The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by wet work k

Even if we say both parties are otherwise exactly the same--some of trump's Day1 promises wrt labor regs are more than enough reason to vote D this election. And using things like what's going on in Gaza as an excuse to rationalize not doing it is just dumb and a cruel thing to do those same working people bud.

I will allow that it could be selfish that I dont want voting for a women doing genocide on my conscience. nor do I want my potential progeny asking me about it.

also, maybe if the Dems actually promised to to anything worthwhile then I could stomach it. instead they promoting a Stephen Miller immigration bill, keep kids in cages, massively increased thug police funding, busted up strikes, and are virtually indistinguishable from Repubs.

It's more than that--don't forget to tell your kids you were happy to help stomp the boot down on working people. Just own it dude.

How stupid (and rude) to have read someone say they want a Senate rule used that has been used recently by both parties and change the number of SCOTUS members (something that's been done 6 times) and then suggest what was called for was ordering the execution of SCOTUS members?!?!?!?!?


all vic's fault that trump is gonna take ohio for the 3rd straight time smdh

by microbet k

How stupid (and rude) to have read someone say they want a Senate rule used that has been used recently by both parties and change the number of SCOTUS members (something that's been done 6 times) and then suggest what was called for was ordering the execution of SCOTUS members?!?!?!?!?


It’s called argumentum ad absurdum. I wasn’t saying you were calling for the execution of SCOTUS members, I was saying that if we think “by any means necessary” is a correct point of view, and that anyone that doesn’t endorse that method just doesn’t care about whatever issue is in question, then it leads us down the road I was pointing out. At a certain point willingness to flout laws and norms leads us to authoritarianism.

But fair enough, I should not have treated your argument and victor’s argument as the same thing. That was uncharitable.

by Luciom k

ye republicans have brought the legitimacy of the court in question because after decades of leftist control we finally have a non leftist SCOTUS lol.

There is no left in the U.S. .
Except you of course being so far right , 95% of every politicians are left from your pov but your pov is certainly not mainstream .

by checkraisdraw k

It’s called argumentum ad absurdum. I wasn’t saying you were calling for the execution of SCOTUS members, I was saying that if we think “by any means necessary” is a correct point of view, and that anyone that doesn’t endorse that method just doesn’t care about whatever issue is in question, then it leads us down the road I was pointing out. At a certain point willingness to flout laws and norms leads us to authoritarianism.

But fair enough, I should not have t

No, I was talking about what you said to Victor. I didn't think you were talking about me calling for executions. Victor didn't call for executions or anything like that at all. He didn't call for anything undemocratic or anything outside what has already been done in these United States of America.

Now, I do take exception (and I think I did in an earlier post - indirectly) with your characterization of my position as "by any means necessary". I didn't suggest that at all. All I said (repeatedly) was that changing the filibuster or SCOTUS membership is not evil (as you said). I didn't even suggest that I was for doing either thing. That's what I was getting at when I asked if you could read for comprehension.

by microbet k

Libertarians got 3x as many votes as Stein and there were also Republican votes going to McMullin, but yeah, you are owed people's votes regardless and it's Stein's fault and not Clintons.

Libertarians doing that was good for people who prefer democrats winning, Green party people doing that is bad for people who care about Democrats winning. I think it’s a pretty fair heuristic to say that Green party is closer to Dems and Libertarian party is closer to Reps.

For instance, I imagine most Green party voters would see it as a bad thing that Trump reversed EPA protections and got SC justices on the court that were very right wing and overturned Roe. Otoh, Libertarians would be in favor of both.

But yes, there are other potential reasons why Clinton lost if that’s what you’re saying. It’s just much easier to track the people that vote third party because the preferred candidate is generally a lot easier to identify. There may also be some Bernie to Trump people that Dems like to blame but I don’t think that’s fair because Bernie tried as hard as he could to get them to vote for Hillary whereas Stein was actively telling people to not vote for Hillary and vote for her instead.

by checkraisdraw k

It’s called argumentum ad absurdum. I wasn’t saying you were calling for the execution of SCOTUS members, I was saying that if we think “by any means necessary” is a correct point of view, and that anyone that doesn’t endorse that method just doesn’t care about whatever issue is in question, then it leads us down the road I was pointing out. At a certain point willingness to flout laws and norms leads us to authoritarianism.

But fair enough, I should not have treated your argument and victor’s ar

its not even any means necessary. its just using the rules and procedures already in place and established and with precedent to enact an agenda that is supposedly more worthwhile than a plausible genocide.

by microbet k

Mitch McConnell absolutely stole a SCOTUS nomination. For partisanship sake the Dumbocrats are owed packing 2 new justices.

Fwiw imo only one SC Justice should be nominate by 1 term ….
Trump got 3 and it facked the U.S. all over .

I couldn’t imagine how luciom would of react if it would of been 3 sc justices nominated by a Democrat in 1 term changing many previous long standing laws for 50 years ….

by microbet k

No, I was talking about what you said to Victor. I didn't think you were talking about me calling for executions.

