The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by cokeboy99 k

I'm not using it to decide who to vote for. My point is more that people are trying to sway someone to their side, or explain why they are voting the way they do, are making personal attacks based off of appearances. How would anyone expect that to make them look good? Especially the democrats who criticized Trump for mocking people, for making fun of appearances, and then they call him sheets or orange man. How does being hypocritical make them better?

The Republicans don't even hide who the

Trump is rude, hateful and laughably incompetent. It's a tall order to maintain decorum in face of that.

And while I have no particular interest in mudslinging against Trump, it shouldn't be needed when you're as awful as he is, I do get suspicious when people request that Trump be treated politely or criticize those who do not do so.

This simply because a lot of those requests are from crypto-supporters of Trump who go #bothsidesbad every time Trump does something ridiculous, criminal or corrupt again, but will go full bore attack against the evils of the opposition if they find even the slightest thing to criticize. That crap was stale in 2016, and in 2024 it is just an insult to everyone's intelligence.

by cokeboy99 k

Let me be clear - I am not using social media to decide who to vote for. This was never about that.

This is about hypocrites who seem to think they will make their side look better while using the same tactics as the side they are bashing (name-calling, lying, etc).

I was merely pointing out that I haven't decided who to vote for yet because I think people on both sides are guilty of this.

I'll determine who I vote for based on issues that have the potential to have a direct effect on me. Nothing

i would just ignore the personal attacks

this is a very cultish forum, as moderate liberal myself, i'm often called an evil far right conservative simply because i will happily discuss flaws or things i don't like about certain democrats - something which they find impossible to do because they'd rather watch their spouse be gangraped and murdered and than say anything disparaging to an opponent of trump

many believe i'm secretly a trump supporter despite that i say 10x more terrible thing about him for every mild complaint about biden/kamala and now i'm being attacked for being evil for disclosing i'm voting for jill stein

by checkraisdraw k

Protectionist policies favor a few hundred thousand workers in dying industries. They also raise prices enormously. The only argument that makes sense for them is national security and retaliatory protectionism.

People blame everything on NAFTA because they have no idea how trade actually works.

It's more complicated than that. Comparative advantage shows us that if your soil grows better apples and mine grows better oranges we should specialize and trade.

It doesn't say lobbyists should write trade policy so that capital can seek out the worst labor conditions and lowest environmental standards. Though everyone in power pretends to believe this.

NAFTA resulted in the loss of like 500k jobs. Pretending it was a net positive in spite of that, those people who lost jobs still wouldn't like it.

Anyway, maybe they are selfish. Maybe they are wrong. Maybe Trump is FOS.

Alls I'm saying is that Trump at least pretends to want union and manufacturing jobs to stay in the US and I think some blue collar workers support him because of that.

gandhi would have 100% been canceled for his racism as well as been metoo'd for his undeage incest

stalin would have come across as a personable guy who was good at public speaking

by rickroll k

i'm being attacked for being evil for disclosing i'm voting for jill stein

Not evil, stupid.

Looks like some massively damaging story on Mark Robinson is about to drop on CNN that’s scaring republicans enough they want him to drop out

by pocket_zeros k

I'm trying to decide who was better for mankind - Stalin or Gandhi. Still on the fence but trying to keep an open mind and be objective.

which one do you think the Nazis preferred?

by StoppedRainingMen k

Looks like some massively damaging story on Mark Robinson is about
to drop on CNN that’s scaring republicans enough they want him to drop out

Mark Robinson, on a pornography website’s message board, referred to
himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery

The comments were made under the username
minisoldr, a moniker Robinson used frequently online.

Robinson listed his full name on his profile for Nude Africa

I like watching tranny on girl porn! That’s f*cking hot!

by rickroll k

gandhi would have 100% been canceled for his racism as well as been metoo'd for his undeage incest

stalin would have come across as a personable guy who was good at public speaking

You really need to brush up your Stalin biographies. He was a violent criminal, and that is also how he made himself useful to the party initially. While he was known to be charming in person, that seems mostly reserved for people who could be useful too him.

And you didn't rise to power in the post-revolution Soviet Union by being a good public speaker, you rose to power by being being able to charm and threaten your way up the party ladder, while knowing when to sacrifice your friends or even setting in motion their murder yourself. Once you got to the top, it's not like many would dare criticize your public speaking skills.

Stalin was also leader of the Soviet Union while it conducted some of the bloodiest genocides versus specific ethnicities in human history, against Kazakhs, Tartars, Ukrainians, Cossacks, Fins, Estonians, Poles, Germans, Belorussians among others. So it seems rather bizarre to give Stalin as pass on racism.

by Victor k

which one do you think the Nazis preferred?

lololololol i see what you did there 😀

I actually didnt mean it like that

by ES2 k

It's more complicated than that. Comparative advantage shows us that if your soil grows better apples and mine grows better oranges we should specialize and trade.

