The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Victor k

just to be clear, I was not paid to go away. in fact, I did not make any money from them.

You were given money back that you had donated to agree to be banned. I'd say that's "paid to go away", but I'm sure others can make up their own minds how they see it.

Lots of us were perma banned from there or asked to have our accounts nuked in protest at all the spite bans.

by Victor k

its really only scratching the service. **** was crazy. someone could probably write a book on it lol.

I was there. It really wasn't as edge-of-your-seat exhilarating as Victor would have us believe.

by jalfrezi k

Lots of us were perma banned from there or asked to have our accounts nuked in protest at all the spite bans.

Did anyone except Victor ask for their money back?

I'm not sure if anyone else was generous/mad enough to fund those ****ers other than a small number who are still active there.

by Shifty86 k

Harris desperate. You don't beg for a 2nd debate if you are winning.

Yeah I guess trump thought he lost the first debate vs Biden .

Trump challenges Biden to second presidential debate — but there's a catch
Trump offered Biden a chance to redeem his widely panned performance in the last debate

Ps: it’s foxnews so I guess it’s true ?

by d2_e4 k

Not your turn to use the family brain cell today, is it, Shifty?

it truly is amazing how stupid so many of his supporters are to the point where he tries to spin an unprecedented thing of turning down debates into a positive and now his lapdogs are like "wow kamala is losing badly if she's willing to debate"

it's really depressing just how many stupid people are out there

by Victor k

they stole my money and as a requisite for returning the stolen funds I accepted a permaban. me personally, I dont think that thieves, warmongers, and transphobes are decent.

story time please

by rickroll k

it truly is amazing how stupid so many of his supporters are to the point where he tries to spin an unprecedented thing of turning down debates into a positive and now his lapdogs are like "wow kamala is losing badly if she's willing to debate"

it's really depressing just how many stupid people are out there

What's even more amazing is that he flip flops on this stuff depending on which way the wind is blowing, and they are too stupid to notice. When he wants a debate, it's because he's winning. When he declines a debate, it's because he's winning. When others plead the 5th, it's because they've got something to hide. When he pleads the 5th, it's because he's got nothing to hide but it's good strategy. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

i mean, it is kinda brilliant to campaign on confirmation bias

but still, this is why i want a junta so people who fall for that are no longer enfranchised

by rickroll k

i mean, it is kinda brilliant to campaign on confirmation bias

but still, this is why i want a junta so people who fall for that are no longer enfranchised

It's not a particularly popular view round here, but I certainly wouldn't be against taking the vote away from herp derps. I guess the difficulty is getting widespread agreement on who exactly the herp derps are.

Also, and this is just a personal opinion based on a hunch, but it seems to me that a much larger % of the American public are complete ****tards than in other developed countries. A candidate like him would get laughed out in the room in any other country IMO.

by d2_e4 k

It's not a particularly popular view round here, but I certainly wouldn't be against taking the vote away from herp derps. I guess the difficulty is getting widespread agreement on who exactly the herp derps are.

Also, and this is just a personal opinion based on a hunch, but it seems to me that a much larger % of the American public are complete ****tards than in other developed countries.

Bit of a Catch-22 here, the herp-derps are the ones who think disenfranchising people is a great idea.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Bit of a Catch-22 here, the herp-derps are the ones who think disenfranchising people is a great idea.

Bell curve with the tail ends having the same idea.jpg

by d2_e4 k

It's not a particularly popular view round here, but I certainly wouldn't be against taking the vote away from herp derps. I guess the difficulty is getting widespread agreement on who exactly the herp derps are.

Also, and this is just a personal opinion based on a hunch, but it seems to me that a much larger % of the American public are complete ****tards than in other developed countries. A candidate like him would get laughed out in the room in any other country IMO.

You can't really have a democracy / republic unless you give people the tools to abolish it: Free speech, voting rights, assembly rights etc. Taking away those rights to protect the democracy / republic won't work, because you have just ended it yourself.

Whether people vote to end such a system out of conviction (fascism), ignorance (Trumpism) or disenfranchisement is irrelevant. People have a right to their opinion or lack thereof.

by d2_e4 k

It's not a particularly popular view round here, but I certainly wouldn't be against taking the vote away from herp derps. I guess the difficulty is getting widespread agreement on who exactly the herp derps are.

