The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Ya know, I'm kind of puzzled by the fact that this forum gives so much attention to "MSM" interviews but fails to pay attention to this stuff. These interviews aren't inconsequential.

by FellaGaga-52 k

Do they know they are part of the fascist movement, or are they being duped? I don't know.

Duped, in the majority of cases.

by d2_e4 k

Oh look, it's the guy who likes to call some people out for hypocrisy and others for not admitting their mistakes being a hypocrite and not admitting his mistake. Thanks for proving you are a clown who does not warrant taking seriously, just like the posters you've been defending.

I mean maybe you're just not that bright. Go back and read my post about how I'm not going to try and prove your hypocrisy wrong by sifting through your post history. I could give a **** to be honest.

But here's a fun game, if you want to prove to everyone in here how even-minded you are. Name two or three Supreme Court decisions in the last 7-8 years where you sided with the conservative majority of the court in opposition to the more left-leaning justices. If you can do that, I will admit I was wrong about you.

by TookashotatChan k

I mean maybe you're just not that bright. Go back and read my post about how I'm not going to try and prove your hypocrisy wrong by sifting through your post history. I could give a **** to be honest.

But here's a fun game, if you want to prove to everyone in here how even-minded you are. Name two or three Supreme Court decisions in the last 7-8 years where you sided with the conservative majority of the court in opposition to the more left-leaning justices. If you can do that, I will admit I was

Well do you consider the SC today like center right (where a liberal could find agreements ) or far right (which a liberals could agree to mostly nothing) ?

by TookashotatChan k

I mean maybe you're just not that bright.

It's certainly a possibility.

by TookashotatChan k

Go back and read my post about how I'm not going to try and prove your hypocrisy wrong by sifting through your post history. I could give a **** to be honest.

You said you weren't going to look through 16,000 posts. I suggested a way you needed to only look at 8, and gave you the 8 to look at. Do you think 16,000 equals 8? Do you think sifting through 16,000 irrelevant posts is the same as reading 8 relevant (and short, might I add) posts. If so, maybe you're just not that bright.

It doesn't matter whether you give a **** any more. You said "prove me wrong". I did. Now you're apparently too busy to spend 30 seconds looking at the evidence that you were proved wrong. You don't need to "sift" through anything. Do you want me to quote them for you so that you don't need to "sift" through the search feature?

by TookashotatChan k

But here's a fun game, if you want to prove to everyone in here how even-minded you are. Name two or three Supreme Court decisions in the last 7-8 years where you sided with the conservative majority of the court in opposition to the more left-leaning justices. If you can do that, I will admit I was wrong about you.

Do you think "ever admitting you're wrong" and "being even-minded by agreeing with the conservative majority of the Supreme Court" are the same thing, even if we accept your silly definition of even-mindedness? If so, maybe you're just not that bright.

Nobody here with a room temperature IQ or better is buying your clownshoes attempts to weasel out of this predicament that you've found yourself in by sticking your nose into a conversation that didn't involve you. Luckily for you, your Trump supporting buddies don't fit this criterion, so I'm sure they think you are doing a grand job oWnInG tEh LiBz. Everyone else can quite clearly see that you are a clown and a weasel with zero integrity.

Ironic that you've spent the last two days criticising others for hypocrisy and for never admitting when they're wrong, the exact things you are currently doing. Always projection with conservatives. The second a conservative accuses someone else of some transgression, you can be 100% sure that they themselves are guilty of it. Must be why they love Trump so much, that's basically his MO.

by d2_e4 k

It's certainly a possibility.

You said you weren't going to look through 16,000 posts. I suggested a way you needed to only look at 8, and gave you the 8 to look at. Do you think 16,000 equals 8? Do you think sifting through 16,000 irrelevant posts is the same as reading 8 relevant (and short, might I add) posts. If so, maybe you're just not that bright.

It doesn't matter whether you give a **** any more. You said "prove me wrong". I did. Now you're apparently too busy to spend 30 seconds looking

It should be pretty easy for an unbiased person who knows a little about the law to find decisions where they agree with one side or the other. You're either an independent, critical thinker or a partisan hack. The challenge is open. I don't suspect you will rise to meet it because I don't suspect I am wrong in my assessment. Time will tell.

by TookashotatChan k

It should be pretty easy for an unbiased person who knows a little about the law to find decisions where they agree with one side or the other. You're either an independent, critical thinker or a partisan hack. The challenge is open. I don't suspect you will rise to meet it because I don't suspect I am wrong in my assessment. Time will tell.

Are you being obtuse on purpose? The accusation was that I never admit that I'm wrong. Not that I wasn't even-minded. Not that I was a partisan hack. That I never admit I'm wrong. Why are you blathering on about irrelevant dogshit? I'm sure you understand these are different things, so maybe you think everyone else is so stupid that they don't?

Anyway, I'm done wasting time on your bad faith brain****ery, I have better things to do. Get ****ed.

by d2_e4 k

Are you being obtuse on purpose? The accusation was that I never admit that I'm wrong. Not that I wasn't even-minded. Not that I was a partisan hack. That I never admit I'm wrong. Why are you blathering on about irrelevant dogshit? I'm sure you understand these are different things, so maybe you think everyone else is so stupid that they don't?

Anyway, I'm done wasting time on your bad faith brain****ery, I have better things to do. Get ****ed.

Thought so.

by TookashotatChan k

Thought so.

Let's not get carried away. "Thinking" is clearly not really your thing. If you were any good at thinking, you wouldn't be trying to pull such transparent stunts thereby making yourself look like a complete idiot and a conniving weasel in front of everyone.

by d2_e4 k

The "democrats are making me vote for Trump take is a new one round here, and you're certainly not the 459,867th person to pop in to tell us that.