It doesn't say lobbyists should write trade policy so that capital can seek out the worst labor conditions and lowest environmental standards. Though everyone in power pretends to believe this.

NAFTA resulted in the loss of like 500k jobs. Pretending it was a net positive in spite of that, those people who lost jobs still wouldn't l

You write 500k as if that was a significant number.

4-5 million jobs are destroyed every year in the USA.

And every other american household gains from access to Mexican and Canadian tariff free goods.

And it's not like the people who didn't have the "privilege" (lol) of having manufacturing jobs are necessarily going to end up destitute anyway

by tame_deuces k

You really need to brush up your Stalin biographies. He was a violent criminal, and that is also how he made himself useful to the party initially. While he was known to be charming in person, that seems mostly reserved for people who could be useful too him.

And you didn't rose to power in the post-revolution Soviet Union by being a good public speaker, you rose to power by being being able to charm and threaten your way up the party ladder, while knowing when to sacrifice your friends or even

i've read 2 different stalin biographies and frankly i find it offensive you would draw the conclusion i made those comments out of ignorance, especially since you immediately restated everything i said yourself - feels like pedantry for the sake of pedantry here

as you've acknowedged yourself, he was a very likable and charming person - most of the people he eliminated on his way to the top never saw it coming despite that he'd done it repeatedly to others - this is why he was never eliminated himself, because the others always thought they were on good terms and he was a very useful person to have as an ally - he wasn't just great at taking out rivals but he was perhaps the most effective administrator russia has ever seen - he was incredibly good at managing things at that talent was known to all and he was able to fool most people that they were not on his scope and those he couldn't fool he made sure to take out before they could take him out

that's my point, is that if his brain were transplanted into a candidate running for office in the usa right now, he'd play it cool and just lean into how charming he could be and wouldn't let anyone know about what he in store for his opponents and everyone who would oppose his ambitions

that's kind of my point and why i focus on track record and policy rather than personality because anyone can hide their flaws well like stalin did or be a genuinely good person who if we looked at their sexual proclivities or stance on certain social issues (such as with gandhi) then they could be great

so long as your weren't black (no black indians) or an underage relative of gandhis (less than a dozen or so), he most likely did things to which you benefitted from massively whereas stalin's abuses and terror impacted millions of his own his people

by StoppedRainingMen k

Looks like some massively damaging story on Mark Robinson is about to drop on CNN that’s scaring republicans enough they want him to drop out

At this point, what would even be hypothetically disqualifying for a Republican candidate? Racism (lol)? Sexually assaulting a minor? Roy Moore did that and he still ran.

by d2_e4 k

Both sides do x so both sides same seems to be a more common logical fallacy than I would have expected.

It's not a logical fallacy, unless you take "the same" to mean "literally identical."

Everyone knows the Dems are for gay marriage and Rs oppose it.

But the parties, campaigns and most politicians income all comes from the same sources and those sources aren't dumb. They get a good ROI.

If you think it's great that 10-20k die for HC that is doubled in price, but it would be bad if 30k died, then the Dems are a great party, contrasted with Republicans who would kill more than your ideal number.

If you would prefer to pay half as much for HC and for as few as possible to die, there is no party that represents you on that issue.

by ES2 k

It's not a logical fallacy, unless you take "the same" to mean "literally identical."

Everyone knows the Dems are for gay marriage and Rs oppose it.

But the parties, campaigns and most politicians income all comes from the same sources and those sources aren't dumb. They get a good ROI.

If you think it's great that 10-20k die for HC that is doubled in price, but it would be bad if 30k died, then the Dems are a great party, contrasted with Republicans who would kill more than your ideal number.


Not all sectors of the economy donate to both parties equally tbh.

by ES2 k

It's not a logical fallacy, unless you take "the same" to mean "literally identical."

Everyone knows the Dems are for gay marriage and Rs oppose it.

But the parties, campaigns and most politicians income all comes from the same sources and those sources aren't dumb. They get a good ROI.

If you think it's great that 10-20k die for HC that is doubled in price, but it would be bad if 30k died, then the Dems are a great party, contrasted with Republicans who would kill more than your ideal number.


Ok, so Trump = Not Trump, got it.

ie trump should be executed for treason imo, but that doesn't mean i need to give biden nor kamala credit as good people

watch this, it's really good and basically the entire time talks about how biden will lie about anything if he thinks it'll make him look better

now he hasn't or won't commit treason i don't think, but despite knowing he was going senile, still insisted on running for office until he was finally forced out - which is a more benign form of ruining a country - what kind of terrible POS do you need to be to see yourself crumbling and yet insist on running for another term

kamala we just don't know anything about, perhaps she'll be fine, perhaps she's already planning mass extermination camps - i doubt it, but there's a non zero chance of that and it's also quite clear that she'll happily go in whichever way the wind is blowing while campaigning

obviously kamala is a million times better than trump - but trump is so terrible that she's still not a good candidate imo - hence why i'm going with a protest vote rather than rubber stamping someone chosen to be anointed by party insiders

by Luciom k

You write 500k as if that was a significant number.

