The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


i'm going to do my best to be more racist next few days in hopes you can come back because i'd love to get a drink with you sometime but i love whiteclaw and freedom a lot more than tea, crumpets, & borsch innit

by rickroll k

i'm going to do my best to be more racist next few days in hopes you can come back because i'd love to get a drink with you sometime but i love whiteclaw and freedom a lot more than tea, crumpets, & borsch innit

Jeez man, the MAGA crowd really will come up with any excuse for their racism, won't they Trolly?

by rickroll k

no, i'm merely pointing out how insane it is that there's a good thousand different factors that would be the case for that but you like to imply that it's mostly due to racism which is just lolcats

Are you under the impression that the civil rights acts were a small deal that had no significant impact on the economy? lol

by Luciom k

Just one of the several reasons why people aren't comparing apples to apples

Have you seen that website that correlates two random things?

by checkraisdraw k

Are you under the impression that the civil rights acts were a small deal that had no significant impact on the economy? lol

i never said any of that

i'm actually a massive fan of your posting in general

but you do sometimes go off the rails where you imply 1950s era prosperity when our economy was 50% of global ffing gdp was due to racism - that's unhinged crazy libtard talk and i hate and judge people who use the word libtard but in this case it's quite fitting because only and ideologue cultist could ever frame it that way - like how all the people who see ghosts are the people looking for ghosts

50% of global gdp... let that sink in just how gd wealthy we were as a country just a generation ago and what our purchasing power gave us

but sure, it wasn't because we were insanely wealthy as a country that blue collar people did so well then, it must surely because they were extra racists jfc that's tinfoil hat stuff - especially in the context of detroit which was a haven for blacks hence why it attracted so many

you may wish to familiarize yourself with this

i never said whites weren't better off than blacks (and I even agree a lot of that stems from racism and the history of systemic racism against them putting them in a horrible starting position), i never said that civil rights didn't impact the economy, i've been very clear in prior posting in direct response to you that there are thousands of reasons for blue collar decline in america and to simply say "it's because they are now less racist" is just wildly ignorant and the kind of stuff most people are afraid to call out because just doing so gets one labeled a racist themselves

just how you are now building up a strawman implying i'm denying any disadvantages etc because I'm not allowed to just say "no it wasn't 100% due to racism" and not face those kind of trumped up and bs accusations - which is why most people read that nonsense - sigh that you've lost all concept of reality and move on instead of responding

honestly, it's posts like that, which are why people vote for trump - because they see an absurd extemism so detached from reality that they'll happily embrace anyone who calls it out despite the irony that trump himself brings in his own special brand of absurdity

by ecriture d'adulte k

I can understand why you want to backtrack from whining about both sides social media posts now, but you said it was your biggest complainant in a post about how you're undecided, not me.

It is a complaint, but has nothing to do with my decision process. Nice try but it's an illogical conclusion.

by d2_e4 k

What you've been saying is that you are undecided and that you see hypocrisy and other things you dislike on social media from both sides. Since those are the only two things they've told us, it's reasonable to infer that one is causally related to the other.

It's actually not reasonable. Your comprehension is lacking, too.

by cokeboy99 k

It is a complaint, but has nothing to do with my decision process. Nice try but it's an illogical conclusion.

by cokeboy99 k

It's actually not reasonable. Your comprehension is lacking, too.

Ok bruh, you were perfectly clear, we're all just dumb-dumbs who can't read here. That seems like a logical conclusion.

by d2_e4 k

That's why you're 3rd

I lol'd 😀

by cokeboy99 k

It is a complaint, but has nothing to do with my decision process. Nice try but it's an illogical conclusion.

Sounds like your logic classes ended at the same time they started. Not a very nice try to backtrack but you probably deserve a curve on grading. Someone more literate can "explain" your posting, or we can just have the posts speak for themselves. I don't care either way.

xrd - i'm sorry if that came off as rude, that wasn't my intention, i meant it when i said i'm actually a huge fan of your posting in general and am very happy you've been showing up lately and posting

i just find that particular and not so uncommon stance you took to be a particularly lazy argument made by people who don't care about facts and will happily use any scenario to try to shoehorn in their personal ideology

it's especially upsetting since your position is one i agree with and i hate it being tossed around so casually that it loses all credibility

ie i think trump should be executed for treason, so i get annoyed when people focus on "he is backtracking on SALT" as if that's even in the top 1,000 things to complain about for him - when you do the "Trump is backracking on SALT" sort of post you're admitting you don't really care about what he actually does or did because you're just going to harp on whatever it happens to be next - that is precisely why people don't take the treason charges against him seriously, because you attack his positions on SALT with the same frequency and vitriol - which is bonkers