Now, I do take exception (and I think I did in an earlier post - indirectly) with your characterization of my position as "by any means necessary". I didn't suggest that at all. All I said (repeatedly) was that changing the filibuster or SCOTUS membership is not evil (as you said). I didn't even suggest that I was for doing either thing. That's what I was getting at when I aske

I also indirectly responded to that by saying reasonable people could potentially disagree on that, but it goes back to the by any means necessary argument.

I’ve had a lot of dealings with Victor and he absolutely endorses all sorts of horrible tactics if the target is correct. He also regularly argued in favor of communist revolutions and recently said one of his political heroes was Che Guevara. It’s only because he’s afraid of fedposting that he doesn’t come out on this forum and endorse communist revolution, I suspect.

by checkraisdraw k

I also indirectly responded to that by saying reasonable people could potentially disagree on that, but it goes back to the by any means necessary argument.

I’ve had a lot of dealings with Victor and he absolutely endorses all sorts of horrible tactics if the target is correct. He also regularly argued in favor of communist revolutions and recently said one of his political heroes was Che Guevara. It’s only because he’s afraid of fedposting that he doesn’t come out on this

I don't know what "fedposting" is. Calling the government's attention to oneself?

And I know Victor better than you do.

Of course that's not necessarily saying you're wrong, but I don't think he wants anyone executed at all.

by Victor k

its not even any means necessary. its just using the rules and procedures already in place and established and with precedent to enact an agenda that is supposedly more worthwhile than a plausible genocide.

Remember that this all started with me not being in favor of not just giving amnesty to everyone in our country illegally but also “importing” ten million more people and immediately giving them amnesty to solidify a democratic majority in the country. And when I said that would be evil because it would violate both laws and norms you basically asked what was evil about that. So no, it wasn’t just about using established strategies and practices.

by microbet k

I don't know what "fedposting" is. Calling the government's attention to oneself?

And I know Victor better than you do.

Fedposting is posting violent stuff online and calling attention to yourself. Basically people say that feds infiltrate the internet and try to radicalize people in order to entrap them. So it became shorthand for someone who is posting irresponsibly and isn’t hiding their power level.

by checkraisdraw k

Remember that this all started with me not being in favor of not just giving amnesty to everyone in our country illegally but also “importing” ten million more people and immediately giving them amnesty to solidify a democratic majority in the country. And when I said that would be evil because it would violate both laws and norms you basically asked what was evil about that. So no, it wasn’t just about using established strategies and practices.

Where did Victor say "importing" ten million more people?

thats not fedposting lol. its when a fed or an asset posts **** to try to get other people hemmed in by the police.

and I dont post violent ****. you have a wild imagination that it is simply not tethered to reality.

bro is completely unhinged if he thinks Im a fed. dude Im just a loser that has posted her for 20 some years. hiding power levels? did you time warp from 4chan circa 2016?

by Luciom k

they can be permanently impactful if they use the temporary power to solidify the coup.

say democrats abandon the legislative filibuster, pack the court, then give automatic citizenship to all illegals and flood the country with 10+ millions more people whom they give citizenship to as well.

Yeah, Victor never said that.


You're quoting Luciom's characterization and attributing that to Victor.

by Montrealcorp k

There is no left in the U.S. .

Are you sure I didn't argue this and you argue against me like three weeks ago?

by Luckbox Inc k

Are you sure I didn't argue this and you argue against me like three weeks ago?

The left left.

by Luckbox Inc k

Are you sure I didn't argue this and you argue against me like three weeks ago?

There is no left empowerment in the U.S. .

Ps: probably mix with someone else .

by Luciom k

they can be permanently impactful if they use the temporary power to solidify the coup.

say democrats abandon the legislative filibuster, pack the court, then give automatic citizenship to all illegals and flood the country with 10+ millions more people whom they give citizenship to as well.

by checkraisdraw k

I love your insane and impossible political theories, that’s why I don’t have your posts hidden like others. I don’t know what you want me to respond to. Yes if the Dems became an evil party that hates America they could accomplish more things.

by Victor k

codifying womens bodily prerogatives and giving rights to an exploited underclass of wage slaves is "evil" says the Democrat.

by microbet k

Yeah, Victor never said that.


You're quoting Luciom's characterization and attributing that to Victor.

He was directly responding to my post calling what Luciom said evil by saying “oh yeah bringing in a bunch of the oppressed third world is so evil bud”

You’ll also see on the same page that I said good norms and political rights are necessary for a functioning democracy by mocking me.

He actually is basically fully endorsing what Luciom said as did you so…

by Victor k

thats not fedposting lol. its when a fed or an asset posts **** to try to get other people hemmed in by the police.

and I dont post violent ****. you have a wild imagination that it is simply not tethered to reality.

There are two uses of the term, the original use and the evolved use. The evolved use is more popular as per urban dictionary


Anything posted online that shows conspiring or premeditated planning of criminal activity.
These statements spoken or typed can be used against the defendants by the Federal Government “Feds” in a criminal prosecution case.

And then there’s fedjacketing which is calling someone a fed in order to undermine their argument, which I am not attempting to do. I think you are genuine, but you hide your power level through evasive tactics.

ok but Ive never done either so you are talking out of your ass again
