The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Crossnerd k

I don’t foresee Biden dropping out. It’s too late for that.

Even if he's a lock to lose?

by TheFranz k

The no 1 killer of black people are black people

Black people don’t kill each other because they are black. The stats on this have repeatedly shown this is a socioeconomic issue, not a racial one, as the black community continues to this day to recover from the dramatic effects of suppressed social mobility imposed since the slavery era.

Suggestions that black people are inherently more violent as a population will be moderated as racism, just for everyone’s knowledge.

by d2_e4 k

After what discussions? I just saw Luckbox say that in a chat thread a few times so thought I'd use it to mock PW since he likes to be the PC police.

I have no idea what "social construction" even means in this context, I'm not particularly "woke" as you might have noticed.

Ok thats fine.

What I mean is that a lot of people have trouble with basic logic. You dont. Not even close. There are very few people who

A. are intelligent logical thinkers


B.Follow political issues as much as you do who dont understand that

It would be different
A.) you were not very smart


B. ) you just dont follow politics very much

Secondly race as a social construct is established science that has been largely agreed on for many years. You dont have to be woke or “pc” to beleive in social constructs.

Race being a social construct does not mean black people dont exist.

Its not that Im suprised someone would joke about race being a social construct is like saying black people dont exist and some trendy thing. I just meant Im suprised you would. Thats all.

I probably don't follow political issues anywhere near as much as you think I do. My following of political issues largely consists of reading some of the threads in this forum, and whatever memes I happen to stumble across.

by d2_e4 k

I probably don't follow political issues anywhere near as much as you think I do. My following of political issues largely consists of reading some of the threads in this forum, and whatever memes I happen to stumble across.

Yeah sorry. Im only saying this because I consider you smart and not right wing and this reminds me of a number of other debates that have made me sad on here. Im going to go do something constructive(get some chill) see ya forum friendo.

also im sad about the actual topic joe biden did terribly.

by Supposn k

Luciom, there's nothing in Biden's proposal explicitly applicable only "to black families". Where did you get that idea? Respectfully, Supposn

Excerpted from link: https://youtu.be/jy_LI21DR5Q?si=DAoWZIWM...

"... First-time homebuyers would qualify for an annual tax credit of $5,000 per year for two years, for a total of $10,000.

The one-year tax credit for current homeowners would be available to people who own starter homes, defined as homes below the median home price in their county. The

Watch at 2:00. He says he made a law for black homeowners to get 10k

I mean he's lying but that is what he said

"Any black family 1st time homebuyer can get 10000 dollars"

by metsandfinsfan k

Watch at 2:00. He says he made a law for black homeowners to get 10k

I mean he's lying but that is what he said

"Any black family 1st time homebuyer can get 10000 dollars"

Yeah he lied because its not 10,000$, its 40,000.

The last half of the video is Trump spewing lies a ****ing toddler could sus out "I handed them the country there was no inflation, perfection inflation, then his new green scam"

You are a lost cause my friend.

by Luciom k

Trump lies don't materially deteriorate their lives.

Fauci lies caused endless destruction of society

I don't think anyone holds this opinion outside of indoctrinated radicalized internet denizens

btw is it acceptable to call black people "the blacks" again? I guess if you are calling them the blacks while saying the browns are stealing their jobs its okay

I guess Trump was right.

He can murder someone on live TV and still get elected POTUS.

by Slighted k

but a decent "candidate" if he's allowed to just shout lies and whip up his crazies.

CNN did a segment on the 7 whoppers Biden told last night, like saying the Border Patrol supports him. Or saying he didn't have 'any troops dying anywhere in the world' on his watch. Or saying there's a $200 cap on drug spending on Medicare.

Or saying there's fewer border crossing under him than Trump. Or saying Trump wants to get rid of SS. Or saying Billionaires only pay 8% in taxes.

Or saying Unemployment was 15% when he took office. LMAO.

Again, this is CNN fact-checking him.

Biden last night

1. "Suckers and losers" lie
2. "Hitler did good things" lie
3. "Fine people" lie
4. "My son died in Iraq" lie
5. "I capped insulin at $15" lie
6. "I capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200" lie
7. "Retaliation" lie
8. "Trump said he would be a dictator" lie
9. "No soldiers died on my watch" lie
10. "Border crossings fewer than Trump" lie
11. "Unemployment was 15% under Trump" lie
12. "Trump wants to get rid of Social Security" lie
13. "Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes" lie
14. "Trump said inject bleach" lie
15. "Border patrol endorsed me" lie

by TheFranz k

The no 1 killer of black people are black people

I dont understand what that incorrect idea has to do with the govt genociding black people.

He didn’t get to his uncle was eaten by cannibels, he was arrested in South Africa lie, his I drove an 18 wheeler lie,
These lies

Oh yeah this Biden
Yeah just about every time he opens his mouth

Do they replace Biden or Does he step down?

by adios k

Biden last night

1. "Suckers and losers" lie
2. "Hitler did good things" lie
3. "Fine people" lie
4. "My son died in Iraq" lie
5. "I capped insulin at $15" lie
6. "I capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200" lie
7. "Retaliation" lie
8. "Trump said he would be a dictator" lie
9. "No soldiers died on my watch" lie
10. "Border crossings fewer than Trump" lie
11. "Unemployment was 15% under Trump" lie
12. "Trump wants to get rid of Social Security" lie
13. "Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes" lie
14. "Trump said inject

Quoting Trump's words directly is a lie? Lol adios, you continue to excel yourself.

by lozen k

Do they replace Biden or Does he step down?

He'll step down. They will spin it that he's not stepping down until they have a plan in place. The problem is downstream candidates are not gonna want him on stage endorsing him. Folks are gonna think twice about donating to the campaign.

He won't step down. Jill and he are too power-mad.

Be funny if the Dems throw out the votes of tens of millions of Americans and then try to spin DJT as 'anti-democratic,' lmaoooo.

by d2_e4 k

I probably don't follow political issues anywhere near as much as you think I do. My following of political issues largely consists of reading some of the threads in this forum, and whatever memes I happen to stumble across.


by d2_e4 k

Quoting Trump's words directly is a lie? Lol adios, you continue to excel yourself.

i never realized how obsessed the magas are about the "very fine people" thing.
it's like 1/3rd of the replies to every single political tweet that i've seen. he literally said it. sure he now says he didnt mean it like that because of course he does.

by Luciom k

Winning presidential primaries, which is usually what qualifies you for the nomination.

Then winning national elections which is how you become president.

Voters voted in democratic primaries. And Biden run with Harris as his VP in primaries afaik.

If Biden decides to drop, in a normal world where voters preferences matter, Harris should be the candidate.

I have some familiarity with the manner of how the states of NY and NJ conduct their primary and general presidential elections. What you described as “”in a normal world where voters preferences matter, Harris should be the candidate”, if Biden drops out after being nominated by the Democratic Party, doesn't remotely resemble what would occur in the primary and general elections of NY and NJ.
I would suppose, but I can't really say, if there are many or any states that conduct their presidential elections in a manner similar to NY and NJ, or similar to what you described. I'm mostly familiar
with how NY and NJ does it.

Where do you vote, and how does your state conduct their presidential primary and general elections? Respectfully, Supposn

by metsandfinsfan k

I don't think Michelle wants it

But i agree it probably becomes the favorite

Any change is probably a bad look for Kamala though

Sounds like a Kamala problem.

by coordi k

btw is it acceptable to call black people "the blacks" again?

I wouldn't recommend it.

by PointlessWords k

I dont understand what that incorrect idea has to do with the govt genociding black people.

The government isn't genociding black people.