4-5 million jobs are destroyed every year in the USA.

And every other american household gains from access to Mexican and Canadian tariff free goods.

And it's not like the people who didn't have the "privilege" (lol) of having manufacturing jobs are necessarily going to end up destitute anyway

Yeah sure. I'm not trying to debate trade policy. I only know a little about it. I'm all for semi-free trade. I.e. with labor and env standards.

I'm just saying blue collars don't like stuff like NAFTA and Trump at least says he agrees with them, while Biden/Harris disagree and that seems like a good explanation for why they support him.

by ES2 k

Yeah sure. I'm not trying to debate trade policy. I only know a little about it. I'm all for semi-free trade. I.e. with labor and env standards.

I'm just saying blue collars don't like stuff like NAFTA and Trump at least says he agrees with them, while Biden/Harris disagree and that seems like a good explanation for why they support him.

Existing blue collar jobs pay BETTER because of free trade.

The low margin jobs evaporate and what stays is upper the value chain more efficient and better paid, not sure if that part is obvious even to them.

You have lower manufacturing production on value than you would without free trade, fewer workers per unit of value produced, but those workers are much much better off than they would be individually if the country kept manufacturing more things.

Biden btw doesn't disagree which is why before he was clearly losing his mind, white working class over 50 men didn't dislike Biden as much as they disliked democrat candidates in the last 20+ years

luciom, may i suggest in your next trip to america you go visit scenic detroit

by rickroll k

luciom, may i suggest in your next trip to america you go visit scenic detroit

That the USA has lost its ability to shift people around is a disgrace but it happened a lot before Detroit.

Problem is stopping accepting creative destruction, which is what is happening lately.

Cowen calls it the "complacent society". You have to keep grinding, destroying cities when they aren't useful anymore (or downsizing them heavily as much as needed) and move your asses around following opportunity.

That's what worked for your country since inception, if you want to become Europe you stay put when jobs disappear, complain, burn things down and wait for the government to subsidize your laziness for the rest of your miserable life.

by Trolly McTrollson k

At this point, what would even be hypothetically disqualifying for a Republican candidate?

by steamraise k

Mark Robinson, on a pornography website’s message board, referred to
himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery

Probably a positive for maga.

by rickroll k

i've read 2 different stalin biographies and frankly i find it offensive you would draw the conclusion i made those comments out of ignorance, especially since you immediately restated everything i said yourself - feels like pedantry for the sake of pedantry here

as you've acknowedged yourself, he was a very likable and charming person - most of the people he eliminated on his way to the top never saw it coming despite that he'd done it repeatedly to others - this is why he was never eliminated h

I don't write posts to offend you, but you need to write and say things for people to see your opinions. I might have repeated what you think, but not what you wrote.

It is a common mistake to "westernize" Russian and Soviet history, and assuming traits and characteristics easily carry across. This is a mistake a lot of historians do and it is a mistake that happens daily in contemporary media. It is also exacerbated by our exposure to Russia and Soviet history mostly being the side that is turned towards us.

While hypothetical history is obviously a game of "never say never", Stalin and most of the men in power at that time in the CCCP seems to be the kind that are severely disadvantaged by cameras, articles and free speech. Not really a problem they faced, which is why they could kill at an industrial scale and still be popular.

He'd probably do well in a drug cartel though.

by tame_deuces k

I don't write posts to offend you, but you need to write and say things for people to see your opinions. I might have repeated what you think, but not what you wrote.

It is a common mistake to "westernize" Russian and Soviet history, and assuming traits and characteristics easily carry across. This is a mistake a lot of historians do and it is a mistake that happens daily in contemporary media. It is also exacerbated by our exposure to Russia and Soviet history mostly being the side that is turne

ok this is something i'm onboard with

however, i do think he'd be able to adjust and adapt just fine into a democratic society with free press but agree it's wildly theoretical - like all revolutionaries, he needed to blessed by the rng simulator, in a multiverse i believe that ccp and cccp both win their revolutions most of the time - but in very few of those outcomes do stalin nor mao ever live long enough or rise high enough to be anything more than a brief snippet mentioned in wikipedia - people like them were incredibly fortunate to get where they got - but you still need to acknowledge that they were still highly skilled and really good at what they were doing to have accomplished what they did - both had dozens of their own party members at their throats at all times as well as external forces trying to take them out and both made it to the end

afterall, his goal wasn't killing millions of rivals, it was acquiring power and in the system he was in, that was the best way to go about it - in a democratic system i'm sure he'd adjust and let his charm, wit, and track record of getting things done win voters over

but i think my greater point stands that if we were in a position of voting for stalin vs gandhi right now and they were starting with a fresh slate ie we don't know stalin is a mass murdered yet - then i have zero doubts that gandhi would be considered the candidate who was evil
