The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by campfirewest k

The car was a Volvo, so now we know 100% it was a democrat

Nice work. Case solved.

by Luckbox Inc k

Freshly gerrymandered districts?

In most states, redistricting is done by the state legislature. It isn't done by Congress or the federal executive branch.

by Doorbread k

I don't think you understand how jokes work. There's a reason a really popular white comedian was chosen to tell jokes at a Trump rally to a predominantly white crowd that maybe came across as offensive to people outside of that crowd. Perceived truth 'Black people watermelon haha' and truth truth aren't necessarily synonymous to this crowd of people. Maybe you could also take a swing at the anti-immigrant joke and explain that one to me

Also the sky is green haha

It is ****ing ludicrous the level of have your cake and eat it too that’s associate with this

If he’s doing a stand up special and says all this and wants to call himself edgy, whatever. The only thing I know Kill Tony from is the Brady roast, I thought he was pretty damn funny, but certainly what he said in a political setting would have been deemed pretty offensive

Trump’s entire campaign is fearmongering by way of immigration. This ******* goes to a trump rally to say a ton of racist **** and say ‘you guys are doing the right thing voting for trump’ and what he said was so transparently toxic, vulgar and contextually unnecessary that even ****ing MAGA is saying ya we’re not cool with this

But somehow I’m supposed to look at a political speech as ha ha lololol I troll you?

Hinchcliffe made a political statement rooted entirely in racism. You don’t get to handwave it as ‘just making jokes’ cuz it bombed completely and blew up in your face. Context matters always

I’ll be honest I wouldn’t care about the comments at all if it wasn’t for the fact that he was immediately followed by people making fascistic speeches like Tucker Carlson and Miller. I love the self-inflicter damage though, I’ll take anything I can get right now.

And it’s obvious that he was channeling the average Trump supporter there, no doubt.

by checkraisdraw k

I’ll be honest I wouldn’t care about the comments at all if it wasn’t for the fact that he was immediately followed by people making fascistic speeches like Tucker Carlson and Miller. I love the self-inflicter damage though, I’ll take anything I can get right now.

And it’s obvious that he was channeling the average Trump supporter there, no doubt.

Exactly this

Stephen Miller not 20 minutes later loudly and proudly declared ‘America is for Americans’ and I’m supposed to sit here and think everything that preceded was just jokes?

These ****s know exactly what they’re doing, who they’re saying it for, but want to dabble in the intellectual dishonesty of ‘they just hired me to warm up the crowd!’ Every. Single. Speaker preceding and including trump went on an anti immigrant tirade but this ******* was just doing it on a wink and a nod?

**** that

Hinchcliffe was by far not close to the worst part of last night, but any unforced error is a good one I guess

by chezlaw k

We've sort of excepted that minorities were less happy because racism was worse etc. That also dont follow easily. Happiness is complictaed and people who have really hard lives can be happier than miserbable gits who have it easy. Even the opinions of women and the respective groups dont help much because no-one gets to grow up in two different eras to compare how happy they were. Expectations and norms matter to happiness and expectations/norms were also different. It's very hard to imagine ho

You can use a starting point of 2000-2004 if you'd prefer. Id agree that happiness is complicated, but we understand what brings joy and what causes anxiety and depression.

People need strong, in person relationships/friendship, they need activities to participate in, goals to work towards, an active lifestyle, minimize mental stress. The majority of people now spend most of their time swiping up and down their phones like cocaine addicts, alone, in the hunt for a tiny bit of normalcy in their dopamine depleted lives.

It's actually incredible just how different a year like 2002 was compared to now and how differently people acted and treated each other and it makes sense why everyone yells at others. People are miserable.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Exactly this

Stephen Miller not 20 minutes later loudly and proudly declared ‘America is for Americans’ and I’m supposed to sit here and think everything that preceded was just jokes?

These ****s know exactly what they’re doing, who they’re saying it for, but want to dabble in the intellectual dishonesty of ‘they just hired me to warm up the crowd!’ Every. Single. Speaker preceding and including trump went on an anti immigrant tirade but this ******* was just doing it on a wink and a nod?

**** that

The policies Trump republicans have pursued and already passed are obviously and indefinsibly facist against women and lgbtq people. Facists don’t stop at one group. From the perspective of the victims rather than the current groups being puffed up and divided its obviously facism. The answer to tje twitter echo( again echoed millions of times by a combination of bots, egagement serkers, people who want to win a million dollars, bigots) of “ If trump would really be a facist in his second term , why wasnt he a facist in his first” is that they already acted as perfect facists in his first term, they just didn’t start with people you treat as people.

One of the questions I have about why the world seems worse than it actually is has a lot to do with news. It used to be most people subscribed to their local paper and then possibly in addition to that the NYT or WSJ. Stories were read to their fruition so you didn’t just see the ledes but also got a fuller picture even if it was buried beneath a bunch of trash.

