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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Whoops. Looks like Trump was right again.

Chilean Lawmakers Confirm Trump’s Comments on Dogs and Cats.

The Chilean Congress has taken a decisive step in protecting the rights of domestic animals by recently approving a bill that classifies the slaughter, distribution, and commercialization of the meat of pets and companion animals as a crime.

The Chilean congressman José Carlos Meza who authored the bill that penalizes the slaughter of pets spoke about it:

«In Chile, it is documented that foreign communities, particularly Haitians, consume the meat of domestic animals and pets, such as cats. There are many reports, some even showing the street sale of this meat (without clearly stating that it is dog or cat meat). This is why we are seeking to criminalize, with relatively high penalties, the slaughter, consumption, and distribution of the meat of domestic animals, pets, and companion animals.»

In an interview by our Editor-in-Chief, María Herrera, with Chilean Congressman Cristián Araya, the topic of Haitian immigration in Chile was discussed. I quote part of the interview:

As for the practices mentioned, such as those highlighted by former President Trump, they led us to draft legislation prohibiting the slaughter of domestic animals, like dogs and cats, for consumption. What President Trump said wasn’t a lie—it may sound shocking or seem like a caricature to some, and many might dismiss it as a racist or xenophobic comment, but the reality is that Chile had to legislate on this matter for a reason.


That is not at all the same claim that Trump made.

by checkraisdraw k

That is not at all the same claim that Trump made.

u hAv tDs bRo TrUmP wUz rIgHt

by checkraisdraw k

That is not at all the same claim that Trump made.

OK. What's different about it? I'm all ears.

by Brian James k

OK. What's different about it? I'm all ears.

Well, we could start by identifying in which part of Chile we would find Springfield, Ohio.

by Brian James k

Whoops. Looks like Trump was right again.


LOL, same nonsense, different country. From a link embedded in the article you posted:

Following a complaint on social media reporting the discovery of slaughtered dogs and cats in the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, the municipality filed a complaint for the crime of animal abuse. The mayor asked residents to collaborate and provide background information to find those responsible for the death of the pets.

They even included two photos of dead animals in garbage bags, like that somehow links it to Haitians eating pets.

by Brian James k

OK. What's different about it? I'm all ears.

The claim can’t be that some immigrants somewhere eat dogs and cats in places where it was ostensibly legal to eat dogs and cats (although seemingly culturally inappropriate). The claim was that particular Haitian migrants in Springfield were eating their neighbors’ dogs/cats/pets.

It would be like me saying my Chinese neighbor ears dog and then pointing to the dog festival in China.

Edit: That’s taking the article at face value. Of course that was my other hypothesis that it was a disinformation feedback loop, but I didn’t even need to go that far to show that it was BS.

by checkraisdraw k

The claim can’t be that some immigrants somewhere eat dogs and cats in places where it was ostensibly legal to eat dogs and cats (although seemingly culturally inappropriate). The claim was that particular Haitian migrants in Springfield were eating their neighbors’ dogs/cats/pets.

It would be like me saying my Chinese neighbor ears dog and then pointing to the dog festival in China.

Edit: That’s taking the article at face value. Of course that was my other hypothesis that it was

The fact that this needs to be explained to someone who seems to have sufficient cognitive function to be able to access the internet shows how deep the MAGA brain rot has set in.

by Brian James k

OK. What's different about it? I'm all ears.

If some people in Chile claimed to have seen big foot it would not prove that big foot is real. While they might have seen big foot, they also might have read about big foot in the US and imagined they saw it. They also might be lying.

by ES2 k

If some people in Chile claimed to have seen big foot it would not prove that big foot is real. While they might have seen big foot, they also might have read about big foot in the US and imagined they saw it. They also might be lying.

It also doesn't mean that bigfoot is roaming around Springfield, Ohio.

by d2_e4 k

The fact that this needs to be explained to someone who seems to have sufficient cognitive function to be able to access the internet shows how deep the MAGA brain rot has set in.

Brian knowingly deals in misinformation. It appears to be a hobby of his.

by pocket_zeros k

Brian knowingly deals in misinformation. It appears to be a hobby of his.

Yes, I am aware. It is likely that he used to post here as joe6pack before that account was perma'ed. That doesn't preclude his being stupid enough to buy into at least some of his own bullshit.

by checkraisdraw k

The claim can’t be that some immigrants somewhere eat dogs and cats in places where it was ostensibly legal to eat dogs and cats (although seemingly culturally inappropriate). The claim was that particular Haitian migrants in Springfield were eating their neighbors’ dogs/cats/pets.

It would be like me saying my Chinese neighbor ears dog and then pointing to the dog festival in China.

Lol OK. Fair point. I'll change my comment to "maybe Trump was right again".

That better?

