The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

Which policies polling over 80% do Republicans oppose?

Probably abortion.

by Gorgonian k

Why do you not point out the policies on there with the majority support that Republicans oppose?

Why do you not point out the two policies that have the most support that democrats oppose and one that they call racist

by campfirewest k

Probably abortion.

Nope I think a majority of republicans support an abortion policy that Europe and Canada have that limits an abortion up to 12-14 weeks or the life of the mother

by Gorgonian k

I didn't say 80%.

As far as the ones polling over 80% that democrats oppose, that's misleading. Democrats don't support things that violate the constitution, and currently, since IDs are not free, requiring IDs violates the 24th Amendment. And I've seen nothing to say democrats don't support requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote.

Much of this is like Brexit. You could get a slim majority to vote for Brexit by being vague and lying about it, but actual implementation was very unpopular. AZ republicans are now suing to undo a citizenship requirement they wrote and pushed for that purged citizens off voting rolls (as designed) but unfortunately ended up being a republican leaning block. Purging nonwhite voters would be ideal, but even with the Roberts Court that's probably not legal.

by campfirewest k

Probably abortion.

Last time i checked approxed half the population support a 12-14 weeks ban in the USA

by Gorgonian k

I didn't say 80%.

As far as the ones polling over 80% that democrats oppose, that's misleading. Democrats don't support things that violate the constitution, and currently, since IDs are not free, requiring IDs violates the 24th Amendment. And I've seen nothing to say democrats don't support requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote.

The Republicans are with the minority on all 4 of the last 4 issues, for the record. But you focused only on the top 2, neither of which are even valid objec

I am not even sure the feds can mandate the photo ID either.

I was referring to the proof of citizenship required to register to vote the first time, which the fed can mandate, and the democrats just opposed in congress, against the will of more than 80% of americans.

In the house only 5 democrats voted for that bill

so that's something for you to see about democrat NOT Supporting proof of citizenship requirements to register to vote

And yes i focused on something which has super majoritarian support and as such shouldn't be even controversial at all politically, not on controversial topics with marginal majoritarian, or plurality minoritarian, support.

by Luciom k

I am not even sure the feds can mandate the photo ID either.

I was referring to the proof of citizenship required to register to vote the first time, which the fed can mandate, and the democrats just opposed in congress, against the will of more than 80% of americans.

In the house only 5 democrats voted for that bill

so that's something for you to see about democrat NOT Supporting

There is a reason behind it the Dems want all those illegals to vote all 12-15 million

by Luciom k

I am not even sure the feds can mandate the photo ID either.

I was referring to the proof of citizenship required to register to vote the first time, which the fed can mandate, and the democrats just opposed in congress, against the will of more than 80% of americans.

In the house only 5 democrats voted for that bill

so that's something for you to see about democrat NOT Supporting

Only simpletons believe this bill was about preventing non-citizens from voting, which is already illegal. It's absurd to believe that an illegal alien would risk being discovered (and deported) by casting a vote in an election, which is why it almost never happens.

The bill is about creating as much friction as possible in the voting process, which is part of the same Republican strategy behind limiting mail-in ballots, early voting, and same-day voter registration. Which of course is needed because when more people vote, Republicans lose.

by pocket_zeros k

Only simpletons believe this bill was about preventing non-citizens from voting, which is already illegal. It's absurd to believe that an illegal alien would risk being discovered (and deported) by casting a vote in an election.

The bill is about creating as much friction as possible in the voting process, which is part of the same Republican strategy behind limiting mail-in ballots, early voting, and same-day voter registration. Which of course is needed because when more people vote, Republic

Topic is: 80%+ of americans support requiring a proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections (the first time). That is a friction necessarily, yet one which is supported by a supermajority of americans (unlike others).

That's proven (gallup).

Gorgo claims that he has never seen democrats opposing that.

Democrats just opposed that, and i provided the proof for that.

You can claim they oppose that because it's about creating friction, but they oppose that, against the wiill of the vast majority of americans. Hence the "not very democratic" for them to do that, unless democracy has nothing to do with what people ask for within the boundaries of the constitution.

by lozen k

There is a reason behind it the Dems want all those illegals to vote all 12-15 million

Remember kids, literally millions of "illegals" somehow voting where there's exactly zero evidence of this happening is a mainstream GOP position. Deranged conspiracy nonsense isn't even close to being fringe anymore.

by Luciom k

Topic is: 80%+ of americans support requiring a proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections (the first time). That is a friction necessarily, yet one which is supported by a supermajority of americans (unlike others).

That's proven (gallup).

Gorgo claims that he has never seen democrats opposing that.

Democrats just opposed that, and i provided the proof for that.

