The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Victor k

I will always stand up to bullies.

Your definition of "bully" is anyone who rightfully calls you out on your bullshit and stupidity. When viewed in this light, it becomes obvious that "standing up to bullies" is Victor speak for remaining a stubborn dunce all your life.

by mongidig k

I agree with you that both sides get offended. The difference is that Conservatives are more patriotic so when the Dixie Chicks do their thing it makes them angry. Liberals are more emotionally fragile so when they get offended it hurts their feelings. The Disney thing is more about Conservatives being more traditional with a touch of racism. Also, Conservatives are more concerned about their children being corrupted by the progressive agenda.

In summary, for Conservatives it's more about patrio

Why then you have trump for president ?
The biggest whiner and sensitive person alive lol..

by Luciom k

Why do you think that?

if all states lose 1/3 of their house members (minimum 1) doesn't that significantly improve the EC map in favor of republicans? remember a state is worth EC points as a sum of house representatives + 2 for the senators.

Wouldn’t reducing the number of them increases government power and make it easier to corrupt politicians to sustain an agenda that benefits even more the lobbies ?

by d2_e4 k

Your definition of "bully" is anyone who rightfully calls you out on your bullshit and stupidity. When viewed in this light, it becomes obvious that "standing up to bullies" is Victor speak for remaining a stubborn dunce all your life.

the stupid statement that you called out was a fairly anodyne observation about the USA killing a lot of journalists. to you, this was stupid bc they also potentially killed a lot of construction workers.

so ya, I stand my assessment of you.

by Victor k

the stupid statement that you called out was a fairly anodyne observation about the USA killing a lot of journalists. to you, this was stupid bc they also potentially killed a lot of construction workers.

so ya, I stand my assessment of you.

I long ago lost count of the number of ****s I don't give about your assessment of me. But for the love of god, at least try to learn a modicum of reading comprehension, the average level in a remedial English class for 10 year olds would be a marked improvement.

That guy is usually pretty reliable on stuff like this, must be true.

Ib4 ‘now Twitter is a reliable source’

by d2_e4 k

I long ago lost count of the number of ****s I don't give about your assessment of me. But for the love of god, at least try to learn a modicum of reading comprehension, the average level in a remedial English class for 10 year olds would be a marked improvement.

you sure sound like someone who doesnt care at all

by coordi k

Trump: WHAT IS GOING ON IN PENNSYLVANIA??? Law Enforcement must do their job, immediately!!! WOW!!!

Law enforcement = Navy and Marine JAG officers, not the police/local prosecutors.

We knew they were gonna cheat, but hopefully enough will be done to stop the steal.

by Victor k

you sure sound like someone who doesnt care at all

Finding your inability to read at a grade school level mildly irritating != caring.

by Playbig2000 k

Law enforcement = Navy and Marine JAG officers, not the police/local prosecutors.

We knew they were gonna cheat, but hopefully enough will be done to stop the steal.

Its definitely the jagoffs

by Playbig2000 k

Law enforcement = Navy and Marine JAG officers, not the police/local prosecutors.

We knew they were gonna cheat, but hopefully enough will be done to stop the steal.

"We" is you and Trump and Baby Jesus, right? Did it come up on the agenda during your last conflab?

by checkraisdraw k

they are part of the general populist brainrot that is destroying this country. but you’re right, the left is completely irrelevant thanks to people like mb and victor.

the left isnt irrelevant, but those posters shouldn't be categorised as left

mb wants the usa to operate an open border policy. victor likes to talk about putting zionists into re-education camps. they are wacky extremists

by Playbig2000 k

Of course I do, why would I make these things up? I'm only mentioning it because Trump is basically confirming it.

I can't tell you how much id love to see these sources.

by BOIDS k

the left isnt irrelevant, but those posters shouldn't be categorised as left

mb wants the usa to operate an open border policy. victor likes to talk about putting zionists into re-education camps. they are wacky extremists

I fully realize that opposition to mass murder is extremist to Western liberals. we all saw what Obama did.

by Victor k

you sure sound like someone who doesnt care at all

it’s more like this at least for me anyway

by BOIDS k

the left isnt irrelevant, but those posters shouldn't be categorised as left

mb wants the usa to operate an open border policy. victor likes to talk about putting zionists into re-education camps. they are wacky extremists

IIRC mb is also in favour of abolishing police and prisons and, best I can tell, replacing those things with being nice to potential criminals so that they don't commit crimes. Mb, I don't mean to mischaracterise your position so do correct me if I'm wrong, but that is my recollection of a thread over on UP where this was discussed.

by Victor k

I fully realize that opposition to mass murder is extremist to Western liberals. we all saw what Obama did.

