The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Trump wanted to delay this as much as possible. If he wanted the legal system to decide before the election he could have. But he doesn’t have a good defense against the allegations.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Not really true. I got nuked for saying 2+2 made poor business decisions which hundreds of people have said before with no incident snd is not against any rules and no less polite than stufff Mason or Sklansky say about others.

I guess that I am either a wizard or just really lucky.

by Rococo k

I guess that I am either a wizard or just really lucky.

Must be a wizard. Can you give out some brains round here?

by Rococo k

I guess that I am either a wizard or just really lucky.

as i mentioned earlier your natural personality will keep you largely immune

i assure you, i've seen dozens of posters who have been banned for doing things that's quite common otherwise and even regularly done by others, including myself - fact you don't think there are any unjust or seemingly random bannings is probably the main reason why sklansky ranked you below me because that's a huge leak to not properly understand

i had a mod ban me, when i dm'd him asking what it was he banned me for he wrote back an expletive filled dm full of personal insults saying he couldn't wait to ban me again

i wrote back, politely stating that as it may be, you still haven't told me what it was that i did to get banned in the first place so if he were to explain that to me then perhaps i could avoid conducting bannable offenses because i legit had no idea what he banned me for and couldn't find any deleted posts

he wrote back saying if i dm'd him again he'd permaban me

mods can be fallible, as well as dicks

i was also given a monthlong ban because i made a joke about mod white knighting for hitler (it was legit funny imo as people were discussing hitler in bad terms and he made a post forbidding hitler discussion) that mod apparently didn't see the humor in that but was able to make a 2nd account and get it overturned same day because it was obviously outrageous

by pocket_zeros k

Throughout the document, Smith argues that the actions Trump took to overturn the election were in his private capacity – as a candidate – rather than in his official capacity, as a president. That argument flows from the Supreme Court’s decision in July, which granted the former president sweeping immunity for official actions but left the door open for prosecutors to pursue Trump for unofficial steps he took.

Again, wouldn't have happened without the SCOTUS trying to protect Trump from prosecut

as I said, he had already refiled (august 27th of this year) following SCOTUS immunity decision.

btw the fact he can refile means that... it isn't so obvious Trump has immunity for those actions so why do you claim SCOTUS decided otherwise?

by Luciom k

Extremely non political filing of "bombshell" allegations, by the "independent" DoJ one month from the election, sent to you by the "lovers of democracy"

Based. They should be more apolitical.

by Luciom k

Extremely non political filing of "bombshell" allegations, by the "independent" DoJ one month from the election, sent to you by the "lovers of democracy"

Lol you.

You know what's political? The idea that because he's running for president he gets off scott free from all of the felonies he's committed.

by Luciom k

Extremely non political filing of "bombshell" allegations, by the "independent" DoJ one month from the election, sent to you by the "lovers of democracy"

Well the judicial system seem working fine .
I mean they did convicted the current reigning DEMOCRAT president son ….

So what spin you try to say ?

by ecriture d'adulte k

Trump wanted to delay this as much as possible. If he wanted the legal system to decide before the election he could have. But he doesn’t have a good defense against the allegations.

Trump got a free jail card in being able to pardon himself ( we know the SC will abide to it being a republican president …😉 if he wins the election .

So normal he did everything to postpone all his judicial problems .
The U.S. is becoming a China province for his judicial system now .
A political system of justice , not a factual judicial system .

Wanted to mention three LOL moments from last night.

1) The Haitians in Springfield were illegal. No JD, they are here legally. Hey, I'm supposed to be able to lie!

2) Donald Trump saved Obamacare.

3) Tim, I'm focusing on the future. What about censorship 3 years ago?

