The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Come on. You can't have logical election security measures such as paper ballot counting and voter ID. The democrats would never win an election.

by Brian James k

Come on. You can't have logical election security measures such as paper ballot counting and voter ID. The democrats would never win an election.

You do realize with voting machines you still fill in a paper ballot that is fed into a machine. Now on voter ID I agree everyone should have voter ID and many forms should be accepted

Love voter ID. It just must be free and easy to obtain or it's a poll tax. Sorry, that's in the Constitution.

by lozen k

You do realize with voting machines you still fill in a paper ballot that is fed into a machine. Now on voter ID I agree everyone should have voter ID and many forms should be accepted

Yeah, that's the problem. I meant manual counting.

oh look, nobody's favorite poster is back and all of a sudden we are back up to multiple pages upon pages of trash again by noon....

there's also no reason to not have same day registration everywhere. other than one party really doesn't want people to be able to vote...

by Gorgonian k

Love voter ID. It just must be free and easy to obtain or it's a poll tax. Sorry, that's in the Constitution.

Of course. How come most countries can manage this but the US can't?

by Luciom k

Very close to the election the % of undecided declines, and they break favourably for Trump (just because if you were undecided in July or August it means all the "Trump is a big risk for democracy" and so on doesn't matter that much for you)

by Gorgonian k

Guys you can just look to see that there was an onslaught of conservative biased polls released in the last month. It's not that complicated.

by ecriture d'adulte k

The Republican polls pushing models to Trump narrative is vastly overstated. NYTimes eesults barely changes when they only used their high quality pollsters, none of which are republican.

to the above 3, I just said due to the sharp interview curve harris team went with them blitzing in the media more than they did in july and august. also (take away polymarket that doesnt count_ all other bettign sites iirc really narrowed the race and tightened up so if polls maybe arent showing it then the betting lines tightening up more than they were after DNC surely does no?

by Trolly McTrollson k

I'm never sure why people think the campaigns have secret, accurate insider polls that tell them what the race really looks like.

you are saying they dont have more accurate polls then what we have. which is proly true but they have more n the ground people in their HQ

wait so if youre campainign for pres you arent trying to see what is skewing and whats not? doesnt every advertisment, vid game company, etc all try to opl internall yto se how they can market their brand their service etc? ofc they have a dedicated peson or two looking at these things? also betting lines show whats going on too in some regard

think, why would you poll at one state as poosed to another? I doubt they are JUST relying on face value. im sure they are reaching out to their party base HQ in those states or counties
if you dont think they are doing any of that then that is super narrow minded thinking

by Brian James k

Come on. You can't have logical election security measures such as paper ballot counting and voter ID. The democrats would never win an election.

Why don’t they introduce it as a standalone bill then and only introduce it in omnibus bills?

They only want voter ID if it’s conditioned on it not being readily available and free. Actually if it was that way it would probably help Democrats since they’re the ones always targeted with BS voter roll purges. Interesting, that…

by master3004 k

Can you guess which party has led to more states having terrible counting practices, like not being able to count mail in ballots until the day of in person voting?

Think hard now, I know this is a tough one.

The list of "stupid states" that don't allow early counting includes some very blue states among which Walz's state

Counting is the act of tallying the votes on processed ballots for a result. Like “processing,” the definition of “counting” (or tabulating or tallying) can vary by state, and some states may consider counting to include scanning ballots through voting equipment without obtaining a final tally or result. NCSL defers to each state’s terminology when distinguishing between processing and counting.

Most states begin counting (or tabulating or tallying, depending on the state’s terminology) absentee/mail ballots on Election Day. Most states also prohibit election results from being released until after the polls close, and many states make it a crime to share results earlier than that.

Fourteen states and Washington, D.C., do not allow counting to begin until the polls close:

Alabama, Alaska, District of Columbia, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and Washington.
Twenty-three states allow counting to begin on Election Day, but before the polls close:

Arkansas, California, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
Twelve states allow both processing and counting to begin before Election Day:

Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Virginia and Utah.

by checkraisdraw k

Why don’t they introduce it as a standalone bill then and only introduce it in omnibus bills?

They only want voter ID if it’s conditioned on it not being readily available and free. Actually if it was that way it would probably help Democrats since they’re the ones always targeted with BS voter roll purges. Interesting, that…

This isn't so obvious given they give free voter ID in some republican states, like NC

between MI and PA which are both harris favorites I would say trump has a better chance of getting PA than MI if he were to win one of those two.

could see PA taking an extra day maybe unles we knoiw mail in are 80% one way or the other.

Always wanted to get some of your guys opinions on why its incorect/racist/unlawful to ask for ID to vote?

if I check in to a hotel I have to show my ID, open a bank acct, buy a car, getting on an airplane etc etc all need ID, why shouldnt voting require the same?

by Brian James k

Of course. How come most countries can manage this but the US can't?

