The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Gregory Illinivich k

You take for granted that all Trump supporters are the same—they're not. Obviously, you're not going to change everyone's mind, but I'm certain that more of them would flip if they weren't constantly being mocked and told how rotten and stupid they are. This also applies to conservatives who call progressives "libtards."

Good points.

Speaking of flipping.

unreal racism. imagine if Trump did the same but for White men

by housenuts k

unreal racism. imagine if Trump did the same but for White men

Ironically, whoever thought up this idea believes that only black men need government help to be successful entrepreneurs, which is not only racist towards blacks, but misandrist and possibly misogynist to boot.

by housenuts k

unreal racism. imagine if Trump did the same but for White men

The "and others" part is significant. Earlier, a poster brought up that it isn't just black entrepreneurs that would be affected by this, and after reading yesterday's article that someone shared in one of these threads, that was my take as well. The problem is how these things are framed and whether or not they'd actually solve anything. The black population is poorer than other racial demographics, and we should try to correct for that but not through racially discriminatory tax laws and forgivable loans. Anyway, if she's targeting people who want to start businesses and her proposals would disproportionately affect black entrepreneurs because of their income, that's fine. The problem is that that isn't clearly communicated, and it comes off as race-baiting — which it is. Also, most black entrepreneurs wouldn't fall into the demographic within the black community that really need the help.

by Gregory Illinivich k

The problem is that that isn't clearly communicated, and it comes off as race-baiting — which it is. Also, most black entrepreneurs wouldn't fall into the demographic within the black community that really need the help.


by Victor k

ya its crazy how mask off liberals have gone with their xenophobia and racism

Actually I think it’s the far left (woke) that are those things while the liberals are more in the middle

by TookashotatChan k

Neither do you

This is objectively false.

by TookashotatChan k

Some of your beliefs about reality are objectively wrong

Which ones?

In case anyone thinks the only people voting for trump are crazy MAGAS..

I wanted to give my anecdote.

I'm voting for trump. I previously voted for biden and Bernie sanders. I was always team never trump , I still kinda dispise the guy. But I simply can't bring myself to vote for the democratic party anymore. And I'm generally a very moderate/liberal leaning person. I think there are more like me than people realize. I think Trump is going to win pretty handily.

I don’t believe you .
You are just not liberal .

Impossible to overstate how truly bizarre trump’s town hall was

by housenuts k

unreal racism. imagine if Trump did the same but for White men

Your forgetting that only black men want legalized pot
From Obama talking down to black men and now this

by LimpDitka k

In case anyone thinks the only people voting for trump are crazy MAGAS..

I wanted to give my anecdote.

I'm voting for trump. I previously voted for biden and Bernie sanders. I was always team never trump , I still kinda dispise the guy. But I simply can't bring myself to vote for the democratic party anymore. And I'm generally a very moderate/liberal leaning person. I think there are more like me than people realize. I think Trump is going to win pretty handily.

The "democrats are making me vote for Trump take is a new one round here, and you're certainly not the 459,867th person to pop in to tell us that.

by LimpDitka k

I previously voted for biden and Bernie sanders.

Why did you vote for them?

by LimpDitka k

And I'm generally a very moderate/liberal leaning person.

What makes you say this?

by LimpDitka k

I simply can't bring myself to vote for the democratic party anymore.

Okay. Besides possibly yourself, what actually changed?

by lozen k

Your forgetting that only black men want legalized pot
From Obama talking down to black men and now this

Don't forget Biden's "You ain't black". Black men are lucky to have so many whites around to selectively tell them when to be offended.

by LimpDitka k

In case anyone thinks the only people voting for trump are crazy MAGAS..

I wanted to give my anecdote.

I'm voting for trump. I previously voted for biden and Bernie sanders. I was always team never trump , I still kinda dispise the guy. But I simply can't bring myself to vote for the democratic party anymore. And I'm generally a very moderate/liberal leaning person. I think there are more like me than people realize. I think Trump is going to win pretty handily.

Are you voting for Trump because the Democrats are too left-wing for your taste or not left-wing enough? I assume that your choice is driven by policy and not by a belief that Trump is a better or more honest person than Kamala. Regardless of what you think about Kamala's character or honesty, I assume you would agree that virtually anyone is better than Trump on those metrics.

by housenuts k

unreal racism. imagine if Trump did the same but for White men

He does. And you seem to be a fan!

by Trolly McTrollson k

He does. And you seem to be a fan!

please provide link

by ecriture d'adulte k

Don't forget Biden's "You ain't black". Black men are lucky to have so many whites around to selectively tell them when to be offended.

Broken YouTube Link

by lozen k

Barkley told his co-host Gayle King on the CNN show “King Charles” Saturday that if he sees “a Black person walking around with a Trump mugshot,” he’d punch them in the face, adding that he means that “sincerely.”
"Now, I do want to say this. I want to make it perfectly clear," Barkley said. "If you're a black person and you're wearing a Donald Trump mug shot, you are a freaking idiot.

Let's find a white guy who maybe finished high school and is totally a non Trump supporting moderate to tell us how offended black people should be by Barkley's comments.

by housenuts k

unreal racism. imagine if Trump did the same but for White men

A bunch of conservative white dudes deciding something is racist is hilarious.

Oh, THIS is where you draw the line? Pandering to black people?

by coordi k

A bunch of conservative white dudes deciding something is racist is hilarious.

The answer to racism being more racism is hilarious.

How about just treating people equally?

by housenuts k

The answer to racism being more racism is hilarious.

How about just treating people equally?

Because it's a poor solution.

still trying to find the racism in that message. i'm sure it's there if i squint hard enough.

it's ok to remind a specific segment of the population that they will benefit from a policy. really. it is.

by housenuts k

The answer to racism being more racism is hilarious.

How about just treating people equally?

Acknowledging that the black community has a reduced piece of the system is like 1990s stuff