It’s definitely much worse for a poster to call people stupid and a loser than for a poster going around saying that everyone who disagrees with him likes mass murder.

by Rococo k

He also appointed a million federal judges who have a broad view of presidential power and who are sympathetic to things like unitary executive theory.

That doesn't increase federal power, it actually decreases it, as trump appointed federal judges were, are, and will be very much against federal agencies overstepping the boundaries of their role, which is de facto a very significant reduction in federal power

by d2_e4 k

Right. I'm not surprised that someone like mong (who has probably never seen a map of anything other than the county he was born in, let alone physically been outside its borders) thinks that Trump is effective/respected on the world stage by virtue of being a tall tub of lard, since he literally does not have a clue what the "world stage" is or how America generally or Trump specifically is viewed there.

I was surprised that Luciom backed him up, but seems that the only example Luciom was able

Trump in general isn't very much disliked by world leaders. Modi, MBS, Xi even respect him as a tough guy to deal with.

The fact that the globalist-technocratic coalition hates him deeply is expected. He was and is the only main domestic western force against that initiative. He left the paris climate agreement, that alone is exceptionally good for people like me who consider global centralization of regulation an existential risk for humanity, and exceptionally evil and bad for the globalist monoparty in the west.

I mean if people didn't hate him deeply i would be a lot more worried, you cannot be a decent leader (or human being at this point) if the globalist clique and the technocratic center-left doesn't consider you the devil.

by Victor k

they have moved very far right at this point. Kamala's positions on LGBTQ and immigration would have gotten a ban from UP 4 years ago.

Please elaborate on LGBT, they didn't move an inch

by Luciom k

Trump in general isn't very much disliked by world leaders. Modi, MBS, Xi even respect him as a tough guy to deal with.

The fact that the globalist-technocratic coalition hates him deeply is expected. He was and is the only main domestic western force against that initiative. He left the paris climate agreement, that alone is exceptionally good for people like me who consider global centralization of regulation an existential risk for humanity, and exceptionally evil and bad for the globalist mon

Ok, so normal people, who comprise 90%+ of world leaders, hate him and have no respect for him, and a handful of dickheads don't for some dubious reasons like "being tough to deal with". Got it.

by BOIDS k

mb and vic and people like them arent destroying your country. they are irrelevant and powerless. despite best efforts they cant even destroy this forum

According to center-leftism, the existence of mb/victor (and others) type doesn't allow the "big tent" on the left to coalesce to be powerful enough to keep Trump (and Rubio and so on) out of power, and for checkraisedraw tribe that's treason.

MB/victor types do actually play in favor of the center right to be quite clear, in a fully bi-party system that's what happens no matter original intentions.

So checkraisedraw is fully logically right yet it's very funny to see the "big tent" to quarrel so much a portion gives up and doesn't vote the anointed candidate, because the right DOES FALL IN LINE like good soldiers in a clear war of good vs evil, from the most tragicomic neonazi to the borderline moderate that simply doesn't like inflation being high, they all unite for a candidate that is ok simply because he is not the big leftist tent candidate.

OpEd: My Fellow Republicans, It’s Time to Say Enough With Trump, by Michael Luttig

There could be no higher duty of American citizenship than to decisively repudiate a man who betrayed the nation when he was previously entrusted with the highest office in the land and now threatens the persecution of American citizens who have crossed him. In the almost 250 years since the founding of the nation, no president before Donald Trump has ever so betrayed America.

This is not a difficult decision for voters, though my fellow Republicans and conservatives will finally have to decide what they have long hoped they would never have to decide — whether to put their country above their party. Republicans and conservatives have always proudly claimed they would be the first to put the country above all else when the time came. That time has come. If Republicans are unwilling to put America before their party now, they will never do so. They must be honest with themselves.

