The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
Obama literally campaigned on codifying it and had a supermajority!
Biden had a majority and could have overridden the filibuster.
if its as important as you guys say it is, then those things should have happened. the fact is that the Dems dont care, and you guys dont care that they dont care.
Im old enough to remember a few years ago when the Dems said immigration and trans rights are on the ballot. now they are trying to pass Stephen Miller esque immigration bills and Kamala refuses to say that trans people have a right to gender affirming care.
the Democratic party is markedly further right wing than 4 and 8 years ago. they are just a whisker away from the Repubs at this point on all issues in rhetoric or practice.
Obama literally campaigned on codifying it and had a supermajority!
Biden had a majority and could have overridden the filibuster.
if its as important as you guys say it is, then those things should have happened. the fact is that the Dems dont care, and you guys dont care that they dont care.
Biden couldn't override the Senate filibuster , there weren't a majority for that
lol he trotted out the long debunked obama supermajority. This is what I mean. Too ignorant.
Obama didn't have a supermajority more than a couple of months.
The last time either party had a filibuster proof super majority in the senate was 1979.
i love how smug libs are about how the dems only accomplish evil ****. like, congrats man
you realize that if they end the filibuster, roe v wade could be repealed as easily as it is codified, right? and same with court packing, it would be easy to just re-pack the courts and change the law.
these solutions are not as impactful as people that propose them say they are. in fact having a filibuster allows protection for the non-discretionary spending bills like medicare and social security. without a filibuster an administration can easily come in and repeal those things.
also we’re talk
they can be permanently impactful if they use the temporary power to solidify the coup.
say democrats abandon the legislative filibuster, pack the court, then give automatic citizenship to all illegals and flood the country with 10+ millions more people whom they give citizenship to as well.
wiki disagrees.

doesnt matter tho,

seat him anyway. or override the filibuster. alternatively, how many Republicans have the Dems even tried to block.

replace him or make him show up. or override the filibuster. womens rights are that important.

seems that even from your own article they had a Supermajority from Sep to Feb. is that too long to codify one of the most important issues? I guess so.
Obama literally campaigned on codifying it and had a supermajority!
Biden had a majority and could have overridden the filibuster.
if its as important as you guys say it is, then those things should have happened. the fact is that the Dems dont care, and you guys dont care that they dont care.
You haven’t substantively responded to my post so I think you actually are just being dishonest.
btw victor it's unclear current SCOTUS would have let a "codified roe" stay, under Dobbs it's not obvious at all codifying Roe (or doing any other sort of federal abortion law) is constitutional anyway
they can be permanently impactful if they use the temporary power to solidify the coup.
say democrats abandon the legislative filibuster, pack the court, then give automatic citizenship to all illegals and flood the country with 10+ millions more people whom they give citizenship to as well.
I love your insane and impossible political theories, that’s why I don’t have your posts hidden like others. I don’t know what you want me to respond to. Yes if the Dems became an evil party that hates America they could accomplish more things.
trump bringing out a guy to call puerto ricans garbage is certainly a strategy.. wonder if it will play
btw victor it's unclear current SCOTUS would have let a "codified roe" stay, under Dobbs it's not obvious at all codifying Roe (or doing any other sort of federal abortion law) is constitutional anyway
so pack the courts.
I get what you are saying but if its that important then you try. thats what drives me crazy about the Dems. they act like Trump and Republicans and all this other stuff is the worst thing in the world. and then they dont do anything to stop or reverse their policies. in fact, if someone demands they even attempt to make lasting changes that reflect their supposed ideology and policy then they get mad. its joke.
I love your insane and impossible political theories, that’s why I don’t have your posts hidden like others. I don’t know what you want me to respond to. Yes if the Dems became an evil party that hates America they could accomplish more things.
How are any of the things he listed evil? "Packing the court" might rise to the level of "bad" maybe, especially if you phrase it like that. It's not like the number of SCOTUS members was handed down by god though.
so pack the courts.
I get what you are saying but if its that important then you try. thats what drives me crazy about the Dems. they act like Trump and Republicans and all this other stuff is the worst thing in the world. and then they dont do anything to stop or reverse their policies. in fact, if someone demands they even attempt to make lasting changes that reflect their supposed ideology and policy then they get mad. its joke.
Part of the ideology is a belief in democracy (small d) and our institutions. You want us to become communist dictators which is just not going to happen.
I love your insane and impossible political theories, that’s why I don’t have your posts hidden like others. I don’t know what you want me to respond to. Yes if the Dems became an evil party that hates America they could accomplish more things.
codifying womens bodily prerogatives and giving rights to an exploited underclass of wage slaves is "evil" says the Democrat.
How are any of the things he listed evil? "Packing the court" might rise to the level of "bad" maybe, especially if you phrase it like that. It's not like the number of SCOTUS members was handed down by god though.
destroying democracy in order to serve some nebulous greater good is the definition of communist-style evil.
I love your insane and impossible political theories, that’s why I don’t have your posts hidden like others. I don’t know what you want me to respond to. Yes if the Dems became an evil party that hates America they could accomplish more things.
I am glad you consider the US citizenship act of 2021 evil, but many democrats in congress, and Harris, defended that bill (which ultimately failed to pass).
Harris supports getting rid of the filibuster
Harris supports packing the court
Harris supports having a path for naturalization of all illegals
so Harris is an evil person that hates America
btw lol at calling what a lot of democrats explicitly tell us they want to do in our faces an "insane, impossible political theory"
Part of the ideology is a belief in democracy (small d) and our institutions. You want us to become communist dictators which is just not going to happen.
this is nonsense. all of the things I listed are legal and not in any way devaluing of institutions. the filibuster has been dispensed many times even.
dictatorship especially makes no sense. a coordinated party plan to give freedom and equal rights is not a dictatorship. nor was their any mention of removing democratic rights to voting and selection of representatives.
codifying womens bodily prerogatives and giving rights to an exploited underclass of wage slaves is "evil" says the Democrat.
Biden ordering seal team 6 to shoot all the right-wing supreme court justices in the head and then installing Kamala as dictator for life would probably also get roe codified, that is until the next evil person gains power and reverses it.
freedoms flow from a good system, evil flows from authoritarianism. we’ve seen it time and time again in communist countries.
It's undemocratic as hell that millions of people in this country, the people building your homes and harvesting almost all your food, the people making it so you can live, don't get to vote.
I guess incarcerated people being used as slaves and not getting to vote is also freedom and democracy.