it's like someone being tried for murder and the DA keeps on insisting that the judge remember the man was bad about mowing his lawn frequently and it often looked bad as a result

very serious that in general you are a strong breath of fresh air, very few posters who are as radical as you are able to make so many good and nuanced posting that can acknowledge certain deficiencies etc etc

that's probably another reason why i reacted that way, because i know you're capable of so much better than that kind cheap deduction of 1950s union workers did well because of racism

by rickroll k

ie i think trump should be executed for treason, so i get annoyed when people focus on "he is backtracking on SALT" as if that's even in the top 1,000 things to complain about for him - when you do the "Trump is backracking on SALT" sort of post you're admitting you don't really care about what he actually does or did because you're just going to harp on whatever it happens to be next - that is precisely why people don't take the treason charges against him seriously, because you attack his posi

just want to reiterate - this is probably why cokeboy is annoyed because there's no actual discussion of either candidate

you can't even get a normal discussion of Trump anywhere because take SALT for example it's either "lol that orange conman is backtracking on the SALT cap" or "trump will save america by cutting the SALT cap" - there's really nothing in between

he came in asking why there isn't discussion but instead just insults and what do you guys do? you just start insulting him

and not a single moderate nor conservative insulted him, only the far left liberals who are cult members

great job everyone congrats

gee i wonder which candidate he's more likely to support now? you guys must be so proud

by rickroll k

just want to reiterate - this is probably why cokeboy is annoyed because there's no actual discussion of either candidate

you can't even get a normal discussion of Trump anywhere because take SALT for example it's either "lol that orange conman is backtracking on the SALT cap" or "trump will save america by cutting the SALT cap" - there's really nothing in between

he came in asking why there isn't discussion but instead just insults and what do you guys do? you just start insulting him

great job ev

Dude comes in here, posts some bothsides nonsense, gets called out, starts telling people they can't read, gets some sass back, now supports Trump, well done you guys. Story checks out.

by d2_e4 k

Dude comes in here, posts some bothsides nonsense, gets called out, starts telling people they can't read, gets some sass back, now supports Trump, well done you guys. Story checks out.

i have no idea who he's voting for (i'm holding out hope he'll go for jill stein!), but you guys just gave him plenty of reasons to not associate kamala with a good time - perhaps due to racism or a lack of racism (it's hard to keep track)?

again, there's plenty of moderates and conservatives itt as well, not one of them attacked/insulted him

and both sides do suck so you're wrong to call it nonsense, you're probably one of the smartest people here on the forum d2 but this bOTh SidEs BaD impossibility for you is a major leak which is probably why sklansky left you unranked because it's so wild and out there he couldn't quantify it

by rickroll k

and both sides do suck so you're wrong to call it nonsense, you're probably one of the smartest people here on the forum d2 but this bOTh SidEs BaD impossibility for you is a major leak which is probably why sklansky left you unranked because it's so wild and out there he couldn't quantify it

You're too kind. But also, wrong (probably on every point, tbh). I'll channel the above mentioned Sklansky and let others elaborate.

Basically, rickroll, I'll just go ahead and explain it like you are 5. Stubbing your toe hurts. Getting shot in the dick by Robocop also hurts. The bothsidesbad brigade are implicitly saying that because both of these things hurt, they are the same. I expect you will agree that one is preferable to the other.

by rickroll k

i have no idea who he's voting for (i'm holding out hope he'll go for jill stein!), but you guys just gave him plenty of reasons to not associate kamala with a good time - perhaps due to racism or a lack of racism (it's hard to keep track)?

again, there's plenty of moderates and conservatives itt as well, not one of them attacked/insulted him

Probably because their "yet another closet Trumper JAQing off about both sides" radar went off as well as everyone else's.

by rickroll k

i never said any of that

i'm actually a massive fan of your posting in general

but you do sometimes go off the rails where you imply 1950s era prosperity when our economy was 50% of global ffing gdp was due to racism - that's unhinged crazy libtard talk and i hate and judge people who use the word libtard but in this case it's quite fitting because only and ideologue cultist could ever frame it that way - like how all the people who see ghosts are the people looking for ghosts

50% of global gdp...

Everything but the last paragraph fair enough. I’m not going line by line and respond to you because that wasn’t why I was so flippant. If I make a bad argument, then some kind of counterargument is always going to be more well-received than your original reply.

I absolutely don’t think that someone calling out extremism is why people go for Trump. I also think that Trump has rebranded multiple times and don’t thibk there is a “one reason” people vote for Trump. Ironically the nuance that you try to bring in the first part is thrown out the window in the last paragraph and you try to “one big thing” support for Donald Trump. Which to be clear I was never saying that civil rights is the only reason why the single earner family isn’t as prevalent.