I was mocked in another thread because I think norms have gotten worse in media, but perhaps as well media consumption norms have gotten worse. So a slight dip in media quality combined with a slight dip in consumer credulity leads to huge effects in the long run.

I actually think people like Chomsky and other media critics have played a huge role in degrading the media ecosystem, because now we have a lot more people talking about how bad the media is than actually are doing journalism. Anyone with a computer can start a substack, blog, youtube chanel, and talk about how horrible corporate news is. As much as I love independent media there is an ocean of **** that comes out of it too.

by StoppedRainingMen k

Hinchcliffe was by far not close to the worst part of last night, but any unforced error is a good one I guess

yeah it really over shadowed the Stephen Miller Nazi salute with the Germany is for Germans and Germans only speech..

Some of the Nazis at trump's rally.

by Brian James k

Some of the Nazis at trump's rally.

No one thinks Trump supporters are all nazis. No one intelligent thinks the majority of his supporters are nazis. Of course, it should go without saying that Trump has Jewish supporters, Asian supporters, Black supporters, and indeed A handful of lgbtq supporters.

That would be a very different and unrelated claim than the Trump administrations obviously facist policies.

The majority of women, black, hispanic, lgbtq, and jewish voters in America do not support Trump or his facist policies.

by Brian James k

Some of the Nazis at trump's rally.

There's also this guy! Why'd you guys stop bragging about this guy?

Right, the straight white males and straight women aren't Nazis, they're just too dumb to realize they support a Nazi!

When there is an option to take an oversimplified, ignorant, bigoted position that enhances the experience of "us versus them" (as in "I'm in the right club, they're not"), a fundamentalist will take it. It's in their blood. It's the lifeblood of their self-esteem and their worldview. This gimmick is in support of a deficient self-esteem which medicates itself with "I'm better than them," and in some cases even deludes itself with extreme versions of bigotry, racism, xenophobia, prejudice, hatred, hostility, nationalism. Same as it ever was.

by checkraisdraw k

I actually think people like Chomsky and other media critics have played a huge role in degrading the media ecosystem, because now we have a lot more people talking about how bad the media is than actually are doing journalism. Anyone with a computer can start a substack, blog, youtube chanel, and talk about how horrible corporate news is. As much as I love independent media there is an ocean of **** that comes out of it too.

Damn shame that we have more than three networks and that Chomsky taught people about propaganda.

Lol at people not doing journalism because of Chomsky. OMFG. Chomsky made people stop buying newspapers. Chomsky made the newspapers fire all the investigative reporters. ****ing Chomsky.

by Brian James k

Some of the Nazis at trump's rally.

Nazis are all fascist .
Fascist are not all nazis .

I know it’s tough concept to grasp on your side .
So keep thinking you owning someone with those post lol.
You are pawning yourself .

But I understand you can get confuse since without the concept of eradicating Jews , nazis fascism ressemble trump and maga movement in some ways .

Nazism is a form of fascism,[4][5][6][7] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship,[3] fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism,[8] anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism, homophobia,

Ps: dictatorship could be added with trump trying to have full immunity .
Let’s see how it goes if he win .

Comcast, Disney, NewCorp, TimeWarner, Sinclair own all the broadcast media and a few billionaires own all the newspapers, but Noam Chomsky killed journalism.

Well a lot of people like 1984, which is a good book, and then think themselves intellectuals for making basic parallels to the events of the books. It’s not inconceivable that media criticism could be used for the end of anti-intellectualism. I mean just look at the basic commitments of Chomsky and compare him to his progenitors. He is basically arguing against them for misapplying his analysis to the point of incomprehensibility. To the point he has somewhat developed the reputation of being a Democratic shill for holding to basic points of political theory.

Anyway, I know the resident populist types will just make no legitimate attempt at understanding my point, but it’s certainly not that media criticism is bad.

lol "resident populist types". You hate people you perceive to be on your left more than mongidig or luciom or pigman.

If I understand your thesis it's that criticism is dangerous because we'd be better off if all the numbskulls just thought what Walter Cronkite or Big Brother tells them to think. I think that line of thinking just seems valid to you because you have some West Wing fantasy ideas of what the world was like in the good old days.

by TookashotatChan k

Right, the straight white males and straight women aren't Nazis, they're just too dumb to realize they support a Nazi!

So, No way a white person is ever stupid enough to believe in racist policies accidentally . They all knew! Even im not that liberal.

by microbet k

If I understand your thesis it's that criticism is dangerous because we'd be better off if all the numbskulls just thought what Walter Cronkite or Big Brother tells them to think. I think that line of thinking just seems valid to you because you have some West Wing fantasy ideas of what the world was like in the good old days.

Based and true brother, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Let’s just ignore that Chomsky, who is far to the left of me, voices my same criticisms about people who deny the reality of a two party system. Let’s also ignore all the insane media criticism levied by the right that is a simulacra of leftist ideology. It’s all because the evil liberal wants to control your free speech.