Didn't realize that. First time joining this thread.

by d2_e4 k

Let's not get carried away. "Thinking" is clearly not really your thing. If you were any good at thinking, you wouldn't be trying to pull such transparent stunts thereby making yourself look like a complete idiot and a conniving weasel in front of everyone.

Hey look. Not only were we right, we were SPECTACULARLY right.


Anyone think we are at a point of no return and that regardless who wins the election there will not be a positive outcome?

Anyone believe that one candidate would be a better choice, but still believes the fallout will destroy the country?

Suppose you support Trump because you think the bureaucracy is bloated and not serving the best interests of the country. Or maybe you believe he won't be as likely to engage in more wars. Maybe you believe he is promoting something closer to freedom and liberty than the other side.

Consider he wins and instead of focusing on the "deep state" he uses the state to suppress the inevitable protests/riots that will follow his victory.

Maybe despite being called a Nazi he continues and increases support for Israel? Maybe his ego starts the big one with Iran since "they are coming after him" for his actions in office.

What if you believe Harris represents our best chance to get back to some form of normalcy we have been missing? Her recent policy shifts, border, transgender surgeries, and even the belief that she will have more sane and rational people around her make her a safe pick?

What if those were just temporary shifts? If she backbtracks on immigration, can we handle another 10-15 million immigrants in the next 4 years? What about spending? Is it really plausible that we can afford to ratchet up spending another few trillion?

What if Trump wins a close election and Harris et al do not leave, because it's just too dangerous to hand it over to Trump?

What if Harris wins a close election and Trump supporters begin to disengage with the system do to a fear that increased taxes will be spent on things they are morally opposed to?

Anyone not voting, but actively preparing for either outcome?

I am probably crazy, but it seems that the vast majority of people that strongly support a candidate also seem to think that their preferred candidate will save the day.

I have a fear that it will only get worse.

I am curious about why each side seems so convinced that their candidate can turn this ship around. Maybe that's where I miss the point?

Does only one side think the ship is off course?

He’s losing his mind so anything is possible, but i still make it more likely that Harris attacks Iran than Trump.

by Vaquero k


i dont think harris "saves the day", but i think we'll be largely done with the MAGA lunacy in a year or two if we get Harris. i don't see who is able to continue to carry the banner post trump. most of the ones still around are somehow even dumber and less likeable than him. i dont really see these chuds flying flags for weirdo desantis or vance the way the do trump.. but ofcourse i could be wrong since they all somehow deluded themselves into thinking trump is smart and strong.

best case for a trump presidency is that he only manages to make the country an incrementally worse place to live, and the world as a whole incrementally less safe while Putin takes over Ukraine and Bibi does whatever he wants in the middle east. while also entrenching activist judges pushing theocracy into our supreme court for the rest of all of our lives.

worst case for a Harris presidency is that we are a little nicer to non-white people and lgbtq+ in the country. which, let's be honest, is the main reason Trumpers hate the idea. Harris gets us into zero wars that Trump would avoid so the foreign policy stuff is dumb. isolationism is a strategy for idiots, and trump isn't actually an isolationist anyway. he will do whatever his buddies putin, bibi, and orban want him to.

The maga movement will die with this election. The GOP will finally understand that Trump is ballot box poison and they will make sure someone else is the nominee in the future (if he survives that long and stays out of prison, which he almost definitely won't do both).

best case for a trump presidency is that he only manages to make the country an incrementally worse place to live, and the world as a whole incrementally less safe while Putin takes over Ukraine and Bibi does whatever he wants in the middle east.


by TookashotatChan k

I mean maybe you're just not that bright. Go back and read my post about how I'm not going to try and prove your hypocrisy wrong by sifting through your post history. I could give a **** to be honest.

But here's a fun game, if you want to prove to everyone in here how even-minded you are. Name two or three Supreme Court decisions in the last 7-8 years where you sided with the conservative majority of the court in opposition to the more left-leaning justices. If you can do that, I will admit I was

It would trivially easy to find decisions that seem correct where the conservatives were in the majority. The Supreme Court hears a lot of cases that don't have an obvious political dimension, and even if today's environment, 9-0 decisions are not infrequent.

by Rococo k

It would trivially easy to find decisions that seem correct where the conservatives were in the majority. The Supreme Court hears a lot of cases that don't have an obvious political dimension, and even if today's environment, 9-0 decisions are not infrequent.

Of course it would, I'm just not going to play his dumb, disingenuous goal post shifting games. The guy literally went from claiming "you never admit you're wrong" to pretending he claimed I "wasn't even-minded" and wanted me to jump through more hoops disproving that, presumably thinking he is really smart and everyone else is really dumb and they wouldn't notice what he did there, so **** him and the horse he rode in on.

by Victor k


yeah. that's best case for a trump presidency, worst case for a harris presidency. i'm not going to blow smoke and tell you it definitely gets better under harris, but it still can and will get worse under trump.

by Slighted k

yeah. that's best case for a trump presidency, worst case for a harris presidency. i'm not going to blow smoke and tell you it definitely gets better under harris, but it still can and will get worse under trump.

its hard to believe things could get much worse. war with Iran is inevitable and Harris's rhetoric has been extremely belligerent. this includes explicitly calling Trump weak on Iran and positioning the Dems as hawkish.

Harris skips Al Smith Charity Dinner. First candidate to do that in 40 years and we know how Mondale did

by lozen k

Harris skips Al Smith Charity Dinner. First candidate to do that in 40 years and we know how Mondale did

Cool can you list the events Trump skipped or backed out of recently, too, so we can compare? Also, she's appearing via video at the event, not just skipping it and this news is almost a month old.
