The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
Do you think the process to classify substances was decided by congress explicitly, or by the agencies themselves?
Congress other than giving the initial list (subject to change according to agencies decisions) and the medical/abuse/international criteria, did nothing.
All the detailed current procedure have been decided by agencies and can be rescinded by a simple order of the person in charge of the agency, with no emergency required to do so.
Why do you use the cover of bureaucracy to justify an
I’m more interested in your interpretation of the constitution
this is another lie
you clearly have an interest in it, hence why you jumped in to attack the poster for sharing his viewpoint - so you obviously do have thoughts on wwii internment camps and your posting deeply implies it's a nothing burger in your mind - so i'm asking you to clarify your position
but you won't because you're an absolute coward who will happily strike down thoughts and comments of others without ever putting any of your own forward to be held under the same scrutiny
I only posted that internment camps are not the same as black slavery in American history. And with that one post I now have you ranting continuously about who knows what.
You must be responding to some hurt I put on you in a previous discussion because your reaction on this topic makes no sense to me.
Yeah its just baffles me how you could vote for a president that
had no Russia/Ukraine war. (U.S. president do not decide if foreign leader can go to war )
peace in the middle east ( US president has again no juridiction if it’s allowed to go to war )
cheap gas (international market dictate the price )
cheap groceries (inflation was a global phenomenon)
some type of border policy ( yup which republicans gladly rejected)
Yup that man is deranged and not fit for president but anyone vying for the jo
Fix your post !
Be careful u might prove thinmans right
I think non delegation doctrine is true and that commerce clause interpretation is insane, I mean even Alito is center left for me on that specific topic.
Let's say I am on the "far right" of Alito on how to interpret the commerce clause.
Specifically for cannabis, the federal government has absolutely no authority at all to ever ban it's production, sale or consumption at all with no exception (it can, bizarrely, ban or regulate it's import/export outside the USA as much as it wants though) , as for literally all other substances, because the commerce clause doesn't even tangentially give the feds that power.
If some states legalized cannabis the commerce clause gives the fed the power to decide what to do about people who buy in a state where it is legal and consume elsewhere in the USA, states that ban a product which is legal in another state and so on.
IE it can, with some limits that jurisprudence has to draft, force states to accept products they would not want to accept. That's the commerce clause.
But if it did, under an extended interpretation of the commerce clause I completely disagree with, it couldn't delegate any banning at all to executive agencies. With this I simply mean any rules that limits the freedoms of Americans to produce, sell or consume anything has to be passed verbatim by Congress and agencies can't be delegated with ever drafting any rule. Only, strictly, with enforcing them.
Chevron which you mention check draw is different is how to interpret a rule written by Congress (lol at deferring to agencies for that).
I am talking about rule making by agencies being forbidden with no exceptions
I think non delegation doctrine is true and that commerce clause interpretation is insane, I mean even Alito is center left for me on that specific topic.
Let's say I am on the "far right" of Alito on how to interpret the commerce clause.
About heroine , fentanyl , cocaine ,etc ?
What’s the difference ?
Chevron which you mention check draw is different is how to interpret a rule written by Congress (lol at deferring to agencies for that).
I am talking about rule making by agencies being forbidden with no exceptions
I don’t know what you mean by rulemaking by agencies. I mentioned the FDA. Is that something that you consider to be unconstitutional?
I think non delegation doctrine is true and that commerce clause interpretation is insane, I mean even Alito is center left for me on that specific topic.
Let's say I am on the "far right" of Alito on how to interpret the commerce clause.
Specifically for cannabis, the federal government has absolutely no authority at all to ever ban it's production, sale or consumption at all with no exception (it can, bizarrely, ban or regulate it's import/export outside the USA as much as it wants though) , as
So this is what you think the interpretation should be, not what it actually is. The supremacy of congress to dictate what is or isn’t legal is pretty much written into every aspect of the regulatory framework.
SC does acknowledge a certain amount of leeway within a state to set up their own more restrictive frameworks, but if something is banned federally the supremacy of the federal gov takes hold or the law is considered unconstitutional.
If we were to use your interpretation of things, as you said you would be to the far right of the court. Even Thomas who I consider the most far right hasn’t spoken in favor of such an interpretation.
I think the issue is that many businesses not traditionally seen as participating in interstate commerce are seen as by the court as doing so. Which that precedent still hasn’t been struck down, and if it was, might open the door to bring back racial discrimination within states for businesses even if I doubt that would happen.
Remember when I said that these lies about FEMA agencies can get people killed? That you shouldn’t interfere with aid efforts because you think you are helping?
Fema not being allowed to confiscate food from people is killing people?
I feel like if Fema has to rely on food confiscation to keep people alive there is a bigger problem.
Fema not being allowed to confiscate food from people is killing people?
I feel like if Fema has to rely on food confiscation to keep people alive there is a bigger problem.
Spreading lies that can get people killed during a natural disaster to own the libs. You really are a piece of work.
The bigger accounts spreading these rumors, I think it would be ok morally to send them to jail for 6 months for knowingly or maliciously spreading lies that could have a good chance of causing harm to people seeking disaster relief. I'm not sure it would be constitutional but goddamn would they deserve it.
I mean I used to like you because even if we deeply disagreed on values (or at least, I disagree with most of the values you decide to express here, which I don't think you believe in most of the times) I treated you as a sharp value-enemy with a modicum of integrity.
I never liked you. I don't take you any more seriously than Lozen or Playbig
Now you are blasting at the Abraham accords because the Shiites are at war for the nth time vs Israel, while those accords just helped normalize relationships between Israel and a specific slice of sunni Arab states, officially only the UAE and Barhain (but we know the big Saudi brother was ok with it as well).