You can claim they oppose that because it's about creating friction, but they oppose that, against the wiill of the vas

So? Majority of Americans support ACA and Republicans try to repeal that.

by pocket_zeros k

So? Majority of Americans support ACA and Republicans try to repeal that.

51% of americans supported ACA in 2017, when Trump tried to change it. And it polled in the 40s for years before that, meaning it's a clear politically controversial topic which is NORMAL to be changed and dealt with and "assailed" from the other side and so on.

How is that comparable with opposing something than more than 80% of americans want?

Which issues poll at 80%+ that the republicans oppose?

Oh and btw, EVEN IF republicans opposed stuff that polled 80% + (which i don't think they do but i could be wrong) that would still not work as a cover for democrats to do the same, nor as a justification.

You cannot claim the party you prefer is pro-democracy if it opposes very clear cut, constitutional policies that have 80%+ approval among american adults.

That's literally what being anti-democratic means, not doing what is blatantly the will of the vast majority of the people because "reasons". *whatever the reasons no exceptions*

by Luciom k

Which issues poll at 80%+ that the republicans oppose?

Anything related to campaign finance reform polls near 80% and not only do Republican lawmakers not support it they're actively trying to loosen the rules even further esp for big donors.

by Luciom k

Oh and btw...

That's literally what being anti-democratic means, not doing what is blatantly the will of the vast majority of the people because "reasons". *whatever the reasons no exceptions*

you must live a delusional reality... because you do NOT live in a democracy, NOR SHOULD YOU.

You live in a Constitutional Republic.

Without a governing doctrine or rule set, you can not merely rely on mass hysteria to make significant decisions of policy... NOR SHOULD YOU.

If this basic idea has to be explained, then I fear you will never be able to grasp the concept and you will continue to prattle on about rights and class distinction from a misguided perspective until you are BLUE IN THE FACE... oh wait.

by Luciom k

Oh and btw, EVEN IF republicans opposed stuff that polled 80% + (which i don't think they do but i could be wrong) that would still not work as a cover for democrats to do the same, nor as a justification.

You cannot claim the party you prefer is pro-democracy if it opposes very clear cut, constitutional policies that have 80%+ approval among american adults.

That's literally what being anti-democratic means, not doing what is blatantly the will of the vast majority of the people because "reasons

You don't seem to understand that America is a Representative Democracy, not a Direct Democracy. If voters disagree with the actions their elected officials are taking they can have their will exercised during elections.

by Luciom k

You cannot claim the party you prefer is pro-democracy if it opposes very clear cut, constitutional policies that have 80%+ approval among american adults.

Even if we accept your statistics, you are espousing a view of democracy that is far from universal. You essentially are saying that democracy implies that elected officials should be weathervanes. There is another school of thought that says elected officials should pursue the policies that they believe are best for the country, with the understanding that voters might disagree with their judgment and vote them out of office in the next election.

by Luciom k

51% of americans supported ACA in 2017

I'm willing to be proven wrong on this, but I believe then - and even more so now - if the questions were on individual parts of ACA, the a much larger majority was in favor of each one. But call in ACA or Obamacare and a good chunk of people would change to "Obama bad, ACA bad, boo".

by lozen k

Why do you not point out the two policies that have the most support that democrats oppose and one that they call racist

Already discussed. Try reading.

by Luciom k

I am not even sure the feds can mandate the photo ID either.

I was referring to the proof of citizenship required to register to vote the first time, which the fed can mandate, and the democrats just opposed in congress, against the will of more than 80% of americans.

In the house only 5 democrats voted for that bill

so that's something for you to see about democrat NOT Supporting

Because proof of citizenship is ALREADY REQUIRED

by Luciom k

Gorgo claims that he has never seen democrats opposing that.

I haven't, because it's already in place and I've never seen democrats calling for it to be removed.

by Luciom k

Democrats just opposed that, and i provided the proof for that.

No, they opposed the proposed implementation of it, which was not superior to safeguards already in place.

by MSchu18 k

you must live a delusional reality... because you do NOT live in a democracy, NOR SHOULD YOU.

You live in a Constitutional Republic.

Without a governing doctrine or rule set, you can not merely rely on mass hysteria to make significant decisions of policy... NOR SHOULD YOU.

If this basic idea has to be explained, then I fear you will never be able to grasp the concept and you will continue to prattle on about rights and class distinction from a misguided perspective until you are BLUE IN THE FACE..

Are you calling him a Marxist?


I suppose he does live in a Constitutional Republic. Does Italy have a constitution?

by MSchu18 k

You live in a Constitutional Republic.

He lives in Italy, but the US is a representative democracy.

by Luciom k

Not very democratic, for the democratic party, to be against the will of 80%+ of the people

So? Most Democrats suck (politicians and members).

True. It's not fun to have to defend democrats because I'm definitely not one, but it's just so ridiculous.
