The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Lol. Tell me why you don't use the washoe account any more and I'll delete it. Hurry, before time runs out.


Stop lying. U like that u pay double for everything?.
Get outa here...

U like the threat of getting mugged and killed by a "zombie" cause that what they call am zombies , the millions of homeless addicts in the streets.

Oh I almost forgot the millions of foreign gang members that they unleashed on
To the streets. Hey they are battling the local gangs and they are tired of it.
If local gangs get gunned down by foreign cartels u got a problem

I know it’s sound crazy but inflation was a global thing .
No American president could stop a worldwide inflation by himself .


No, how many are on the verge of losing their homes? How many are actually homeless now or in the last 4 years since
Mr brain took over?

No one are near losing their houses in the U.S. lol .
They remortgage 30 years at 2% in 2020 during covid lol…
Don’t you know anything about the economy ?


U should tell that to the 190 million Americans who lost their homes due to what exactly in the last 3 years?!

Go figure! Yeah figure that out..

Sounds like a playbig account
Living in an alternate reality

Ps: if so many persons lost their homes , that would mean huge increase of supply in homes that would drag the prices much lower aka 2008 ?
Why the prices didn’t come down ?


Ok then what is.?

If u have half the country not able to afford rent, u got half the country homeless in the streets, exactly as we have now.

Pro tip : and economy is not measured by the wealth of a few dozens, it's how everyone is doing.

Good thing none of that is happening.

190 million are homeless?

That’s wild bro. How is nobody talking about this

by StoppedRainingMen k

190 million are homeless?

That’s wild bro. How is nobody talking about this

MSM coverup

by Montrealcorp k

Sounds like a playbig account
Living in an alternate reality

Ps: if so many persons lost their homes , that would mean huge increase of supply in homes that would drag the prices much lower aka 2008 ?
Why the prices didn’t come down ?

Blackrock bought them all up.


U should tell that to the 190 million Americans who lost their homes due to what exactly in the last 3 years?!

Go figure! Yeah figure that out..

I know of one who lost everything from getting fleeced by Elon Musk and betting their govt checks on dogecoin.

Id tell them that what happens in the white house directly impacts them a whole lot less than what happens in theur own house.

by Luckbox Inc k

Blackrock bought them all up.

Thought they were busy recruiting would be Trump assassins under the guise of appearing as extras in their commercials. Where do they find the time?

by Luckbox Inc k

Blackrock bought them all up.

Blackrock bought houses?


U should tell that to the 190 million Americans who lost their homes due to what exactly in the last 3 years?!

I am requesting that you provide a cite for this 190 million figure.

TBH, it is such a likely horribly overstated data point that without a substantiated cite, you will be banned like previous 2+2 alias' that you have used.

by King Spew k

I am requesting that you provide a cite for this 190 million figure.

TBH, it is such a likely horribly overstated data point that without a substantiated cite, you will be banned like previous 2+2 alias' that you have used.


by d2_e4 k

Lol. Tell me why you don't use the washoe account any more and I'll delete it. Hurry, before time runs out.

I think you are right. I think this is washoe. washoe was very fond "u know", "u should", "u like" formulations. And like CMON_MAN, washoe also was prone to wild factual misstatements.

by Luckbox Inc k

Blackrock bought them all up.

Nah but they hold some amount true .
Praise American capitalist and politics treating corporations like human with free speech and other nonsense like that at the expense of real humans .

Ps: formula72 is right .
Luckbox meant blackstone probably holding like a little less then1% of houses .

Fwiw luckbox just made a mistake by about 99% .

washoe isnt even banned

by Rococo k

I think you are right. I think this is washoe. washoe was very fond "u know", "u should", "u like" formulations. And like CMON_MAN, washoe also was prone to wild factual misstatements.

He was also fond of always saying some variation of "sup homeboy" to me, and this guy has made a number of references that I honestly wouldn't expect anyone except washoe to make (my daughter, LWOP sentences for juveniles being two recent examples).

I'd like it noted for the record that I called this guy out as washoe ages ago and a number of people (including you!) told me I was dead wrong.


Well it's all double

Grocery prices were increasing thru trump's term. It was just a series of small bumps 10c 15c 25c 15c25c 15c. Then when that relatively bigger covid bump hit it felt 'twice' as high because you barely noticed all of those smaller ones.

How do you figure trump's trillions in spending(and tariffs etc) had no effect but Biden's are responsible for everything? It's absurd. There were discussions about it here way before Biden ever came into the picture.

It’s because magic is a real thing you know , like gods.
Republicans are very fond of that .

When a republicans print trillions it doesn’t create inflation , only when democrats does it it causes inflation .
It’s real magic .

Sounds crazy but if only those people would be as good in math and physics as they are with theology I’m guessing the country would fair better and be less divided by nonsense .

lol the truth is that in any sane world we would only evaluate the ev of someone’s economic policies rather than the crazy low outcome chance that came with the policies.

also Trump keeping the Fed’s interest rates low by putting political pressure on them and dumping a bunch of capital into small businesses with PPP loans probably contributed a ton to inflation. there are people that locked in 2% interest rates for the next 20-30 years that are going to be hyperinflating the housing market thanks to Trump policies. But since his shitty policies don’t metastasize until he’s out of office, Biden gets the blame.

by checkraisdraw k

lol the truth is that in any sane world we would only evaluate the ev of someone’s economic policies rather than the crazy low outcome chance that came with the policies.

also Trump keeping the Fed’s interest rates low by putting political pressure on them and dumping a bunch of capital into small businesses with PPP loans probably contributed a ton to inflation. there are people that locked in 2% interest rates for the next 20-30 years that are going to be hyperinflating the housing

U know to much .
U must be evil nefarious lefty (paraphrasing Luciom bj, etc) !

Ps: I remember when trump was bragging to send more money then democrats to people before leaving office …


Trump said he wants Congress to increase the amount in the stimulus checks to $2,000 for individuals or $4,000 for couples, instead of the "ridiculously low" $600 for individuals that is in the bill.

Surely that couldn’t possibly cause inflation later on because it’s from republicans …

by Victor k

washoe isnt even banned

Which makes it all the more curious

by d2_e4 k

He was also fond of always saying some variation of "sup homeboy" to me, and this guy has made a number of references that I honestly wouldn't expect anyone except washoe to make (my daughter, LWOP sentences for juveniles being two recent examples).

I'd like it noted for the record that I called this guy out as washoe ages ago and a number of people (including you!) told me I was dead wrong.

I thought you had someone else pegged as washoe. I must be misremembering.

by Victor k

washoe isnt even banned

True, but that poster clearly wanted to disassociate himself from the washoe account. At one point, he asked to have all his posts vacuumed from 2+2 (which wasn't possible w/o wrecking threads).

Of course, if he wants to disassociate himself from the washoe account, he probably should avoid posting in the same inimitable style as washoe.

by Rococo k

I thought you had someone else pegged as washoe. I must be misremembering.