The Arab world is composed of some forces which hate Iran a lot more than they hate Israel, others who want to decide what to do about it all, and others yet which consider fighting Israel and eradicating it from the map is the most important goal ever (and those side with non Arab Iran).
Whatever Iran and it's allies/satellites end up doing has 0 to do with the Abraham accords.
If Trump exaggerated the relevance of those accords, attack him on that.
But how the ****ing **** can you even start claiming that Iran being at war vs Israel is a failure of accorda that helped Israel get in touch with the UAE, an ally of an enemy of Iran?
No. Here is what right wing "thinkers" (not Trump) said in real time about the Abraham accords.
How Jared Kushner Proved His Critics Wro...
If we don’t know how they will turn out, the deals have the potential to transform the strategic environment of the region, isolating and reducing the influence of Iran and of a feckless and corrupt Palestinian political leadership that has served its people poorly.
If you’ve followed the commentary on Kushner’s efforts the past few years, you’d be truly shocked at this outcome. (NB This is at the same time Oct 7th was being actively planned)
The critics took great umbrage at Kushner’s admonishing the Palestinians, not realizing that they were beholden to a conventional wisdom that had been eclipsed in the region. The tectonic plates were shifting such that the only path to peace no longer ran through the Palestinians, if it ever did. The frustration that Kushner was expressing about the Palestinian leadership was shared by key Arab leaders.
Of course, since Kushner had been intensely engaged in the region for years, he understood this when most of the journalists and advocates portraying him as a hopeless ignoramus had no idea. He knew what he was talking about when they, by and large, didn’t.
The whole "genius" of the Kushner/Trump Middle East plan was that the Palestinian issue didn't really matter and it was a tectonic shift that only 2 low IQ affirmative action morons could realize. But in reality, how is the "conventional wisdom" not exactly what happened? Isolating Iran and undoing Obama's treaty made them far more dangerous. Any Middle East peace deal not involving Palestinians is worthless?
This is what most experts predicted as it was signed.

Both articles should be read in whole to show the delusional right wing thinking vs sober reality but
When he has sought my advice during the past couple of years, I have advised Jared Kushner not to become Israel’s lawyer. The last time I met with Kushner, he asked me what, in my view, would constitute success on his part. I made it clear that there was zero chance of reaching a conflict-ending accord, as neither Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas nor Netanyahu were willing or able to make the decisions required to achieve one.
But I also told him that if he wasn’t careful, he could make the situation a great deal worse. The key was to put something out that was credible and would put America in position to be seen as a party that could be trusted by all sides to work on the issue in the future.
Kushner and Trump intentionally went the opposite of what experts said and what happened was a disaster as they were told was likely. Why do they not take the blame other than typical "Look they're right wing, not very smart and it's not fair to hold them to the same standards you would non idiots?" Any administration going back to W Bush could have bribed Arab states that were tolerating Israel already to get closer. Only Trump and Kushner were so desperate to do SOMETHING that they didn't care about the obvious risks of further isolating Iran and Palestinians.
Spreading lies that can get people killed during a natural disaster to own the libs. You really are a piece of work.
The bigger accounts spreading these rumors, I think it would be ok morally to send them to jail for 6 months for knowingly or maliciously spreading lies that coul
Probably they should establish some sort of Truth commission to make sure everyone is telling the truth online.
we are at the "10 7 was caused by trump" stage of the "very smart people for Kamala" conspiracy theory, I think at this point it could be moved in the proper thread.
Probably they should establish some sort of Truth commission to make sure everyone is telling the truth online.
Why are you brainlet conservatives always acting like you can literally say anything you want? You realize we already have laws against hoaxes and spreading false information that a reasonable person should know could cause damage/panic. https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys....
The false info you "people" are spreading about the hurricane disaster relief is akin to a bomb threat. Your ilk is some of the lowest of the low, morally speaking.
Why are you brainlet conservatives always acting like you can literally say anything you want? You realize we already have laws against hoaxes and spreading false information that a reasonable person should know could cause damage/panic. https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys....
The false info you "people" are spreading about the hurricane disaster relief is akin to a bomb threat. Your ilk is some of the lowest of the low, morally speaking.
Hey go duck yourself.
Eta: **** not duck....
Why are you brainlet conservatives always acting like you can literally say anything you want? You realize we already have laws against hoaxes and spreading false information that a reasonable person should know could cause damage/panic. https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys....
The false info you "people" are spreading about the hurricane disaster relief is akin to a bomb threat. Your ilk is some of the lowest of the low, morally speaking.
man you haven't proven any false information has caused damage, you are relying on someone claiming some public employee said that.
and you take it at face value, that's "ministry of truth" for us.
ofc the public employees who are under fire because of purported mistakes are the very last people to ask about what is actually happening? would you ask Derek Chauvin colleagues opinion on what happened to Floyd a day after the fact and use that to prove a point?
Fine group of folks that encourages lying and spreading bullshit.
man you haven't proven any false information has caused damage, you are relying on someone claiming some public employee said that.
and you take it at face value, that's "ministry of truth" for us.
ofc the public employees who are under fire because of purported mistakes are the very last people to ask about what is actually happening? would you ask Derek Chauvin colleagues opinion on what happened to Floyd a day after the fact and use that to prove a point?
No I just have experience. The same people that lied about Hawaii are now lying about NC. By the way these were the same people sucking off Derek Chauvin and asking for more cum in their mouth. Just guzzling Chauvin's cum. Disgusting losers.
emergency response efforts by a leftwing administration get criticized heavily (Maybe lying, it's possible ofc. probably exaggerating mistakes and giving fault to the government of stuff that would have happened anyway and so on).
solution of leftwing experts: "let's ask the emergency response people and believe them at face value"