I think what can be said about that article is "here's another country accusing Haitian migrants of eating cats and dogs". Which then leaves the door open for showing that they were or weren't actually doing that, and can lead to more conversation about whether Trump's rhetoric can have a ripple effect throughout the world or if he's a brave truthteller that is standing up to Big Haitian Migrant.

by ES2 k

If some people in Chile claimed to have seen big foot it would not prove that big foot is real. While they might have seen big foot, they also might have read about big foot in the US and imagined they saw it. They also might be lying.

This is a Chilean congressman saying that there are documented cases though, so it probably carries a bit more weight than your analogy to be fair.

«In Chile, it is documented that foreign communities, particularly Haitians, consume the meat of domestic animals and pets, such as cats. There are many reports, some even showing the street sale of this meat (without clearly stating that it is dog or cat meat). This is why we are seeking to criminalize, with relatively high penalties, the slaughter, consumption, and distribution of the meat of domestic animals, pets, and companion animals.»

by Brian James k

This is a Chilean congressman saying that there are documented cases though, so it probably carries a bit more weight than your analogy to be fair.

i think the whole point BJ is in 5 years, when you will look back at it u will ask yourself why i went so far down a rabbit hole to the defend a president nominee speaking in a racist way about a community of potentially eating cat and dogs and making it a real presidential election issues just because his suppose to be my guys and "he cant be this bad"....

its staggering how far you are ready to go to defend and trying to justify what is just insanely not justifiable ....

So keep trying to make sense of something that just just shouldnt be .

that what a cult is, there is just no limit how far they can go, ie: the wacko siege

by d2_e4 k

Yes, I am aware. It is likely that he used to post here as joe6pack before that account was perma'ed. That doesn't preclude his being stupid enough to buy into at least some of his own bullshit.

It bothers me more that he took his new name from a pretty good punk guitarist who wouldn’t have much truck with the things he posts.

We're closing in on 9 years of Trump being incompetent, barely comprehensible, lying, bullying people from his soapbox and strutting around with faux patriotism, and the still the debates go in the exact same manner.

MAGA will support and back anything Trump says. When you engage with one of them, you are not debating that person. You are debating their entire orthodoxy. This is created and refined in an online eco-system where only those who believe are welcome.

While MAGA often posts in a trolling and mocking style pretending that everything is a joke, the intent behind this is not trolling. They believe what they post, however stupid it might be.

Then as this is a recent phenomenon isn’t it right to ask how such a large number of Americans came to be this way?

MAGA works on people because at its core lies a truth about lying and corrupt politicians, around which conspiracy theories can flourish. The blame for this doesn’t lie with MAGA people because they’ve simply been brainwashed, but with the political establishment who’ve gamed out the art of building political careers and fortunes while achieving nothing for the electorate.

by jalfrezi k

Then as this is a recent phenomenon isn’t it right to ask how such a large number of Americans came to be this way?

MAGA works on people because at its core lies a truth about lying and corrupt politicians, around which conspiracy theories can flourish. The blame for this doesn’t lie with MAGA people because they’ve simply been brainwashed, but with the political establishment who’ve gamed out the art of building political careers and fortunes while achieving nothing for

I'm not willing to ignore people's agency to that degree. Those of us who live in modern democracies still have incredible leeway in what we can read and what we can say, at least for now. MAGA-supporters are responsible for their beliefs.

I'd flip the blame the other way around. Without supporters, these people who are given the power to dismantle institution after institution would just be loudmouth idiots.

Trump's call for police to have a 'Purge'-like day is an authoritarian strategy

Trump presented a new solution to all crime: more violence.
“If you had one really violent day,” he said, the problem would be solved.
“One rough hour — and I mean real rough — the word will get out and it will end immediately.”

If only we could unleash law enforcement for “one really violent day,”
people would be sufficiently terrorized that all crime would cease.

This is one part of a broader vision Trump has always had,
in which America is saturated in threats and violence, which must in turn be met
with even more threats and violence, from both the government and vigilantes,
against those he and his supporters despise.

One local business owner, a Republican who voted twice for Trump, said publicly that the
10% of his employees who are Haitian immigrants are excellent and conscientious workers.
In response he faced “death threats, a lockdown at his company and
posters around town branding him a traitor for hiring immigrants.”

“If Kamala is re-elected, your town, and every town just like it,” he says, “will be transformed
into a third-world hellhole,” with all the attendant rape, murder and throat-cutting.
If you believed that was true, wouldn’t violence be a reasonable response?

Speaking of being brainwashed, I see the MSNBC bot is at it again.

Elon's onboard the Trump train. Smart guy.

by Brian James k

This is a Chilean congressman saying that there are documented cases though, so it probably carries a bit more weight than your analogy to be fair.

And more weight than a government official from Springfield saying that there had been no credible reports of immigrants killing pets in Springfield, right? We certainly can't rely on reports from local officials. If you want to know what is going on in Ohio, the best source is right wing idiots in Chile.

by Brian James k

OK. What's different about it? I'm all ears.

As always, it's weird how the Blood & Soil guys think that pretending to not understand basic English in context is a sick debate tactic.