Also, and this is just a personal opinion based on a hunch, but it seems to me that a much larger % of the American public are complete ****tards than in other developed countries. A candidate like him would get laughed out in the room in any other country IMO.

i've said this a bunch

i don't think we're any stupider

in fact, i'm strongly of the opinion that our median american is smarter and better educated than most large population countries of the world (it's cheating to look at something like singapore or netherlands etc)

but i also feel that way about both are construction workers and our academics - that pound for pound - put an american roofer head to head with a russian or malaysian roofer and they'll crush them in any testing

same with our scientists etc

there's a reason why we dominate everything from global culture and brands (everywhere you go you'll find our products and consume our pop culture) to the point where the rest of the world has been forced to learn our language just to get an education or be able to see a film because it's always in english natively and sometimes subtitles/translations/dubbing doesn't even exist for it

the big difference is that a roofer in malaysia or russia is not one to loudly proclaim their viewpoints and ideas out of fear of embarassment where the american roofer comes from a culture of confidence and one without shame so he will utilize his megaphone to express all his dumb and ill informed views to the rest of the world so everyone is like lol usa

if shifty were born in another country he'd probably be humbled enough to not express his viewpoints publicly

by rickroll k

i've said this a bunch

i don't think we're any stupider

in fact, i'm strongly of the opinion that our median american is smarter and better educated than most large population countries of the world (it's cheating to look at something like singapore or netherlands etc)

but i also feel that way about both are construction workers and our academics - that pound for pound - put an american roofer head to head with a russian or malaysian roofer and they'll crush them in any testing

same with our scienti

Meh, disagree.

it's kind of like how there was one famous study where a guy sent a bunch of letters intentionally incorrectly addressed where the recipient would open up the letter, realize it was not for them, be able to see where it should go and see the $10 or whatever it was within it should be forwarded to the correct person

sending it to wealthy and middle class neighborhoods got a much higher forwarding rate than sending it to poor neighborhoods the study was to see if the poor were more likely to "steal" casually - upon publishing, another researcher said that's a good study, but you're not measuring morals there, you're measuring free time

your study requires someone to understand how the mailing system works, reseal the letter and forward it to the correct address - this all takes time and knowlegde, so of course the wealthier neighborhoods that often only have a single earner instead of two working parents will have more time available (and knowledge of how the postal system works) to be able to take effort and time out of their day to forward the letter

so they tested this and did another test using very similar methods, but this time there was no "financial incentive" of keeping $10 if they didn't forward the mail

they got basically the same return rate as before

so when you see idiot americans posting or talkng or whatever, you're not seeing evidence that americans are dumber than the rest of the world, you're seeing evidence that the dumb americans are more willing to let the whole world know how dumb they are

I dunno. I remember a poll back in the 90s where something crazy like 40% of Americans couldn't place Canada on a map.

That's a pretty dumb nation.

by rickroll k

it's kind of like how there was one famous study where a guy sent a bunch of letters intentionally incorrectly addressed where the recipient would open up the letter, realize it was not for them, be able to see where it should go and see the $10 or whatever it was within it should be forwarded to the correct person

sending it to wealthy and middle class neighborhoods got a much higher forwarding rate than sending it to poor neighborhoods the study was to see if the poor were more likely to "steal

Ok, now explain the popularity of Trump specifically and the Republican party platform in general, especially as it relates to the super dumb **** like science denial, conspiracy theory peddling, and creationism.

you also gotta remember that the american culture is very much about being self sufficient and the belief that anyone can do anything - so we get room temp iq people not staying in their lane but taking pride in being uneducated and ever proclaiming it's a good thing

you have no idea how much i got made fun of because i chose to go to college - there was a ton of social pressure where i grew up to not be some soft *** who goes to college but instead be a real man and work a trade

by d2_e4 k

Ok, now explain the popularity of Trump and the Republican party, especially when it relates to the super dumb **** like science denial, conspiracy theory peddling, and creationism.

dude, your culture has naked photos in your newspapers and boris johnson

it's all the same, just your idiots aren't going to talk as much or as loudly

by rickroll k

dude, your culture has naked photos in your newspapers and boris johnson

it's all the same, just your idiots aren't going to talk as much or as loudly

No, titties in the newspaper and BJ are not the same as creationism and Trump. Hell, I liked the titties in the newspaper before they got cancelled. Hooked up with a Page 3 girl once actually, back in the long long ago. BJ is no genius, but he's no Trump either.

There are levels. Sorry bro, your country is full of morons. We're done bargaining, the next stage is acceptance.

by jalfrezi k

I dunno. I remember a poll back in the 90s where something crazy like 40% of Americans couldn't place Canada on a map.

That's a pretty dumb nation.

Dude, you have no room to speak. Seriously.

by craig1120 k

Dude, you have no room to speak. Seriously.

Explain please. I gotta hear this, as I suspect you about to inadvertently provide additional evidence to support the claim.

by Gorgonian k

You rarely see an entire forum so thoroughly ruined by one person.

actually, i think you usually see forums destroyed by one deranged freak who never shuts the **** up. not that there's much to salvage here, but
