crossnerd k

Rickroll, it’s one thing to make that argument using data and statistics (from reputable sources), such as BMI, health outcomes, life expectancy, etc.

It’s not acceptable to make that argument using racial stereotypes (yes, even “positive” ones) and memes. I’ve removed the image and YouTube video for that reason.

Thanks 😀

those rapping grannies are amazing!!!

but if you insist... that's tricky since google scholar is just inundated with weight by socioeconomic and race (and the evidence is overwhelming that the upper class don't get fat, the middle class get very fat, and the lower class are morbidly obese)

so we're going to jerry rig this from wiki and you guys can peer review it
countries by caloric intake per capita

countries by obesity rate

countries by height

taking that not so useful, both on the whole and subdivided into buckets by height there's basically no correlation

i suspect a part of that could be that the first two measurements are precise whereas there's a big range of "obese" whereas most "obese" koreans could be just straddling the line of obesity whereas in america they're deep into point of no return

so we're going to try again using average weight


this has its own set of issues being that a lot those who are weighed are from specific age cohorts themselves and there's far fewer countries

i'd prefer to use wiki and keep it all "from a single source" but we'll take a look elswhere and voila there's nothing but dead ends, sure this looks decent from the source and then you click the link and realize it's no good for our purpsoses https://www.fao.org/4/m2846e/m2846e07.ht...

i could technically pull one by one from various countries but not about to do that https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/body-me...

so we'll go with that wiki list

this is what we got

again nothing real

so i guess we're just going to have to rely on common sense that the amount of obese people have doubled since 1990 so it's not an inherent norm

or that in 1950 our obesity rate was 5.8% compared almost half the population now

so... can i post the chinese grannies who rap about food now?

Teamsters union voting Trump. That's good news.

Lol the whole "we're only against ILLEGAL immigration" facade went away pretty easily.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Lol the whole "we're only against ILLEGAL immigration" facade went away pretty easily.

this is absolutely not true

most people who are staunchly anti-immigration - even those who are so strictly for reasons of racism are still very welcoming of the idea of educated, good looking, and productive immigrants, those people protesting for reasons of racism are racist against the mexicans working the dishwasher in the restaurant not elon musk who they adore or melania or even some college professors or scientists etc

it's very specific against the exact kind of people who would be coming in illegally

by ecriture d'adulte k

Lol the whole "we're only against ILLEGAL immigration" facade went away pretty easily.

I think we should definitely have a conversation about the increase in illegal immigration and refugees, but this is the type of racist **** you’d hope would be beneath a presidential campaign.

by checkraisdraw k

I think we should definitely have a conversation about the increase in illegal immigration and refugees, but this is the type of racist **** you’d hope would be beneath a presidential campaign.

I mean this campaign already admitted they amplified stories they knew were false about legal refugees eating pets to fearmonger low critical thinking and high racism prone whites. Not sure why you think this would be beneath them.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I mean this campaign already admitted they amplified stories they knew were false about legal refugees eating pets to fearmonger low critical thinking and high racism prone whites. Not sure why you think this would be beneath them.

Pretty much

by ecriture d'adulte k

I mean this campaign already admitted they amplified stories they knew were false about legal refugees eating pets to fearmonger low critical thinking and high racism prone whites. Not sure why you think this would be beneath them.

I mean those two ideas are not mutually exclusive. And yeah calling for immediate deportation of these immigrants when they have the ability to discontinue TPS of those countries instead is really horrendous. If that’s their plan for their largest deportation ever they are basically saying they will deport people who are here legally.

I was saying you should have 0 hope this is beneath them by now.

Look, the bar is in hell and they somehow went beneath it, it’s that simple to me. I agree with you yeah.

vance: "whether you're eating curry at your dinner table or fried chicken"

by 72off k

"The little boy's driving it well and putting it well ..."

Are you serious?? That's way worse than the dinner menu comment, which was flagrant itself. I put it on slow to try to make sure I was hearing it right. I remember the event very well, but not that part of it.