In most cases because Republicans continually stand in the way of progress.

by Luciom k

This isn't so obvious given they give free voter ID in some republican states, like NC

NC has a democratic governor who was also the attorney general before that, why are we calling them a Republican state?

I’m sure that the rollout of it being free had to do with fighting for it from the Democratic party. Actually like I said I’m sure if it’s rolled out in that way it’s probably more likely to effect possible Trump supporters who don’t trust the government

by the pleasure k

Always wanted to get some of your guys opinions on why its incorect/racist/unlawful to ask for ID to vote?

Because they are not free and easy to obtain. Since they cost money and excessive time/effort to obtain, they are a poll tax, which is unconstitutional (you can't require a payment to exercise your right to vote according to the 24th Amendment to the Constitution of the US).

The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay poll tax or other tax.

by the pleasure k

between MI and PA which are both harris favorites I would say trump has a better chance of getting PA than MI if he were to win one of those two.

could see PA taking an extra day maybe unles we knoiw mail in are 80% one way or the other.

Always wanted to get some of your guys opinions on why its incorect/racist/unlawful to ask for ID to vote?

if I check in to a hotel I have to show my ID, open a bank acct, buy a car, getting on an airplane etc etc all need ID, why shouldnt voting require the same?

They know some people are so lazy they wouldn't go and get the ID just to vote, and they think for now those people, when they can be bothered to vote, skew democrat (this could change though)

by Luciom k

They know some people are so lazy they wouldn't go and get the ID just to vote, and they think for now those people, when they can be bothered to vote, skew democrat (this could change though)

Well if it’s like the NC law then it seems good. Free ID just for name, birthday, and last four of social. Plus many other options for ID such as driver’s license.

I think most Republicans would be against such a scheme which is why they don’t present it as a standalone bill in congress or senate.

by checkraisdraw k

NC has a democratic governor who was also the attorney general before that, why are we calling them a Republican state?

I’m sure that the rollout of it being free had to do with fighting for it from the Democratic party. Actually like I said I’m sure if it’s rolled out in that way it’s probably more likely to effect possible Trump supporters who don’t trust the government

Because afaik this stuff is decided by the state legislature. NC requires ID to vote .

Keep in mind the "free state ID" is some additional option if you are in that tiny % of people who don't have any otherwise valid photo ID, you don't need that specific state ID to vote, it's just one more option.

by Brian James k

Come on. You can't have logical election security measures such as paper ballot counting and voter ID. The democrats would never win an election.

In Montana, voter ID laws have backfired and hurt Republicans, but it's still the Democratic Party that challenged these laws in court because voting access is a principle. Trumpers, having no principles, can't understand something like that. People actually just want it to be easier to vote because they think it's right, not because they think it will help win elections.

by checkraisdraw k

Well if it’s like the NC law then it seems good. Free ID just for name, birthday, and last four of social. Plus many other options for ID such as driver’s license.

I think most Republicans would be against such a scheme which is why they don’t present it as a standalone bill in congress or senate.

I am not sure the federal congress can legislate that for federal elections actually, it's a state matter afaik

by the pleasure k

Always wanted to get some of your guys opinions on why its incorect/racist/unlawful to ask for ID to vote?

They never were designed to stop fraud and are only pushed to stop eligible voters from voting. It likely won't be a big issue going forward as it's getting harder to find specific forms of ID that can be required that disenfranchise black voters like the famous North Carolina law did.

"Other, less restrictive voter ID laws would have sufficed to achieve the legitimate nonracial purposes of implementing the constitutional amendment requiring voter ID, deterring fraud, or enhancing voter confidence."

Pre civil rights, it was never an issue because you could just directly prevent black voters from registering in the first place. After a liberal activist supreme court outlawed that, they had to find other ways to prevent black people from voting. Obviously ID laws are nowhere near as successful but they'll have to do until they can go back to pre voting rights era laws.

by microbet k

In Montana, voter ID laws have backfired and hurt Republicans, but it's still the Democratic Party that challenged these laws in court because voting access is a principle. Trumpers, having no principles, can't understand something like that. People actually just want it to be easier to vote because they think it's right, not because they think it will help win elections.

I don't know. Wanting to have secure elections is a worthwhile principle that "Trumpers" have.

Obviously you don't share that principle. Each to their own I guess.

by Luciom k

I am not sure the federal congress can legislate that for federal elections actually, it's a state matter afaik

So why did Republicans just attempt to pass one? I’m pretty sure they would be allowed depending on how it was worded. If it was free and accessible to everyone without placing an undue burden I’m sure it would be allowed.

Wow look at Luciom backing away from voter ID once we start talking about implementing it in a way that won’t affect black people disproportionately. So weird that.

by Brian James k

I don't know. Wanting to have secure elections is a worthwhile principle to have. But each to their own I guess.

i have good news for you.

by Luciom k

Because afaik this stuff is decided by the state legislature.

Unless one party has a super-majority, I don't think legislatures can do much by themselves.
