The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
I'm hearing they're getting caught in several states already but from a much higher reputable sources than a political candidate or a post on Truth social. Whether they have enough boots on the ground to combat all the cheating won't be known probably for at least a month after the election. I think the corruption is gonna be seen in plain sight on election day so if anyone hears about things like fires breaking out at polling stations, floods, shootings, bomb threats, etc., these are most likel
That's wild, bro.
I'm hearing they're getting caught in several states already but from a much higher reputable sources than a political candidate or a post on Truth social. Whether they have enough boots on the ground to combat all the cheating won't be known probably for at least a month after the election. I think the corruption is gonna be seen in plain sight on election day so if anyone hears about things like fires breaking out at polling stations, floods, shootings, bomb threats, etc., these are most likel
Oh I'm sure that's what you're hearing because that's what he's saying you should hear and you, with zero critical thought, lap it right up.
But really bro that's wild wonder why no one is talking about this
I don’t think there is hardly anyone on earth who fully understands Trumps unique appeal better than me. Certainly more than 99.999%. But the time for nuanced discussion about him is over. No one cares, and if someone claims to care in most cases I wouldn’t believe them.
The people yelling about trump being a facist and helping dictators and him being a racist and trump being a pathological liar- all those people are fundamentally correct. The media has been far too kind to Trump,
Nuanced analysis has never really been necessary in order to understand Trump. On the campaign trail in 2015-2106, Trump showed you exactly what sort of president he would be. (I didn't even need to see Trump on the campaign trail, as I have been watching his clown show for the last thirty years. But I assume some people's main exposure to him before he became a candidate for president was as a reality TV personality. Trump behaved as president almost exactly as I expected him to behave, with the only exception being that he pushed election denialism harder and longer than I expected. I knew he would say the election was rigged if he lost, but I assumed he would accept the inevitable a bit more quickly than he did.
I'm hearing they're getting caught in several states already but from a much higher reputable sources than a political candidate or a post on Truth social. Whether they have enough boots on the ground to combat all the cheating won't be known probably for at least a month after the election. I think the corruption is gonna be seen in plain sight on election day so if anyone hears about things like fires breaking out at polling stations, floods, shootings, bomb threats, etc., these are most likel
Are you ever going to explain how Trump as a civilian came to be commanding the military in 2024?
Nuanced analysis has never really been necessary in order to understand Trump. On the campaign trail in 2015-2106, Trump showed you exactly what sort of president he would be. (I didn't even need to see Trump on the campaign trail, as I have been watching his clown show for the last thirty years. But I assume some people's main exposure to him before he became a candidate for president was as a reality TV personality. Trump behaved as president almost exactly as I expected him to behave, wit
I forgot in the discussion about whether the media made Trump or whether it was his self-promotion, that they gave him a prime time TV show for years.
Johnson’s ‘No Obamacare’ Remark Draws Attention to Unpopular Stance
Speaker Mike Johnson said Tuesday that Republicans would embark on a “massive reform” of the Affordable Care Act if former President Donald J. Trump is elected again, putting an unpopular policy position back in the spotlight just days before the election.
“Health care reform’s going to be a big part of the agenda,” Mr. Johnson said, speaking at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania and describing what Republicans would do with their first 100 days in office if they are successful in keeping control of the House.
“No Obamacare?” a voter called out.
“No Obamacare,” Mr. Johnson responded. “The A.C.A. is so deeply ingrained, we need massive reform to make this work, and we’ve got a lot of ideas on how to do that.”
Threatening a "massive reform" for the very popular ACA a week before the election is political suicide.
They have concepts of what they want to do with healthcare though so it's ok.
pretty sure "affordable care act" polls around 65-35 across the board.
when you talk about the preconditions and things it creeps up towards 80% approval in some cases.
"obamacare" doesn't poll well with republicans though, because they are dumb. so it might be okay for him
pretty sure "affordable care act" polls around 65-35 across the board.
when you talk about the preconditions and things it creeps up towards 80% approval in some cases.
"obamacare" doesn't poll well with republicans though, because they are dumb. so it might be okay for him
I googled how much Obama care cost seems like its still costly
The average Obamacare plan costs $483 monthly for a 30-year-old, $544 for a 40-year-old and $760 for a 50-year-old.
That's not the main provision of ACA though, and it is heavily subsidized by taxpayers until around a little more the median income (it's really complicated if you go in the details).
Main provisions of ACA were a significant expansion of medicaid (taxpayer paid insurance for poor people), coverage up to 26 years for cohabiting children (up from 18) of insured people, and removal of the possibility of insurance companies to refuse coverage to people with pre existing conditions.
TIL that ACA is very popular.
yeah. us healthcare is terrible. news@11.
republicans concept of a plan that they haven't been able to come up with in 9 years has zero chance of being better.
Republicans have some more chance of reducing the power of physician associations and drug manufacturers, and the associated excess costs caused by those two lobbies, as those groups heavily skew democrat these days.
But the main freeroll available is out of reach for MAGA , because it involves allowing immigrant physicians and nurses to work easily in the USA, and I really dont see how the anti immigrant coalition led by trump could ever pull that off
I am reminded of those screenshots of Facebook posts circulating a few years back when some MAGA chode-ess was posting about how she can't wait till Trump gets into power and repeals Obamacare, someone else replying that they are actually reliant on the ACA for z, y and z and OP chode-ess replying that she loves the ACA and needs it herself, she just wants rid of that commie Obamacare.
Republicans have some more chance of reducing the power of physician associations and drug manufacturers, and the associated excess costs caused by those two lobbies, as those groups heavily skew democrat these days.
But the main freeroll available is out of reach for MAGA , because it involves allowing immigrant physicians and nurses to work easily in the USA, and I really dont see how the anti immigrant coalition led by trump could ever pull that off
i disagree with your first point completely and that has never shown to be true.
trump asked pharmaceutical companies to lower prices in a PR stunt which they didnt, the democrats actually made them lower the prices.
i disagree with your first point completely and that has never shown to be true.
trump asked pharmaceutical companies to lower prices in a PR stunt which they didnt, the democrats actually made them lower the prices.
The flip happened with COVID, with trust in physicians and drug companies at the lowest ever for obvious reasons especially among republicans, and physicians moving toward democrats a lot for the same reasons.
On the conservative side, which is where the majority of the stupid, ignorant and paranoid lives in US politics
If we throw out the far right and far left (which both are extremely ignorant and paranoid) I think you will find the opposite of what you suggest. A very large % of people on the left truly believe the strongest country in the history of the world almost got overthrown by 1k unarmed citizens who broke into a building. They also believe trump will start WW3 despite no new wars starting during his first 4 years and 2 news wars starting under a dem white house the last 4 years. A lot on the left also think rich people are evil and pay less in taxes than the poor and middle class.
Steamraise right on que to undermine your point about which side has more ignorance and paranoia. I think it was steam that posted some other conspiracy theory yesterday or the day before ITT too.
Steve Bannon gives disturbing election advice to Trump after prison release
Bannon told Trump to once again prematurely declare victory if the vote tallies on
Election Day — before all votes are counted — showed that the Republican nominee was ahead.
“He should stand up and say: ‘Hey, I’ve won this.'."
a memo now circulating among Republican Donald Trump’s advi