The point I was trying to make more broadly is that **** is just way different now. I don’t think different means worse either. If people in the 1950s could see the type of luxury that the average person has now they would be flabbergasted. My dad often talked about how he was the first family on the block to get a color TV, and the entire block would stand outside his house just to look through the window, not even listen to any sound just watch the TV. This was in the 50’s. The amount of technology that has developed since then is insane. Even the creation of the interstate highway system wasn’t truly codified until the 50s.

So there’s a sense that relative wealth has gone down for America but absolute wealth and minimum standard of living has gone up. Furthermore the dream of owning a house is more out of reach partially because of horrible decision making at the local level all around the country. Quality of groceries has also gone way up, just look at the insane recipes that they used to eat in the 50s and 60s.

So yeah my main two things are just shifting employment and minority relations, as well as increased quality of life overall leading to more expensive lifestyles. I’m open to other factors as well if you challenge me in good faith, I’m not some expert on the 1950s-1960s.

by d2_e4 k

Dude comes in here, posts some bothsides nonsense, gets called out, starts telling people they can't read, gets some sass back, now supports Trump, well done you guys. Story checks out.

I like that the defense of the guy is "Well clearly he's full of **** and social media IS impacting his voting and you guys are making him vote for Trump!!!". Literally the only thing being argued about lol. It's actually more disrespectful to him than anyone, even if not understood by the people claiming he's being forced to Trump.

by rickroll k

no, i'm merely pointing out how insane it is that there's a good thousand different factors that would be the case for that but you like to imply that it's mostly due to racism which is just lolcats

I really can't think of a better encapsulation of what is meant by Blue MAGA than Democrats snap declaring that unions are evil and racist upon reading that they don't support Dems due to differences on trade.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I like that the defense of the guy is "Well clearly he's full of **** and social media IS impacting his voting and you guys are making him vote for Trump!!!". Literally the only thing being argued about lol. It's actually more disrespectful to him than anyone, even if not understood by the people claiming he's being forced to Trump.

Well, fellow far left liberal cult member, you would say that.

But yes, I also noticed the hidden premise that anyone with any sort of grievance or axe to grind, no matter what it is, will gravitate to Trump by default. Probably, sadly true.

d2 3 out of the last 4 of our presidents have been of below average intelligence

only in a system that continually spits out terrible candidates is that possible

kamala is not exactly smart herself

despite having massive help in attending one of the elite schools her parents were employed by through there networks where they could have arranged for good letters of reccomendation (that's basically what those are for, they are vibe checks to see if the applicant knows people the school knows/cares about - a letter from a well respected academic lauding kamala's merits would be massively favorable to her getting accepted into a good school) she never went to one

it took her 5 years to graduate college - largely in part because she had to go to vanier college for a year first, which offers the canadian version of a 2 year associates degree or a 3 year vocational degree before transferring to howard and they either wouldn't accept any vanier credits or she failed some classes because she still spent 4 years at howard

there are plausible cultural reasons for the college path she took - perhaps she wanted to spend a year in montreal first and she felt attending a hbcu was important to her - sure all that can be explained away as intentional choices

but then she goes to a very bad law school, currently ranked 88th in the country

for the nation - hastings graduates both fail the bar and do not ever work as lawyers at a higher rate than the national average - and that national average is dragged down considerable by all the degree mill law schools which aren't even ranked

so nothing about her really screams genius

educated yes
smart... meh

i also think you'd be lying if you said after hearing her talk about anything that you were impressed with her and thought she was smart

i think it's criminal that in a country of 350 million people we can't even bring up candidates of at least above above average intelligence to lead the country

yes it's partially the electorate who show that dummies can regularly beat smart people in elections - but it's mostly because of the duopoly where vast majority of the electorate is simply voting by party so there's only miniscule ev to be gained trying to put forward the best possible candidate so why not instead elevate "your guy" through the party mechanism instead?

JFC dude. That whole essay is completely irrelevant to my point.

One of the candidates is Donald Trump. The other candidate is not Donald Trump. One of the candidates is "getting shot in the dick". The other candidate is "something other than getting shot in the dick". Do you need me to draw you a ****ing picture?

by d2_e4 k

Well, fellow far left liberal cult member, you would say that.

But yes, I also noticed the hidden premise that anyone with any sort of grievance or axe to grind, no matter what it is, will gravitate to Trump by default. Probably, sadly true.

Unfortunately we're adults and responsible for our own behavior. Only the both sides bad bros float through life and apparently aren't even responsible for who they vote for.