I caught a show on ID today about the Ethiopian scammers online mostly. They said they call the responders to their "ineritance" racket "magas." Maga for fool, they said. In another language. Interesting.

by rickroll k

you don't roll the dice on the education of the future generations and hope the privatization experiment hits the top of the range results

walmart itself is extremely regulated, basically every product they sell and even how they must transport it and how to operate the forklifts in their warehouses come under government scrutiny - so to use walmart as an example, the private schools would still have millions of invisible hands from the government guiding everything from the type of chairs they

It wouldn't be as much an experiment as you think, because that's already how a significant portion of colleges operate (and a growing number of voucher schools in k12 as well).

How much regulation to have would become another topic but banking is hyper regulated yet private, and I don't think you would prefer state owned and controlled banks.

The dice rolling as well wouldn't be very dramatic, doing better than the worst run public schools isn't going to be hard

by Luciom k

It wouldn't be as much an experiment as you think, because that's already how a significant portion of colleges operate (and a growing number of voucher schools in k12 as well).

How much regulation to have would become another topic but banking is hyper regulated yet private, and I don't think you would prefer state owned and controlled banks.

The dice rolling as well wouldn't be very dramatic, doing better than the worst run public schools isn't going to be hard

I'm all for removing barriers for charter schools and creating an environment that allows for more competition for private schools, but getting rid of public schools altogether would be a mess. Libertarian principles can and should be promoted in a lot of areas but not across the board.

How many things would have to successfully change alongside the getting rid of public schools in order for it not to be a total disaster?

by Gregory Illinivich k

I'm all for removing barriers for charter schools and creating an environment that allows for more competition for private schools, but getting rid of public schools altogether would be a mess. Libertarian principles can and should be promoted in a lot of areas but not across the board.

That's the end game that comes after charter schools are established, at least in dense enough areas. That is, if you fund students not schools the public schools that don't work will end up with not enough students to keep the lights on basically.

For those that work i understand the big difference between resetting public intervention and creating a system from scratch, and anyway public schools themselves will get the positives of competition (if they don't die from it) .

But at that point you simply charterize them as well keeping the structure as is intact, and you have a full system of charter schools basically.

The important thing is that from that point on they are independent competing institutions, that are allowed to fail , which are responsible for the hiring choices they make and so on, and you don't have any big system to be captured by unions

by Shifty86 k

Teamsters union voting Trump. That's good news.




Actually who am I kidding. Within 5 hours you’ll probably say the teamsters eat aborted fetuses or something

Various marginal improvements for Harris got priced in odds lately, now Harris is at 52 vs Trump 47 on polymarket, approx the widest gap since Harris become the candidate (outside of peak convention boosts).

I still think the market is underpricing her chances a bit tbh, 52-47 is too coinflippy for what looks more like a QQ vs AKo but anyway we talking a few points.

Not sure which events can change these odds closer to the election, maybe at some point the low-information, truly undecided people will make up their minds a bit

by ecriture d'adulte k

Lol the whole "we're only against ILLEGAL immigration" facade went away pretty easily.

Did anyone ever take that seriously? Like, sorry, if you believed the Republican Party was ever pro-legal immigration, you're an absolute chump and the way the party is demonizing legal Haitian immigrants with no internal pushback proves it.

The teamsters thing illustrates the cult. Trump is definitely anti union and yet a majority support him anyway. I'll go to my grave not understanding this.

Biden is also extremely anti-union as evidenced by the rail strike fiasco.

by Victor k

Biden is also extremely anti-union as evidenced by the rail strike fiasco.

Why is that important?

its why Teamsters dont unilaterally support Dems most likely.

by Victor k

Biden is also extremely anti-union as evidenced by the rail strike fiasco.

For better or worse, organized labor is no longer strong enough in the U.S. to induce a national politician to pursue unions as a core constituency.

I don't expect to see a national politician from either party channeling the rhetoric of Dick Gephardt any time soon.