Speaking of lies here's a list of the biggest lies Walz told in the debate. Fact-checked and debunked

It's a long list.

lol the first one was the hong kong nothingburger, stopped reading after that

by rickroll k

you're also of the old guard and a former mod at the risk of drawing more of your ire, you are a unique case and also very much part of the in crowd and someone with a legacy account that predates more than 99% of most forum posters

Are you suggesting that my posting would result in bans if they were made under a different username? I don't think that's true. I had just as easy a time avoiding bans in 2006 as I do now.

i also don't think it's intentional in that you are consciously a suckup, but your personality and demeanor is that of a teacher's pet and hence why you are not pre-dispositioned to getting a ban,

I guess that it depends on what you mean. It's true that I am not predisposed to go off on mods. That's solely because they are volunteering their services for no compensation.

like i don't recall you ever trying to make a joke at someone else's expense as an example

This is demonstrably false. I do this all the time.

by Brian James k

Speaking of lies here's a list of the biggest lies Walz told in the debate. Fact-checked and debunked

It's a long list.

How can you know if it’s true or not anyway ?
You believe the 2020 election was stolen despite the fact checking saying it wasn’t stolen ?
So you just believe what you want to believe , fact checking or not means nothing for you ….

So why we should care about what you think is a lie or not ?
U got no value to share .

by rickroll k

i assure you, i've seen dozens of posters who have been banned for doing things that's quite common otherwise and even regularly done by others, including myself - fact you don't think there are any unjust or seemingly random bannings is probably the main reason why sklansky ranked you below me because that's a huge leak to not properly understand

I never said that moderation was consistent across the various subforums. If you thought I said such a thing, then the leak is in your memory or your reading comprehension. Most of the claims of inconsistency and injustice amount to "the mod in Forum A allowed this level of jackassery, but the mod in forum B banned me for it" or "the mod allowed Poster A to be a jackass and I don't think I did anything worse than Poster A, so why did I get banned." Each claim is true sometimes. But the complainer is missing the larger point, which is that you very likely will not be banned if you avoid acting like a jackass.

by Rococo k

This is demonstrably false. I do this all the time.

Obviously too subtly for a 139 to pick up on.

by d2_e4 k

Obviously too subtly for a 139 to pick up on.

Did rickroll get moved down from 140 to 139? Sad, if true.

by Rococo k

Did rickroll get moved down from 140 to 139? Sad, if true.

I thought he was 139 and you were 138. I dunno man, I'm like 25 places below you guys, I can barely count that high.

Besties, would you mind terribly if I asked you guys to take the moderation discussion to the mod thread so this doesn’t become a tangent in this one?

I’m unclear how this started or if it’s something to do with specific mistakes I’ve made recently, but as always I’m willing to listen and thoughtfully engage if there are good faith complaints. Just please go to the mod thread for it.

by Brian James k

Speaking of lies here's a list of the biggest lies Walz told in the debate. Fact-checked and debunked

It's a long list.

Long list of lies but that’s allowed if your a dem

by Rococo k

Did rickroll get moved down from 140 to 139? Sad, if true.

when did i get moved from 142 to 140?

by d2_e4 k

I thought he was 139 and you were 138. I dunno man, I'm like 25 places below you guys, I can barely count that high.

i think roc was 139

by lozen k

Long list of lies but that’s allowed if your a dem


by d2_e4 k

I thought he was 139 and you were 138. I dunno man, I'm like 25 places below you guys, I can barely count that high.

Sup homie
U dididnt even kno minors get life sentences. Lol
Carly life without parole. Look it up Holmes,

by Rococo k

Are you suggesting that my posting would result in bans if they were made under a different username? I don't think that's true. I had just as easy a time avoiding bans in 2006 as I do now.

a little bit of column a, a little bit of column b

you absolutely could post something that luciom would get banned for and not catch a ban, for example, the thing that got ed's original account nuked was a comment which i doubt would have led to a ban had you made it

but it's much more so that your posting style in general is not very confrontational so you're not going to be in many situations where you could get banned in the first place, but you are an outlier, not everyone is as calm and as measured as you are

by Rococo k

I guess that it depends on what you mean. It's true that I am not predisposed to go off on mods. That's solely because they are volunteering their services for no compensation.

i don't see you ever go off on anyone period

i think the most inflammatory thing i've seen you post was declaring people on 2nd and 3rd accounts were pathetic today

by Rococo k

This is demonstrably false. I do this all the time.

guess either you're not that funny or i'm just really dumb or never hang out where you poke fun at others - could be all 3 😀
